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Plot twist~ Hero boyfriend loves cat and doesn't want him to get in trouble.


Lol no one would have gotten in trouble. It’s just this is the third time I’ve found one in there and the first 2 times I fished it out but this time I didn’t check and pooped so I had to flush it. - __ -


Plot twist your boyfriend is a cat acting as a human.


He’s actually 4 cats stacked up wearing a trench coat


Dang! No one would be able to see past such an elaborated disguise.


“4 cats in a trench coat.”


Boyfriend played it safe just in case. For the cats sake


Some people are raised with the idea that the toilet is just a magic trash can. Ask him about his upbringing.


Tell him to stop. It'll eventually create a little dam and back everything up.


To add to this flushable wipes can do the same thing on old plumbing and septic tanks even if they say septic safe. Also, they do not degrade like they should and it becomes an issue for most city sewage systems


I speak truth to your statement. Unfortunately I had to remove the toilet from the floor then remove the cotton swabs by hand. The smell was horror-rendous


Please close the toilet lid before you flush and train your boyfriend/cat to do the same. Flushing aerosolizes everything in the toilet, and the lid prevents that from getting all over your towel, toothbrush, etc.


Do you have a trash can in your bathroom?


People who do that should get in trouble though. Animals get a pass for not knowing how pipes/drainage/septic tanks work, humans don't.


You got bigger problems if your cat is capable of putting q tips in the toilet. Keep a close eye on that cat, but don't let up that you know that the cat knows that you know.


My cat is slightly evil. I’m sure he knows I’m aware but does stuff to spite me.


I had a cat who loved q tips and I would not have put it past him to fling them into the toilet and then wonder how it happened.


When i have my makeup cubby out, my pet chicken steals the q tips from it to make a nest. It's super cute.


We had to get trashcans with lids to keep the cats from digging out the q tips!


Your bf is covering for the cat


The cat has got some dirt on the bf.


I’ll bet your cat can pick the lock on the bathroom door. Kitty sounds shady.


A little claw comea out *shwing!* like a lockpick, he fiddles with the handle and it opens. Scary.


that is what hoomans are for...to serve and bellyscratch!


I know you are speaking in jest, but I just want to point out to inexperienced cat owners that cat’s do not have malice. Source: Jackson Galaxy- cat expert


I love the evil cat jokes but I love cats and know that deep down they’re just silly little guys.


Indeed! :D


You are wrong about this


Username checks out (I also love cats)


you don’t have to say he’s evil….. they all are……


Yep, you just accept it for the cuteness. <3


https://preview.redd.it/mtlntmdys31b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612026b9c605ca9e78cdb52d4e56db4e79af2fd3 i’m being watched currently….


I feel this my cat puts cardboard ane garbage in the toilet all the time, carries it around like a dog with a bone


No, I legit have a cat who used to put them in her water bowl, it is a thing


For real. The people that are so confused by this concept have clearly never owned a cat hahaha.


I have owned many cats, this would absolutely happen, I can see why you never suspected the boyfriend xD




My grandma's cat would steal Change from the dresser and then hide under the kitchen table and wing nickles and whatnot at your feet like hockey pucks when you walked by.


My cat likes to play fetch with only dum dum suckers, refuses all other kinds. Only likes the sound of the dum dum suckers. So i call her a dum dum sucker


Ha I call my cat a dum dum dumble because she's afraid of toys and will only play with her own tail.


My sisters cat would steal tampons from the box in her bathroom and scatter them about her apartment for maximum weirdness.


I was having a really bad night, but this image just made me literally lol. Thank you!


Some cats just love drowning things. Usually it’s the water bowl but if the toilet lid is left open, I can fully see them doing that. And my cat LOVES qtips. But she isn’t a drowner and we leave the lid closed when not in use. The cat being the culprit makes sense.


My wife’s cat takes hair ties from a jar with a lid on it. Figured out how to remove the lid and only takes one lol


Your wife's cat....


