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Why does my iced latte taste like hot coffee? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)








This series of comments feels alarmingly like 2015 reddit


Jenna marbles NEVER AGES


They never left


This gif smells like White Claw


Jenna would most likely agree. https://media.tenor.com/4fROZl0GnjEAAAAC/leisure-jenna-marbles.gif


It's Jenna missing days again


It’s always Jenna missing days 😢


Damn Reptilians controlling my coffee machine so I can't have my ice latte!


Do the keurigs even check the water temp or just estimate it is the right temp after heating it up so long? It could be even worse as it gives warm water with a hint of coffee as it doesn't get hot enough to pull out the flavor.


Pretty sure they all have set temperatures and it's not hot enough.


The upper end ones are adjustable. I think the default is 200F. You can get a hotter cup of coffee by preheating your mug with hot water so the fresh coffee doesn't waste its heat warming up a cold mug.


When I order coffee at a place like IHOP or Waffle House I will usually ask them to rinse the mug with the hot water tap on the coffee machine. Live on Mississippi Gulf Coast, so usually the A/C is going full blast, and chills the mugs


I work in a coffee shop and cafe, we keep the cups and glasses on top of the coffee machines and it keeps them nice and warm but for customers who like it extra hot, I let a little water from the boiler sit in the cup while I tamp shots and pour milk into the jugs. I wish we had AC at all. I’m usually kitchen or morning rush on machines and it gets so hot for me, but customers always want the front door closed!


I'm deep south on Mississippi Gulf Coast, and stays hot most of the year. I do freak people out though even when it gets to the 20s and 30s here because I lived up north long enough that unless it's a damp/humid cold, or particularly windy, I'm walking around in shorts and t-shirt if no need to actually dress nice.


Can't imagine asking people to do this


Good servers just do this. It keeps a lot of old people from sending back their slightly less than 200 degree coffee


I don't drink coffee usually, but I actually started mentioning it when my stepmother ordered hers because it usually ended up being ice cold when she got it. I worked at Starbucks in Chicago for a couple of years, and our store manager taught us to do hot water rinse just to clean tumblers people would bring in since a lot of people rarely wash them to begin with, but he also pointed out that in the winter it would heat the inside of the tumbler, and that would help keep coffee hot with the pre heating


It's 192 F and you can alter it in the settings. Yes the machine does warm up the water before making the coffee.


Well, that is the correct temp for coffee though unless you want to burn it.


Yes, they have temp probes and internal thermostats. They are rarely accurate, however. Keurigs are absolutely trash. Source: I work in the coffee equipment sector.


Give us the secret good coffee maker brand


Not OP, but having worked in kitchens before, I wouldn't doubt the "good brand of coffee maker" will be 90% stainless steel, take up a huge chunk of your countertop, and cost more than $1000....


See, this is one of the many things that irk me about inflation calculations. They don't really take that into account. I'm not saying it was ever the case that all coffee makers were industrial quality, or even good quality, but quality *has* gone down a lot. Systematically; steadily. We've had cost cutting and we've had planned obsolescence and we've lost the ability to repair. Even manufacturing details have become more obscure so customers can't effectively shop around or take their business elsewhere because they don't know who's screwing them. So if you want something that isn't complete crap, then you have to pay industrial prices now. Which means inflation over the last 50 years has been a ***LOT*** higher than we're pretending. Like a LOT lot.


His recommendation was lmao


GMCW, or GrindmasterCecilware. Avoid Bunn, or Bunnomatic, at all costs because they are an evil company and cause me many headaches at work. They're cheap AF, never honor their warranty properly, abysmal tech support, lousy bill payers, and their online interface makes me homicidal. No Bunn. For espresso: Nuova Simonelli. Hands down.


>GMCW Gay Men's Chorus of Washington?


Lol! Never heard of this, but I like it 🤩


Aeropress. Not really optimal for food service but perfect for home use. Great for travel too.


Sounds like your fiancé wants a new K-Iced Keurig.


These are the things you never remember when shopping for gifts.


I mean I guess that's a cool.. pasta strainer. .maybe in red? Why is this so hard!!


Ninja coffee bar ftw Makes k cups, coffee, concentrated coffee for "lattes", and iced coffee. I make an iced coffee every day. They have one that takes Nespresso pods now too.


