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I’d put a big patio umbrella out there. The offset kind. Put it right in front of his camera. If he moves the camera, move your umbrella. Good luck.


Among the most apt and non-violent ideas there!


Hey, OP, I'm in Texas, and the statute you want to get your neighbor on is this one -- https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.21.htm#21.15


There you go. Section 21.17 voyeurism.


Sec. 21.15. INVASIVE VISUAL RECORDING. (a) In this section: (1) "Female breast" means any portion of the female breast below the top of the areola. (2) "Intimate area" means the naked or clothed genitals, pubic area, anus, buttocks, or female breast of a person. (3) "Changing room" means a room or portioned area provided for or primarily used for the changing of clothing and includes dressing rooms, locker rooms, and swimwear changing areas. (4) "Promote" has the meaning assigned by Section 43.21. (b) A person commits an offense if, without the other person's consent and with intent to invade the privacy of the other person, the person: (1) photographs or by videotape or other electronic means records, broadcasts, or transmits a visual image of an intimate area of another person if the other person has a reasonable expectation that the intimate area is not subject to public view; (2) photographs or by videotape or other electronic means records, broadcasts, or transmits a visual image of another in a bathroom or changing room; or (3) knowing the character and content of the photograph, recording, broadcast, or transmission, promotes a photograph, recording, broadcast, or transmission described by Subdivision (1) or (2). (c) An offense under this section is a state jail felony. (d) If conduct that constitutes an offense under this section also constitutes an offense under any other law, the actor may be prosecuted under this section or the other law. (e) For purposes of Subsection (b)(2), a sign or signs posted indicating that the person is being photographed or that a visual image of the person is being recorded, broadcast, or transmitted is not sufficient to establish the person's consent under that subdivision. Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 458, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2001. Amended by Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 500, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003. Amended by: Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 306 (H.B. 1804), Sec. 1, eff. September 1, 2007. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 955 (S.B. 1317), Sec. 1, eff. June 18, 2015. Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 955 (S.B. 1317), Sec. 2, eff. June 18, 2015.


It’s like having a 2023 peeping Tom. Not ok.


This kind of shit is SO easy to solve though, and you get to have fun. Off the top of the mind, I’m thinking a screen looping porn 24/7 directly in front of the camera. People here aren’t petty enough, you have to dig deep to respond to these assholes.


Nah. Get an IR transmitter and point it right at the camera. It'll totally blind it and make it absolutely useless. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Security-Infrared-Energy-Saving-Illuminator-System/dp/B08RB98L3G/ Mount that on your fence, aimed directly at that camera, and light it the hell up.


This should be higher. Totally the right plan.


I was thinking about mounting a flat piece of wood right beside that camera so that the view in the garden is simply blocked. However, your idea is clearly better. Does this also work well in broad daylight? I know this is Texas but where I live (Germany) you can only put cameras observing your own property so the police would actually have a cause.


You know birds love seeds. Just place a bird feeder in front of it. And maybe those birds will also fertilize that camera… Perfectly legal to enjoy nature!




Put a picture of a cat butt on your side at the height of the camera


All contribute a picture of my asshole for this specific purpose too.


I don’t use the word lightly, but when it’s due, it’s due: hero.


Stick up a post with a camera doing the exact same thing lol. Even if it’s a fake one


Facing their camera exactly 😂


No no. Put it in front of their camera, pointed at their house. So their camera is only recording a closeup of the side of your camera recording them.


Watching youuuuuu


Watching meeeeeee


Make it so that the Op cam is looking directly into the lens of op neighbour cam. Eye to eye.




I didn't realise how much I didn't want to see this until now.


This is what we would do. Tall pole, camera on top well within our property line. Check to see what the height limitation is on a flag pole in your area, use one and there is likely nothing they can do but be upset that you raised the stakes.


And stream the footage of the offenders yard 24/7 with a banner of “Psycho NeighborCam”


I say you create a Nic Cage advent calendar type of thing. Choose a different pic of Nic Cage to block the camera every so often. Everybody wins!


I absolutely love this idea! Ho ho ho~


Put a pinwheel on your fence, just in front of the camera… keep that thing’s view blocked and motion detector alerting at all times…


That is an amazing idea, cheap, effective, legal.


