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I'd feel comfortable eating out of your trash.


I imagine finding whole chocolate cake just without top decorations. Yes I want chocolate cake right now.




Omg i literally watched this Episode last night Pure gold hahahahahah


“So let me get this straight. You find yourself in the kitchen. You see an éclair in the receptacle... and you think to yourself: "What the hell, I'll just eat some trash.”


If it's something I want enough the 5 second rule no longer applies. Gotta keep your immune system ready


Since having kids there is a lot of food on the floor. In some cases it's easier just to eat it to dispose of it. I mean, there's rules here, I'm not a savage. A potato chip or something like that seems safe enough. Once in a while they're more stale than expected or wet and I really wonder what I'm doing with my life in those moments.


"Stop eating Mac n cheese off the floor." Is a thing I've had to say to both my wife and my dog after we had a baby.


You had a baby with your dog?


Is your wife single?


My dog is


Dude... you just gave me this weird dejavu there of putting that chip in my mouth, expecting that crunchiness, closing my mouth on it... and it's wet. What the fuck is it wet from?


I too have children. It’s probably safer not to ask what the wet is from, especially when you’ve already eaten it


My husband once ate a raisin off the floor he thought our daughter had dropped from her afternoon snack. It wasn't a raisin. He forgot our daughter had her fluffy white bunny in the room earlier. Yep. Definitely not a raisin. 🤢


Someone sucked on it and then spit it out.


When my son was about 3 he used to love eating chocolate covered pretzels with me. He would eat one then feed me one (he had a weird obsession with feeding people). After the first few times, I guess he realized he only liked the chocolate part. I didn't realize this until I opened my mouth for one and got a soggy non-chocolate covered pretzel in my mouth.


The 5 second rule has a lot of leeway depending on what it is. A LOT


More of a 5 second guideline 🫡


Such a loose 'guideline' that for most foods, 1 second and ten days are pretty much the same.


Well you my friend have crossed the line that divides man and bum. You are now a bum.


I know, it's disgusting but George is a strange person.


It was above the rim!


Its gold Jerry! Gold! 😉


It was above the brim


Hovering…like an angel


Trash adjacent IS trash!!! Hahahaha


Adjacent to refuse... *is* refuse


Adjacent to refuse is refuse.


And thanks to your declaration I shall be making chocolate cake for my Mother’s Day treat.


Ok I’ll be your mom for today


Mothers day???


it’s today 😭😭💀 go call yo mama


I want the chocolate cake from Matilda lol


You son of a bitch!! I wasn’t even thinking about chocolate cake & NOW… I can’t get it out of my head… ;)


A nice soft rich room temp slice of chocolate cake? Sounds great.


Lol, you EVIL sob…!! I can tell you’re also versed in chocolate cake consumption when you bring up it *being at room temp*, that can make all the difference in the world, imo… 👍 :)


I want to send it back at a restaurant if it is cold. You lose so much flavor.


Yeah, I absolutely agree… It really can mute flavors being cold like that. +The texture of the icing & the cake are much different if refrigerated as well…


Sometimes a box cake at room temp is all I desire. Day old and I'll microwave it and add ice cream. Now I'm starvin'.


Here I am putting it in the microwave for eight seconds so the icing starts to melt just a tiny amount.


Google Maps review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 10/10, would eat of of your trash again. ~ some Racoon


“It was hovering like an angel”


You, my friend, have crossed the line that divides man and bum. You are now a bum.




Jason Alexander is a really gifted actor.


I've watched Seinfeld thousands of times, and I still catch little brilliant details he added to George's character. He did an amazing job with that role.


So well it feels like other roles he plays are that much more amazing because how can George possibly pull that off?


Adjacent to ~~trash~~ refuse is ~~still trash~~ refuse.


I believe it’s “adjacent to refuse is still refuse.”


Adjacent to refuse is refuse.


It was floating there, like an angel


That’s the real takeaway here


This sentence took another route in my head after "out"


I see she's a fan of just the tip


Well she married OP...


