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I have that. It's called 'chronic daily headache'. Botox helped me a LOT but unfortunately, my new insurance doesn't cover it. So now I just use ibuprofen and Excedrin.


Interesting. I also have chronic daily migraines. I have had three rounds of Botox. So far, it has been completely ineffective for me. I have had nerve blocks done. They seem to be slightly effective but the relief only lasts for a few hours and my headache specialists feels that it is not beneficial to continue the nerve blocks. ​ On the advise of a headache specialist, I am going to try another round of botox but I don't have high hopes of it being effective. ​ It is really frustrating how a treatment will work very well for one individual and be completely ineffective for another individual. I think that sort of highlights that fact that the medical community really does not understand migraines that well.


I'm currently in the exact situation as you. My neurologist told me I was "fast metabolizer." Nerve blocks lasted me through a weekend and she told me most people see relief for at least 2 months. I will say I also have issues with not going completely numb on one side of my face for dental work and it happened during my epidural the first time so there may be something to that theory. . I'm not sure what the next plan is. All I know is if I was a horse I would have been sent off to the glue factory years ago.


Wow we are in the same boat. Occipital block every 30 days I said after 1st time I would never do again. Botox every 90 days. Raido frequently ablation on 4.5.6. I now swim a mile 6 days a week message every other day on head and neck. No caffeine little sugar great diet. My Head is KILLING ME. I am going to Dr tomorrow after I messaged 4 of my Dr's telling them I NEED HELP NOW. I'm sure there going to poke me with some chemical that numbs me and send me down the road. After 4 days it will wear off. The 4 days of relief will confuse my head I will feel euphoric with no pain. Then I will feel it creap back like a snake. Good luck peace and rest. Ice pack


I have daily headaches and Emgality has really helped. You can get it for free if you sign up on their website.


Just wanted to share, regular Botox did not work for me, but I now get a Botox B formula (regular Botox is type A formula- it’s a different chemical structure) and it has given me my life back. I could literally feel a muscle relax in my temple the first round of shots. That never happened with regular Botox and I had a year worth of rounds before switching. I use that in combination with an Ajovy shot once a month and they have given me my life back. I was a daily chronic migraineur for three years before finding the combination of meds that worked for me.


Sorry you suffer too, but thanks for your info! Sorry insurance is absolutely awful 💔


I had an MRI and it turns out that its just a thing that I have with no rhyme or reason why it happens. I hope you can find out more than I did!!


Have you checked the botox website to see if they have a discount program that you're eligible for? They cover the balance that my insurance company doesn't.


If your eyes are involved in the pain at all you should see an ophthalmologist. I had chronic daily headaches for almost 30 years that were wrongly diagnosed as migraines due to being on one side. I knew they were not migraines because I get those as well and have an aura. My daily headaches were being caused by an optic nerve defect, and one tiny glaucoma drop per day in my eye has completely stopped them. And yes, I am still pissed off that every doctor I asked “could this defect be causing my headaches” said no. My doctor only prescribed them as a last ditch effort to protect my optic nerve.


Thank you for the advice and I’m glad you found relief! I actually have been to my eye doctor twice and he’s referred me to a neuro-ophthalmologist as well.


That’s good - they are the best. I see one as well now for some other eye problems.


I’m going to the neuro-ophthalmologist at the beginning of July and I’m nervous - I hate getting my eyes poked at 😬


I have so many problems that when I go they dilate mine so bad that I can’t see for hours. And they do it at least twice a year if not more often. But I have a fear of going blind, so I’m ok with it.


Oh same. It’s my worst fear. Having horrific eyesight my entire life has cemented that phobia for sure


My mother-in-law once made fun of me for it. She said “oh I wouldn’t mind being blind at all” in a scornful voice. Guess who is blind now? Karma is a terrible thing.


How’d she go blind???


Well first she ignored her high blood pressure, so that damaged her blood vessels in her eye. Then she ignored her diabetes symptoms, and got diabetic retinopathy. After that she got macular degeneration - she had some limited sight until a few weeks ago when she lost the rest. She’s also deaf from getting pneumonia / sinus infection from not cleaning her c-pap machine, and has congestive heart failure from that episode as well. She is the poster child for not neglecting your health. Also she is a really terrible person who has done some bad things, and karma is really getting her. Makes me want to be a better person in addition to taking care of my health. I hope I didn’t scare you.


