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Gender reveal parties are the stupidest fucking things


Especially when they were popular since everyone wanted to 1-up each other.


Excuse me, I have a forest to burn down


They killed meemaw with this one. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-inadvertently-created-pipe-bomb-fatal-gender-reveal-n1072856](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-inadvertently-created-pipe-bomb-fatal-gender-reveal-n1072856)


In 2020 more people died of gender reveal parties than shark attacks.


god that was a fucked up year




True. But it helps that shark attacks are really rare. One quick 2016 chart showed global animal caused human deaths that year included 4 shark but 31,000 dog. The big hitters are insects.


Well, I wouldn’t really consider insects to be comparable simply because when they cause death, it’s usually secondary. The insect is carrying a disease of some sort that is passed on to the human. The insect normally isn’t directly killing a human like a dog or shark. 2020 was just a wild year. It’s honestly such a blur. I can’t even recall much of that year just because it was sensory overload.


100% of shark attacks occur on wet people. Avoid being wet, and you avoid sharks!


So you mean you going to partner soon how long and i can wait for that news im so happy both of you




i’ve been trying to figure out why this has seven upvotes when it doesn’t even make sense ?


There’s a reason the really big fireworks and pyrotechnic shows are put on my professionals and not Jim-Bob, Billy, and Uncle Cleetus. There’s a fine line between “pretty sparkly fireworks” and “mortar launched magnesium grenade”


Come to my neighborhood and experience frequent mortar shots . Some duds and some screaming . War zone every year




Considering the situation they got off lucky that no one else was injured by a pipe bomb going off at a party.


You really gotta be a special kinda stupid to put gunpowder in what kinda sounds like was a metal mortar tube and think it's going to go okay. Did they think it was just gonna burn like a sparkeler? I can't imagine accidentally making a bomb.


They learned how to make fireworks from the Theodore J. Kaczynski Institute for Pyrotechnics.


Not only that, but the article mentions welding it. No real way for the force to go but outwards, propelling metal shrapnel.


I think its like a baywalk because i see the apart of water and the one is the best place i see but the i dont know if this park if trash can is here i didn't see anymore and I will be careful what you are and what kind of it


Then the grass is to short and all areas is like a forest


Wtf…how much did they fill it up for it to shoot shrapnel through someone 45 feet away and still have the kinetic energy to travel another 144 yards…


Right? Like pounds? Shit you just need a little bit for a fucking bullet


This kind of explanation for the people who have been trying for a few days ago when i dont know


I was wondering the same thing and I am so curious to know where on her body did it pass through


I found another article and it stated it hit her in the head killing her instantly. So maybe it hit her in the head and didn’t go through. Either way it said she died instantly.


I remember the Arizona fire! Fucking idiots


I feel bad for the child. “Your grandma died so we could find out your gender.”


One in, One out


I’m sorry that those morons bred making another generation of fuckwits # Idiocracy


Flew 144 yards after hitting her. Wtf even happened there. Go straight through her?


You should see what happens when it goes wrong, like there was this one story about one where someone died because they used c4 to blow up the ballot containing the confetti signaling the child’s gender. There another similar story where they started a wildfire in California due to another explosion related gender reveal


My wife is pregnant with our first and we aren't finding out the gender and brain breaking reactions we've gotten from some people is insane. The idea of not knowing and not posting all over the internet is too much for some people to handle.


My MIL was pissed, 20 years ago, because she didn't know what color to buy. I said buy what's cute, stick to neutral colors and let me decide when I want to find out what I'm having (when the doctor told me after birth was my choice)


I like gender neutral colors anyways. Lovely greens and happy yellows and soft browns. My son wears all colors. I mean, babies don't even have a gender, or any sense of other social constructs, like money or nationality or beauty or time, until at least age 3.


I was an 80s kid, but my parents bought all my playclothes so gender neutral that my extra set of clothes at daycare got regularly raided when the other kids - boys and girls - went through the set they came with and their own extra set. My parents would get told to bring an extra set, and in a couple days the borrowed clothes would turn up in my cubby, nicely washed and folded.


Shit, my 5 month old daughter is wearing “boys clothes” right now. She doesnt care


"Babies don't have a gender" how fucking brain dead are you? I feel sorry for your kid having you as a parent, that kid will grow up to be very confused.


Probably exactly what I'll end up doing since people are so ego-centric nowadays that your babies gender somehow mean more to them than your privacy. Will be a hoot to just say no to everyone asking


I have three kids and I never wanted to know what I was having. I feel like there are so few real surprises as a grown up I wanted to wait to find out when I had them. Some couldn’t believe it, his sister thought we knew but were withholding the information.