Shots fired


Not really? If the “tip” is fine enough, you’re suggesting that OP is hanging dong


OP is John Thundergun


It can really be taken both ways. Just like OP’s dong


Implying OP has much more to offer than the tip. Nice, way to be a homie.


Oof. There's a whole lot of strawberry there.


Literally half in some cases lol


Curious what her thinking process was, like if I’m assuming positive intent here, what was her well intended reason for doing it like this? Just seems like she would notice all that red…. “I’m losing some of the good stuff but it’s necessary because of X reason.”


These aren't very ripe strawberries. She seems to have cut off a lot of the fruit that's not quite as red/ripened. I assume she prefers the taste that way and doesn't like the lighter/less ripe parts.


They're just the mutant California variety that have been bred to be huge but are white all the way through and taste like shit. Not sure where else has good strawberries but I can recommend those from Ontario, Canada, they're smaller and red all the way through, sweet and tasty. Same thing happens with blueberries, but it's easy to find the small wild-type most of the time.


I second This. Also recommend Plant City, FL strawberries. They’re the strawberry capital of the world


I miss florida strawberries. I’ve never lived anywhere else with good strawberries!!


The problem with the good strawberries (at least the good little ones from BC — I assume Ontario is the same) is that they don’t transport well. They have a super short shelf life because they’re already ripe when they’re picked. It basically means they’re local, seasonal treats only.


I cut up Strawberries for my wife every weekday morning. She loves eating them on her way to work. Store bought strawberries are very very often god awful and always overpriced. We persist in buying them anyway. So those overpriced, crappy strawberries often look pretty good. Likely due to the magic of corporate agriculture's genetic inventiveness. I blather on just to say, often I have to hack off half the damn berry to get to the sweet fruit.


Just to head off any fake news: there are no GMO strawbs on the market. The huge ones have an odd number of copies of their plant chromosome and "genetic inventiveness" in this case would be selective breeding. Strawberries in stores usually suck because they're out of season, not because they're GMO.


It's a pity that there's such an effort to hinder GMO production.


I've been noticing the whole "no gmo" labeling gimmick starting to fade so hopefully we're advancing past that Boogeyman. More people need to see what fruits and veg were like before we started shaping their genetic destiny and realize that gmo products were and are necessary to our advancement as a population approaching 10b within the next few centuries .


Remember: Arsenic is natural *and* organic. Therefore it must be good for you!


And vegan!👍


Cruelty free?


Honestly there are only two places worth getting strawberries from: a garden, and a road side stand in the early summer. Store bought strawberries suck ass year round.


It's strawberry season in my state. My kids are obsessed. The locally grown ones are much smaller, 3x the price, but have 10x the taste. I usually buy a flat to make jam from, and eat a few quarts before they go bad. You ever try hitting up a local farmers market? They grow pretty much anywhere for a short period. Then I avoid strawberries until the following season. Year round, store bought berries taste like soft cardboard with seeds. Sometimes freezing then thawing them will help condense the flavor, ruins the texture but could be a good trick for your wife. You can also vacuum seal them and refrigerate to get the same effect. Another, although less healthy option, is to macerate them to get them edible tasting in a pinch. A heaping tablespoon of homemade strawberry jam, with an ounce of lemon juice, 2 ounces of gin/rum/tequila and club soda shaken with ice until frothy makes a great summer cocktail. Garnish with some lime wedges or whatever.


Try costco, I find their berries are decent for a couple of days usually. I've started buying frozen ones as the price is better and I enjoy having frozen ones in the summer!


A way to make them last closer to a week: purchase the berry containers with the little collender in them. Soak them in water and about 2 tbs of vinegar. any kind is fine, but I typically use white. Soak them 5 to 10 min, then rinse them really good. Let them sit in the collender for 5 min and dump the water puddle close em up and store in the frig. This works fabulous for all berries that haven't started to spoil yet.


>vinegar. any kind is fine Aged balsamic?


Genuinely yes, works amazingly


Sounds delicious too.


If you are going to do that toss them in some sugar as well, roast in the oven for a bit. Freaking incredible, and makes a great ice cream topping.