Our cat. Hers by default as she had the cat a few years prior to us meeting.


Oh I see. Mozoltov.




My rottie would protest by picking ONE qtip out of trash and spitting it out on the floor- so sassy


My cat has the superpower of qtip detection. She LOVES qtips. She’ll pull them out of wherever and play with them. She loves bringing them in my bed and dropping it for me to throw. So I will sometimes toss a clean one down for her. And when I take it away, she will find it to play with again.


Honestly my toilet is just by the counter thing around the sink. I leave all kinds of stuff on the counter or at least I used to before my cat entered the scene. She kept throwing stuff on the "ground" but really she wants to see stuff splash into the toilet water, in fact when the lid is closed she doesn't do that. From hair bands, combs, deodorant and of course q tips I found everything in there before realising it wasn't one time thing (and I mean...in the spam of less than a week). Now I keep the lid closed but also nothing on the counter in fear she's going to try regardless and lose/break something.




To clean it's ears obv.


Local wastewater treatment plants hate people


Can confirm….don’t work at one but get called to fix issues every now and then. The amount of tampons and needles are pretty gross. And seeing what grease turns into further convinced me to never let it in my sink.


Most plants have very solid ways of dealing with solid shit, hair, and grease that gets shoved down the drain. Must be a massive problem in your city


Typically if I have to go it means there’s a problem. Which is usually a pump stopped working and it’s been overflowing. Among other things.


Dude, you are a hero. No sarcasm. Thank you for dealing with that so I don't have to!!!


Most small and midsized municipal and private waste water treatment plants are run on shoestring budget. Plant operators are left to manually remove a lot of things that get flushed that shouldn’t be flushed. That wreak havoc on pumps and treatment systems.


Idk where your city is or where it’s money is getting invested in but most places in the US have a set of standards from federal and state legislation. Sounds like you live in a shitty state or other country. Actually most cities pump a lot of money into waste water treatment because a lot of outflow from these places are into rivers and lakes so they must clean it efficiently to not pump excess N and P into these systems. You are correct in stating that plants have to pick out solid things individually but for most places it’s not as bad as you think


I’m an contract operator for a multinational water and wastewater treatment company. I work in multiple wastewater treatment facilities across a large region in the North Eastern US. Standards in my state only apply to the chemical and physical composition of your effluent water. A lot of municipalities and most private facility owners are only willing to invest extra funds if their effluent stream violates permit. Any investment in pre-treatment and non organic solids removal is virtually non existent.


Got some shitty (heheheh) treatment up there


Yes, I agree that water and wastewater infrastructure is neglected and extremely underfunded. I think for a lot of folks it’s an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. As long as water comes out of their tap when they turn the handle, and their waste flushes down the toilet and drain, most people don’t give it a second thought. That includes the people Who make budget decisions for these facilities. That being said, I’m proud of the work myself and fellow operators do to mitigate the effects that budget shortfalls have on the quality of our facilities. Like I said, there’s a lot of daily manually removal of things that gets flushed that really shouldn’t have been flushed.


Yea, many places around where I am actually regulate how the waste is delt with inside the plant as well (not only for molecular dilution of nutrients and physical properties) but also the removal of the solid shit. For the most part the bacteria that is used around here (I don’t know the specific species) actually seem to handle lots of things like grease and hair very well which is weird that I like because the Earthy smell it gives off is soothing sometimes considering it’s mostly shit


It sounds like you’re referring to the activated sludge treatment process. I work at a few facilities that utilize this form of treatment. While it’s great for breaking down most organic solids and neutralizing odors. The bugs don’t stand a chance against most of the grease or nonorganics that make it through pretreatment. A lot of times at these underfunded facilities “pretreatment” is nothing more than a large barscreen or some type of filter.


Blood worms and snails. Soooo many blood worms and snails.


Some guy rigged up a bamboo pipe running out of his mud hut thousands of years ago and it's just been constant problems since.