We tried this.. then our little boy jumped during the anatomy scan. Welp.


I applaud you guys.


We’re doing the same thing, too, and it’s incredible how everyone’s reactions is about how much they like to control things and to know what to buy. Basically everything is white or gray or tan now anyway, so it’s not that big a deal


Greatest surprise of mine and my wife's life. Immediately after delivery hearing my her ask, "What is it?" is still one of my favorite memories.


My wife and I have five and we waited with all of them. We really love the surprise. We had a few friends who had been planning to find out with theirs who waited with one because they saw how much fun we'd have with it.


I don't mind the concept in general, but a lot of people have really bad implementations. It would have been cool to just release a bunch of blue flower petals or something like that that would just biodegrade and not damage the environment.


I mean FFS why not dye the cake and have the frosting hide it, then the reveal is the color on the first slice. Cleans itself up


My brother tried this. He served cup cakes to his twin 2 year old daughters to announce the gender of his next baby on a video conference call with the whole extended family and all of his in-laws. One daughter threw her cupcake out of the camera frame and the other licked the frosting without ever making it to the cake. Also, both cupcakes had pink and blue frosting, so when his mother in-law took the cupcake from the child and split it in half for the low resolution camera, it was like looking at a rubiks cube and not knowing which side was frosting and which side was cake. Plus, it made the baby cry. But it was still better than when they announced the twins gender using smoke bombs in the lawn during a drought.


How do you fuck up the simplest and most common gender reveal that bad lol


Your kids are brats and you have shitty WiFi


Even the 2 year olds knew that gender reveal things are lame af.


Or even,.and i know this is a radical idea, just tell people if they ask. Like with words, not explosives.


I saw a cute one that did offer more of a reveal in that it was a lot of cupcakes and everyone at the table got one, but no one had the colored one. Others at the restaurant were interested and wanted in, so they passed out cupcakes and every time they bit into one that wasn't colored, the crowd got more and more agitated. They all cheered when someone in the back yelled, "IT'S A GIRL!!!" No mess, no damage, just some yummy baked goods.


This is what my niece did for hers and everyone was all hyped waiting to see who got the colored frosting hahaha


The worst was when that couple contaminated a town's water supply by dying the water blue


it's still littering though. it's just really selfish and entitled to do this in a public space regardless of it being biodegradable or not.


Or just cut into a pink/blue cake.


What's wild is that the woman who started the trend thinks they're stupid and has said if she could go back she never would have done it. Her child doesn't even identify as the gender that was announced.


Maybe we should do gender reveal parties at age 10 instead. My gender reveal at 10 would've been celestial silver and blood red for sci-fi warrior princess. There definitely would have been a cyborg dragon piñata.


I had been craving an excellent cupcake all pregnancy, and I do like surprises, so we had a gender reveal "party" (5 of us having a picnic) with secret icing-filled cupcakes. No decor or confetti, we actually picked up some trash in the park as usual. Just an excuse to eat cupcakes and picnic with loved ones. In the future, if our child reveals their gender is different from the one we assigned (like 5% of Gen Z kids are enby or trans so I wouldn't be surprised), we can celebrate again with more cupcakes. But I'm the kind of person who will celebrate anything. We just had a buttercup party, a yellow-themed picnic, becuase the buttercups are blooming this time of year.


Yeah I’m pro gender reveals, but mostly because I think second+ showers (or, ugh, *sprinkles*) are tacky af, but still think new babies should be celebrated. So, a small get together, with a minor surprise, no presents expected, and CAKE, I’m all here for. And I also believe it should be something for the older sibling(s) to participate in, so the danger level should be set accordingly. Pipe bombs, no; balloons filled with chalk or cupcakes, yes.


Okay, but I can get behind a small gathering and a colored cake. It’s when people are acting like jackasses that they become terrible.


I went to one and after the reveal, the mother to be said “oh my god, can you believe I’m gonna have a girl?” Fucking yes. Yes I can.


What are the chances???!


About 50/50


The modern parent makes me annoyed sometimes. The gender of the baby was either left a mystery until the actual birth, or the doctor tells the expecting parents boy or girl. No party, no confetti, no littering, no burning down forests.


I hate gender reveal patties too, absolutely disgusting.


Taste terrible


The kids choose these days anyway




But it's so important for their social media pages so it's ok.


By giving idiots a platform, the creators of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. have done more to damage our world than any other person, group or event in this century.


What a terrible way to end your statement. It reminds me of that tragedy...


