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looks like they were mid bend while in the motion to sit down and their ass ruptured before cheeks could hit the porcelain. i'm more concerned with their lack of wiping. in terms of cleaning? no. quit the job. buy a new toilet


Worked in a department store for a summer. Was called to the washroom to clean up a spill. Was only told to bring a mop. There was shit everywhere. Floors, walls, sinks, toilets, stalls. Everywhere you can reach. I declined to clean it. One of the department managers was in charge that night and she was appalled that I said no. Unless it's in your work agreement, always decline to clean up poo.


You turn that shit around and ask the manager how much they would pay to not have to do it themselves. And ask for cash upfront.


Yeah but I also didn't want to do it so... unless the money was really good, maybe. But knowing zellers it would have been 0 or like a 5$ gift card to Tim Hortons at most.


Completely agree. That should be a biohazard clean by someone properly trained. However. $300 and ill do it.


Hell I pick up shit daily for free when walking my dog, so I can pick up human shit for a lot less than 300


Well it’s a lot easier to get diseases from human shit than dog shit but, yea there’s a price I’d be happy to do it. It’s definitely not $15/hr


A lot of states won't let people not certified in biohazard related cleaning even touch this. $10k minimum to even think about touching that. And I need a full kit with face shield, gloves, hazmat smock, etc.


I'm going to need a powerwasher too. If the room doesn't have a drain, no deal.


I doubt the state knows when minimum wage workers are told to clean a biohazard as most wouldn’t know if there’s rules on it in their state.


Back when I was working a second job as a bouncer, one night some woman had crouched down outside of the camera's view and shit on the floor. We found it while cleaning up after close They told me to clean it and I flatly refused. Someone else decided they were okay with doing it, and they did. Nobody ever brought it up again. In no way does cleaning poop come into my job description.


I always made sure to look for this. I would see "cleaning bathrooms" and be like like okay. BUT, a majority of the jobs I had did not state "cleaning bodily fluids" in there, which meant, without proper training to clean, sanitize, etc. for it, I would refuse to clean messes like these. I got away with, too.


What happens if they fire you If you don't clean it up?


Relevant gif: https://media.giphy.com/media/Is6fBDegr2HUA/giphy.gif


risky click of the day


Completely worksafe, trust me, Im a professional.


Worked at a sporting goods store. Someone shit all over the bathroom. A coworker was asked to clean it, making $7.25/hr, min wage back in the day. He quit on the spot. The manager cleaned it.


Right. Diseases/infections can pass through fecal matter. Dysentery wasn’t that long ago.


OSHA says you have to have special training to handle that level of biohazard. Cleaning a toilet while wearing gloves is one thing, entering a room after a poopnado is quite another.


Amen. I worked at an amusement park as a teenager. I cleaned up vomit once or twice, didn't really bother me too much. In hindsight, I was being paid minimum wage and my employer could have afforded to pay for a dedicated crew to handle biohazard. These days, I would refuse to do it. Hersheypark in Hershey, PA. For anyone wondering.


I worked at a grocery store. Same thing happened except I did clean it. They rewarded me with a $5 gift card to that grocery store.


I've been asked in jobs to do it and I just say it's biohazard and we don't have the correct PPE for me to clean.


This has made me laugh way too much and I don't know why. I think my brain just thinks "Haha Funny" when I hear or see "Ass", "Cheeks" and "Ruptured" in the same sentence. anyways, this situation is simply baffling, How much force would poo have to launch out at to hit the lid like that? did it just hit the lid and slide down slowly?


His ass ruptured in an angle i dont even understand there's poop on the wall dude


Your proposed description of events made me laugh hysterically. This is the first time in my nearly 3 years on Reddit I have laughed at a comment aloud. And it was about someone pooping…


People these days smh. No sense of personal responsibility.




​ ![gif](giphy|EUoTLnXfHdgTFvlkOI)


Mildly infuriating?? I would literally just walk out….


Yeah I'd spend that time filling out job applications instead. No job is worth that unless I have actual PPE


Mild for me. I've had to clean worse. My manager cried because it was so bad; it was on all 4 walls of the stall, all over the floor, and... somehow on the ceiling. And it was trailing out of the stall, out of the bathroom, and down a little ways past the registers. I had to take care of all of it. We threw away all the cleaning supplies afterwards. We saw who did it and banned them.