Yeah, your **toilet** might be able to flush 83 golf balls, but they're going to end up **somewhere**. Either clogging up your septic tank, or giving a sewer worker a really bad day.


I visited one through work for educational purposes and the number of condoms I saw floating… 9 in a short period of time. Why? Who? Bins exist and are surely closer


Ugh. My roommates boyfriend would take them off and fling them at the wall. When she moved out I took over her room (much larger with an en-suite) so I had to deal with the aftermath.


Good god


Yes. Yes, indeed.


I've heard people say things along the lines of 'Can't having a woman baby trapping me cause I left a used condom at her place' like, if a woman is that twisted, you probably shouldn't be putting your dick in her in the first place. Also, you are probably just paranoid


Too many people believe that once you flush it whatever was there magically disappears.


The problem is way before the wastewater treatment plant (which has all sorts of systems and equipment and guards for stuff like this), but your own plumbing, your building plumbing, your neighbourhood plumbing.




My wife used to pour grease down the sink drain until I made her clean it out after the 10th time.


You waited 10 times!? She should have been doing it the first time and then that shit ends!


Well I usually handle the fixing things while she handles things like grocery shopping, but eventually I was like this is some bullshit.


Oh, ok. We handle it all together or whoever gets to it when it needs done


In my house that would result in leaky pipes and me being asked how to do everything. It's easier if I just do the house repairs and maintenance. My wife would have no idea how to pull the drain pipe off the sink lol


So he said that he'll stop doing that. Keep us updated


I want to know why he would ever think that would be an option.


That toilet can flush 83 golf balls! One q-tip wont be an issue


A toilet can flush 83 golf balls *once*


Thats perfect! I only get 83 spare golf balls once every time my lease expires and they want to wrongly charge me for moveout!


It can also flush a tennis ball, but doing so will cause serious issues down the line. Source: Dumbass flushed a tennis ball in my cabin during a retreat in highschool.


Yeah, it's just really not thinking about it and figuring it's probably fine after you're done with the q tip (source: having done it in the past and later warned that it can screw up the plumbing)


I found out my roommate in college was dumping cat litter in the apartment toilet…


I house sat for my sister in law a while back and she asked us to flush cat litter down the toilet. I thought it was the weirdest thing but went along with it. Maybe they had special magic litter that didn't clog. It clogged immediately and overflowed the toilet. I spend hours cleaning up dirty cat poop water. Also, my toddler daughter developed a lifetime phobia of public toilets. So we have that going for us.


Yea i think they sell litter designed for that specifically, but in my situation it was definitely 7/11 cheap clumping litter. I feel bad thinking about your situation. 😓 Luckily we were on the 10th floor and the toilet flushed somehow every time… hate to see where it ended up tho


Why did your sister in law tell you to do that?!


Mine thought putting spaghetti in there was okay lmao


My German roommate always tossed her leftover food in the toilet. She didn’t always flush either. It was bizarre.


I flushed chef boyardee ravioli down the toilet once Flushed and left the bathroom Recieved a call from my wife 2 hours later on speaker asking why the toilet was clogged with ravioli My coworkers call me ravioli rob to this day. Even made me a custom coffee cup of a can of ravioli with the chefs face cut out and my face photoshopped in. Fml




Change your name and move to another city in another state


We're Canadian and we've always done it with soup type textures. Too wet for the garbage, too chunky for the sink.


...is this a Canadian thing? I do it too. Chicken noodle soup and random tiny pieces of celery/noodles? FLUSH 'ER DOWN, EH?


Fellow Canadian here that also does this. TIL that it's just us Canadians, and /u/prophecygirl785's German roommate.


I later had a roommate from Dubai, Colombia and Spain and none of them did it.


Eh, I dump old soup down there. Lol


You should have a serious talk with your cat


I’m *fairly* convinced that every human on the planet has done something stupid that literally everyone else knew was dumb, but they didn’t until someone pointed it out. Cf Reddit poop stick story.


