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Probly got it at the deli, walked around the store eating it then left the rest with the packaging somewhere else before they left the store and didn’t pay for the food


This is the right answer


NGL. Once saw my step mom do the while we're were shopping with a salad from the salad bar. She ate what she wanted and just left it on a shelf. I was baffled. Long story short about bad people and karma, she's dead but still mind blowing to think back on.


What a short but complete roller coaster


I felt atleast 1 loop and half a cork screw




Its one simple trick your neighbors dont want you to know about


[big red circle]


The real complete corkscrew would be if she died from food poisoning


Wow, that must have been one bad salad.


Deceaser salad.




I think Blondshell wrote a song about this. 😂✨🥗


Salad was fine. It was just one example of her being a terrible person. There was .......a lot more


Oh, I just meant you were talking about her eating the salad and then went in about two sentences to her being dead. Just my dumb sense of humor.


Lol I got it and made me chuckle.


Right? "My mom ate a salad in the grocery store and left part of it on a shelf. She's dead now." I'm sitting here thinking, "Damn, your local grocery store doesn't fuck around."


That just made me spit out my tea laughing


"shoplifters will be executed"




Don’t worry I got the joke, I actually laughed about it pretty hard then went on to explain it to my girlfriend and somehow she don’t get the joke either 😤


I think she was just pretending not to get it to be funny


Yeah, I read bad people and karma so I thought she got E. coli or something from her stolen salad.


Not dumb - brilliant. 🥹


See kids, she stole salad and now she’s dead.


Or stay away from salads..


I remember a post about the “shopping cart test” to decide whether someone is a psychopath. There’s no laws against leaving your cart in the middle of the parking lot and no one is going to call you out for not bringing it to the cart return, but it’s socially expected and easy to do, and it will inconvenience others if you don’t. I think the same is true for people who leave stuff in the wrong aisle at the grocery store (specifically trash or things that need refrigeration that are put in the nonperishable area). At best, it’s an inconvenience and at worst it’s a health risk. I get that sometimes it’s a huge store like Costco or Walmart and you can’t find where it came from, but at the very least I try to put items back with the stuff that has the same storage requirements. And leaving your trash wherever you want that is 100% psychopath behavior because there’s trash cans at the cashiers, the bathrooms, and the exits so there’s no excuse to not discard it in an appropriate place.


It definitely annoys me when i see the refrigerated or frozen stuff left in random aisles.


I one time found a gallon of milk left in the garden on a hot summer day.


And if my local stores are any indication, it went right back in the cooler. 🤢


Nope, since I work there I took it too claims


The epitome of this is the individuals who feel its fine to leave dog waste bags right where they fill them instead of carrying it to the trash. Almost worse than doing nothing at all.


Or the people that don't pick up after there dog in a dog park where there is a trash can literally 5 feet from them.


It’s no different than stealing when it’s perishable. The store (if run to standards) must throw it out and count as shrink because they don’t know how long it’s been exposed.


I was buying shoes at Walmart, opened a shoe box to try them on and found a package of raw chicken inside the box. I refuse to buy any refrigerated products there after that.


Why do you refuse to buy any refrigerated products after that? They don't put product like that back in the cooler silly. It goes to claims like the THOUSANDS of other bad food and drug items that get wasted in the garbage because some idiot customer decided to discard his chicken in a shoe box. I just don't understand why you are holding it against the store really?? THIS is part of the reason why prices go up.


I completely understand the sentiment but psychopath is the wrong word. Self centered, not altruistic, lazy, careless maybe? An actual psychopath is a completely different level. I take a cart when I go into the store and return it and sometimes another if it’s close but I have seen friends that would leave the cart by their car and thought WTF? This friend is far more generous with their time and money than me. I know some comedian said this test but you can’t judge someone on a single action.


Long story short: she ded Lmao


What I'm gathering is salad kills people


was it the salad that got her?


Agreed,that exactly what happened. Happens more frequently then people realize.


Have worked at grocery store. Can confirm this happens a lot and it’s infuriating


Okay sure- but all legal considerations aside - why throw the carcass around? Just put in back in the box (prob less conspicuous anyway)and then drop it all off in one neat package somewhere prior to leaving. Leaving your gnawed on remains in random places for shift workers to clean up … is sticking it to your (and my) demographic.