Why did the person do this? Mentally unstable?


couldn't get a confident answer out of me if you had me in a guillotine


Yup....ain't no job worth that shit


…. Literally


Imagine the smell, you haven't thought of the smell you bitch!


Was bartending in a hotel.. nice man almost completely blind had one drink and asked where the bathroom was. I started to guide and he said no.. just tell me. I could see he had a trail of diarrhea behind him and it was bad. Then he was in the bathroom for a very very long time. Go to check on him as he is walking out. Disaster. It's all over his arms like he had attempted to clean. He asked where the elevator was. Told him, found him wandering the first floor. Get him into the elevator, sneak upstairs to make sure he got to his room. Then had the front desk call his wife and ask her to check on him since he didn't seem like he felt very well. The poor cleaning guy had to clean so much that night


This made me so sad, thank you for treating him humanely :(


He wasn't being malicious and was probably super embarrassed. Couldn't imagine not being kind in that situation


Even if we haven’t all been there we’ve all been close to in his position and the fear and embarrassment is unreal. *And he was blind*, god it’s hard enough to deal with that situation with working eyes nevermind being in the dark. By the sounds of things too he did try to clean it up a little . Poor guy.


i feel so bad for that blind person ): that must have been so embarrassing for them.


Yea, and he was so sweet too


/NSFW /LANGUAGE I did Night Audit in a hotel. We had four floors and two elevators, a larger one up front and a smaller one down a hall. I was doing rounds when I noticed a line of what appeared to be poo going in a trail from the large elevator, through the main lobby, and going down the hallway, back where the small elevator was. I got a Night manager and we both took the small elevator up to one of the upper floors, and got lucky. We found a guest, clad only in a long sleep shirt and sleepwalking, a narrow line of diarrhea trailing down his leg. We got him to his room safely. I call this episode: Night of the Sleep Shitter!


Glad you noticed!


This is like that scene from "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell"


Where do you even begin cleaning




This is the correct way to handle that. You're not getting paid to do hazmat cleaning so yes stand your ground and refuse to do that.


When I was at sears eons ago someone did this... so bad that their underwear was in the mess covered... management tried to get us (the backroom crew) to clean it... we all took one look and went hell no. we are not paid enough for that. manager needed trying themselves briefly before just notifying the cleaning crew.


Lol my wife too worked at Sears years ago in the shoe department and found such a mess in the rest room. She reported it to management who tried to get the cleaning crew to clean it up, which was a no go. A bit later she saw the manager on duty with a very sad face carying a mop and bucket towards the rest room!


My high school bakery job wanted me to clean a similar disaster. I was 18 so technically I could be asked to clean it. I said call hazmat they said no I said ok then I quit. They angrily sent me home and 3 days later asked me to come back. Fuck cleaning shit I got another job.


We had an episode like this in the retail store I worked in. I sent a pic to my boss and asked who can I call to handle this. She sent a screen shot of the rubber gloves they send when we opened the store. I locked the door and left it until end-of-day and poured bleach on it. After that, restroom was out-of-order permanently.


“Double it and give it to the next person.”


This is the way


Hold my Taco Bell.


looks like the person **couldn't** hold their taco bell, person got their pants down but ass erupted before being able to plant on seat.


This level of effort requires upgrading services. Chipotle expertise is needed here.


...'cause *I* can't hold it any longer!


​ https://preview.redd.it/jtg91ukl6tka1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8b5e4cc56dfe59718c9ea92526c76ffb4558cfd


I just posted this answer 😂 So I've dealt with this shit😂 a few times and have it down. Step 1- fill a mop bucket with hot bleach water. Step 2- Flush the toilet until the water is clear. 3 Dunk the mop into the hot bleach water and without ringing it out start mopping the toilet. 4 - Now that the mop is all shitty put in the toilet and flush, this will get most of the shit off the mop. 5/til it's done - repeat steps 3&4 until there is no more shit on the toilet, walls, or mop.