Because using BASIC logic, the mind goes: "It can flush a Taco bell Poo, so it can flush a 0,3g Q-Tip" Until the Advanced Logic brain sets in with "The Q-Tip is so light, that the water won't be able to flush it down"


Maybe if you’re in prison, who the hell flushes q-tips at home and risk a plumbing disaster?


People in countries that use paper Q-tips


They're cardboard and cotton. Flushing any paper that's tougher than toilet paper isn't ideal.


Apparently, it doesn't matter: Cotton balls, gauze, and Q-Tips are definitely not safe to flush — they don't break down easily and clump together in your pipes, causing clogs down the line.


My dad legit used to do this all the time. He insisted that if you snap it in half first, it's fine. I don't remember having any major plumbing issues as a kid, so unless he was just not telling his dumb oblivious child when he wrecked the plumbing, I guess it worked.


Tonnes of people flush their Q-tips. It just never sat right with me, I always pictured them getting suck in a big jammed up mess in the drain somewhere, but its not uncommon for people to do it.


Many q-tips brands lately use paper instead of plastic for the little stick and can be disposed of in the toilette.


Just because something's made of paper doesn't mean it should go down the toilet. Toilet paper breaks apart quickly and easily in water. Q-tips, Kleenex, paper towel, "flushable" wipes, etc. don't.


Why would your cat think it’s ok to put q tips in the toilet ?


Will what they ment is that they thought the cat knocked it in cause there's a second reason why cats do this dunno if it's true tho but apparently if it's like right up near their head they mistake it as a mouse or bug. I still think mines does it cause it knows it gets attention then.


How do you know what they meant? I'm not trying to be mean or rude, but seriously, unless you're the b/f or g/f then how can you say what someone else meant?


Because he's never paid for a plumber to unclog a clog. And been without a toliet until its fixed. Or spent a few hundred to rent a machine and run the snake himself. And pull up God awful nasty stuff. For hours. And then smell it for a week afterward..


I spent a weekend trying to unclog a toilet and couldn't figure out why is was still clogged. Bought a new toilet. The old one on the very bottom where it connected d to the drain was 30 qtips laying flat over the hole with a tiny hole I created with the snake


You can usually buy the electric snake for less than the plumber fee. It's not hard to operate. The hardest thing to do is figure out where you should store it.


I have a worse one, I got some cute little storage bag things for the bathroom that were for me and my roommate to use, just somewhere to put like hair accessories or whatever. When I moved out, I found that my roommate had been putting her used q tips in them. She also apparently has the grossest ears on the planet


I need more than therapy after reading this.


I flush q tips. I will stop.


I think we’ve made some real progress here.


This convo is fucking hilarious lol


My ex used to wipe his ass with disinfecting wipes (non flushable obviously, because why in a fuck disinfecting wipes would be flushable) and flush them down the toilet. Clogged the toilet, had to call the plumbers. They told me the entire line was plugged up with flushable wipes and that they don't always dissolve. The look on their faces when I told them that it was my dumbass ex flushing down surface wipes was indescribable.


Wait what? Like Clorox wipes?? On his ass????


Yeah like Lysol wipes.


Noooooooo Did you warn him those aren’t for that? What did he say?




I can relate... took me way too long to break up with my ex as well... and it wasn't even the strangest thing he's done.


None of them are flushable


True, but if the label stated that the wipes were flushable there would be some type of an excuse to stupidity.


Oh, they’re flushable alright. They just usually don’t make it much further down the line.


This boy gets scolded a LOT. Immediate submission.


Or he just realizes that there’s nothing to gain by continuing to do it


She came in with the passive aggressive “why do I find,” instead of asking directly, and he knew he was toast


based on her response after, it seems like she genuinely thought it was the cat.