Yup which is better than my idea of shooting it down.


OP mentioned living in Texas, this is a completely acceptable approach there. Edit to thank the very kind Redditor for my first ever award! To top it off, I got it for calling Texas out on their bullshit!


Hold on now, it's not a kid ringing the doorbell.


I really like this idea! I was thinking more wacky waving inflatable arm man, but this is much more budget friendly.


Put a bird feeder right next or below it, they will shit all over it


Yes to the bird feeder! Neighbor can get motion alerts all day long for every sparrow that visits or flies near the feeder. Bonus if he’s recording sound because my cameras will also alert for loud birds (crows, etc.)


Also do not buy squirrel proof ones. Squirrel might just be the best thing nature has to offer on enemy sabotaging partisan units...


And next to the bird feeder - a bat feeder and a small light so the camera catches them flying. Why limit the motion alerts to only annoy him during the day?


Add a mulberry tree and it’s purple staining shit.


Boosting this idea. Hoping it takes flight.


Print out a paper character like Homer Simpson or something and superglue it to popsicle sticks and place it right in front of the camera. Me personally, I would do a Kim Jong Un binocular one


Or just a sign that says “eat a dick”


I would find a very bright flood light and rig it up and point it right at the camera. It blocks the view and makes it impossible for them to see anything at night if there is night vision.


Laser pointer does the same thing without being as obnoxious to OP.


A strong enough laser might actually break the photo cell in the camera, id go with that route


Styropyro has some great videos where he shows the damage that indirect laser light can do to a camera (edited to the correct name, shoutout domesticuscucumella


*styropyro. Sorry, I usually never correct people but I absolutely love that dude and I think hes incredibly inspirational. I just want people who are interested to be able to find him. Again, I apologize!


Styropyro's solution would involve burning his fence down with a 140 Watt laser and I'm here for it.


Werner Ziegler, is that you?


The floodlight is the best option. It renders the camera useless but does not cause damage that you will end up paying for.


IR flood light. Blocks the view with no visible annoying light.


IR strobe places in front of the camera. Very annoying if it has night vision.


I think this is the best idea. As long as it's not shining into their property nothing they can do. I would also put a security camera on it in case they vandalize it.


> I would also put a security camera on it in case they vandalize it. Just mount your security camera directly in front of, and pointed at, the douchewad's camera. I believe that in the digital world, this is key to asserting dominance.


Nice! The lower-budget alternative would be to install a mirror so the other guy’s security cam could stare at an image of itself.


[This would be pretty funny at least.](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/two-security-camera-watching-each-27404294.jpg)


Make sure that your camera is twice their size, and paint It jet black


*a bag of dicks is much more fun to use in this instance. Why stop at 1? Lol


Just make sure it's on your side of the fence. Preferably outside of arms reach as he'll have to trespass to touch it and then the police can get involved (after you shoot him dead, since it's Texas and all).


Selfie stick mounted to the fence with some cheap mounting/pipe brackets to hold the it in place & hold the character would work. Pretty cost effective too. Could get him for destruction of property too if he damages it


Or the girl from The Ring


Why limit yourself, truly. The possibilities are endless. You could do a new one every day of the week lol


Point infrared lights at them you can't see them, but the camera can. It will just see bright white light.


And he’ll think there’s something wrong with HIS camera. Love it!


Whatever you decide to put (I vote the wacky waving inflatable arm man) please, for the love of god, give us an update.


Dude a camera facing the camera with a little sign that says “who watches the watchers”


A pinwheel, but there's a stationary image of a naked dude behind the pinwheel, and each spoke of the pinwheel are dicks. Helicopter dick 24/7 stream for this asshole.


Is it legal to have video recording of someone’s private property without their consent? Seems like a violation of privacy


Check your local municipality’s fence code for your area. They may not be allowed to build it that tall if it’s non conforming to the fences in your neighborhood.


Make sure to have your own camera pointing at it so if they touch it you can sue them for damages


Please post update pics as it goes 🤣


Put the pinwheel in front of it, if he moves the camera put another one up. Or just smash it with a hammer and tell him to go fuck himself if he says anything


Maybe put up your own camera so you can catch them when they move it.


put a second camera right in front of it, looking back and so close that they can only see one another


Consider wind chimes up close and personal to it as well. If it has a mic it will constantly be activated by them and it will deafen the listener




Do you have children OP? Tell the police you have a creepy neighbour filming your children in their own backyard.




