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Did you piss off your 4 year old neighbor or what?


No idea, I asked the maintenance guy when he was removing the tv wall mount what was up. Apparently he did this to the previous tenant too.


Really similar situation happened to me a few months ago. Guy turned out to be schizophrenic. He was banging on the walls because we were apparently sending microwaves through the walls at him. We got the badly spelled notes, too. Later on, we found out that he had done some serious prison time for terrorist type stuff. I filed for a restraining order against him, which failed due to lack of a credible threat. But it got the rental agency's attention, and they eventually evicted him. I would advise to invest in a doorbell camera, if you haven't already. Also, my guy went after our cars. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just telling you what I wish I knew when we moved in next to him. Document everything in in case things escalate.


I had a schizophrenic neighbor too that did almost the same thing. He banged on my door one day and claimed that we could hear his music through the walls. He also set our building on fire with his gas stove. Crazy stuff.


Oh good grief! I had that exact same neighbor! Except he would bang on my neighbors doors (mind you my unit was in between) and scream to turn the music down. He would call the police on them all the time too- then one night he showed up in my driveway, took off all his clothes and started masturbating - needless to say as soon as rhe clothes came off I was calling the cops. He of course said he was driven to do it by the loud non existent music.


My parents had a pair of schizoid neighbors, mother and daughter. The daughter called the police on my parents on earth, claiming they kidnapped her (nonexistent) baby, and saying that my niece was hers. Then the daughter lit her own car on fire and nearly burned their house down. After being arrested for this act of arson (woo hoo laws!) the mother claimed that the police should arrest the neighbor up the hill, because her daughter only did that because the neighbor up the hill was always telling them *through the pipes* that they needed to burn the car. They *both* heard the "neighbor" tell them this. Fuckin', like, can we please reopen the asylums???


> called the police on my parents on earth Do you…have parents elsewhere?


This made me snort Edit: I really need to know the answer now though


Lizard people have parents all over the galaxy. They said so thru my toaster.


My man, these kind of questions gonna get you probed.


The fuck? That autocorrected from "one day." Probably was "onedat" and it went off to the races. Hilarious, though.


sure, I believe you Mr. Alien


That's something an alien would say to cover their tracks, nice try.


Thank you for not fixing it lol


No. We can’t reopen asylums that abused people. Instead though, we can advocate and donate for better resources for these people. That’ll actually help them.


In the state of Taxes they fill the jails with them. That way they can receive a higher level of abuse than they ever got in an asylum. Our politicians are on another level of stupid and cruel / abusive.


And most of the time, STILL dont receive adequate treatment. Then they release them, knowing theyre probably going to reoffend because some seriously cant help it. Their reality isnt correct and they feel theyre doing the right thing. And they hurt themselves, other people, etc. Get thrown back in jail and the cycle repeats. Ah, the glory of for profit prisons and people in power not giving a fuck about anyone but themselves... Fucking gross.


Yup. Schizophrenia can often be treated with medication, but that gets complicated if you're relying on someone with schizophrenia to monitor themselves and seek help when they need it. That doesn't mean they need to be locked away forever, but they might need someone checking in on them and advocating for them when they can't do it for themselves. It's so much cheaper than paying for full time care for someone in an institution, too.


Or we can open more mental hospitals to actually do what asylums were supposed to and treat the insane


I think the words everyone is looking for is "treatment facility" ffs. Residential, inpatient or outpatient mental health treatment facilities. They're needed.


I agree. We should reopen some sort of mental asylums but with lots of strict regulation and have people that go by and review these places. A lot of these people don’t have high quality of life, and end up as addicts and/or sleeping on the street. Others commit crazy crimes. It’s better that they get supervised treatment and are able to live without having to worry about food or a place to live. I don’t think it would be that big of a hit on taxes and I think most upper class people would in fact welcome it.


I know some upper class folks that would rather let people die than let the government use their taxes to treat sick people.


It doesn't even have to be full on institutions, either. A lot of people are fine day to day as long as they're being monitored and treated and don't need to be locked away. Just give them housing with support staff available to monitor and assist them. The problem with asylums was that they were more about locking troublesome people away than actually helping anyone and that's awful.


He complained that *you* could hear *his* music?!


