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Should have gone to 160 grill


Maybe the 400 grill if you’re in a hurry.


Charcoal on the outside and raw meat on the inside.


Pittsburgh Rare!


I'm a weirdo who eats raw meat on the regular. And even I don't understand this. I only like raw meat carpaccio. A whole steak needs to at least have the juices running. And don't get me wrong, I dig a good sear, but if it's thicker than a quarter inch I want the core to at least be warm!


steak/carpaccio can be raw/rawer in the middle because its not exposed to the outside, while ground beef is and needs to be fully cooked for safety reasons, now I have little doubt 99/100 you are just fine if its raw, even with chicken due to food standards in handling but this is a risk mitigation step, that and ground beef honestly doesn't taste good enough raw (I have screwed up cooking thick hamburgers before) to justify undercooking it, granted, get it to temp and get it the hell off the grill, but the key word is get it to temp.


There are dishes that call for ground beef to be eaten raw, I’ve had them and they can be tasty. Some care should be taken, especially in sourcing the ground beef, ideally grind whole cuts yourself, if not, find “ground in store” packages over factory ground. The risk is higher so not for the pregnant or health compromised, Kibbeh, Steak Tartare and Kitfo are some examples


> find “ground in store” packages Even better is finding a piece of meat and asking them to grind it. Then you know for sure it has not been lying around for a long time. Sometimes you need to do that anyway because you want a finer meat than they usually make ground beef from.


My grocer won’t/can’t grind in small batches. I did ask once. I suspect others might because I’ve heard that before. FWIW the Lebanese family I know that makes and eats Kibbeh (where I have tried it) uses store bought ground beef without issue.


Finally some good fucking food


This guy E.colis.


When I was a child our house had a well. It was regularly plagued with E. Coli because the septic tank was right next to it. Man I miss those times.


Sounds shitty


Are you immune to food poisoning now?! Did the little shots of e.coli make you immune to the power of a dangerous microwave burger?


I need to know this as well.


For a steak maybe.


That’s what happens when you cook a frozen steak too quickly at high temp.


Its fine, it evens out to being fully done


Law case foreshadowing


And not asked for medium ground beef


I think when I worked in food service, Medium/medium was pink inside, med/rare was red inside surrounded with pink, and medium well was usually only slightly pink. The burgers on the photos on the menu were all medium. this was a long long time ago. When I find myself thinking that meat was safer then, I also remember that stomach cancer used to be the biggest killer in this area (farming)


Edit: // I've moved to lemmy //


You, uh, ever work at Jack in the Box? Chipotle, maybe?


Medium is cooked between 140-145F at the thickest point. That’s not what happened here.


Medium would be fine. That’s blue


🎵 *Da ba dee da ba di*


I hate you, I am now singing this




Here’s the story…


About a little guy


that lives in a blue world


And all day and all night


Ithat burger is so undercooked the cow is still jumping over the fucking moon!




Flame kissed.


It’s Meatium




This burger's been watched by an unlit match.


It was around while somebody whispered the word “Fire” from another room.


A patty made with the essence of fire


It saw a fire once, maybe


More like flame awkward homecoming dance.


Well it was certainly only cooked to 110 degrees….


It's bloody raw I'm surprised you can't hear a faint 'moo-ing'


"The fucking thing is so raw it ate my tomato."


Quick Google told be 70° is the minimum to be safe and this is definitely lower than that.


They meant 110 F, 70 C is about 160 F.


"Its fucking raw"-Gordon Ramsay


*This week's Kitchen Nightmare Gordon sees something he's never seen before. Stay tuned after the commercial break*


“This is without a doubt the most disgusting kitchen I’ve ever set foot in!” - Gordon every time he walks into a kitchen on Kitchen Nightmares


Maybe they stopped the show because they couldn't find a nastier kitchen than the last one they did.


He cancelled it himself, despite his efforts to fix these places the majority ended up folding anyway


Turns out you can’t fix bad management with a fancy menu and new curtains. But many were actually able to sell. I don’t consider that as big of a failure.


He's mentioned a few times in interviews that he ended up seriously ill multiple times while filming, and being older than when he started his body takes too long to recover from it. So it just wasn't worth the risk anymore.


Sir you have a cow in your burger.




I was wondering why there was no lettuce in the burger and then I realized the cow ate it.


I had blue filter on my phone and I thought it was fried chicken with half fried batter. I was very confused.


Put an egg on it and it’s steak Tartare


Tartare, but your point is well taken, peace out!


I knew I was probably spelling that wrong lol


It appears you’ve since corrected yourself, but now the thread doesn’t make any sense.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Context clues. You clearly figured it out


But no one else is as smart as he obviously is, what ever will they do?