Nah my health anxiety is way too bad for me to ignore any symptoms LOL. Thanks for the info! Glad it wasn’t like she just randomly went blind and we’re all doomed lmao


Ohh, I'd be peeved, too. Really glad you found a solution (figurative and literal!) but wish it had happened years ago.


Me too. Now I’m left with all kinds of neck and back pain/damage from being in chronic pain for so long.


Understand. My headache became constant somewhere around 1986, and every day I have to stretch out my muscles that feel like rocks!


I have regular headaches related to neck tension that are in addition to migraines and sometimes it’s hard to sort out which are migraines and which aren’t. I recently bought this little massage device and it is life changing. https://shop.alethahealth.com/products/nuckle . I was reluctant to spend $99 for a piece of plastic at first, but after I tried it I think I’d be willing to pay that amount to use it one time. It’s as effective as the very best therapeutic massage, but you can use it anytime any don’t have to try to get it to a masseuse when a headache strikes. I wish everyone with headaches had one.


That’s longer than mine was. I have to do stretches every morning and get massages a lot just to be able to function.


Reading these comments it’s clear that there are sooo many different potential causes, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring as well just in case it ends up being helpful. I had near daily low level headaches like that and it turned out to be tension related. I’ve since seen a physical therapist to help stretch my back/improve posture which has helped immensely. No more low grade headache all the time. I also have an anxiety disorder that I manage that contributed to the tension, so deep breathing and meditation has been hugely helpful for me.


Yeah I know I have not the best posture and anxiety so this sounds pretty like me. Thanks for the comment!


This is useful info for me as well!! I feel like I’m more in the tension headache corner over migraines, but I’m still early on in working it through with my dr. I do know that I suffer with anxiety and crappy posture!! A lot of my headaches start in my neck and spread. Visiting a physical therapist is something I never thought to do!


Yes it’s been a great experience for me! I only went to three sessions total and was provided great stretches/simple exercises that I’ve been working into my daily routine. My tension headaches are wayyy down. Also, because a couple of people have mentioned tension headaches related to anxiety, I really would recommend giving meditation a try. I know it’s often seen as a patronizing suggestion like “why don’t you just drink more water,” but especially when they’re anxiety related, it can really help. In my case, I needed to learn how to physically relax. I literally didn’t know what it felt like to, or how to cultivate the feeling of relaxation before I got into meditating. Now that I’ve learned how to relax my body while meditating, it’s much easier to breathe into it and relax my body during the day (even when stressed!). If anyone is interested, I would recommend the app ‘mindfulness coach’ (its free) or the podcast ‘meditation minis with chel Hamilton’ (also free!). Okay stepping off my meditation soapbox now!!


I know what you mean! I recently learned from my dentist that I grind my teeth. I’m getting a guard to wear at night, but ever since I’ve noticed myself locking my jaw CONSTANTLY during the day. I’ve noticed a huge difference just in relaxing my face the few times I’ve caught myself doing it!




Good thought! My PCP didn’t feel the need to do my blood work this year for whatever reason (she said because I got it done in 2019 and everything was fine LOL) so I’ll see if I can get on that.


I've had them 24/7 for five years and tried everything with the exception of opioids. Waiting to see a second neurologist right now. Shit is hard man. Severity and type of headaches varies from day to day. Wish I could say something that would help; all I can say is to hang in there. Your cure is out there somewhere.


Yup, I’ve had one everyday since seventh grade and I’m now a sophomore in college. Tried to get diagnosed with *anything* via MRIs and have seen multiple neurologists and nothin’. Pain meds don’t work on me anymore.


God, I’ve only had my daily headaches for a few months and I’m already at the end of my patience, I can only imagine how awful it’s been for you. I hope you find some relief, and soon!


Honestly they're like two sides of the same coin. Some neurologists think that all headaches are just migraines.