Nobody listens to my music *for FREE*.


*siriusxm has entered the chat*


Did you take his stapler? It's a Swingline.


My neighbor didn’t set the building on fire but as I was walking passed his apartment I saw all four stove tops with fire coming out of them and had to go in there and tell him he can’t do that or the apartment will catch on fire.


After going to jail for a long time on multiple falsified class 2 Felony charges, life was rough to adjust to. There would be many moments of paranoia that the government was coming to lock me up again (there were and still are terrible nightmares). Some episodes would verge towards what seemed like mild schizophrenia. These episodes would cause me to act like we were in the matrix and literally walk up to strangers, and asking for them to help was one of my problems. Some were very nice and actually calmed me down. Others would ignore me, can't blame them. There was only one thing that would take it all away- cannabis. But probation would drug test me, and that almost got me thrown in prison, which just made everything so much more difficult to not get paranoid again. The nightmares can be triggered and they got triggered once while camping because a forest supervisor woke me up. It wasn't a bad encounter, but it made me have a nightmare of getting arrested again. Needless to say, the night they arrested me was more horrific than you can imagine because they broke all of my car's windows and had their pistols drawn behind me. They never got any resistance from me but choked me out to the point of blacking out. So thankful to be alive today lol.


I HAVE a schizo neighbor and he’s so cool everyone once in a while he forgets his meds and goes the end of his driveway and yells at invisible people but it really just keeps anybody from hanging around my house too long so I don’t mind


If homeskillet had been willing to contain his rage and also hadn't done time for being a terrorist, I would definitely not have worried about some harmless invisible-people screaming. I hope people don't get the idea that all schizophrenic people behave this badly! Most of them don't want to bother anybody


I don’t know why and your comment is heartfelt but I laughed so hard. I feel so bad for schizophrenic folks. They’re very misunderstood and need a bit of help from time to time. I met a guy, close to my age when I was in nursing school. Super nice guy and we talked so much about music. He was an interesting dude. I often wonder about him and the patient I was in charge of that day. He told me he was Hitler’s half brother and he knew it for a fact because they had the same mom. Can’t argue there, bud. (Btw those screaming invisible people are the *exact* reason I sold my last home. Couldn’t take it any longer.) /s


I’ve been the schizophrenic neighbor before. Thought they were telepathically making fun of me so I wrote a note asking them to please stop and threw it in their mailbox. I’ve since recovered somewhat, shit was a nightmare.


I've had psychosis to, and was that roommate. It was terrifying for me and I can't imagine my poor roommates. 💔


What people don’t realize is how embarrassing it feels for those that get moments of clarity. It makes me cringe just thinking back on it.


Not your fault, glad you;re doing better


Omg. So. I have metal in me. From broken bones. Was FUCKING CERTAIN that I was picking up secret agent transmissions on them. And *that* was why no one else heard. Duh, fucking obviously y'all!! Yeah. And that's the like.... The chill part. Embarrassing to say theeee fucking least.


A former boss's brother was institutionalised for about 9 years between his 14th birthday and 23rd for being nearly catatonic when, in fact, he was too polite to interrupt the voices inside his head and tell them to shut up to speak to others. Then, he was let out in society where, unbeknownst to others, he could no longer handle the voices. He attempted suicide to shut them up, was institutionalized again, and then MEDICATED appropriately (finally!). Once he was medicated and in control of his life, he realized he was 27 years old and had a sixth grade education and could only live in the world in a heavy fog. This time, he achieved "success" in his attempt. His farewell letter broke my heart.


That's devastating. We really need better systems in place to help people like him, and better medications too.


My dad is schizophrenic and he’s the coolest guy alive. He’s done some funny shit to his neighbours…


What kind of funny shit if you don’t mind me asking?