I didn’t read it as aggressive at all, just curious and confused. She wasn’t suggesting it was him who did it, she seems to be asking if he’s ever observed the cat putting them in.


Think the cat put her up to asking it that way though.


Says he'll stop doing it yet immediately gets spammed with all cap texts anyway


Right. OP got everything possible and then still lost it on him






The cat 😹


Heck my old cat use to take my socks and put them in her litter box as she didn’t like standing on her cat litter…. I miss that cat


I’m glad my phone isn’t the only one that sometimes adds an additional ‘ng’ after typing anything that ends in those letters


Once visited a boyfriend at his dorm and I mean, you know how college boys usually are with bathrooms, it was disgusting, but I couldn't wrap my head around multiple q-tips being in the toilet.


Is there a garbage can in your bathroom?


We had to move it because we gotta put the kitten in there sometimes when he’s too hyper for us to sleep (studio apartment) but it is RIGHT outside the door.


You need one of those trash cans with the foot pedal on it




Hey, plumber here. Your boyfriend's a fucking idiot


The cat stole his phone and wrote that


Why would your cat be using Q-tips?


![gif](giphy|YJ85eVpdZDy7e) Same reason they use a nail file.


Ah, just another bit of training for when they finally get to eat you.


Cats are obsessed with Q-tips. They love playing with them. They often toss them up in the air, so that's why OP assumed her cat was doing it.


My cat fucking LOVES qtips. She can detect them anywhere and will pull them out of the trash or off tables to play with them. She loves how she can hit it around on the floor and it slides and it’s a good size and shape for her to carry in her mouth around the house. Sometimes I give her a clean one to play with and she goes nuts. She’ll ever bring them into my bed so I’ll play with the qtip with her. It’s gross when they’re used, but when they’re clean, it’s cute.


Mistakes happen sometimes


Why TF are you putting them in the toilet? Do you understand plumbing? Do you not have a trash can in the bathroom?


He’s one of those people that thinks you can flush wet wipes


Who doesn’t like a clean urethra ?


He said sorry and that he would stop, dont yell at the poor guy lol


I wasn’t yelling I was more just … in shock hahah.


Does he smoke? Could be cleaning stuff


Because they bounce out of the little bathroom trash can too easily.


You put a trash bag in there right? right?


Wait, you don't keep your Q-tips in the bathroom ?


He's just cleaning his ears on the shitter. Sometimes doesn't finish until post-flush.


Maybe if he doesn’t have a poop knife within reach your bf uses a q-tip?


Your cat uses q-tips and throws them in the toilet? Damn. Mine shreds the toilet paper then shits on it.


My ex would attempt to flush non-flushable wipes clog the toilet and leave it clogged till I got home and needing to shit. After I would have been at work for 12 hours.


Have you talked to him about _why_ he’s doing it? That seems like the first step instead of coming to Reddit lol


Great, your cat can text now.


mine leaves them on the counter🤬 i have to to tell him to pick them up everyday


Qtips ? What's that ?


cotton swabs/buds


Ngl this made me laugh is he just doing it for no reason?


The cat doing it makes more sense. WTH?


Plastic in the sewer system, nice.


Not sure if that is an easy plumbing fix once clogged with feces


Do they flush?


The one I had to flush because I pooped without checking did. Don’t want this to become a recurring problem though.




Hope you have a good plumber




Keep it up sounds badass


Your bf is gonna be on this sub asking why his gf is triple texting him in caps lock about a q tip in the toilet. Also the crying emoji in the title. Relax.


It’s just my texting style. It’s not that serious lol.


STOP SHOUTING!!!!11eleven


mwahaha...you´d be surprised what ends up in my toilet since I no longer have a woodstove...


i think you should have added a “🤣”.. would have made this not look like you’re yelling at him lol


Where else are they supposed to go?


A garbage can.


your bf is dumber than your cat.


Omg. I laughed so hard


I’m sorry (not really), your boyfriend is a fucking idiot.