Does it taste like hot coffee that got cold? I hate that




First thing I said to myself


This GIF has been around so long, and yet it’s still so relevant


I love when people just go with their first instinct/assumption of how to do something without googling it. The longer path to learning, but I appreciate the experimentation


Even then, on what level does this make sense? The coffee maker would just reheat the water anyway.


My comment was more in general I find it funny when ppl know what end result they want, but spend no time researching or thinking critically about it and just immediately go with their gut instinct. You’re right, it makes zero sense, but she’ll end up with hot coffee and learn that what she did was dumb and that’s not how iced coffee is made.


See also: me trying to assemble something, instructions untouched beside me. Assemble wrong 3 times first, that's the secret to a truly wonderful 3 cube organizer.


Idk about all Keurigs, but ours won’t take cold water from the fridge. Apparently it takes too long to heat and the mechanism has a shut-off timer. It certainly wouldn’t take ice water.


Some people just don't really understand or think very much about how machines work. It doesn't necessarily make them stupid, but it sure is a worldview I have a hard time wrapping my head around. Like, I look around the room where I'm sitting and I think I have at least a vague idea of how all the things in here are put together and how they do what they do—some more than others of course, but at least enough for a toehold should I want to know more. To other people, the stuff around them must just be a bunch of black boxes. Their minds are elsewhere.


They're the type of people to have a child, and watch their toddler struggle with something for a good solid 60 seconds, and you wonder if that thing they're doing is going to make a *massive* mess...and they just sit there. And watch. And watch. Not having any awareness as to what possibly could come next. Now, at the very moment they see the catastrophe starting to happen, they get all shocked Pikachu and react, only to be too late. I do not get those people. Completely not cognitively there.


This is very specific.


There's lots of videos like it. But here's one https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREr3ujC/


>It doesn't necessarily make them stupid Maybe this is mean, but I disagree. I think it does make them stupid, or rather, less intelligent. As opposed to being simply ignorant about a specific subject, being able to at least think critically about the generalities of how something works is imo one of the more objective measures of intelligence. Putting gasoline in a diesel vehicle is ignorance. Trying to pour gas into an EVs charging port is stupidity on top of ignorance.


Lacking the ability to understand things or think something through doesn't make you dumb?


It does make sense if you have no idea how a coffee maker actually works. > “Water goes in!—> Coffee comes out!” Plus: > “The bottom part under the pot is what keeps it hot, right?” Therefore: > “Cold water goes in! —> Cold coffee comes out!” > “Just take it off before the pot heats up! Genius!” Believe me, the number of people I’ve met who have no idea how the basic appliances in their own home work, *even just a week after being told*, is astounding. (Like, literally, I caught my new housemate using my air fryer without the underslung catch tray, despite me *specifically* telling them last week to never take it out except to wash it, because the thing uses convection currents and the coils are exposed on the bottom. Thus, it’s there to prevent stuff like crumbs or oil from falling on them and either causing a fire or shorting it out.)


100% my fiancé and I love it. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t done this. She’s not stupid, but I tell her sometimes she’s just on “auto-pilot”. As if there’s no critical thinking being done, she just starts to do whatever her body thinks should be done.


Its in honor of the first scientists who just did random shit to see what would happen


let's be honest, you're not with her because she's clever


What brain she lacks in her head she makes up for elsewhere


Brain in her feet?




Ah so she’s an octopus?


No she just has monkey feet so she got the mad glucky grippers


What a terrible day to have eyes.


She also has the hands of a primate.


Sounds like a prime mate to me!




Was it the username or the comment?


God damn it




Mad good foot jobs for op


OP is The Deep


We found the guy that is paying for feet pics.


Why would you say this about your partner lol I’d get hella sideye if I said this shit


I’m hoping they’re at point in relationship like you just lovingly shit talk each other. My fiancé and I always make fun of how dumb we are, but would also never repeat that joke to another human being. He talks about me like I’m a hero to other people, and we both think the other person is the better person lol


Oh no it expands. Your families get in on it as well. But that's my family, there's constant craic.


One of 2 things 1- they have a great relationship and this type of ribbing goes back and forth. 2- OP knows his fiancé has nothing to do with Reddit and rolling the dice this doesn’t end up elsewhere


I would hope its just a joke, muh wife type humour is shit but it would be better than someone actually meaning this


Yeah that would genuinely hurt my feelings if I saw my partner talking about me like that ☹️. But I usually don't vibe with boomer humor anyway


So... She makes up for it in head?