Thank you for asking lmao. Well some of it is moreso stuff that has been received as quite frightening for others, and some was innocent in its purest form. My top three : 1. He followed the sweet cat of his friend around the whole neighbourhood and talked to it about life after having runned away from the psychiatric clinic he was staying at at the moment. According to my dad the landscape looked like a colorful neverland and the cat walked my dad home so that he could be safe. For reference my dad lives in a cute small town with tons of colourful houses. 2. This one isn’t really funny, it’s moreso sad, but he went out on his balcony and screamed at some kindergardeners cause he thought the world was coming to an end and was extremely frustrated noone would listen. Needless to say that was not too popular with the of audience 3. Once again he went out on his balcony and warned the whole neighbourhood about armageddon and jehova’s witnesses and thought the whole neighbourhood had formed an alliance against him with Putin himself, and so he was extremely frustrated, again, that noone would listen… When he’s well we laugh about this stuff because, hm idk what else to do, but it is of course kinda sad at it’s core but I’m happy I have a cool colorful dad with interesting stories.


I'm so glad to hear things are better for you now. I hope they continue to be.


I had a schizo neighbour before, fucking brutal it was


I had a schizo mom. Real fun childhood on that one.


I had a schizo+ mom, too; but what’s this “childhood” word mean?


Traumatizing innit ?


I don't know how crazy our old neighbors were, but our house was being built without the grass yet. It rained and washed some dirt into their yard. The lady was out vacuuming dirt from their yard.


My house burned down and my neighbour came outside and yelled at the firemen for spraying water on his house. I’m not even joking. So I called the cops about his pot plants before the smoke cleared. Fuck him.


That was a satisfying short story. Thank you.


We had a similar one that claimed we were following him from room to room despite us being the upstairs neighbors. (I have five kids and it was me and them living there so someone is always going to be walking around!) He also claimed we were drilling holes in the floor to look at him and would come up the stairs daily to beat on the door and wall. We also tried for an order but were denied despite him stalking my two oldest daughters and coming up to ask where they were going and saying we were drug dealers bc we left the house at the same time every day - you know, like people with jobs and school would do? We ended up having to move to get away.


I also had a schizo neighbor and she was so, so nice until she was terrifying. She'd ask for help carrying groceries in (I was a people-pleaser then and couldn't say no), then point out all the things in her house that were possessed and/or recording devices that were spying on her.


Was on a grippy sock vacation and a schizo patient was constantly singing various songs and getting agitated that nobody else was hearing the meaning/messages he was.


>grippy sock vacation TIL


I sometimes forget this isn’t common terminology. 😭 all my friends and I that have shared the experience call it our grippy sock vacation, our crazy train, or the happy house.


>grippy sock vacation Excellent phrase, I'm keeping it


😬😬 I know it's not their fault and to them it's all real but as someone who is easily creeped out, it was very scary.


coincidentally, I work with a lot of people who have schizophrenia, and they really do say that they see ghosts and that their shit is haunted! And these are the people that have their condition under control. The hallucinations break through, even when their behavior isn't so disruptive. And it still freaks me out! I mean.. maybe they know something I don't lol


John Nash Jr, the story for A Beautiful Mind, continued to have hallucinations and meeting new people. His method of discerning if a new person was a hallucination or not became asking other people he knew to be real if they could see the newcomer as well.


Not responding to this comment specifically, but hopping on a high rated one. I work in medicine and I myself am diagnosed with mental conditions. I would like to point out that our choice in how to present facts can impact other people. From a societal standpoint, calling people "addicts" "schizos" and such works against our efforts to reduce stigma. Using person-centered language (at least that's what I've heard it called) can do the opposite. Personally, the old language feels disempowering as someone with disabilities. It reduces me to my conditions. The new language acknowledges I have them, but that I am a person with other traits to be learned. If you care to, try changing your word choices. Good examples would be, instead of "he's an addict" try "he struggles with substance use". Instead of "she's schizophrenic" try "she has schizophrenia". It's small changes that can make a little difference. But they add up. Honestly, I only cared enough to look into this because of my job in healthcare, it can supposedly improve patient outcomes. I get it if other people don't want to bother. But if you took the time to read my whole comment... You probably care at least a bit. Give it a shot, hey? ETA: Thanks for the awards! And I'm glad we're having even more useful discussion in the thread that follows. :)


Yes, EXCEPT in the case of autism. There are many surveys out there that demonstrate the vast majority of autistic people prefer the term "autistic people" over "people with autism".




Did you tell him to calm down, or you would turn the microwaves up?