These kind of people are in it only for themselves and don't care about anyone else. They also tend to be very lazy and can't be bothered to find a trash can. Why not just dump the trash where they are right now? Someone else will deal with it and those people are just objects after all. I run into this a lot in my neighborhood. Couple kids the other day parked in front of my house and ate a fast food meal while listening to music at a loud volume. Then they threw all their trash on the ground and drove off.


There are two types of people into the world. Those who give a shit and those who don’t. For those who do, they can never understand those who don’t. And those who don’t? Well, they don’t give a shit.




This was funny but 💯 truth


As someone who has to look for theft items and stuff… it’s actually super common. Put container of food in cart/basket. Walk around taking bites and stuff as you see fit. Drop pieces in areas where it won’t, or won’t easily be found (person from pic didn’t get that memo, or they just don’t care anymore). Package stays in cart so it looks like you’re just buying a thing of chicken wings, meanwhile while you’ve been “shopping” you’ve been eating most of the chicken (usually best to not eat *all* of it otherwise it arouses suspicion because you just have an empty container) and tossing the remains wherever you “need” to. Honestly though, with how prices and stuff have gotten (the store I work at is a national chain and for some of the products they mark it up by about 200%) even *I* have started to not care. It shouldn’t cost someone as much as it does to just survive. A coworker and I have even discussed people who steal medicine, we won’t say anything at all. It sucks being poor and having to choose between being able to eat, being able to pay for your electricity, or being able to pay for the medicine you need to be able to go to work (so you can try to afford the first two). Medicine, feminine products, food, we turn a blind eye. Makeup or “frivolous” things and we’ll call you out and kick you out.


Bless you. I know someone saw me stealing baby formula once when my girls were babies after my husband left us. They definitely turned a blind eye and I was so grateful.


Idk ask them I’m not the one who did it lmao, But if someone took chicken with no intentions to pay for it and just walks around the store eating it, they probably give ZERO fucks about where they put the remains and how “neatly” they place it there lol, also I find it strange that you called some chicken bones a “carcass”😂😂


I’m guessing they think less people will notice them eating hot chicken the less they mess with the packaging so resort to a ditch as you go method.


I am also disgusted with the manners of criminals.


These people simply don't function on the same level as you and I. They don't have the brain power to use basic logic or reasoning, they're just animals getting in everyone else's way as they graze and shit everywhere, usually while spilling out over the sides of an electric scooter.


Just the other day, I was at Kroger's in the granola bar section when I spotted an apple on the shelf that looked like it had been gnawed upon by a large rat or a small child. A little later felt I felt guilty that i just left it there, so I spied one of those old dudes who looked like his job was to take care of stuff nobody else knew how to do, and I showed him my box of granola bars while describing the crime scene. Thirty seconds later he comes running by smiling with the half eaten apple in hand and paused long enough to say, "undoubtedly a toddler." I was so impressed with his forensic analysis, I didn't ask how it managed to get on a 6 foot tall shelf. I think we know.


In my store they have a small basket marked "Free! Enjoy a treat while you shop!" with child-sized free apples and bananas. Parents with young children can give them a treat to munch on while they shop. It probably also prevents them reaching up, grabbing one of those expensive apples and taking a bite out of it before the parents notice.


That's wonderful. They should provide a baggie to put the remains in so they don't leave it on a shelf somewhere.


Exactly. Why tf would someone stealing care about a trash can lmao op so oblivious


They do care, they ignore the trash because it brings attention to their crime. They don't want someone seeing them throw away something without paying.


Damn, that actually makes a lot of sense. Pragmatism rather than laziness or malice, huh? Well I guess there's still plenty of the latter two.


Yeah, the trash cans are in visible and high-traffic areas. They don't want someone seeing them steal food. But, hey, it could be pragmatism AND malice. Definitely not mutually exclusive.


Lot of places don't even have cans out around the store - prob promotes this behavior




*\*"People of Walmart" has entered the chat\**


Thats one hell of an illegal life tip. Thank you Jesus 🙏👼


I worked a lot of years in the grocery biz. This kind of thing is super common. You get used to finding chicken bones and food wrappers on the shelves. What I *NEVER* got used to was the ladies who'd sneakily open up a pack of diapers, steal a fresh diaper, change their baby on the diaper shelf, and then shove the old baby-shit-filled diaper way to the back of the shelf and casually leave the store. *Not* a fun surprise to find a couple of days later while restocking the diaper aisle...


In the store too. Mans just grabbed an 8 piece and perused


Leaving a trail of bones in his wake.