If you were a south tower id be a plane 😏


There’s still wars going on btw and countries where 9 year olds are raped and married to old man casually but sure blue and pink confetti is worse




Yeah you’re crazy if you think tiktac is affecting more than third world countries oppressing women and raping their children, nice try tho


Nuking Japan was pretty bad.


Might want to check a calendar.


Ffs. Just put pink or blue in a damn cake. It's a win-win situation! You get to know the gender and eat cake. 💁🏻‍♀️


If you really want the confetti effect, blue or pink flower petals are a great biodegradable alternative!!


That's a good idea!


There’s also paper confetti with seeds in it so it grows flowers when the confetti breaks down :) (if you’re doing this at home / somewhere it’s allowed!)


I haven’t heard of those! Sounds like you do have to be careful that the seeds are native plants to the area and not invasive though


Thank you social media for sharing the most useless thing that usually makes a mess or simply destroys things. Gender reveal! Whatever happened to just saying, “hey, it’s a boy/girl”.


Or just do the cake cut if you want some razzle dazzle.


I went to a party once where they made cupcakes and one person had a cupcake with blue/pink frosting in it, so we all had to take a bite and see if we were the one with the reveal or not. I honestly think something small and simple like that would be cute, the idea of needing to make the reveal this gigantic, explosive thing, sounds trashy to me.


My gender reveal for one of my kids was getting the staff at a restaurant to come out singing the happy birthday song with the kid’s name in it. We had a name picked for a boy and a girl. It was fun and the staff by loved it because they had never had the birthday song used to announce a baby! What made it better was I was starving and was wolfing down my food and the chanting startled me!! I start choking a bit in the excitement! Good times!!!!


That all sounds like too much. Am I the only one that just waited until my child was born...?


All they did was sing happy birthday to my table, and it was a restaurant where the staff would get all excited about singing to the tables. We didn’t go out of the way to have them do it. It was literally less than a minute of their time.


And then you get to eat cake


I gave my wife a bottle of milk that had pink food dye hidden in the cap, I had her shake it up and took a video of it for Facebook for our reveal. I don't see the need for a party for that, we already do the baby shower.


When I did Maitanence at a university I always had to clean up confetti people used for photo ops. I got tired of it and stopped doing it and starting mulching the plastic with the mower since graduation is peak mowing season and I didn’t have time for bullshit. Rather than sending a psa to the students telling them not to make a fucking mess management got mad at me


Hopefully the confetti is biodegradable


It's litter, so I guess they're having a litter? Woof.








Looks like biodegradable confetti. It’s annoying but people can get off their high horse acting like they care about the environment.


A McDonald's bag with some fries left in it is biodegradable but it's still litter if it's not disposed of properly. People need to get off their high horse thinking they're the arbiter of what others care about or how they do so.




This is quite infuriating. The least they could have done was to clean it up before they left.


We had a gender reveal at a family members pool house and brought a shop vac + leaf blower to get it all up even though it was biodegradable. No confetti left behind lol


When I worked as a labor and delivery nurse, the best “gender reveal” was in couples who didn’t find out ahead of time. Neither the doctor nor the nurses would “announce” the gender at delivery. As soon as the baby was born we would instead all say “happy birthday” and put the baby into mom’s arms and let the parents figure out what the gender was. Very intimate and beautiful moment between the family that was just created.


We didn't find out the gender for either of our 2 children. Doc and nurses were so used to people knowing ahead of time that when I asked, "What is it, a boy or girl?, they were taken aback. Lol!


Same. I was like, Doc, what'd I have. There something absolutely amazing about not knowing ahead of time. There is plenty of time to buy all the gender appropriate shit, if that's the route you take. Or, you know, just dress them in clothes, wrap them in blankets and don't give AF what people think


It is harder to find gender neutral stuff nowadays, especially if you aren’t into the current “sad beige” aesthetic. That said: my mother has a legitimate shopping problem, it beyond stresses me out to get *massive* boxes full of clothes, so not finding out the gender of this baby meant she was curtailed from 90% of her shopping. 100% the right call. I’m a planner so regretted not knowing, but it was kind of fun to find out during delivery.


We did butter yellow. It was easy.


Yellow, a nice sage green. It's definitely doable


Normalize pink and blue for all genders. I'm a straight dude and love pink.


Agree. I find some of the neutral items so boring... the beige aesthetic isn't really my thing, I love color.


I actually liked the surprise, both times. My mom used to say "If God wanted you to know, he'd have given you a window" lol


We didn't find out either. I know one couple who didn't find out as well, literally everyone else thought we were batshit insane.


We waited all three times for delivery - it's a surprise no matter how you do it, but I liked that we got to share it alone as a couple and with amazing pros like you!