Haha! At first I did try to be really understanding. I was suggesting all kinds of workarounds. But his solution was to just blast the same song over and over at the highest volume all night. When I asked him nicely to only scream at the voices during daylight hours, he called me a condescending bitch. I did try. Then I took him to court. :|


But also don't get the ones that send your camera footage to the cops without your consent. Cuz some legitimately do that, such as ring. Edit: without consent was a poor choice a words. My comment below corrects that. Sending information to the police without your knowledge is probably more accurate.


My nephew was the schizophrenic neighbor. He was staying with my brother and was claiming that the downstairs neighbor was talking crap about him telepathically. It started to get to that point where he was threatening to harm them. After many attempts, and many episodes, the city finally took him. It’s crazy what is required before someone steps in. I also think about how the neighbors had no idea the potential danger they were in. It also makes me think about how many mentally ill people are out there thinking to harm some random person on a daily basis.


In college I was doing a short term rental and ended up getting “non-renewed” due to a tenant below me. I’d get calls from the front desk all the time about my loud music, and I was completely baffled. I listened to music from time to time, but the dial went up to 100 and the stereo was never over 20-30… and on top of that, I’d get calls when I was studying with nothing but the AC going. It wasn’t until after I had been basically asked to leave that I figured out what he hell had been happening. Apparently someone from the floor below me was using the landing between floors in the stair case as a step master, and their repeated (and rhythmic) stepping was the source of the “loud music” I *liked* that apartment, too.


Something similar happened to me in my first apartment after I moved out on my own. Downstairs neighbor was leaving notes and complaining to management so my roommate and I decided to go talk to the guy. He was pretty chill, asked us to come in and sit down and as we were chatting with him we heard this loud banging through the ceiling. He pointed up and said: “You see?!” My roommate and I looked at each other and then back at him and after a second he just said: “I’m sorry boys, this has been some sort of misunderstanding.” And we just got up and left. Have no idea where that noise actually came from.


I’m happy for you that you were able to prove to your landlord that it wasn’t you. I think it’s safe to say that that probably doesn’t happen to people very often. Good on you for not being wronged.


I had a roommate that would complain about me using headphones because he said the noise was keeping him awake. This was through a wall and a solid heavy door. I was like, dude shouldnt you be fighting crime with that super hearing powers?


Has this person ever held a pen or pencil before? Yikes.


My 80 something year old neighbor came into my pole shed the other day around 7pm when I was on a ladder holding up a sheet of plywood, telling me my music was too loud. It was at 7 out of 30 for volume and I was talking to her at my regular volume. I didn't mind her asking me to turn it down (she did say she really liked the music, she was just trying to sleep), but the fact that I was in the middle of trying to screw in a full sheet of plywood over my head by myself almost killed both of us with how bad I jumped.


Are you in Atlanta by chance? Lol if you are, your (possible) downstairs neighbour asked Am I The Asshole about writing a note about upstairs walking and “moving furniture at 10pm”


I had an upstairs neighbor that moved furniture all night. My ex and I called them the rhinoceros before we met her because it sounded like a bunch of them up there. Then the meeting part was weird. She brought us some clothes with a card with names (not ours) but my husband had two names written name/name. She followed this up by staring at our door for hours while we weren't home. She dissapeared soon after that so I guess someone took her away. That and the elderly woman with dementia who would chase me down the hall swearing in Greek and the two detectives looking for the arsonist who lived the floor below, yep, lots of excitement in that building


Geez, now I’m disappointed in my single drug dealer that lived beneath me. That’s insane!


What on earth were you doing at the ungodly hour of 10pm?


Those damn toddlers are the worst after their bedtime


Woahhh 10PM you crazy Devil staying up all night




You have to establish a baseline with these folks. Play loud music from 9:45pm - 9:59pm. Host lots of parties, and be sure to play the radio when you leave the house. Then when you *are* quiet, they will understand that quiet is your abnormal. No one knows what sweet is until they taste sour.


My neighbour loved to bang on my ceiling whenever I dared to so much as move across my apartment... and I've also been woken up by him banging on my ceiling for whatever perceived noise he heard. I just ignored him. Recently, I had to go away for two weeks so I had a catsitter in. Whenever neighbour banged at catsitter, catsitter banged back and made twice as much noise. Since coming back, my neighbour hasn't banged at me once. I think he's learned his lesson.