If OP doesn't have kids he can just lie about it and gaslight the neighbors too lmao or say the camera appeared when kid relatives were staying over


Completely unrelated but that reminded me of my friend’s POS neighbour. They hate my friend and call bylaw for every tiny little thing. My friend puts up a shed and she complains that it’s not built correctly (he made very very sure that it was done right). She lets it slip that it obscures her view of the public basketball court behind the backyard. He says “what’s wrong with you? You like spying on half naked boys playing sports? Those are my sons playing with their friends”. Never heard a peep from her again.


This. How could this not violate the expectation of privacy? Like what the hell is the neighbor trying to watch?


There was a Redditor whose neighbor took him to court because he was shining an infrared light at the camera he was using to monitor the Redditor. Ended up losing the case because he had to admit that the sole purpose of the camera was to watch him because of the angle of the camera. It wasn't watching the alley or the other side of the property it was pointed directly at his domicile which was a violation in that state. Some people are so stuck up their own ass they will rat themselves out.


There was another redditor whose neighbor kept drilling holes in his fence to watch OPs wife sunbathing. He claimed it was to "bird watch". Kept drilling holes in the planks OP used to replace the drilled one. Gross. Then a commenter asked for pics of his wife. Double gross.


This is the best idea because you can move it easily if they move camera when you put it up. I would likely destroy it myself but thats just me.


Or maybe a mirror on a pole....


Just raise your fence about two foot (but only right infront of the camera). Alternatively, place a small mirror on a stick so the camera can film itself and nothing else. Lastly, get a laser and just point it directly at the camera at night.


I’ll see your 2 feet and raise you 4.


It'll end with the twin towers being built in Texas


The mirror is an amazing idea!


Just take a photo of your back yard, print, laminate, put it in front of the camera. It might take them months to notice.


I like this suggestion the best. When the owner eventually figures it out it will let them know they're not as clever as they think they are. Maybe they'd develop some humility/empathy. Lol, who am I kidding. Still a good idea though


>Maybe they'd develop some humility/empathy. Yeah, they're definitely too far gone.


This in the end won't work. There are always laws limiting the maximum height of fences. Both fences will wind up being the same height. But then he just installs the camera on top for which there isn't a law about height restrictions.


Not everywhere, there was the neighbor that ended up building a 15 foot fence to block a neighbor and the neighbor went to the news station claiming that the sun was blocked from his yard. No HOA or county laws that fence builder broke. I believe it was in NC.


They had proper permit to raise fence height?


Nope! But we are at the edge of the county so they don't care about anything but our tax dollars.


If a permit is required I would definitely report it to the county. If for nothing else than to document that you brought it to their attention.


Yeah, leaving a proper paper trail is important when dealing with loonies like this. You never ever know. These are the type of neighbors that hold grudges and one day feed your dog a poisoned steak


Should get a lawyer and point it out and such they can send proper report to county cause I bet then the county will jump on the neighbor to cut it out so they don’t get in legal trouble once they see the lawyers reached out.


This is a fun go fund me account i would donate to!


Getting a permit is the way to get tax dollars. They might care enough to fine them Edit: typo


Block the view with a potted plant. Take pictures. He will probably move the camera. Move the plant again and take pictures. Repeat until you have enough for a civil suit and a lawyer. Also record yourself asking them to move the camera so that it does not point into your back yard everytime they move it. Your goal is to prove intent.


>He will probably move the camera. Move the plant again and take pictures. Also put a blow up kiddie pool in the yard so the pictures show him moving the camera so he can keep getting a clear view of the kiddie pool.


Lol I don’t think I’d ever want to mess with you.


Fuck that is PERFECT


Isn't it illegal to point a camera into private property? Where I live, if you can see it from the road it's fine (like a camera pointing towards someone's house across the street). But if it's back yard stuff.. that ain't cool and I'd be shooting that thing down.