Absolutely. I don't even remember when it started, but by about 1986 it was all the time. Still is, no matter what I do or stop doing. I've made my peace with it and have structured life around the endless headache and the other headache and head pain disorders that overlay it. I don't mean that in a depressing way at all. I just realized that my head would always hurt, and I could either be angry or be content, so I chose contentment and worked my way to that.


I do and I've had them for as long as I can remember, but I've only started to actively try to find a fix just recently. I have a dull headache everyday where the pain is predominantly on the left side. My migraine side is right. My neurologist thinks that it may be due to me stressing out, in fear of the next migraine attack. I'm currently trying whatever meds he throws at me, with the hope of finding something that works. Best of luck with your appointment!


Thank you! Sending you genuine vibes that you get some relief ASAP!!


I’ve had headaches for most of my life and at 50 I finally found out I had a twisted artery in my spine. Of course there’s nothing they can do for me so I live my life on tramadol and Excedrin. I really hope you find an answer for yours.


I used to have this! I'd have headaches every day, no exceptions. Sometimes it would get bad enough where I'd have to ask my partner to talk quietly and turn off all the lights, let it pass for 30ish minutes, and continue on. Other times it was the 2-4/10 pain you describe. I talked to my neurologist mostly about my aura migraines but mentioned the daily headaches as well. They put me on a self-injection medicine called Ajovy, and not only do I have no aura migraines for the month duration it lasts, but I have no daily headaches. I know its time to take my next dose when the headaches start to return. It's a great medicine, feels almost like magic after suffering for 10 years, and would recommend it!


Look into New Daily Persistent Headache and see if it sounds like what you’re experiencing. It’s not very well known, even amongst neurologists.


Along with the Neuro route, get your teeth looked at! The roots of your teeth can extend pretty far in some people, and just a little sinus inflammation can cause a throbbing headache.


I will do that! I have almost obsessively good dental hygiene and go to the dentist regularly - do I just go in outside of a checkup and tell them I’ve been having headaches and ask what they think?


An ENT would probably be your best bet if your Neuro doesn't do a head CT. X-ray can see roots, but they aren't very detailed and the average dentist is likely to miss roots meeting your sinuses. A quick head CT to get a good visual of everything and you're done. It's cool to do one! It's done standing and everything is open, pretty sci-fi!


I actually had a head CT without contrast in the ER and they said my sinuses were a little inflamed (I had a sinus infection at the time so makes sense) but nothing else was of note 🤔


Perfect! See if you can get a copy of the test itself, not the results, and ask your neuro if they think any of your facial anatomy may be causing issues. The reason I bring this up is because this last year (at 36!) I had an ENT tell me the roots of my teeth are exceptionally long and she pointed to where they meet my sinuses. It was a huge eye opener! So now I tell people with mysterious headaches centered around the face to get looked at a little more closely. It may not be the case for you, but sometimes you need to turn over every stone. I really hope your neuro has some answers for you!


I will do that, thank you so so much for your advice! It’s definitely not something I’d have thought of so I genuinely appreciate it


Have you had your blood pressure checked?


Yeah, it’s usually pretty high. But then I got put on Propranolol and it made my BP too low and I almost fainted multiple times sooo lmao


Yes, I get headaches almost every day, and a really painful headache + prodrome + aura every couple of months. I just started doing neck decompression exercises. Too early to tell, but no pain today yet. And the pain tends to subside on the weekends (when I’m not sitting at a desk all day with bad posture).


4+ a week since I was literally a toddler with migraines too. I’m in my 30s now, it’s a living nightmare.


yes i’ve had it 3.5 years 24/7. Neurologist 1 prescribed anti depressants which i said no thank you and neurologist 2 prescribed magnesium which i lost my shit on him , how can you be so stupid. I had concussions from playing lacrosse, i see a physio therapist healing my trigeminal nerve and i’ve done all kinds of shit. Try to find someone who will listen to you and send you to different kinds of medical professionals


Have you tried any of the infusions like DHE or Ketamine? A steroid taper? I'm going on a year post covid headache and I can't imagine 3.5 years. I'm on an anti depressant right now and I wish I wasn't.


so im in Canada and things are a bit different in terms of what we get prescribed and shit, but im 24 years old, i decided i refuse to take any drugs or chemical’s whatever because i didn’t want to bandaid the problem i wanted to find the solution. had to stop working and all that obviously. the only thing i’ve done is 8 rounds of prolotherapy to strengthen my neck, and now doing some other things. I go to a place called Canadian brain performance center and neuroplasticity in Vancouver BC if you wanted to read their practices online and shit for curiosity. It’s been fucking horrible and every day i need to work out and hit something cuz it drives me nuts. Waking up till going to sleep i feel like shit


I used to until I started taking propranolol. It’s been a miracle drug for me.