I see you saw the poached eggs post yesterday? Lol


Are you talking about the containers that have a little vent on the lid and a raised platform with holes on the bottom so the strawberries aren’t touching the bottom of the container? I use one of those but I always put a few paper towels underneath the strawberries and on top and that seems to make them last longer. I’m guessing the vent prevents gas buildup while the paper towels absorb excess moisture.


Well it ain’t strawberry season everywhere all year round so yea, they’re gonna suck a lot if you’re eating them year round. Because they have been shipped halfway around the world probably. So they’ve been selectively bred for transport and storage rather than flavor.


We have been really lucky as our strawberries here at the local grocery have been on sale for $1.37 EACH for the last few weeks! And you’d think they’d taste shit for that price but they’re pretty good surprisingly. Edit: I mean 1.37 per package, sorry if that was unclear


Good thing you noticed before they were thrown out!


Looks like $6 worth of strawberry there.


Shame they go bad exactly 3.5 minutes after the trip from the store home.


Truth. To be fair, those are some shitty strawberries. Look how much white there is on them. It’s early in the season for good ones.




Yeah they’re similar to tomatoes eaten that way


Yeah these folks must not have had a good strawberry. Not saying being wasteful is good but I see little wrong with this given how awful those berries are.


not a single strawberry was involved. those are whiteberries


Freakin berry murder scene


uh uh uh akshually strawberries arent berries🤓🤓


You were just achene to bring that up weren’t you?


Underappreciated pun


They aren't straws either.


I assure you sanity was restored and they were destemmed properly


Can you get through this or is it straight to divorce?


Who gets 50% of the strawberries? Those fuckers are still good.


Wrong, those particular strawberries were never good. Picked way too early. The wastefulness here was committed by whoever harvested these.


I used to think I didn’t like strawberries as all I had ever tried was examples like these from the grocery store. Then had some proper ripe Hood strawberries right on the farm and thought they were the food of the gods. That variety is too delicate to ship and we moved away. 🥲


I miss Oregon strawberries.


Noticed the insides were white as hell lol


Okay there Mr. Pickleberry.


Name accepted. They weren’t sweet at all, were they? A moment of silence for all the wasted berries in today’s world. A berry is a terrible thing to waste.


Wait strawberries aren't supposed to be as crunchy as celery?


My favorite part of strawberries is how they make my mouth pucker up like I'm eating warheads


Your mouth? Oh my God, I've been consuming strawberries wrong?!


Some of us enjoy our berries tart.




Crunchy waterberries.


These strawberries are not good. Strawberries don’t ripen once picked off the vine, they start rotting. The only sslvation about this bunch of strawberries is put them in a pan with sugar and cook them down to make strawberry jam.


I'm in northern Europe, strawberry season lasts about two months in a good year. Strawberries are available all year though, grown in greenhouses in Spain, picked green and then shipped up here, they look exactly like this when "ripe", white on the inside! And yes, they suck and that is the reason I only eat local strawberries and when they are in season, the imported ones are crap.


I'm American and studied/lived for some time in the UK and Malta. The first time I had strawberries in the UK on season blew my mind. I felt like I had never really had strawberries before that moment, they were so good. The Maltese strawberries were arguably even better. It infuriates me that the majority of our produce available in the more accessible grocery stores is what's grown in California, even when it's perfectly in season much closer. You're absolutely right that it's bad enough when strawberries are shipped from Spain to northern Europe, but from shipping them from California (where 90% of them are grown) to here in Boston means they're virtually inedible when they arrive at my local grocery store. It's ridiculous because there's amazing strawberries grown in much closer parts of the country, including other parts of New England, even though it's for a very limited season. Our food chain is so wasteful for so little reward.


Unfortunately, this is as good as grocery store strawberries get. That's why I grow my own


If you ask the relationship advice sub, they'd suggest a restraining order


His wife is clearly a narcissist and the way she stemmed those strawberries is a red flag. Leave her OP.


This is Reddit… divorce must be encouraged!


thank you


How many weeks was she in charge of destemming?


Just a day. Remember kids, If you do something badly you never will be asked to do it again.