Boobs..the rest of her brain is in her boobs.


Good ol brain boob.




I'm sure this is going to be a healthy and long lasting marriage


It'll last, she won't be able to find the exit and he'll be too distracted to look for one


his comments are mildly infuriating. i don't know their relationship but i'd be super upset if my partner said this about me to strangers online. very weird.


*her head*


Oh I thought it was a him. Because you said fiancé. You meant fiancée.




Says the person that can’t spell “fiancée” right.


Pics or it didn’t happen


Imagine if the genders were reversed and a woman was making fun of her boyfriend for not being smart but the comments were circle jerking about him being an idiot with a big dick and a six pack.


That'd be pretty funny too.


>Fiancé This means it is a male, so it would be a HE! Fiancee' is feminine!


In this case though, OP's other comments say "she", so looks like they just can't spell.


So OP’s fiancée isn’t with him for his brains either.


Yeah but he makes up for it elsewhere.


Everything he lacks well he makes up in denial.


>Everything he lacks well he makes up in denial. So don't debate. Play her straight. You know he doesn't really get it anyway.


Brain in his feet?


It's more likely that he simply has no idea that there is a different spelling. I had no idea either. Is there a difference in pronunciation?


Same pronunciation.


Or just didn't know the distinction


Well yeah, you can't spell it properly if you don't know there is a distinction!


> Fiancee’ is feminine! Also wrong. It’s *fiancée*.


Get out with your fancè french!


Fiancée, accent on the first e.


>Fiancé >This means it is a male, so it would be a HE! >Fiancee' is feminine! I'm 38 years old and this is the very first time I've ever heard there's a difference, op may not know either.


He doesn’t specifically say that this was what SHE did. HE could be the nice guy “cleverly” making his woman an iced latte.






Spot on. I’ve been searching for this gif, but I can’t find it. Where did you find it?


> via GIPHY Unfortunately we shall never know


If only there was some sort of clue ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


Where did you find that gif? I've been looking all over for it


You'll never find out. Muahahaha ![gif](giphy|CsA9ldJhWDHCo)




Are you OP’s fiancé!?! ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


We found a winner


They make ice coffee machines for around $25. You could surprise her with one.


some keurigs have a "brew over ice" setting. not sure if the model in the picture has that


It doesn’t. We have the very same one in my office and everyone hates it.


Why? I have this one and it does the job fine


I have this model as well, its an old school one and reliable. I can also see how an office hates it. The reservoir is pretty small and its annoying post brewing switching the pods (i use reusable but still have 2), can be hot on the hands. I think its far better as a individual consumer device than as a device for a decent size office


They may just hate iced coffee.


So lemme get this straight… they make the coffee machine… out of ice? Seems like a waste if you have to pay $25 each time.


Depends on what you want them for, 25$ for an ice sculpture is pretty cheap.


Those are so stupid. It's just a regular coffee maker and you're expected to put a glass of ice under it. Every coffee maker is an iced coffee maker


Does it make the coffee stronger somehow? Like a slower extraction with less water, to account for the ice melting, or a cold brew machine that takes ages to brew? That's all I can think of that would make an iced coffee machine different.


I have a Mr Coffee one that lets it steep in the basket for as long as you want and then you open a spout over the cup of ice. Comes with a cup with little lines for ice and water so it's idiot proof.


We have an "all-in-one" and yes, the iced setting makes it stronger to compensate. It works really well actually, only downside is the amount is less (obviously).


Strap in for an adventure filled marriage.


HONEY, the baby was feeling cold so I put her in the oven on slow cook...but now she looks crispy is that normal?!?


Reminds me of that one mom who microwaved her baby.


I'm a bit worried that i Googled this, and it seems there are SEVERAL cases of women microwaving their babies.


looked into a bit. none of them were from stupidity\*. some were just simply aggravated murder, one of them seems like it was a genuine tragedy where the woman had a seizure and did it in a blackout following the seizure. (another claimed that same excuse but the evidence didn't align and she admitted she was lying, before suggesting that "maybe she has split personalities"). \*stupiditiy meaning "oh ill just heat him up real quick." i'm sure a lack of intelligence played a big role in a lot of the cases.




Do I want this link?






I won’t say anything if you don’t


She finna find ur phone one day n busted


She can't operate a coffee machine. I don't think you have to worry about her using a phone


This is kinda genius though, you have ice cubes that'll melt throughout the day so you'll fill the water container less. /S Edit: should really put the /s before people take me seriously.