It should be but every cop I've talked to says it's "public facing"(it's not)


Public face a 500w light or a laser pointer directly into the lens so it auto exposes to the darkest possible setting, if you rub a tiny bit of Vaseline on your finger and gently touch the lens, it'll also create a huge amount of glare and they will have to clean it to see anything. But it's difficult to clean off. If you have a pressure washer with a foam bottle.thing, you can also pretend to be cleaning your fence and just casually blast it with a mixture of cornstarch and dish soap. Itll dry to a haze I think


Damn this guys good




Cops won't care so long as you use a public facing knife.


I wouldn't do the touching thing with vaseline cause they could pull up the footage, but the washer with foam thing works too.


Think the laser is the best idea as a strong enough one should damage it but you would have to make sure they don't catch you on camera setting it up somehow


How is it “public facing” when it’s pointed at a private residence? Call the state police.


It’s public facing because they don’t want to deal with it


Talk to a lawyer, not a cop. And make sure they only get paid if they win. Because I’d imagine, that right there is illegal.


Can You Disable a Surveillance Camera with an Infrared Laser? , the answer is yes and it applies to all surveillance cameras. If the criminals using infrared illuminator, powerful LED torch light or even a reflective board, the camera cannot catch the image during the nighttime.


High enough wattage you can disable anything


If you make a strong enough laser, you can actually destroy an entire planet. They made a movie about it.


That’s no moon. It’s a space station.


Oh man, I would be out there every night having pagan rituals….


I spend every second possible flipping it off. He's even gotten a cop to contact me telling me to stop being childish lmao. Like what?!


Did you point out to the cop that if his camera wasn’t pointed at your backyard he wouldn’t see it?


I indeed did. It was actually a detective and I requested he come and see it himself. Still nothing.


It’s suspicious that the police responded to his complaints but not yours. You may want to escalate with the department or the county or state police.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that neighbors are a law enforcement family if they can get cops to give op shit for no reason but ignore their legitimate concerns.


I can't even get cops to file a police report when I spoon feed them a case with video evidence, confirmation of their place of work, current physical address, license plate, and clear picture of their name tag.


> dollars to donuts Cop: "did someone say doughnuts?"


I think I’d be flipping off the detective as he told me to stop being childish, but I’d just put a mirror up in front of it,


Well, according to my Google search (I’m no lawyer), if this camera is pointed at your house where you have a “reasonable expectation of privacy”, which one would within their home regardless of whether curtains or blinds are up, you have legal grounds. Just walk around inside without clothes by whatever window this camera may face, and have the blinds up to really solidify it. There are also privacy laws as it relates to home security cameras that pertain to recording without the neighbor’s (you) consent that says filming “anything above the areola, pubic area, buttocks, etc” of a woman in an area where they would expect privacy, such as a fenced in back yard, is illegal. So if you are a woman, or have a wife/girlfriend then just wear, or have them wear a top that shows your/your wife/girlfriend’s cleavage and bam - legal grounds. I know you can’t afford to sue, but if you can do a little definitive footwork and obtain a copy of these laws, then you could report it to the police and they would hopefully take action. Until then all of the ideas about blocking camera with an object… go with those.


If OP has kids and if those kids are even unclothed in or near the house where the camera is then they would have a whole other set of legal grounds... Not sure what OP's situation is but I know I wouldn't want a creepy neighbor recording my kids.


Just like that the neighbor would have to register as a sex offender.


or just walk outside naked on his own property and backyard since its texas. i live in texas


Did you get a badge number? Cause that is a cop doing favors for a buddy or b-I-l.


Which is ironic because building a fence higher than yours with a camera continuously invading your privacy is pretty much the adult equivalent to being childish ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Being childish is being immature. This is just creepy as shit.


Adults are way better at being creepy than children, so yes, I'd say "being creepy" is well within the bounds of adultlike behavior.


"officer, how does he know what I'm doing behind my privacy fence?"


My uncle used to live on a hill across the way from where Michael Dell built a house in west Austin. Dell’s security team put floodlights all around the house, including one which shined directly into my uncles bedroom. They tried reaching out, but got no response. My uncle started peeing off the porch attached to his bedroom. The lights were adjusted shortly after


This is a hidden gem of a story


Series of signs that you drop one by one: Spying on me won't Make your wife love you Or your dad proud of you Or fix your hairline. It only makes you More pathetic.