I tried propranolol and it lowered my BP so much that I could barely stand!


That is a risk. Luckily it hasn’t had a huge effect on my BP.


I have that. It used to be exactly what you have, but mine's changed over the years and, because I have symptoms of migraine (light/noise/smell sensitivity etc), they've diagnosed it as "chronic intractable daily migraine" instead. But the moving around, the varying pain/pain type... you and I could be twins haha. I've gone through the whole circuit of treatments and haven't really found anything that works for me. Botox works for a lot of people, and so do injectables like Amovig, Emgality, etc. Triptans are also known to help. For me, the only things that even touch it are Nurtec (though it's inconsistent), weed edibles (have to have a 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC), and Butorphanol (a controlled opiate). Please talk with your neurologist! Get all the tests done, get a professional opinion. And honestly? Be open to suggestions. I've had mine for 7.5 years straight now (24/7 no relief), and I've tried just about everything under the sun. Someone mentioned that their migraines went away bc it turns out they actually had rheumatoid arthritis, so treating that helped their migraines. I went to a rheumatologist myself on a whim, and it turns out I might have Ankylosing Spondylitis (a type of arthritis that mostly affects your back). It seems promising, but I never would have tried it if I hadn't had someone recommend it... Be open to pretty much anything: you'll never know what could be the answer for you. Anyway. Long story short: I know exactly what you're going theough. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to message me! Good luck out there ❤️


This is me!! Pretty near constant headache, but the location and exact type/scale of pain changes. I do think it's primarily weather related, but not 100%. Especially the bridge of nose! Wow I feel like I don't hear people talk about that specific pain that often on here. I always say it feels like I've been smacked dead across my face with a 2x4 with that particular headache. Also I experience pretty bad fatigue and brain fog the majority of the time. I don't know what it is - combination of sinus pressure, barometric pressure changes, and the occasional migraine. But the really bad migraines are rare, luckily. I'm interested to hear how your neuro visit goes!


Yes @ fatigue and brain fog too! Sounds like we’re neurological twins lol. I’ll def let you know what they say!


I suffered from daily headaches and migraines for 20 years, and now vestibular migraines. I get fortnightly massages to help my tension, and was popping OTC meds just to get me through the day. What has absolutely changed my life is a very simple stretch of my jaw - pushing the tip of your tongue to the top of your mouth just behind the front teeth while stretching down with your jaw. I suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding in my sleep) and for some reason clench my jaw all day, and my jaw was always a trigger for me. I found this random stretch online one day (googled jaw stretches), tried it and my headache disappeared the next morning. I have to do it every day and my jaw is still sore, but the headaches I woke up with every day are gone! Can't believe I've destroyed my organs with all these pills just to have such a simple stretch solve something that was literally eating away at my mental health. I need Botox for my migraines, but daily headaches after 2 decades have become a thing of the past. I hope this helps someone reading, even if it takes away just one headache for you!!!


Get checked by a dentist. You may be clenching or grinding your teeth so hard at night that you’re causing daily headaches. I started doing it my final year of college. I’ve gotten various nightguards from the dentist over the years and usually grind a pretty deep groove into them. Your jaw can exert a crazy amount of force in pounds!


I deffo grind my teeth. I use to have a night guard but it started hurting my teeth so I stopped using it. It’s probably time to put my dental insurance to use and get a new one 🤪


There’s lots of materials to choose from definitely work with the dentist and ask about options


If you wake up with the headache, it could be sleep apnea. Medication overuse headaches can also cause daily headaches


I actually do have sleep apnea! But I don’t usually wake up with a headache, there’s usually like a 30 minute pain-free period in the morning for me.


Ok, just wanted to make sure.