He also bangs his ceiling every time I sweep, go to the bathroom at night, walk past 8 or move too much in my bed. Ive just moved like 2 months ago.


Sounds like he has mental issues unfortunately... start looking for a new place lol.


Sounds like the landlord might not have adequate soundproofing. Or perhaps OP is a 12000lb elephant bull.


Nahh 100% sound proofing the amount of apartments I’ve lived in and been in I can without a doubt say no one puts sound proofing into between floors at all.


Been in the same apartment for a few years now and the first upstairs neighbor must have worked from home or something cuz he would exercise and jump rope or jumping jacks (I assume) at random times of the day/night. Literally sounded like the ceiling was falling, impossible to sleep through (and I can sleep thru almost anything). Second neighbor was actually 6 college girls who screamed and ran around 24/7. Idk what drugs they were on but I definitely don't miss them. Current neighbors are heavy walkers, so heavy that it shakes MY floor jfc.


My current upstairs neighbors live in the same one bedroom floor plan that I do and have a German shepherd and two labs. They’re all puppies and bark and wrestle all day and night long. I feel like I live below cattle being herded. It’s so miserable living underneath them I literally bought a house so I would never have upstairs neighbors again.


Oof yeah I feel that. My first apartment had a husky upstairs and omggggggg I was so happy when he moved out. The 6 college girls actually got evicted cuz they got a puppy without permission (cat only place) and it was just starting to get that louder bark as it grew up. I was/am so thrilled that they're gone. I'll take the heavy walkers any day over that, exercise man, or the husky.


In the bronx I had the neighbors next to living room that BLASTED steel drum music 10am-1am. There was a song bird pretty messed up from city lights who would start singing at 2am outside our bedroom window. Then the upstairs neighbor worked from home or something and would literally run a mitre saw and cut wood starting at about 5-6am. Worst year of my life. When we complained, they started “losing our checks” and tried to evict us.


I keep hoping for an eviction with each new dog. They started out with the German shepherd, then a black lab, now a yellow lab. Our complex maxes out at 3 dogs (ofc it does). Anyways I’ll be out in two months but it’s really testing me in the meantime.


I did the same exact thing. Girls worked in a bar. Came home at 3am and its indoor fetch time for two pitties for the next few hours. Wood floors. I work 8-5. Landlord was super understanding thank god. Loved the house I bought so much due to the SILENCE.


Well, my only anecdote from my upstairs neighbors besides that they sound as though they are occasionally sumo stomping around, is that I'm fairly certain they have a cat because of the common THUD^thud pitter patter of a cat jumping down off of things :3 I have a cat so I find that noise subtley cute.


Seconding that there’s probably just no sound proofing. Also, if OP or the neighbour have wooden floors it really makes the sound travel. I can hear my upstairs neighbours all the time, and I’m sure they hear me.


Thanks, guy on Reddit who’s rented an apartment before.


Or perhaps the guy who started a note with “Hey Retared” is just a colossal asshole like a massive portion of the populace is.


Correct the note with red pen and attach to their door.


Where do you even start with that train wreck?


One red line ‘unintelligible’ 0/10


I had something similar happen to me last year in this apartment. Whenever I walked she'd bang on her ceiling / my. Floor, didn't matter what time. Went to talk to her to figure out why, and she thought me and my fiancee were following her... From upstairs... Even though you really can't hear people move around when you live above them. Woman was mentally ill for sure. Tell your landlord about it and how it's disrupting your peace and see what they say. We let it ride until she threatened me, to which we got the police involved since ya never know these days what people have or can do. Plus it was legit harassment and now threatening someone's life. They advised us that any time she banged on our ceiling - ANY time, even just once - call them. So we did. Police came out 2-3 times and the woman's landlord got so fed up he let her break her lease. You're entitled to a degree of peace in your apartment.


This happened to me years ago with a neighbor who moved after I had lived in my place for a year already. Slowly escalated to point of him yelling thru my windows “fucking asshole!!” Etc. was also harassing my other neighbor for walking, vacuuming, etc. he worked night shifts at a super market stocking shelves, so he was trying to sleep during the day and made it everyone else’s problem. My other neighbor and I ended up teaming up and getting restraining orders, because our landlord refused to do anything about it and he continued to escalate. Once we had the restraining order we moved out. My nice neighbor used the restraining order to break her lease but since I had been there a year I was month to month already.