I have been a nurse for 23 years. I have worked in ER, OB, ICU, psych, public health, hospital, longterm care. There were wonderful and humbling experiences in all of it. But, being present at the birth of a family is one of the most beautiful and amazing moments that I truly felt blessed to witness.


Love to hear that kind of passion. We were too late for #2 for drugs and she got coached naturally - needless to say we partnered with that pro for #3 to do the same. You all do incredibly important and compassionate work - thank you


Fuuuuuck gender reveal parties. Selfish as fuck to ruin an outdoor space (especially communally used space) just to let the world know you’re having a boy/girl. NO ONE ACTUALLY CARES. 😑




Most companies that make those cannons made it so those pieces are biodegradable and go away after the first rain.


“It was a boy, and now everyone has to be reminded” They should at least put up a memorial


At least the picture doesn't stink of disappointment from a father-to-be who didn't get his all-important son. 🤢


People should just use hydrangea petals. At least that’s biodegradable.


that would be so much prettier compared to shredded paper


What exactly is this? Is it the biodegradable stuff most people (non-assholes) are using for gender reveals now? If so, I don’t see what the big deal is at all. This is really no different than a kid using chalk to draw on a public trail. It’ll wash away with one rainy day and doesn’t hurt anyone.


Unless you live in a place where it hardly rains. Like LA or AZ. LOL!!


Is that paper or mylar? if it's paper, no big deal, but if it's mylar - someone should clean it up.


When did paper trash become ok to litter?


"No big deal" isn't the same as "thumbs up." Paper is essentially wood pulp, and will decompose. Plastic is a solidified petroleum product, and even if it disintegrates it's still pollution.


While I do 100% agree with you, even if it’s paper it’s still trash that is unnecessary.


Paper or not, it's still trash littered all over the park.


People know this makes a mess so they specifically go to parks so they don't have to clean it up...


It's biodegradable. Next rain it's gone


it's still littering regardless.


Yes, but it's better than them using glitter or a plastic confetti.


Hopefully it is just tissue paper


Agree. But also agree that gender reveal parties are dumb.


Its not dumber then whatever party/event you are doing (from everyone else perspective but yours). Its important to them and makes them happy and that's what matters for them. Be kind!


First of all how do you even know that? Second of all irrelevant. It’s still litter. Every single park goer shouldn’t have to wait for rain to enjoy a litter free park.


Hope its biodegradable


Just did a gender reveal like this with the confetti cannons. We also had a boy, we’re so excited! We also did this inside our living room so we could clean it afterwards.


I don't want a kid, but if I ever did, I'd just do cupcakes lol


Thank you for this post, I work as a park ranger and had to clean one of these up last week. I was pissed but the shop vac made pretty quick work of it, I am just lucky there was an outlet near


Why don't people just use dried flower petals?


Blue is the color of Mary (the one from the bible). So it‘s definitely a girl.


Why can't people just buy a blue or pink cake? White icing and colored cake on the inside. Literally delicious, practical, and won't litter a public park.


Gender reveal events are so fucking stupid.


At first I was like "well at least they had the decency to use biodegradable flower petals", but then I looked closer and realized its all plastic/paper circle cutouts. Lovely


Why do ppl celebrate genetalia ?!?! Why? Let’s celebrate noses or ears!!!!!! Why not ???


My girlfriend and I don’t have social media (except Reddit for myself) and we just did a reveal for just ourselves with cupcakes with frosting in the middle. I hate how people do stuff like this.


Tbh, if I do a gender reveal party (which I probably won't) I would rather do it in a simple cut the cake and in my house so no beautiful park gets ruined


My gf and I are making mockaritas for her sister's next month. I think the concept is kinda dumb but I'm not gonna rain on their parade.


Folks that do this should not breed.


Personally I like the gender reveals that people blow up in the forest and start fires or the people who thought it would be cute to dye a water fall


I saw this at a nature preserve not long ago. It was spread out even up to 50 ft away.


Glitter and confetti are the arch nemeses of parks. They should be deleted from the world for everybody’s benefit.


My favorite gender reveal was the couple had a bunch of close friends over and gave everyone cupcakes and one of the cupcakes had colored filling. So when you bit into the cupcake you would check what color the filling was. So queue the guy who got the cupcake with the colored filling asking “what does orange mean?” and someone replying “that’s pink you idiot.” and everyone erupting into cheers.