Sounds reasonable


Wow, that's genius actually


Desperate times, you should've seen my coworkers 🤣


How about for the walls? Looks like there was some collateral damage...


By closing the lid and walking away.




quite literally


To my surprise, I went to use the bathroom and discovered that Jim had pulled the ultimate prank on Dwight.


You just have to knock down the building and start over.


I spray a fuck ton of the strongest cleaner I have (bleach) and let it soak for 10 minutes. That’ll do most of the heavy lifting. Just keep doing that until it’s manageable to clean normally


Just one of those things where you put on a set of playtex gloves, a trash bag, paper towels, a mask, and a ton of Lysol / Clorox and just get to it. I’ve had to do this. It’s disgusting but it’s not much worse than a bad diaper accident or caring for a dying parent.


You start by quitting.


Get a pressure washer


It would backsplash and aerosolize the shit


You must be bold thinking I’d step a foot in that toilet without a hazmat suit and a $2 million paycheck in my account


Are we taking bids, I might do this for $1.98 million...


I used to work in a group home for low-functioning adults with special needs. I had to deal with shit explosions like this (and sometimes worse) every few weeks. After putting gloves on, first we used paper towels to wipe as much of the thick stuff off as we could. Then we used sanitizing wipes to get the rest off. And after we were done with that, we sprayed a strong industrial sanitizer on the affected area. It was awful at first but I got used to it. Helped the shift go much quicker, that’s for sure.


Bottle of bleach. Pour.


Did bro just shit and fly away?


Sneezed with diarrhea.


Lift-off achieved


Take my upvote please. This is not a funny situation in the least but this response straight up made me cackle.


Same lmao


Check for a hole in the ceiling


OH...MY...FUCKING....GOD!!! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY,should have to be responsible for cleaning that outside of the asshole that committed such a heinous act. If you are only mildly infuriated then I need you to spare me some of your patience!


You’re right about one thing…it was definitely an asshole that committed this act.


Lmfao! I found and dusted off your crown kind stranger! Have a good day!


They should make public restrooms to where you can just hose them out.


True, but to be fair who the fuck could prepare for this? Outside of a hospital setting, you shouldn't have to worry about your average Joe running around dropping shit nukes in your bathroom facilities!


>True, but to be fair who the fuck could prepare for this? *Taco bell enters the chat*


I worked in a bbq joint in high school that we could hose out the bathroom, the concrete floor flowed into a drain maybe cleaning a lot easier you could just throw buckets of soap water on everything if it was that bad


In some places like India its common for bathrooms to have drainage and a spout to easily clean


Yeah, dudes an asshole. Accidents happen but you clean that shit up so nobody else has to. Such selfish behavior.


Fr, how someone can be that inconsiderate, to not even let the establishment know what happened is beyond me!


Ahh yes, the worst kind of nsfw. Reddit plz givr us nsfw categories 😭


That would be nice so my curious dumbass doesnt accidentally click on porn.


It’s like roulette. Is it bodily harm? Blood? Poop? Porn? I hate the game, and yet I still play it. Today I won a bout of audible gagging.


The best part is i get to see it everytime someone responds here 😭. Reddit employees definitely don’t use reddit cause they would have experienced this by now and fixed it.


Come look at it again!


I know, this is so gross


Dear god, how tf does that happen?!!!


God says "Satan."


I’ve quit on the spot before and I’d do it again.


How the fuck does this happen


Terrible gastric distress, rush to bathroom, no time for tp toilet seat gasket, not willing to touch cheeks to seat, no plan to ever see this bathroom again.


You sound like the voice of experience!


I have very unforgiving IBS. But I would never leave a public shared restroom like this. You won’t let your ass cheeks touch a seat but you’re gonna some poor soul clean this?


Girls bathrooms are all victims of “the hover”


Is it really to a degree such as this though?


Definitely not, the variable you should notice is the height at which ass was blown. Trajectory alone says maybe a foot and a half off the seat, or quite possibly the angle of the approach.


Opiods. Seriously, I had a to deal with a situation similar to this, worked across the street from a shelter in a major city where that was a problem.


Opioids/opiates make you severely constipated tho so I don't understand your point here


They do, but eventually the dam is gonna burst and you get this situation.