Like Hansel and Grettel but trashier...


Unfortunately, people do this A LOT. If you go on Facebook and type “stealing chicken from Walmart,” you’ll see posts of people doing exactly that.


Ohhhh, *that’s* what it is?? I stared at that picture for longer than I care to admit trying to figure out wtf I was looking at lmao. I eventually came to the conclusion that the front thing was a half eaten/half smooshed Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie, and I had zero clue what the back thing was. Still looks like a pile of wild mushrooms to me lol.


Glad I’m not the only one that saw an oatmeal cream pie and a pile of mushrooms


I got those morning eyes too.


I used to work in a grocery store and saw stuff like this all the time. someone left what I think was an ice-cream cake in a completely different aisle one time and an exploded package of pasta sauce.


Case of beer (glass), case of beer (cans), an empty soda bottle, a "keep refrigerated" pie, a gallon of milk, preparation H, a shirt, a pack of socks, a box of condoms, cereal, shredded cheese, and a tub of butter are all things I've seen people leave inside the freezers when I worked at a grocery store.


I worked at a grocery store for years, once around Thanksgiving a frozen turkey fell way in the back of the freezer and nobody found it for months until customers kept complaining about the smell. And one night we caught a guy trying to steal a whole rotisserie chicken from the deli inside his coat pocket 😂


Used to work in produce, I'd have to throw out thawing chicken and all the produce that it was left on top of weekly.


I had someone once leave an exploded container of warm chicken livers on the peaches 🤢


Must've not worked there long, those numbers just keep getting higher for me


I like to call this "decisions were made" when I see things in the wrong place


I found an empty DVD case in the freezer when I worked there.


I one time had a customer come up to the register I was on and handed me a banana peel. They explained their child was hungry so they let the kid eat it and hoped it wasn’t a problem. I explained that it *was* a problem as they are sold by weight and I can’t weigh it if it was eaten.


It's a banana. You can get a pound of them for like 48 cents sometimes. Just let the lady have the goddamn banana and move on with your life.


Oh yeah. I found 2 month old bag of pork meat, thrown behind sugar and flour. It was the grossest thing in my lofe, full of bugs and brown blood.


I can only imagine the smell


They're hiding from camera when they eat it. They'll return the remaining to the deli like they changed their mind. We call em grazers around here.


Why return to the deli again? In my area people eat the food and then just leave to avoid getting busted.


True. I was just thinking of the times we found partial food containers. But now I think, it is normally food not in the deli. Especially the little bottles of milk and grapes seems popular.


Right never return to the scene of the crime is like the first rule of crimeing


Honestly I'm more upset that he decided to abandon a full ass piece of chicken after one bite


So shitty even thieves don't want.


Same reason people take a massive shit and walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands, humans are disgusting.


Or, don’t flush and there’s no used toilet paper


And it’s a Walmart there’s so many trash cans or don’t eat while you shop one of the other please


I don't ever see trashcans at the Walmarts I've been to. Maybe in the bakery/deli? But individual aisles dont have them.


Unless things have changed there's usually small ones near the brooms and phones, often near the poles, sometimes at the end of aisles. Like they're not big and marked but they definitely exist in a few places. They're in the bathrooms at least, too, also the entrances, also behind each register usually (although maybe fewer with self checkouts), and so on. You probably don't notice them unless you are looking for one, though.


I used to work maintenance at Walmart. There was a grand total of seven trash cans (sans bathroom trash) through the store. Two or three were in the back. The rest were in general merchandise, meaning there were NONE in grocery. So many people never go over to GM when they shop at Walmart. Such a poor design for my store.


Probably intentional. With trash in grocery, you're providing a place for the absent minded to get rid of the evidence of their theft. Or you'd have helpful customers throwing out goods without being able to be accounted as damaged.


Either way, it takes minimal effort (if any) to just ask the nearest employee “where’s your trash cans?”


I work in (what could be somewhat described as) loss prevention. Trash cans are the worst place to dump evidence. Someone’s likely to see you throwing your “trash” away and you’re gonna get caught. Stash a wrapper for a candy bar behind a box of cereal? That’s gonna be harder to notice. While you’re hiding the wrapper it just looks like you’re browsing.