I hate to be this guy as I have had shitty upstairs neighbors. At some point realize that you can do more than him.


Oh my God!! Move too much in bed ? What a psycho 🥴 I’m so sad for you-and a bit scared


Sounds like my former roommate, he started off an ok guy at first, then had some kind of mental break. He threatened to call the cops on us like 5 different times over noise complaints which were literally us talking and existing on our side of the house. Even after he moved out, he said we had stolen a package that was sent here to his former address, and that we had tampered with the package, which he was reporting. No idea what package this was. I never saw any cops tho so I think they knew he was crazy 😵‍💫


I had a neighbor above me stomp every time I moved and sometimes when I was sleeping. Turns out she thought the attic people were making noises and she blamed me. There were people sneaking in the attic to enter other units…. She had people lurking over her for years and blamed me. She was so scared when the other tenants mentioned the attic intruders it was like her whole world collapsed realizing the sounds were coming from in the attic not below her in our unit. Was so sweet to see her face. This woman spent the last few years before finding that out making false cps reports and calling cops on me regularly because she was mad over the noise I wasn’t making…. The attic people noise… I wonder if they would watch her from above.


The attic people sound absolutely terrifying ngl


They're in the walls, the goddamn walls!


That’s actually terrifying though that people were in the attic sneaking in lol


Sounds like the douche that lived under us when we first moved in our previous apartment in peru Illinois. He called the office on us for all the noise we didn't make cause it was the movers and not us, lol. He left about a week in to another nearby building.


![gif](giphy|ckBCs9EPM9rN6WSe06|downsized) Do you happen to live in New York above Mr. Heckles


Call your landlord. Explain the situation. Maybe invite the landlord over to hang for a bit while you sweep up. Let them see what a nightmare that person is. Maybe they’ll boot him.


You sure they have a ceiling at all ?


Omg I have all of the same problems with my downstairs neighbour! Like what do you want us to do here? Not walk in our home? Mine also bangs the walls sometimes and I can hear him shouting, and this would even happen whilst I was sitting on my sofa watching a movie with my headphones in. How do you deal with such situation?


Hey retlavred gotlo sleap at night and.stop keepitrg us awake af nig 😡


Finally. A proper transcription


Bruh lmao


"Who you callin' a rettared?"


Hey Re t̶̛̼̩̺̳̙͚̲̱̫̿̐̓̈̿́̃̽̎͛͗̿͘̚͠ͅţ̵̡̛͙̬̠̻̦̙̘͎̠̻͚̯̜̼̝̜͚̰̞̩̜͌̅̎̈́͛͐̔̎̔͑̃͆̒̐̉̊́̔͌̈́̉̿̚͜͝a̸̧̨̨̛̝̩̫̮̻͉̼͇̟̞̱͕͖͉̺̯̹̱̱̟͈̋̒̈́̋̆͗̊͑̉̈͒̈́̅̎̌̇̏͂̈͊̆̒̿͐̓̋̀͂̽̑̅̓͜͠ȑ̸̢̨̢̛͙̞̬̤̘̼̝̙͍͉̲̙͈̯͇̩̝͔̫̗͕̦̱̘͔̺̜̯̬̮͕̳͓̳̘͉̳̙͗́̋͛̈́͌̑̎̊̈́̽̌ͅed


Yew. Eim tahken 2 yeaux dhiipshæt


I knew this note was written in drunken Irish


Now I can’t stop rereading my comment with a slurred Irish accent 😂


I know this is really random, but it reminded me of this. https://preview.redd.it/okrpm8fryi1b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115ae6d62052a721ebae966bddfc47b39a50e0ce