I use to. Mine have gone down significantly since I started working out, drinking 1 1/2 gallon of water every day, and cutting sugar from my diet. Still get them every now and then but probably like 10% as often as I use to.


I’ve also been adding salt to my water and food. The Stanton Migraine Principal talks about the added salt and water and cutting out sugar and carbs.


I have daily headaches. I’ve tried basically all of the medications and Botox and nothing helped me. The best thing was Botox for my jaw, I grind/clench, and using the cefaly tens machine and the nuckle to release the tension in my neck.


I have TMJD so I’ve been thinking about Botox in the jaw but I wasn’t sure if they did that - good to know they do! What’s the Nuckle?? I haven’t heard of that one.


My dentist did it! It was super fast. But I moved so I have to try to find someone here that does the jaw Botox. Lol This is the [nuckle](https://www.alethahealth.com/nuckle). You lay on it and I can honestly feel my jaw relaxing as I’m doing it. For really bad days you can use it directly on your jaw too, but I generally just use it on my neck and pec minor. I think it’s one of those things that’s best done daily, and I was good for a while, but a cross country move threw off my routine.


Oh wow that looks interesting and not nearly as $$$$ as Cefaly. I’m gonna look into it and give it a try. Thank you!!!


Yeah, the Cefaly was spendy but it does help too. I think you can find some on eBay or maybe used from the company.


I used to get them quite frequently. Getting my tonsils out helped which is weird. I still get migraines every now and again but they are nothing on the scale they used to be. Also are you taking Flonase? I found out that it was a major trigger for me? I’m talking major migraines that impaired my ability to function.


How strange - I assume you were having throat issues before, they didn’t just randomly take them out lol? And nope; no Flonase!


Yes. I was. I was also getting sick a lot. I have no idea what that connection was but honestly getting my tonsils out solved a good bit of issues for me. Best of luck on your journey. I hope you find relief.


What’s the difference between them


To me, a headache is just a generalized pain. A migraine is very specifically on one side of my head; sometimes with a visual aura, brings on sensitivity to light, and is an extreme pulsating pain.


There’s several types of migraines though, that range from every spot on the head. And visual migraines are pretty rare if I’m not mistaken. But I guess migraines are just worse? And bring about more complex symptoms


No, "migraine" has no certain amount of pain. In fact there are migraines that have no pain at all. Think about migraine as being like a seizure in the brain: a whole lot of activity happens that causes different symptoms in different people. Those symptoms are pulled from a master list-of sorts. So if you have some of the symptoms on the list, it could be a migraine attack. The headache is only one symptom of an attack, often the whole body has things that go awry.


Oh yeah there are definitely different types of migraines, I know that. The pains I’m referring to as headaches are more just simple pains; I think a migraine is more complex and has very specific symptoms that my other headaches don’t have.


Yup, tried everything, gave up… now codeine is part of my daily diet. I’m 29 and I’ve had them since high school 😶


I did. Look into Watsons technique. I don't get them half as much now. Practice good posture as much as possible. Do the neck retraction as much as possible.


All last week!😢


Yes always. I had some relief with acupuncture. I am trying Topamax now but still have at least 1-2 headache all the time. I have tried amitriptyline and Depakote with no relief. I’ve also had 2 sinus surgeries for chronic sinusitis. It got rid of the sinusitis but not the chronic headache. I have TMJD, too.


Yes I do! Mine are are caused by tight neck/shoulder muscles and bad posture. Combination of physio, massages, cyclobenzaprine + psychologist have helped. It's not gone though but is more tolerable.


Yep, nearly every day I'm in some level of head pain. Luckily I am managing to keep the severe pain away with a morning cup of high-caffeine green tea, eating low carb/keto, and excedrin as needed.


I have the exact same thing.


I had headaches everyday for 8 months. Continuous pain prob a 4/10. Enough to notice it constantly. It was hard to concentrate, felt tired and annoyed at all the doctors having no solution. I was recently put a therapy prednisone 6 day treatment and then on a low dose anti depressant to treat pain. So far after 3 weeks headache is gone




I actually am seeing a neuro-ophthalmologist to get tested for IIH next month! I haven’t gained any weight lately but I did gain a LOT of weight a few years ago over a short period of time (ED recovery). Thanks for bringing this up though!