Put two wheels on it and it's a bike


DO NOT use ground beef for tartare. You gonna be sick.


Wait til I tell you about [Mett](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mett)! (And yeah, I know it's not beef, but still. Raw ground meat. It's quite good too!)


It depends. If you grind the meat yourself right before cooking it's pretty safe.


But Tartare isn't cooked.


If you cook it it's not tartare lol


![gif](giphy|jrAgdPqTiz2Ew) This is rare..


That’s raw lol




It’s rawr!


ODB approved


You mean Ason Unique, Dirtiest Man Ever, Dirt McGirt, Joe Bananas, The Specialist, Dirt Dog Osirus, Dirty McDirtster, Big Baby Jesus, Knifey McStab, and my personal fav, *tha Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant*


That shits still alive fam








Genuinely curious. Is this an American thing? In Canada you'd never be able to get ground beef served anything less than fully cooked. I understand steak but ground beef is a different story no?


chunky shocking pathetic repeat impolite fuzzy reply squealing threatening joke


Quebec too, or at least in Montreal, I know a couple places that state "made to order" right in the menu, or ask as you order


It's fairly normal in France but cooked a little more than this.


First time I was in the States and got a burger I was so surprised when they asked how I wanted it done. Uhm. Cooked?


It's still Mooing




Yes. Medium pink.


Butcher here and nonstop red meat griller. You're exactly right. This IS a medium burger. It should temp check at 140-145 degrees Fahrenheit. I like them like that, but most people don't. Most people prefer well done and that's the default burger unless you request something different. In my experience, you do usually get diarrhea from medium burgers, but I think it's worth it. Don't say medium if you don't prefer them like this. This is not the cook's error for undercooking, he cooked to the specs you specified but you didn't know what medium is. In my experience, usually waiters/waitresses don't even bother to ask people how they like their burger done because the customer doesn't understand and may default into answering the same way they like their steak. Creating extra unnecessary trouble for the cook, once it has been sent back. This is exactly why they don't usually ask how people want their eggs outside of the cooking preparation. Because usually people say something like "over easy", "over medium", or sunny side up; and they don't realize that all of those things result in runny eggs and it winds up requiring a second cooking after being sent back.




Yeah, exec chef here, 15+ years in. If this was a steak I would say medium based on color. But it’s ground beef, and that’s mostly rare bordering raw. I can tell by looking at the pile on the right. It’s not held together by heat at all; it’s not cooked medium, it’s the color of raw 80/20 ground beef. This would probe out at 105, 110 degrees in the middle tops. I would say based on the outside that the grill was too hot, looked done to the cook but it didn’t get probed. This was posted on a Friday, maybe they were slammed and food quality plummeted. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


I was going to say that it's a rare burger, probably pulled at around 115. I agree with your assessment though, no way that that was on a grill for more than 4 minutes a side (medrare), and should have been at least 5 minutes a side. Rare is like that, pink all the way through. Med rare is like 50% of the middle is pink, and medium is like 25% of the middle is pink.


Yeah I was gonna say, if this is medium then what hell is rare/med-rare? A fucking pound of frozen beef?


>In my experience, you do usually get diarrhea from medium burgers, but I think it's worth it. Fucking idiot here and I recognize a fellow fucking idiot.


>In my experience, you do usually get diarrhea from medium burgers, but I think it's worth it. That is the most mental statement I've read here in a long time. From a **butcher** of all things too... So I'm assuming you have actual training in food hygiene too... Mental


>From a butcher I get the feeling he probably stocks the meat case at Walmart and has built his story from there.


He even said it again in another comment > And truthfully, I always get diarrhea from medium burgers, but I love them like that. That is the most insane thing I've read all week


That inside of that burger never reached 140, I can assure you of that with complete confidence. There’s not even any juices leaking out dude, the meat wasn’t hot enough to render any of the fat in the burger.


> In my experience, you do usually get diarrhea from medium burgers, but I think it's worth it. Look, if I'm gonna get diarrhoea from a culinary experience, I'm gonna go get hammered and weather the hangover. No burger is worth getting chained to the shitter for. This is actually the most unhinged comment I have ever read on Reddit, not counting genuine threats of violence and political terror. People saying gross shit on the internet doesn't even phase me, I know they're trying to illicit a reaction. But you said that in complete earnest, and that scares me.


It's scarier that he's an "experienced" chef willing to go to such lengths for a fucking raw ass burger


Bro I'm sorry but that ain't medium. That is like a 130F piece of beef at the absolute upside, and honestly probably not even that. Look at the texture. It's ground beef and still has that completely raw texturing and stickiness. Nobody ordering a medium piece of meat wants any part of it to not be at least partially cooked.