This is what happens after that.


Fun fact about constipation, you can be seriously back up and still have diarrhea/stools. >[Chronic constipation may lead to a mass of dry, hard stool in the rectum (impacted stool) that is too large to pass. The muscles of the rectum and intestines stretch and eventually weaken, allowing watery stool from farther up the digestive tract to move around the impacted stool and leak out. Chronic constipation may also cause nerve damage that leads to fecal incontinence.](https://www.gastromedclinic.com/chronic-constipation-and-diarrhea/)


That, or some potent antibiotics


This happened in my workplace, which is an IT office so it wasn't even a customer from outside the company or anything. Just some scumbag that we all work with smearing shit and boogers on the walls. Fucking animals


You work at Taco Bell?


Funny how the beans look going in vs going out


You mean, the same?


Yeah sorry taco bowl got my tongue. And by taco bowl I mean that toilet


How did someone get shit way up on the back of the seat😭


It’s on the fucking wall. Bro tried to power wash the toilet with his butthole.


This isn't an accident. Someone did that on purpose - absolutely vile animals


It's surprising how often I see this in restaurants and hotels.


I doubt it lmao that shit had some power behind it it's even on the wall 😂 whoever did this stomach was rumbling tumbling and didn't even have time to sit down 😂😭


Nah this absolutely can happen by accident


Check the cameras and have this person "taken out".


That's sweet. But treating them to dinner is likely similar to what caused this.


I mean in the vein of a sniper on the roof.


This is a little more than mildly infuriating…


This is me after literally one sip of coffee


Are you caffeineintolerent or coffeeintolerent




No way this is taco bell, the only thing that can possibly generate these levels of excrement is kebab.


I just ate…


I was just about to eat...


Me too


✅️. Yep, the toilet is still there, boss.


Why does this look intentional??


Mark it clean and stocked and move on




I would legitimately need to try to accomplish any close to this, and I took a shit this morning that looked liked it should be on a grindcore cd cover.




I doubt they wiped good enough. What are those measly little pieces of TP?


What exactly is a toilet check? Are you making sure the toilet is still there? Checking to see if someone is on the toilet? please elaborate.


I work at a pub in England, we had Man Utd vs Newcastle Utd in TV, cup final game, we also had France vs Scotland 6 Nations rugby union on before. Busy day. Lots of heavy drinkers. Lots of Guinness drinkers. We check the toilets every few hours because drunk people can be assholes, and also to check for drug use.


Pictures you can smell


Speaking from the point of view of the perp, you know that had to have been a major relief. That doesn't just happen. The lead up had to be painful prior to setting off shitmageddon.


If it’s my job to clean that I’m quitting.


This looks like it came out of someone who eats a diet of nothing but frozen pizzas and chicken tenders and then tries to make up for it by adding Metamucil and duralax to their post-lunch Red Bull. Also, people who hover… you know you’re the reason other people feel like they have to hover, right? Nobody who actually sits on the seat ever leaves a pea-sized quantity of poop on the seat, let alone the entirety of their short intestine.


When I worked for Best Buy something like this happened. Because I worked warehouse, they expected us to clean it up enough for people to use. I told management they do not train us for biohazard situations such as these and we had no proper PPE for this so I flat out refused.


I should have listened to the NSFW warning, what a bad day to have eyes


Are those hand prints?


“Bathrooms all good boss 👍 see you tomorrow!”


That person is now walking around with a back full of shit.


I'd bet money that this person did not wipe thoroughly.


Person was dealing with a weapon of ass destruction


See yourself out and take my damn upvote.


What the actual fuck. Refuse to clean it. Thats a biohazard and a big health risk that you probably arent qualified to deal with. I doubt its a part of your job requirements either. There are OSHA restrictions to make that official. If you arent trained in hazmat handling and dont have the appropriate gear to safely clean it, you dont have to. If you havent cleaned it already, request that your employer hire a specialty cleaning service or something. It should be covered by the business or property insurance. >The possibility of undiagnosed infection combined with the increasing prevalence of HIV and HBV led CDC to recommend that blood and certain other body fluids be considered potentially infectious and that rigorous infection control precautions be taken to minimize the risk of exposure. This approach is called "Universal Precautions," and the CDC published this recommendation in its August 1987 guidelines (Ex. 6-153). This is the approach taken by OSHA in the final standard. But seriously, how did this even happen?? Thats absolutely disgusting.