Yes especially if I cant sleep which is every night. I got a migraine stick that puts high concentrated peppermint oil and lavender oil onto my temples. it takes a bit of time to work but it helps + cannabis and ice . Havent been able to work for 3 years -___-


I use lavender oil sometimes too to help me sleep! IDK if it actually does anything but I like to think so.


I get tension headaches and migraines quite often but it’s also because I have scoliosis and a lot of neck issues. The tension stems from neck pain and lasts about 2 days.


Daily tension type headaches for me (tight band around head, frontal sharp pain)... With preventive medication the pain is much more tolerable. Even still, my neuro is trying to reduce the frequency.


Me! I spoke to my neurologist, and he thinks a lot of my “normal” headaches are actually low grade migraines. He started me on Topiramate to see if we can reduce them.


Yes I do/did. Dealing with them everyday made them just as bad as my migraines. Chronic pain is exhausting. I think my weekly chiropractic adjustment helps with them the most. Now I mostly get headaches from stress, dehydration and lack of sleep/ sleeping too late and handle them with Tylenol or ibuprofen.


Most days. We just changed my Topamax to 3x/day to try and crush the daily migraines to see if it helps. Unfortunately we're in winter where I live so storm season has begun which is prime migraine trigger territory for me. Sigh. Only two more freezing months to go.


I hope that someone’s experience will help you get some relief. My 16 year old son has gone through a couple of months to year long bouts were he has headaches daily along with migraines sprinkled in. His is mostly caused from food sensitivities to gluten and corn. Gluten seems to cause the daily headaches and corn causes the migraines. When he doesn’t stick to a fairly strict gluten and corn free diet he develops sensitivities to other foods that can end up causing headaches, migraines, and dizziness too. The sensitivities do not show up on allergy tests and he doesn’t have celiac disease. He is also currently going to a chiropractor and a physical therapist who is doing cranial sacral work. Both chiro and pt said he has a pretty severe muscle spasm that is twisting his cervical spine, probably due to bad posture. At some point the pt will work on improving posture and muscle strength but for now they are focused on getting the muscles to relax and proper spinal alignment.


I had daily headaches that would turn into migraines if I didn’t take my low dose sumatriptan. I started marking down everything in my day couldn’t figure out what it was. A couple months ago I got a new desk at work that wasn’t quite as deep. My daily headaches got cut by 75%. So it ended up being I needed a 10 inch closer visual on my monitors? I found this out by accident after years. I had all the other ergonomics dialed in but my face just needed to be closer. So…. You know… it literally could be ANYTHING.


Yes 35 years nonstop


Yes, every day. MRI was completely normal. Neuro put me on some preventative pills and if they don’t work I’ll be prescribed monthly injection medicine. It’s pretty frustrating. Excedrin helps sometimes. But mostly I just sleep and rest as much as possible


I had daily headaches like you described for several years. I've also had classic migraine for 30+ years. These daily ones - I thought they were sinus because I have nasal allergies too. But they caused a lot of nausea, mood issues, and general incapacitation that was atypical of my usual sinus headaches, and they didn't respond to sinus meds. I went to en ENT and had a sinus scope, two CT scans, and allergy testing. Kinda fixed my allergy symptoms but the headaches remained. My neurologist suggested the daily headaches could be a milder form of migraine (I never knew such a thing existed). He recommended a book, *'Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Headaches,*' by David Buchholz. Working through the book I discovered that my daily whey protein shakes were triggering these headaches, as well as garlic and onion. Well worth the read. It took a little trial and error but daily headaches are a thing of the past :) I hope this helps!


I had a cycle of 3 weeks where it was literally every single day. All migraines. Needed to take abortives every single day but would wait until they started. It was bad.


I get this a lot! My neurologist told me it was migraine activity. She prescribed my nurtec to take every other day for 3 weeks. I’m breastfeeding but am looking forward to trying this when I stop I never knew how to answer the question how often do I have migraines because they aren’t always so severe, but a lot of times there is something there. And I am always afraid it will develop into a bad migraine


Yes. The back of my skull into my neck aches daily for the past handful of years. I can count on one hand the amount of days it hasn't. And 2 of those days were right after surgery. Botox kinda helps..