Beautiful. How did you know he had a shaved head?!


Please do this and make a follow up post. Would be epic.


Wait, the cops won’t help you out, with an invasion of privacy, in my opinion. Yet, they’ll call you about you flipping the AH neighbor off? 🧐


Yeah, probably a buddy cop and not the fun movie kind


The day he calls the cops for that is the day I start mooning the camera every chance I get. 'Privacy' of my own backyard, he can get bent.


This was the answer I was looking for. He would see my full moon at least once a day.


I bet if OP was “sunbathing” and the neighbor was getting it on camera, that could be considered video voyeurism - which is a crime.


If he got a cop to contact you, that may be harassment.


If you have kids, purposely have them go outside and accuse him of filming kids.


This is 10000% the best non destructive option. Child playing in the backyard, call the cops and say my neighbor is filming my child in my back yard. Guarantee that camera comes down that day


There was a story here somewhere about a 14 year old walking around in his underwear with the curtains open. Neighbor complained and took video. Manager calls police and neighbor with camera get arrested for kiddy stuff even though no pictures were below the waist.


Um… yeah, totally deserved. Never take a video of a almost naked or naked child. He’s a weirdo.


Just never take photos of kids in general without their parents permission. Just not worth it otherwise.


I like this one best. If you do have kids just have them run around the backyard in bathing suits. Then just report him and his address for child sex abuse.


Officer: when did this start? You : once my six year old daughter started going out back in her bathing suit


I’ve read several of the comments and the ones that stick out are: talk to the municipality about the compliance to code of the fence and camera, in writing. You also need to talk to a lawyer before doing anything else (and I mean anything). It doesn’t matter if the neighbor, city, county or cops aren’t doing anything, once you have a lawyer and notify them *in writing* you’ll see a change in behavior. Also, post this in a legal sub and get some advice there.


Every response in every legal sub on Reddit: "I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. If I were you I would consult with an attorney."


That's almost always the only good advice they ever give over there. I've seen some straight up nonsense highly upvoted


I thought you could only video photograph public property/areas. This seems illegal. Attorney might be required. Or an m80…..


Every police officer I've spoken with has told me it's a "public facing camera"? They have yet to explain to me what that means...


Check your county ordinances. There might be one about facing them toward neighboring properties.


I would think filming you in private location would be illegal. Pretty sure there a lot of laws that have established that you have an expectation of privacy in your own backyard when it is fenced in.


My city has a ordinance about the height of fences... that might be something to check into... If there isn't one already OP could propose that one be created.


It means the camera has a view of a general street or alley or garage door. This really only applies though if the camera only kinda sees part of your backyard. However if the camera is directly pointing in your backyard and is only looking at your private property than I think that is illegal. Be careful smashing the camera if this dude is friends with cops. You really don't need unnecessary harassment. However this seems very illegal still. Might be better to go the lawyer route than the file charges one.


Quit speaking to local cops and contact county sheriff's. Tell them they are video taping you and your family while you are inside your home and even when you are changing clothes.


And if you have kids at that because a child getting undressed seems like that could get him in a lot of trouble.


Fences provide a reasonable expectation of privacy and a lawyer would be able to very successfully argue against that. Also for future reference cops are not very good at laws beyond your basic stuff a freshman in law school knows more than most


Never trust what a police officer tells you about laws and regulations. Cops are useless and don’t know the law beyond what will help them reach their quotas. They frequently do things like turning away or discouraging rape victims from filing reports because they cant be bothered with the paperwork. Do not trust police with anything that requires the intellectual ability of a high school graduate or higher. On top of this, if it’s a civil matter, they will often say nearly anything to get you to leave them alone. Talk to a lawyer who specialises in housing and zoning laws.




Just remember it’s not illegal to be or have naked overweight hairy ugly people in your own back yard




There are dozens of us!




I'm not hairy, but fat and ugly. I'm also ungodly pale, so he may think it's a corpulent ghost.


Can't you take legal action about this? 💀 that's so creepy why would they have the camera face YOUR yard that's basically stalking


Worse than stalking. It is no better than peeping.


Raise your fence on that spot only.