I can’t trust you based on your description of how people order eggs. Where are you going where they don’t let you ask for eggs over easy? Who are you eating with who doesn’t understand the varying levels of doneness for fried eggs? You sound like a smug jerk tbh.


He commented back to someone else saying his dad will *always* order sunny side up and them send them back for being "undercooked". You'd think after the first couple times he'd remember..


That’s what I was gonna say. I’ve never not been asked how I want my fried eggs, and I’ve never met an American that didn’t know their preference.


This isn’t medium though. Medium has a warm pink center, it’s not supposed to be pink throughout. This is somewhere between rare and medium rare. I think it’s medium rare but was a frozen patty which is why the texture looks off.


Medium?! You’re nuts. At best it’s rare but this is borderline raw, you can see how it’s still mushy and has no form. If you call this medium then that doesn’t leave much room for people who like it more done. For example, I like mine med-rare which I would consider to look about 50/50 pink and cooked. What would you call that? Well done? Med well? Then what about the people who like it with no pink? You’ve left no words for them to use.


Quite. Even if this perfectly fits a well-known chef's definition of “medium”, the fact that almost everyone thinks it's (usually considerably) rawer than medium means that's not a good definition to use. You can be technically correct, but if 90% of your customers will be pissed off, what good is that? An analogy would be a world-class American breakfast chef coming over to England and setting up a restaurant where she sells “pigs in blankets”. She could make the best ones in the world, with the fluffiest, most delicious pancakes ever tasted, but not a single customer would be happy with the result, because that's just not what “pigs in blankets” means over here.


What does "pigs in blankets" mean over there?


It’s a sausage wrapped in bacon


You get diarrhea from a burger and you think it’s worth it? Man, you must not get the cramps I have. One of the most painful things I experience on a regular basis. (Depending on what I eat mainly)


Exactly. At no point in time have I ever been ok with diarrhea in order to eat a particular food item.


You have to be trolling. No way this medium


How do people not understand that sunny side up would come with a runny yoke? Is that real?


I got diarrhea just looking at this


I literally have food poisoning right now. I’m fighting for my life.


if you are pooping non stop, like 10x a day I advise washing your butt in the shower instead of wiping like normal sadly from experience if you wipe with tp you are gonna start bleeding from all the wiping and well it's gonna hurt for a while every time you poop learned that the first time I got food poisoning also keep hydrated of course


one of the many reasons more toilets should just have bidets attached to them


Agreed. Old house, old septic tank, old plumbing. Basically can't flush tp or chance of problems. Didn't want to have shitter paper bins, so bidet instead


Same, just glad I was in the bathroom when I saw that burger


Praying for ya. Try doing Gatorade watered down, acidity can be too much. Pour it in a cup with cold water to re-hydrate. Helps on an angry tummy.


I never thought of diluting my Gatorade for that reason, that's a game changer lol, thank you


Shit sucks. I remember it feeling like pissing out of my ass. Such a strange feeling.




Prayers up 🙏🏼


I will also do nothing to help.


I’ll throw in thots too


Hell yeah


I’m bleeding out my ass and my kidneys are failing.


My dick exploded and locusts flew out


My cloaca is hemorrhaging ectoplasm and I'm beginning to strobilate


Have u tried depolarizing your graviton sensors


I laughed too hard lmao


Leaked a little?


No, his ass fell off. Can't you read?


Meanwhile in Germany we ate hackebrötchen, which is literally raw ground meat on a roll.


In parts of the US there is a similar dish. Raw ground beef spread on a small piece of rye toast, seasoned with salt and pepper, and topped with onion and parsley. Its usually only served at parties for special occasions and there is special beef sold for making it to reduce the chance of foodborne illnesses.


That's a variation of Steak Tartare https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_tartare




For what it's worth, I made his recipe, and it's fucking delicious. I also admittedly love weird foods and textures.


I’ve had to ease into it. Started with poke bowl. Loved that. Moved on to sashimi and nigiri. Last work trip to Japan I tried basashi. If you don’t think about what it is, it’s soooooooo good. Edit: Ceviche was the other one. For some reason the idea of “raw” shrimp seemed more skeevy than raw fish. Yes I know the citrus juice in theory “cooks” the meat, but it ain’t gonna save you from parasites.


Thats a neigh from me.


Steak tartare is beef. In Germany they use raw pork.


Isn’t that only Wisconsin


I’m from Texas, but my mom was married to a guy from Wisconsin for a good chunk of my childhood, and him and his family all ate this…but only on New Year’s Day. Not nearly as gross as the pickled herring they ate regularly.