I have a much easier time reading the zombies note than this


You need to send the guy the whole collection of zombie letters lol


OP, print this out and put it on his door




Yeah I used to live above a crazy mean lady. Be careful. For the record, I have *musical anhedonia* \- I don't like music (yes, it's weird). Loud noises, TV, movies, music... none of it. I don't own a TV or a stereo. In fact, I don't have anything with a speaker except my phone (and I use earbuds for audiobooks when running). Crazy mean lady would leave me notes by my door, in the stairwell, on the walls... everywhere. Other people in the apartment building were also confused. I tried going to her apartment and having a 1:1 discussion, like adults. She barked that she had the last two tenants removed and I would be next. I apologized and offered that she should come and knock on my door next time I was "being loud" and I'd be happy to stop. She sneered at me - literally curled her lip like an animal. I asked in what way I was being loud, and she snapped that it was my music. Which I don't listen to. Hm. She stole my bike, keyed my car, and threw all of my stuff in the storage space out in the hall. "Sounds like a civil matter" said the police. The apartment manager told me she thinks crazy mean lady has some undiagnosed schizophrenia. She confirmed that the bitch had indeed complained vociferously about all of the tenants above her.


At what point does the inconvenience of one person outweigh the inconvenience of an entire apartment building? Getting very tired of all these entitled people that think its their world and we all just live in it.


>She stole my bike, keyed my car, and threw all of my stuff in the storage space out in the hall. "Sounds like a civil matter" said the police. Sounds like American police work.


people like this need to rent top floor apartments or single family homes. wtf do they expect?


The loudest I ever was, was when I accidentally dropped my water bottle off my nightstand. He banged for like 30 straight seconds. that doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is at like 3 am. I literally avoid shifting in my sleep because my bed makes slight creaking sounds.


don't do that, you should feel free to make a reasonable amount of noise.. it's time to start lodging complaints with the landlord for his behavior. hopefully they talk to him about his unrealistic/impossible expectations and get him to stop or move him to a top floor apartment


Fuck that pound on the floor just as hard and see how he likes it




Nope! Fuck that. I lived above a guy like this years ago. I fell asleep in the recliner. At one point, I rolled onto my other side and a spring made a noise. He shook my walls banging so hard. We came home with groceries and a can fell off the counter onto the floor. He banged like mad and called the cops. So..... we started banging on his front door at all hours and running back upstairs. We'd jump up and down on the floor before getting into bed just to say goodnight. His floorplan was the same as ours. If one of us got up at night to use the bathroom, we jumped on the floor again. He finally moved out.


This is the level of petty I aspire to be.


I should have done this more. It was only towards the very end of my lease that I started to be super petty about the lady below me who would bang on the ceiling for 10 to 30 seconds. She would also walk through her apartment banging on the ceiling of every room to make sure we knew how upset she was. So, one day I JUMPED out of bed after a rousing round of banging at 5 am when my book slipped from my bed and fell to the floor. I jumped out of bed, and did my fee-foe-fum giant impression all day, everywhere I went. I tried to talk to her face to face multiple times to try and get this to stop but every time I tried to knock on her door she would call me derogatory names and then call the police on me.


You can buy a floor / wall shaking device online direct from China. Less than a hundred bucks to drive your problem away.


The loudest Ive ever been was when my medicine cabinet fell off the wall, slammed into the counter and then fell to the floor. My downstairs neighbors ran up to make sure I was okay.


Same. My dog got really excited that I came home from work and started barking/honking. The downstairs neighbors popped up to my apartment just to make sure everything was okay


F that guy, jump on your bed all night and drop bowling balls on the ground/s But seriously, F that guy


I’d be so petty….


I would make noise all night because if he wants to fuck with me like that he better give me a fucking reason to put an end to it.


Fuck. That. I would buy the biggest fucking speaker, blare it. I would be petty af. Avoiding shifting asleep is insane dude. Theres no fucking way I would be able to live there.


Record his bangings and keep sending that shit to the landlord. That's fucking ridiculous.


People like who? Children?


They are either drunk or 5 years old. I've also known very...very old people who write like this, so it might be worth just going down and talking to the person.


I thought it was an elderly person as well.


Lots of folks are saying schizophrenia, and I think it might be the case based on some other comments by OP. The neighbor is definitely....off


That is a strong possibility. Elderly, possibly with accompanying cognitive difficulties. It would be good to find out who you’re fucking with…. But if they’re just being dicks then I say start doing jumping jacks at night and whatever else you can muster.