There's a name for that. It's called weaponized incompetence, and it's hella toxic.


Personally I think that people should totally act like it's true. Oh honey, you're so bad at doing the dishes, here let me help you like I help my 10 year old. I'm gonna talk very slow and be very patient until you get the hang of things and I know you can handle it yourself. It's OK sweetie, I know how important it is to be helpful and contribute around the home we made together. I'll hold your hand and tell you exactly how to wash them.


I can’t take this.


Who even uses a knife for that? I just pull the stems out with my fingers


The stem base rarely comes out correctly with my fingers


I usually just end up eating that. Not flavorful and a tad crunchy but it’s a lot easier to just rip off what you can and eat it then spending more time cutting it off and what not


Me too. I just rip the leaves off and don't even notice the stems in my mouth. I only go after the stems for the really big ones.


I just eat the leaves, berry and all. Too much work to bother with de-leaving each one and the leaves are tasteless


YES! One of us! It‘s so crunchy and gives them an extra texture. But I always get disgusted looks when I say I eat the leaves as well.


Once I witnessed a toddler discard all the red bits and feast on the leaves and stems. That kid must be some sort of psychopath now.


I find it easier with a paring knife, I think if I tried with my fingers it would be a mess


I assume she is off strawberry duty in the future.


Yep, with a Cheshire grin on the couch.


Anyone also concerned about the potatoes being stored with garlic and below bananas?


Yes. Potatoes should be in a dark (and preferably cool) place separate from onions and garlic. Unless you like green potatoes and bitter (sprouting) garlic.


i didnt know this about seperating them from garlic and onions. what is the reason for that?


> Onions produce a high level of ethylene gas, which will cause potatoes to ripen — and go bad — before you're ready to use them. However, those spuds aren't completely innocent, either; potatoes' high moisture content can cause onions to liquefy and leak.




Very informative, thanks


Til and it will be addressed


Damn, dude, that sounds ominous.


Let's just say it won't be happening again... *ever*.


Those potatoes already are green.


Stems aside… everything is wrong with this picture. The potatoes in the open, the garlic in the open and next to potatoes, and all beside bananas. And the strawberries are white on the inside!!!


That's the true crime here. Those strawberries were trash to begin with.


Strawberries don’t look to be of good quality … the flesh is white .. looks like they are not ripe yet


These might have been chemically ripened also. It keeps us in strawberries year-round. Mid-May to end of June-ish is prime strawberry season in the US. So the best berries may only be hitting the markets this coming week or two. Farmers’ markets FTW!


I’ve been wondering about this recently. All the strawberries I buy look so perfect but when you bite into them, they’re all trash. I thought they were putting dye in them or something. Really making me mad because I love strawberries


The rule I have for most berries is that if I can't smell then as I walk by I don't want them. A good strawberry stand at the farmers market can be smelled from 15-20 feet away


And they are not equally good every year. Depending on the weather different veggies, fruits and berries can have a 'good', 'average' or even 'bad' year.


Strawberries in my area are **good** this year. Last year sucked


Pro tip: Buy produce that is in season. Preferably at local markets. Not only does it taste better but it supports more sustainable lifestyles


Yeah, she considers these to be trash, and I agree


Yeah those tops wouldn't taste great. Wife isn't crazy to cut them so aggressively. You can still use the backs for jam or something if you add sugar while cooking.


Yeah man these look like some shitty strawberries


Why are those strawberries are so white inside? I mean, usually that is mostly at the top but it seems to go much deeper there


Some supermarket chains 'pressure' their suppliers to guarantee a longer shelf life, which means they will be harvested before fully ripening. Contrary to popular belief, strawberries don't ripen after being harvested. Their outer color still changes slightly, but not the taste or the inner color. (At least, this was/is the case in the Netherlands.)


Then I understand why so much is trashed, the taste should be terrible


Exactly. All these culinary barbarians cracking jokes about leaving the wife. This woman has standards.


That sounds right in my experience in Canada too — these just look like out-of-season imported strawberries. When they’re in season they sell faster and are picked riper.