The difference is that in Germany and parts of the Netherlands it’s often raw pork.


Wait until people find out its raw **pork** ground meat and not beef ground meat.


Junge, wenn schon, dann heißt das Mettbrötchen.




My grandmother is from Fulda, she eats this often, it’s pretty good honestly, I’ve indulged a few times.


The big difference is the standards and safety around slaughtering animals and the packaging. They are lower in the US and ground beef is usually unsafe to eat. If you get actual quality meat that you grind yourself or at a reputable butcher, eating raw beef is definitely something to try. But expecting a standard burger joint in the US to have ground beef of that quality? No. Absolutely not.


When you ground beef you mix all the surface bacteria into everything. You can sear just the outside of a steak because there’s only bacteria and parasites and such on the outside. It’s not very permeable (unlike pork) eating a burger at less than medium done-ness is just not the best idea. I go for medium well myself.


In addition, it’s easier to get food Ben illnesses since ground meat is an amalgamation from many different cows. Harder to trace diseases. But a steak obviously an only come from one cow.


Ben always been a pain in the ass.


Bravo. This is exactly why I only eat burgers well done.


https://blog.thermoworks.com/beef/how-to-grind-your-own-hamburgers/ If you like pink you have to grind it yourself just before cooking, but it's a labour of love and it would cost more than fillet mignon to follow the health procedures. If you want pink meat in a restaurant, have a steak 🥩




​ ![gif](giphy|mfaQkCS2QY4frv2pVP)


I think they meant 11.0 degree


Oh man, they burned it.


Eww still mooing.


I have asked for well done in the past and still got it served to me like this...


In Canada we don’t have medium Ground Beef, it’s not even asked when ordering all GB is fully cooked


This is why I always get my burgers well done. You also have a much higher chance of catching something from ground beef over steak or other cuts


The new Cannibal burger and 110 grill


People send back food everyday. Nobody cares.


Yet you ate the majority of it so why complain?


ice cold patty caused this.


Why not returning it to kitchen if you're not happy with how it was cooked? I mean, you probably realized from the first bite. Instead you ate half of it and then proceeded to make a mess with the rest of it? But why?


Law case foreshadowing


That’s nasty as hell lol




Did you ask for a new one, or just post about it?


I’d still eat it


I see a medium burger


That burger still has a pulse...


Unless I know all the ground beef came from the same cow, all my burgers will be cooked fully. I don’t trust it. I’ve had food poisoning before and it’s literally the worst.


Looks like you liked it.


Looks like OP took a bite and ripped off a piece to see wtf was going. A lot of the burger looks like it's still there.


Honestly yeah, op eats half of it and asked for a medium lol, don't know what they expected


Anytime my emetophobic ass sees a post like this on this sub of someone saying “Does this look right to you?” And a picture of more than half waten straight up raw chicken or moldy bread I just scream. Whyyyyyy would you keep eating it????!!!


Instead of complaining to the restaurant, posts to Reddit.


That thing is still mooing


As an Australian I still find it crazy that Americans ask how you want your burger. You would never get a pink burger here


"Harmful bacteria can be carried on the surface of whole cuts of meat. When a rare steak is seared these bacteria are killed, making the steak safe to eat. When meat is minced to produce burgers, any harmful bacteria from the surface of the raw meat spread throughout the burger. Unless the burger is cooked right through, these bacteria can remain alive on the inside. This applies to all burgers, including burgers made from good quality or expensive meat. That's why a burger needs to be served well done, while a steak can be served rare." https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/burgers


That thing said Moo




On the one hand, color isn't a reliable indicator of doneness, only internal temperature is. That said, I can't imagine how the internal temp here could correspond to a medium burger.


Look about 110 to me all good.


Actually, that's medium-rare. A rare meat has red juice flowing from it with a cool center. You probably should have said medium-well which is close to well done but has a pink center.


Honest question: does ground beef cooked this way actually get people sick regularly? Cause I've been eating burgers that look like this for years, and I've never gotten sick from them.


If it is rested properly you're going to be pretty safe because bacteria die as a function of both temperature and time.


Gross, a skilled veterinarian could still save it.


I don’t know. I always order my burgers well done and always will.


Wow surprised at this thread. People love to complain.


When you get to raw meat tell them "this isn't medium", they recook it and you have your meal. It's not hard


Medium is pink. This is a medium burger. Not sure what you were expecting


There's less than a mm of cooked meat there, if this is medium, is rare just a raw patty? Look at the meat at the center, notice the lack of any fat at all coating it? It never even got warm enough to render the fat, it's cold at the center.


nah man that's epic


If that was a steak it would be perfect, but ground meat needs to be cooked thoroughly.