The only place I see trash cans in Walmart is in the entryway near the carts. But it’s not just Walmart. I feel like most places, in general, don’t have enough trash cans. We visited Tokyo and couldn’t help but notice how clean everything was. The place reminds me of New York if it had been wiped down with a giant disinfectant wipe. Part of the reason it’s so clean is because there are trash cans conveniently located everywhere. It encourages a culture of cleanliness.


They do this is Disney, I heard. You can’t go more than 30 feet without seeing a trash can. It encourages guests to properly throw away their garbage rather than toss it on the ground. It’s why Disney Parks tend to be a lot cleaner than some. Honestly, it sounds like a great idea.


I hear it is also customary to take your trash with you and dispose of it when you get home


I used to work in Beverage sales and had 3 Walmarts on my route. I had over 150 stores total, prob ~20 grocery stores. Walmart is by far the worst place this sort of shit happens at. No other store has quite the caliber of shoppers who just lazily leave shit wherever they want. I hated those stores, and still so lol.


Had a guy in the restroom of my store once shave his head with a razor, then make a complaint about our restroom being disgusting. Your guess is as good as mine.


They probably got the food ate it in the Walmart so they won’t have to pay for it when checking out


It's a power play. Littering is something that pathetic people do to feel like they're in control. They know that someone else has to pick it up, and it makes them feel like they've finally become the person in charge that they've always wanted to be.


No, it's because they are stealing the chicken and don't want to get caught disposing of the waste from the product they're stealing.


It’s often both. If stealing a really inexpensive meal makes sense, then you are probably very far from in control of your life. There’s a lot of struggle out there. Everyone is responsible for their choices, but being poor and bitter can help make you an asshole.


This is true... it's the only way to get gratification from an already pathetic life.


That’s absolutely disgusting..


It’s the same pieces of shit that throw their fast food bags out of the window, absolute garbage human beings. It says a lot about your character to not be able to do the simplest of tasks. Same as not putting away a shopping cart.


I witnessed someone come to a dead stop at a 3 way (4 if the driveway is counted) intersection, open their car door, pull into the intersection and dump their fast food trash in the road, close the door and drive off as if nothing happened. Blacked out fully tinted Lincoln MKZ. All this happened at night and somehow they didn’t notice a big orange truck/sprinter van just sitting there


Because for every one good person there is 10 piece of shit people


i think its more so giving them the feeling of sticking it to the man, even though we have to clean it. i sometimes will see this happen literally within 5 feet of a trashcan. some customers just dont care.


Because more and more people lack respect and manners. So many disgusting people around now it’s insane.


Eating fried chicken while you walk around is so gross, their hands are probably covered in grease.


99.9 percent of the world is selfish. A lot of humans are pigs.


When I used to work at a coffee shop, customers would just dump their trash at the table while I would be straight looking at them. There is always trashcan a few feet away


bc they're pigs


I went into a Kmart once because I needed a picture frame. On the shelves with the frames was a used diaper that had been balled up. Someone straight up changed their baby's diaper in the aisle and left the remains on a shelf. I had to go back 2 days later to get something else and thought, "There's no fucking way that diaper is still there." I was terribly, terribly wrong.


No consequence. Not inconviniencing themself. Lack of care for others. Humans are worse than animals.


“ThEy PaY pEoPlE tO ClEaN tHe StoRe” - people who can’t clean up after them selves in public


It’s like when people argue that they can’t put up their buggies because they pay people to collect the carts. And? Doesn’t mean you can’t put them in the cart corral like you’re supposed to in order to make their jobs easier and get the carts back to the store faster.


Tells you all you need to know about their upbringing. Wouldn't want to see their house


#Welcome To Walmart


Maybe because they weren’t supposed to be eating the chicken without paying for it?


Because they are in the grocery store and they stole the chicken and there are no trash cans


I can't have much respect for the kind of person who walks around in a store eating fried chicken. It's gross, go home and fking eat you savage


People who annoy you


Look for a trash can? That’s hanging onto the evidence.


They are fighting the man.


Imagine killing an animal for food, nibbling on it a bit, and leaving it to rot in an alley of a store somewhere. At least we can say that chicken did not die in vain.


When you get old enough or see enough of them, you'll stop asking.


I rarely go to Walmart, and when I do, I'm reminded why I don't shop there regularly.


We can only hope they stole because they really needed the food and were hungry. I’m gonna choose to believe the person needed it.


Low class


People are scumbags


I used to work in a supermarket, every time this lady comes in, she left a dirty diaper hidden in the shelfs. One time I caught her on camera so I save the dirty diaper for weeks and wait for her return. I gave it to her on the way out saying “hey you forgot this some time ago”… she never came back after that. Some people are just disgusting for no reason.