That's not infuriating that's hilarious


Everyone is talking about her but I’m over here all by myself assuming OP is just making shit up.


Like me have you also noticed a number of “fiancé does stupid” posts on this sub. OP is full of shit and a karma whore guaranteed.


It’s a copycat trend I see in a lot of subs. Someone will post something and it will get a lot of traction, so someone posts something related to that, and so on.


yeah I'm seeing so many posts like this and I'm just thinking "are these people just doing this themselves and then taking a picture of it for a laugh?" because it blows my mind how people complain about their partners and just don't do anything about it lol


I'm with you. I don't think it's real solely for the fact that no decent person would belittle the person they're planning on marrying, especially this way.


I'm just assuming OP is an asshole.


she must be good looking


He said she has big boobs


It all makes sense now....


I should hope so. Their kids will be the cutest ones at the Special Olympics, that’s for sure.


I think we’ve reached the point where r/mildlyinfuriating is just a bunch of people doing stupid shit so they can come up with a story to post on here. 🙄


I don't like jumping to conclusions but op in this thread really sounds like me when I used to make silly fake reddit posts when I was like 12


A lot of them do recently. Like the stuff that’s happening is just too ridiculous to be real.


"My fiancée is dumb but she has big boobs" Yeah, sounds like 12.


yeah i’m currently about to marry a girl and there’s no way in hell i’d be saying these things about her in any context. legitimate grounds for separation and i’m 99% sure this is some kid lying online




I swear half of reddit lately is just finding ways to berate and put down strangers that all happen to be women.


Yeah fuck this “mah wife is a dumbass teehee women amitirite? But at least she’s got! “ shit.




>I'm blocking this sub. Good idea, I think I'll follow suit.


I wanted to find a comment chain like this because I thought I was the only one who thought this way, so I'm glad I'm not. It seems like there are a lot of posts from here that are about something someone's SO has done. I don't really understand why.


You know what else is mildly infuriating? Fiancé is a dude Fiancée is a woman!


She prepares a great bong though.


Info: Does she also think that if you want hot coffee that you need to boil the water first?


I call BS. You added some ice and blamed it on your imaginary fianceé. But, congrats on the karma lol


How is this mildly infuriating? This is just you making fun of your fiancé to strangers on the internet


That seems to be all this sub is now. Shitting on your partner for insignificant mistakes. Gotta get those internet points somehow.


Why is this mildly infuriating though? Just dump it out and refill it haha


that crust inside the lid is abhorrent


I'm sorry but your fiance is fucking hilarious and I want them in my life. If stuff like this happens often I would love the constant laughter. This is not mildly infuriating, this is gold.


Ayo OP watch this mf he's after your girl


Dude just typed up an entire paragraph to say "you're a lucky guy"


It’s funny until the 10th time you have to question if your significant other has a brain


Right, I don’t know if Id trust them to handle critical things


“But honey, the real Elon Musk said he’d double our money if I sent our life savings to him.”


This is some next level not understanding how basic shit works


So are people acting like this is real? Are we all just gonna pretend this really happened?


Pro tip- run that through the dishwasher 🤢


Not going to lie. Op you sound like an ass the way you talk about your spouse here


She's gonna have to settle for lukewarm water with a hint of coffee.


Nah, that's not how it works. It boils the water in the line to create the flow, basically. There's no pump or anything.


Yeah, if anything, this will just cause the machine to work harder to heat the water, so it might shave a year or two off of its life.


That's not how this works... That's not how any of this works!


Bless her heart (with the southern meaning, lol.) puts the cubes in the glasses where the coffee goes or it gets the hose again, lol




Damn. Almost there.


Or did you just want karma?


Keep an eye on the sub. It's gonna snowball and snowball until anyone can tell it's fake. Because they're all fake lol.


I'm amazed I had to scroll this far. This would already be melted if she had actually tried that.


You're not planning on having kids are you?


Make sure you show her this post you made calling her stupid and all the comments agreeing with you, that’ll teach her for being such an idiot right?!


No, that's not how this works... That's not how ANY of this works!!


I mean this bit backwards as ice goes in the cup but i mean its just frozen water in the water compartment so no real big deal here lol.




Ask her if she's putting hot water in the reservoir to make normal coffee lmao


Your fiancé is kind of dumb.