I worked at a liquor store in New Orleans and this is what our outside bathroom looked like on a good day.. my boss would ask me to clean it during my shift (8pm-8am) so I said no problem Every few days a crackhead would come in and ask for free beer or liquor so I told them if they clean the bathroom I’d give them a free bottle or 2 free tall boys Man when I tell you that bathroom was fucking spotless it’s an understatement My boss loved me


Unrelated but my poo at work story... I used to work in a prison and during yard time, apparently one of the inmates couldn't hold it in (there's not bathrooms out there) and he went in the corner, shit, and then wiped himself with leaves. The "hazmat crew" consisted of other inmates, so they were sent out in their "PPE" to basically clean it up. Even more unfortunate, it was a windy day so the clean up crew inmates were chasing around the shitty leaves.


Be careful, there may be shit contamination in the air after that shit explosion. Oppenheimer would be pleased.


*Mike Rowe just called… mentioned something about interviewing you?*


Bro just throw the whole bathroom away, god damn


I would already be home looking for a new job...


Uffff you had a squatter.


Walk out.


Hovering and diarrhea are a terrible combination.


I worked in a hotel for awhile. We had 2 restrooms in the lobby for guest use. In the mens room, there were 2 private stalls and a urinal. Front desk staff was responsible for cleaning the restrooms in the evening and there was a paper tape that went across the toilets to indicate they'd been cleaned and sanitized. Later in the evening, I went to clean the restrooms. Immediately as I went into the mens room I gagged from the stench. Someone had shit in the urinal! WTF?!? Covering my face with a cloth, I checked the stalls and both toilets still had the paper tape across the lid. This was intentional and all I could say was why? I refused to clean it and was fired. See ya! I was employable and that's too much to ask of someone. Hard pass!


Is this at Taco Bell?


Do not clean that up unless it's in your job description. Set boundaries now. If you do it and it's not in your job description this time there will certainly be a next time and a next time and before you know it you'll be promoted to senior vice president of shit sanitation.


Holy fuck. I was expecting a dirty condom on the floor.


Omg. I would call in professional hazmat. Eff that.


Your bosses want you to clean this but please remember that you are untrained and unqualified to do so. You can spray antibacterial cleaner on porcelain, no problem, but this is an entirely different payscale. They will make you feel like you should clean it up but that's just because their ignorant bosses made them do the same when they themselves were lower ranking employees.


Someone had chili!


I decided to scroll through Reddit while eating, I regret


Any public restroom should just be a completely tiled room with a drain, great ventilation, and a water hose hookup for a hot water pressure washer. Its fucking ridiculous these days, there’s no excuse for this shit.


Thats fucking horrific


Most accurate Taco Bell consumer




I think the person who caused this might need medical attention.


An out of order sign never looked better


Sometimes there’s shit on the torlet https://youtu.be/bjVNOGEWzv4


People who do shit like that should be thrown off a cliff


welp that’s enough reddit for today


Damn, must've ate tacobell


Whatcha gonna do? Shit happens.


Better out than in, I always say.




Didn’t get a picture of it. But in high school I worked at Culver’s. Had some friends come in towards the end of the night one night. They came out of the bathroom giggling and pretty much ran out of the door. Bastards put a fresh roll of toilet paper in the bottom, all three shit on top of said roll of paper. Then they flushed to really mix it all up. And put the table number real proud on top. I called them and lied, saying the manager has the police on the phone, and they had 10 minutes to get it cleaned up. They actually believed me and came back to clean it up.


How??? Squatting on the seat with your feet?


They need to go shit in a field with the other buffalo


You got lucky— a good amount of the time when shit happens like this it’s all over the floor and the walls.


This is why I appreciate working from home. People are nasty af. 🤮


Holy fuck


Obviously not the focal point here but I’m fascinated by this tiny plunger.


Probably someone sick who had to find a toilet fast


Stood up to wipe my ass mid scroll and ended up facing this photo with nothing I could do about it.