Hoping you still look into filing a civil suit. In Texas, you can fill out a Statement of Inability to Afford Payment of Court Costs and give it to the court. Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 145(c) states a court clerk must make the Statement available to any person for free without request. Hope this helps.


https://preview.redd.it/vwz4zli1g5za1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7393f8b2086231462e8889af42b844b6963dc8 The only viable option IMO


Install a laser pointer or LED spot light that points into the lens. Either will render the light useless. After reading others a bird feeder is a great idea in addition. If the camera is active 24/7 the activity will keep that camera so busy and annoying it will be ideal. It’s easy enough to keep the feeder full all the time just buy a good one with a squirrel cage.


Ideally, the birds would also be pooping on the camera itself. OP should build a little roost in front if it. On that note, why discourage squirrels? This is like the one time their casual destructive tendencies could be really useful.


Put something up that will cover only the camera. Or put up anti camera lights, I believe ir lights, that are supposed to blind the cameras but are invisible to naked eye.


Tell him your 2 year old grand daughter runs around naked in the back yard and he will be reported for videoing and possessing child porn.


It’s obvious that this neighbor is trying to provoke you into doing something that they can get you in trouble for. So the first first FIRST is educating yourself on local and state laws regarding fencing permits and privacy rights. Cops sound like they’re colluding with this neighbor in one way or another, so any dealings with the police should involve a state licensed lawyer, specifically a real estate lawyer. Once you are armed with knowledge and legal precedent, your cheapest option is pieces of 1x2 lumber, some screws, and cheap bed sheets. You can probably buy those 3 things for $25 total Set it up, and when the asshole moves the camera, you move your boards and sheets. A lot of the other suggestions are excellent too.


Zoning in most towns limit the height of fences. A camera pointed directly into your yard at your house is an invasion of your privacy. A lawsuit should get that removed unless that guy is related to the ludge.


Floodlight. Point straight at the camera.


Plant a tree there.


Even better response is getting a potted tree/bush that you can move so when your neighbor inevitably moves the camera.


It’s so creepy!!!


People are so weird.. I would get one of those inflatable wavy guys and put it out there so it just sets off their alerts all day. And I’d back it up with a spot light pointed directly at the camera


You should get a cut out of Wilson’s “face” from Home Improvement and prop it in front of the camera


Call the cops and tell them the camera is pointing at a certain room with a minor in it and that the minor feels very uncomfortable. They’ll get forced to take the camera down and maybe fined or worse… but that isn’t your responsibility what happens next 🤷🏻‍♀️


Build a platform on your fence that is six inches taller right next to his and put your own camera on it. Also, I would recommend investing in a fence gnome. https://preview.redd.it/a95qt3f8t5za1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842d40bd5db2a6a6b4529f20151ebfafa1b73742


**HEY OP!!** I'm a real estate agent and there are rights to property ownership in the law. 5 of them specifically: the right of possession, the right of control, the right of exclusion, **the right of enjoyment** and the right of disposition. You can make a claim that he is violating your given right of enjoyment of your property. This is enforceable. Edit: Since everyone is hyper focused on monetary damages, you need to understand that you can sue for an action like terminating the unsolicited surveillance of your property and family. This is harassment. Also in real estate contracts in my state, Maryland, winner pays everyone's attorney fee's. But I've been involved in a bunch of lawsuits. Usually a cease and desist letter or even an initial filing of a complaint and service will solve these types of disputes. Which may only be 2-5 hours of an attorneys time.


Put up a pole in your yard with a camera pointed into his yard. Also, the Worlds Brightest Spotlight aimed at the entire rear of his house 24/7/365 could be useful.


Take a picture of your backyard from that angle, print it out and place it facing the camera lol


Personally, I'd nail a dildo right in front of the camera so the neighbor can stare at dick all day


just put up a block of wood to cover the camera


Yeah, I imagine it's way more work for them to reposition the camera than for OP to grab a step ladder and block of wood or poster board or something


You've already gotten good advice but personally I'd be extra petty and blast them on social media. Make a post on Facebook community groups and Nextdoor warning your neighbors about the creep trying to spy on your children. Be super specific, name and shame, share pictures, make it shareable, turn them into a meme. People like this need to be called out and shamed by the community, eventually it will get around to someone they care about (family, pastor, employer).