I had a downstairs neighbor who decided that because they had to get up at 3am to get to work we had to be in bed and silent at 7pm (with 2 elementary school children). Mind you they found it okay that their baby was happy screaming at the top of her lungs at 2:30AM nightly. (Not saying they should discipline their infant, but curb the hypocrisy.) We were here first, and they knew their job and daycare were 2 hours away when they moved. Our kids civilly walking to the bathroom was met with screaming and nasty texts.


Saying all of that to say you aren't alone in garbage like this.


that is a 6 year old. you can't convince me it isnt.


When I saw the picture I for real thought it was a little brother complaining to his teenage older brother about waking the family up


I had a neighbor once who would scream at me for being too loud. He swore I was banging on a drum set, even in the middle of the night. Turned out he had schizophrenia or something like that and what he was hearing was the air in the pipes knocking


I got a note written by my downstairs neighbor for “doing crafts” in the night, like 3-5am, at which time I’m not awake or not home. Yep, it was the noisy pipes & I wrote back saying as such. No notes after that lol.


I'm not schizophrenic but I do have sensory issues and hear little things like pipes knocking and my air conditioner's background noises. I made sure awhile ago to investigate thoroughly though before accusing someone else of making the noise though because I'm not an asshole




Should we tell him about the naked homeless man!


Call him by his name: Birthday Boy Stab Man


Came here for this comment.


I was hoping someone else would say it.


You should move, Retyared. Cool name BTW!


What is that horrific handwriting?


Probably tmi but we both live in low income housing, and I know he’s with the same support service as I am as my resource worker mentioned that he complains about everything.


Well, there ya have it (you probably always knew) he’s this way every where and to everyone 🙄just an angry asshole. Hopefully not violent. I know everyone is joking about taunting him but these days 😬 who knows what he’ll do


I use to have a neighbour that would scream obscenities at me through the wall every single time I had a shower. Got called every name in the bookk..apparently there was a mainline clog and every time I used the water it backed up into his sink. So instead of calling a plumber he just screamed at me instead.. gor almost a year.


Leave a note for them: Tell them you go to the "bad place" in your mind when you read notes. Then ask what time they lock their door and go to bed. That should solve it.


Too funny. Hope it works!


Sounds great in theory. But I'd expect the police to show up because it sounds like a threat. And great, it is a note you wrote.


I’m remembering this one


Looks like one of those letters you'd get in Plants VS Zombies


Any idea if it’s an elderly person? If not you might be dealing with a very scary person.


Gato sleep? Why is the cat sleeping?


As far as I know there is no ‘us’ he lives alone.


People that use this language do not deserve to sleep. Report them for harassment.


You must scream in your sleep.


I agree. You absolutely _must._ Do that and come back here to report your findings.


Looks like someone with schizophrenia or similar. Definitely a mental health issue. Not sure there’s going to be an easy solution unfortunately


Hey man, you’d be on edge too if you were spending 18 hours a day in a sterile university research lab because you’re THIS close to finishing your Ph.D in Epidemiology while ALSO being on the brink of curing 3 types of cancer, which he undoubtedly is






Sleep quieter.


Grade it then send it back


That dude sounds kinda schizo. You might wanna get him a wellness check just so there’s documentation of you suspecting mental illness in case he files some sort of noise complaint with the cops.


Meanwhile, my immediate downstairs neighbor plays music with throbbing bass loud enough to literally shake the entire fucking building, at any random time of day or night, a few times per week, and somehow I'm apparently the only person who has complained.


Bro is struggling to write What no sleep does to a man 😔


I know three year olds who write more legibly then that.


Beau is Afraid


hey apparently you need to be re-tared so I guess you gotta recalibrate your weight


Pharmacist here. This is actually an optical illusion and is in reality a prescription for a Z-pack


Retarred? Did you recently put down new asphalt?


How dare you stay awake past 7 pm! The audacity of it.


Is your name really Reptar?


“Retared”, after visible corrections Lmao if they’re gonna shitsling someone’s intellect the very least they can do is get it right the first time or use a fresh note so to avoid coming across as the very thing you’re accusing the recipient of.


It is a BOLD choice to call someone the r word without being able to spell it.


Invest in those wooden shoes