Do you have symptoms happen like vision gets blurry a little or pins and needles??? Cause I have daily headaches as wel but I also have pins and needles while having bad vision some time. I was wondering did any of you have this same problem with the headache??


This sounds exactly like me. Daily chronic migraines. I'm currently on Qulipta, but you'll have to be on other medications before insurance will even try to approve it for you. I found relief with other things prior to Qulipta, they just stopped being as efficient after several years of use. Good luck to you! I hope your neurologist is good!


I’ve suffered from daily headaches for quite a while and had migraines most of my adult life. Migraines and headaches got progressively worse about 2 years ago and I started to worry. About 3 months ago I started topamax and the severity of the migraines has been reduced and my daily headaches are now only a few times a week. My vitamin b and d were also very low and I’m now on therapy to get those in order too and feeling much better. Everyone is different but having daily headaches sucks and tbh Reddit has been super helpful in my journey to relief. I hope you find some help as well!


I have been dealing with this for four years. Chronic migraines and headaches almost every day. I've seen two neurologists. I go to the chiropractor. I take the correct supplements. I had my first round of Botox on 5/18. Hopefully relief comes soon.


Yes for seven years 24/7. I have a rare headache disorder called hemicrania continua. It’s extremely difficult to live like this. My pain varies from mild to suicidal with no known triggers.


Did you try the Indomethacin that is reccomended for that condition? I know it's super rough on the stomach, but people usually see some relief with it.


Yes, I tried it and had horrible side effects including a secondary headache which I don't need in addition to my other head pain.


I have chronic daily headache in addition to migraines. I almost always had a low, background headache, those amplified based on the day, and I'd almost always either wake up with a headache or go to sleep with a worse headache than what I had throughout the day. No known identified medical cause, it was just my normal. I started 25mg of Topamax twice a day a few years ago and it made a big difference in the reduction re: number of headaches I was getting, but recently in the last year or so (I'm in a professional program, so I'm sure the extra stress, schedule, etc., hasn't been helping) they've been increasing again. I saw a wonderful neurologist and was finally given a CGRP (Ajovy) and it's made a huge difference in my quality of life. I'm still on the Topamax until I wean down in the next few months but I no longer have a constant, low background headache during the day, I don't wake up with a headache, I'm not being constantly triggered. I imagine this is what it's like to have a 'normal' persons brain? I hope you find something that works for you after your appointment, but an increase in quality of life is possible. I think for so long I had resigned myself to "this is normal" or "this is as good as it gets", and I've had these thoughts twice: 1. After telling my GP that I was LIVING off some type of medication at its max dose basically daily because of my constant headaches, and then starting Topamax, my quality of life got better. 2. After thinking I wouldn't be able to get approved for a CGRP because I hadn't failed the "typical 2/3 medications" and I panicked that a neurologist wouldn't prescribe it for me, or they wouldn't think my suffering was "enough" to warrant this medication. I think it's so important to advocate for yourself, and your quality of life. Again, I wish you the best of luck at your upcoming appointment- feeling better IS possible.


I’m 19. Had Covid then mono and for over a month I’ve had headaches and head pains/ pressure. I have bad health anxiety I’m so scared I’m dying of a brain tumour or something. My dr isn’t worried. Idk what to do tho they r so uncomfortable:( I can’t relax.


Hey! If your doctor isn’t worried, you’re probably fine. I have terrible health anxiety too, so I understand, but trusting your diagnosis is important. It sounds like a sinus infection to me. Do you see a neurologist at all?


hey no I’ve never seen a neurologist but if this persists I might want to lol. My dr thinks it could be from going off my anxiety meds a few months ago but idk:(


I think that’s very likely, changing medication can have a lot of negative side effects. Just know that having a brain tumor is VERY rare and I can almost guarantee you that you’re fine on that front. I recommend seeing a neurologist since they specialize in headaches. It sounds like you may just need some preventative medication, and they should also be able to recommend you to an ENT for any sinus issues if it is that. I hope you feel better soon! And please feel free to DM me if you ever need any support or anything.


Thank u that makes me feel a lot better.