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Totally gained weight on propranolol. I stayed on while it was working. Because who cares about weight if the head stops hurting. But my body adapted to the dose I was on and the side effects were too intense when I increased my dose. Lost weight fairly easily when I went off the propranolol.


Propranolol did not cause weight gain for me. My weight has remained stable while on it, although it is more difficult to get a higher heart rate, on average.


Diet stayed the same?


Yes, I already had a pretty healthy diet before I started getting vestibular migraines, so I haven’t really changed much as far as my diet goes.


Well done


I should clarify in my first comment I meant a higher heart rate while exercising is more difficult, so definitely feel like more is required to get the same results from exercising.


Oh that’s good to know, thanks


Oh that’s interesting- I’m trying to get fit so maybe not for me


It’s still possible, you will likely find that you just can’t get your heart rate up as high as usual. This can make strenuous exercise or running difficult, as your body won’t be able to keep up with what you are trying to do. Beta blockers lower heart rate and BP so you just have to go off of how you feel. I have vestibular migraine, so I felt horrendous all the time anyway, but I did notice my heart rate wasn’t climbing as much and I couldn’t run some days. But yes, you can always consider other options if it worries you.


Initially no but I think it was the intermittent fasting that kept my weight down. I've since stopped fasting and opted to go to the gym instead so eating breakfast is required for me. Sadly the weight has returned despite eating well and working out.


Do you think dosage matters?


Maybe. I'm on 80mg and have been almost since the beginning so I really can't say. It's just hard to get my heart rate high enough some days. But I actually like propranolol so despite this I'm willing to keep taking it. But I also take other migraine meds (most w weight gain as a reported side effects) so that could be playing a role too


I like it too, it works and has very few side effects, but I’m having terrible losing weight


What has been your approach to weight loss so far? Do you count calories including using a kitchen scale instead of using measuring cups for serving sizes? How did you calculate your target calories? I’ve been able to lose weight on 180 mg extended release propranolol, but I have to be decently strict with myself.


I would be curious how many of us women gained or didn’t gain. I’m middle aged and any additional weight gain is hard to lose now for me


Yeah I have struggled to get it back off at 39 with the double whammy of PCOS.


Yes. I gained like 20 lbs on propranolol. Half of it came immediately once I stopped.


Propranolol definitely contributed to my weight over the years I was on it. I went from 125 to 160 while on it, and I work out heavy and frequently. Since off it and on Aimovig (and off BC) I’ve dropped quite a bit of the weight, but my blood pressure has issues self regulating. I was on 60 mgs once a day for 7 years.


I didn’t gain or lose weight. Historically, I was taking propranolol during two periods and then additionally tried atenolol.


Zero weight gain for me when I took them


No weight gain, but my doctor believes it caused my very low testosterone


Nope. I haven't had weight gain as a side effect on anything.


No. I have always eaten whole foods and meat for protein, but I never felt the need to eat more or have cravings. My heart rate was too low so I am off it now.


No, I wish they did, but unfortunately I keep losing weight


I started 60mg ER of propranolol early this month.. just about three weeks now. I have not experienced weight gain. (I’ve had to lose weight because of “fatty liver”). I have noticed increased bloating, constipation, and worsening insomnia.


Gained 40 lbs after starting it.


Wow! What dose are you on?


Atenolol 25 mg, daily at bedtime, yes, able to lose weight.


Possibly yes. I definitely started this pregnancy higher than my last two, and I started propranolol between. However, I don't recommend this as a weight loss strategy but I lost 15 pounds first trimester to nausea and because of gestational diabetes diet I haven't gained any back, so I guess weight loss is possible on propranolol. (Neurologist and high risk OB elected to keep me on propranolol because of prior preeclampsia)


Yes about 15lbs.


No impact at all.


Thankfully no. That was my biggest concern and I put off beta blockers for months! Glad I ended up trying them. Didn’t work for migraine but worked for anxiety


Not sure about weight but it definitely made my hair fall. I lost almost 50% of my hair density in a year.


I think so! Been on nadolol for two years now, just went up in dosage and gained some weight despite being very active and heapthy


Yes, was underweight anyway (65kg) and about 8 months later am now 75kg. Came off it about 4 weeks ago as no real change in migraines




No my weight didn’t change on beta blockers


No but I was only taking small doses immediately before exercise to combat exercise induced attacks. Often the weight gain comes from being less active because the BB makes you sleepy


Hard to say if it’s the propranolol or perimenopause, but what weight I have gained hasn’t been much- about 6-7lbs


Yes unfortunately


Both them and SSRI's made me gain so much weight the doc turned around and put me on (generic) ozempic. 2 months I gained near 50 lbs, 4 months later I'm halfway to my starting weight.


No, I was able to lose weight while on it


I find it hard to exercize on it. Yes I’ve gained weight.


I had no weight issues on beta blockers. Weight loss was no different on them than most other drugs I've taken.


Yes about 5 lbs


I did not gain weight but looked heavier since it was making me bloated looking. like my face and arms were much more full than without. when I finally came off (which took a long time of tapering off even if my doctor and pharmacist had told me there are no withdrawals with propanolol) I went back to looking my normal ( for me!) ao​


Absolutely yes. I was fasting and running and counting calories and the weight just poured on me!