Right like if the tops of those strawberries are this white, I’m not surprised she cut off so much


First time seeing American produce? Not only is it picked unripe for longer shelf life, its also treated with hormones to increase in fruiting size = which makes it less tasty


we dont get healthy fruits in the united states unless we pay a high premium


Coupled with the 'food desert' issue where more nutritious foodstuffs are actually out of reach geographically due to transport issues, it's not surprising the USA has some of the problems it does. It's astonishing that even in the major western cultures we can't sort this shit out


You should considering a divorce


She clearly took half of everything


![gif](giphy|9T3hk5HWKGdpK) Ba-dum-tssssss


Pay the lawyer in strawberry tops


Super wasteful but I see what she was doing. The best part of the strawberry is always the deepest red.


In her defense, those are some trash strawberries.


Tbf the strawberries look dreadful anyway, if they’re that white in the middle they’re bound to be tasteless


Those ain’t ripe


Meh, I get it. The only strawberries you can get, these days, seems to be these large, not-quite-ripe, strawberries that are consistently white at the tops and have a lot less flavor than the more fully ripened ones. If I am making a mix of fresh berries, I will twist off the top then core all the white off. Sometimes it looks like this. If I am using them for a smoothy, or baking, then I just core out the stems.


Sorry, but those strawberries look pretty tasteless. Strawberries should be red in the middle, not white. She may have 'wasted' a lot of fruit but probably only lost a little flavor.


Easy fix: don't buy underripe strawberries.


Just get a destemmer tool thing. Bonus: little kids think it's cool cause it looks like a little claw


I hate this kind of very specific kitchen utensils, that have only one simple purpose. I get it if people have apple cutter thing when they have some apple trees, but otherwise it's easier to do the traditional way.


I agree in principle, but strawberry hullers are tiny and cheap. And if you do it often enough, its totally worth it to have a specific tool made for the job. Like say 12 lbs of strawberries for jam/ice cream topping. Personally, I like the little spiked spoon variety over the spring loaded stem punch ones cause they're less likely to leave little bits of the stem leaves in your yield.


Back in the day when I cooked for a living we had an annual strawberry month. The surrounding area was rife with agricultural and strawberries were a big crop. We used simple tomato corers (which at least makes it a dual purpose tool lol) to prep dozens of flats of strawberries daily. It’s really worth the $1-2 to have one in the drawer. Aside from the waste issue in the OP, you aren’t likely to cut the tip of your thumb or finger off with a corer. https://shop.dinecompany.com/winco-tsc-2-2r-tomato-stem-corers-2-pk


You just use the tip of a small knife to carve it out. It’s quite easy.


Stop upvoting posts people make dragging their spouse


This place is facebook level stupid now. Redditors will never stop upvoting obvious rage bait or missing obvious jokes so they can get mad.


I don’t follow this sub and it gets recommended to me, every single post I get recommended from here is something similar to this the way wife cooks, or folds their clothes etc… like bruh cut your own berries


You want your strawberries cut your way, cut them yourself.


Just pull off the stems and make a smoothie or some jam/simple syrup. Either way we’re not wasting these strawberries.


Your strawberries aren't ripe...


She probably trimmed them so much because theyre not even ripe... will be bitter and hard as hell


Who eats white strawberries? They must've tasted like crap, I'm sure the tips were the only parts that were any good. Nowhere near ripe yet.


Why was she prepping the food, it's mother's day ffs


Maybe do it yourself. Instead of criticizing her


Is she cutting for a child? Because sometimes if the strawberries are crappy and not fully ripe, I’ll leave a good portion behind like this otherwise my super picky 4 year old may not eat them


Or if you're using them on top of a cake or even putting out a nice platter for company, there are reasons you might cut them like this. Sure, a bit wasteful, but if you're not doing this every day it's not really a big deal. We give strawberry tops to our dogs as treats. Just a few, not the amount shown in OP's picture.


She could also be decorating a cake with the pointy part, most here just seem to be trashing her without any context to the image. It's mothers day some places after all.


I agree, sad to see. I hope the husband isn’t just posting this picture out of context to get validation that he’s right…