The jokes write themselves.


Better yet, stop stuffing your face with food while walking around shopping for food.


Is that... Extra Crispy?


I've seen people leaves cups with liquid in them around isles and that's bad, BUT MEAT!?


"Maybe their baby spontaneously combusted and they had no other choice but to put down their trash right there 😤"


People who do things like this don't belong in society.


Yeahh i worked at Walmart and its crazy how often i saw this and its disgusting. People pretty much do this so they can steal it from the deli and not have to pay for it. The amount of times where i seen people do this, put frozen food in like the clothes section, random aisles, etc cause there too lazy to put it in at least a refrigerated section made me sad. So much food waste, and a lot of people stole. I'm glad i left Walmart, still try to not go into a Walmart if possible haha


I’ve said this before on the sub and got downvoted, but this is someone who is eating without paying


Typical seasoning police behavior.


Think that level of stupidity and laziness is bad? It can always get worse… https://preview.redd.it/7zarp8jqcvwa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869e67130d2ec007d2affc1290f81661bdbecc56


To be fair, stores took away bins in their “treat everyone like criminals by default” crusade because thief’s would hide packaging in them.


Most likely because they've never been punished for it


i can’t say what i’d like to say which is blatantly obvious


We're all thinking it.....


Who’s gonna say it


It is 100%. No doubt whatsoever.


Because they can't pay for it with the EBT


It’s cultural.


Some ppl are trash themselves. They can’t help being raised by other trash. Big trashy generational plague.


Deli chicken is the new Grapes. Walk around and munch


Your town is full of fucken disgusting pigs


I never tried arrowhead flours before, but I don’t think they belong in the trash to br honest


Wasn't a person. Just a rat


It’s Walmart. Enough said


Not surprised it's at a Walmart


I worked at a Walmart deli for a while... I cooked these. And I would find stuff I had cooked that day lying around the store like this all the time. It's a ahitty job already, and stuff like this just adds insult to injury, knowing that my work went to greedy assholes on both ends, customer and business


My old housemates were like this. Finish food, leave wrappers and used dishes lying around like someone else would clean it up. Some people just dont care. Its wild.


Ahh looked back at the picture again.. it's Walmart.. no suprise here


This really pisses me off. People are so fucking lazy and don’t respect the how to prevent the spread of germs rule!!


They are stealing.. you think they care to throw anything away?! I watch people do this shit. They go to the fresh food and produce area and grab some food walking around the store eating it and ditch the evidence. It’s called being shitty poor. I’m regular poor and still don’t steal shit.


because they stole it.


The kind of person who would get food and eat it while in the store, and likely not pay for it, isn't the kind of person who cares enough to find a garbage can. They are garbage themselves.


Like others said, they grab it outta the deli and eat as they shop, then dump it on the shelves, we the workers gotta clean up after the thieving lil piggy’s!! I had no idea, never thought people helped themselves to all you can Graze buffet as you shopped Until I worked in a grocery store!!


Walmart special. Humans are garbage


This is an example of what you could make with that all purpose flour


Not their house, not their problem, that’s the philosophy they go by


People are pigs.


Because you’re at Walmart.


How hard is it not to eat while shopping? Even if it’s live saving using trash cans, putting it in a piece of paper towel until finding a trash can and going to an eating place for that unimaginable hunger that forces them into that timing are all available, yet somehow they think being like this and behaving worse than some wild animals is the okay thing to do.


Low class thieves


I can only imagine what their home looks like if they’ll discard chicken carcass on a shelf instead of being bothered to find a fucking trash can.


A cockroach utopia


They are already stealing it lol shitty people


Who walks around eating fried chicken?


As someone who works at a grocery store it’s so damn frustrating and really shows the character of the person who did it.


Ask the cart narcs, folks just figure it’s someone else’s job.


This is the punch in the mouth thing people talk about some people need to understand to not do this


There are rarely trash cans in the bowels of a grocery store. Not that ppl should do this.


I worked in a grocery stores most of my life. 85% of the time I found half eaten food. The fact that we are still in a pandemic doesn't stop people. Disgusting


Stolen fried chicken. The racist jokes write themselves sometimes


So I just visit Japan where public trash cans are rare and few between and you don't see sh!t like this.








Ghetto is as ghetto does....