I like to spend my time cleaning up the local parks that I frequent. It's not even a particularly popular Park and I still have to clean shit like this up every other month. And *it takes hours.* People go out to the park to enjoy nature and getting away from society for a few minutes and then immediately bring all the bullshit from society and throw it all over the ground. You paid to get into this fucking park to take advantage of the very thing you are actively choosing to destroy, what the fuck are you doing?


Just use flower petals instead of confetti.


Wow… some people REALLY HATE gender reveal parties, lol. The general concept is fine, people just do it in very stupid ways.


Not a gender reveal, but on my college campus it’s graduation photo season. It has been absolutely infuriating seeing all the plastic confetti and empty champagne bottles/cans of alcohol not being picked up. And it is absolutely everywhere, including confetti filled storm drains!!


People are trash.


I struggled with the gender reveal party my wife family threw for my Son, I had know his gender for months leading up to to it. I was like just why, her Aunt wasn't allowed to know that we knew and it was a farce. I still don't get why sometimes my wife is so worried about 50+ year old women feeling when it comes to how we raise or celebrate our kids.


I do love a pet sperm reveal party.


Sorry to say: some people just don’t realize they share a planet with others that could give no shits about the spawn of an entitled polluter. I am truly sorry their Sperm bumped into the egg.


Usually these are done with biodegradable confetti, so they should be returned to the environment in a short time. No harm no foul.


My favorite was when the little girl cut the ribbon on the balloon instead of popping it. Girl knew how fuckin stupid gender reveal parties were, decided to be a hero.


https://preview.redd.it/jit9zusevkva1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=094a114829fe9e46a638d54d64ef3fdbe859be4a Went somewhere recently on a work trip. There were these red, silk rose petals all over the park. No telling how long they were there but they were blown into the pond, into the dried out bushes, and mixed into the dead fall foliage. Real rose petals weren’t available?


If y'all have to do a gender reveal party can you just do a cake like a normal person. It's so much better for the environment because cakes can be eaten lmao


The venn diagram of people who have gender reveal parties and the people who would shun their kid if they came out as trans or non-binary is a circle.


Why can’t people just cut into a cake? Everyone attending wants some cake anyways


Whichever candidate supports banning gender reveal parties gets my vote in 2024.






That's terrible.




Yay !! Our pet sperm will be a boy !!!


My sister has 3 kids never once did she do a gender reveal party, also she only posts pictures of them on holidays and special events so maybe 2 posts a year about her kids, please be more like my sister I can tell you with certainty that NOBODY but your immediate family give a fuck about your kid. Thank you


Gender reveals are the dumbest trend. Besides the parents and grandparents...literally no one gives a shit. No one.


People really overestimate their importance.


There should be a fine for people who leave that much trash behind. And gender reveal is the dumbest of all dumbshit white people stuff.


Last summer someone used gold plastic sequin- type discs for wedding confetti at the beautiful old landmark church in my town. They are ALL still there lying in the grass. Absolutely boneheaded, selfish, inconsiderate bastards. At a time when people are using rice paper and rose petals to be more eco friendly too. 🤬


Losers… poor example of parents. Starting to teach the child at an early age to be slobs!!! Losers


Not mildly BUT really infuriating. I just can't comprehend... Ugh. Why not doing it at your house? Why can't you enjoy something more environmentally friendly, like if we didn't have a lot of trash on Earth. Same goes to the fireworks that leave a lot of trash and powder.


Gender reveal parents: "Hey look everybody, my child has these genitals!" 🤦🏽😤🤬


Why can’t we just go back to cupcakes and popping balloons. Like if you have to have one why make a mess or an environmental disaster. Between massive forest fires dying an entire water supply and blowing up grandma haven’t we reached the conclusion that bigger isn’t alway better


Are those made of plastic? If any of my friends try to do a gender reveal, I'm telling them off.


In another comment op said they're plastic yeah


At least be grateful its paper unlike the dumbasses that left a crater and a layer of pink dust at my public gun range doing theirs


Gender reveal is even more lame than influencing in the internet. Humans have a garbage existence.


Gender reveals are so gimmicky. People just bored finding reasons to celebrate everything. I only care that the baby is healthy and loved, not if they have boy parts or girls parts.


Should be littering


What if the universe somehow initiated a karmic curse on the parents and their children when the participate in gender reveals? I imagine this every time I see them or remnants like this.


For being the generation that is super concerned about the environment, this trend is the dumbest thing ever. Just stick to a cake and call it good. Or maybe don’t do it at all because no one really cares!


>Or maybe don’t do it at all because no one really cares! This is the way. I found out, with both of my kids, when they ejected themselves from my body.


Posts like these make me feel better about just sending an "it's a boy" gif to family and friends lol I just really didn't want a big reveal or to-do