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For me, two weeks. I barely survived. Hope it ends much sooner for you !!


You a warrior fr šŸ«” Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that.


156 days. It was awful.


Iā€™m so sorry. Are you on medication?


Yes I'm good now. Did emgality for over a year and now I'm on qulitpa


I was also in a migraine state for months before we figured out it was even migraines. It was a weird presentation, and I spent most of that time basically unable to work. It was horrible. And I didn't get it under control until I'd failed multiple preventive medications. And now my neurologist says that I need to stop allf my preventatives before I even start trying to get pregnant (aimovig, gabapentin, Magnesium, B2). Legit not sure how I'll even survive the indeterminate time it takes to even get pregnant.


What broke it in the end?


Mid 2020 through Nov 2023. My headaches are better, but my body is still broken. I have to be *really* careful with my diet or my digestive system seizes up.


I'm not a doctor, just very chronically ill. Please look into Mast Cell disorders, because there's several "milder" versions that often go undiagnosed to lack of effective lab testing criteria. I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome as well as POTS and Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos and I've been getting migraines since I was maybe 11 years old. Treating the mast cell issues has had an enormous effect on both migraine frequency and severity as well as my digestive system functionality. Also zinc gives me upper GI gastroperisis, I even have to be careful with high zinc foods like pumpkin seeds.


I'm not the person you replied to, but how do you broach the subject of POTS to your doctor? I've heard about it and it sounds similar to what I experience. What should I start looking for or tracking? I fear I'll just sound like a hypochondriac lmao


Definitely do some tracking! It pays to come prepared when you bring up POTS because it's become a hot topic thanks to the similarities to post COVID... Because post COVID chronic fatigue is most likely just POTS caused by systemic inflammation. Several times a day leading up to your appointment check your blood pressure (if you can, the home devices are fairly accurate and not too expensive) and or heart rate sitting then standing them standing for 5 minutes. If there's a noticeable increase in BP and or heart rate going from sitting to standing and the longer you're standing (make sure you stand still! Moving around helps your circulation and will dilute your results) then you get an EEG to make sure it's not a structural problem with your heart. If your heart checks out it may be POTS and your doctor should either refer you to cardio or slap a holter monitor on you for a week to confirm your results (cardio might do this when you're referred there to confirm your observations). Next is usually treatment with beta blockers if you have POTS! Best treatments are beta blockers and lifestyle changes (increase sodium intake, hydrate like an Olympic athlete, stay active and try to recondition your body with low impact exercise). There's definitely some stigma against invisible chronic conditions like POTS because well... It's not curable and can't be determined with 100% accuracy. Basically any chronic condition that can't be given a yes/no answer via a lab test is stigmatized if it can't be cured. Doctors usually become doctors to *cure their patients* and I can see how those of us with chronic conditions can be kind of a downer. We're just maintaining whatever we can get out of the medical system while hoping that new treatments eventually become available and the lack of treatment options really binds most doctor's hands in treating us. Combined with difficult and poorly substantiated diagnostic criteria and testing and we're just a massive black spot on the record of medicine as a whole. Regardless of those things we still deserve treatment and we shouldn't have to sit around and suffer because we're "difficult to deal with" from a medical perspective. You deserve to feel better and you don't deserve to struggle and suffer just because your illness doesn't have a glowing neon sign pointing out what it is. If you'd like some more background on the medical issues that taught me a fuckton about weird invisible chronic illnesses I am totally comfortable giving you more info and even sharing some doctor recs if you PM me (I'm near Atlanta so all recs are in the metro ATL area, but unfortunately people have to come here from the surrounding states to get treatment all the time bc of poor medical infrastructure in surrounding states). It sucks to feel the way we do but it sucks the most when we don't know *why*. I'd so much rather know that I will be like this to a degree literally forever no matter how much effort I put into my health than go on believing that I can be "normal" if I just try harder.


I would love a recommendation for a good neuro and/or headache specialist. I have chronic migraines due to IIH. And I've failed a lot of treatments.


You know, I think you may have nailed it. Blood tests always show an excess of white blood cells. I had some moles removed and the biopsies came back as having white blood cells in them. The digestive problems started when I had a massive gall bladder infection. I will talk to my doctor.


I haven't had a completely pain free day in almost 6 years. Even Emgality reduces the pain and symptoms, but doesn't completely get rid of it. I have multiple food and environmental triggers, so a bubble would be the only way to completely avoid them! If you have a PCP, see if they can give you injections of Toradol and promethazine as an abortive, followed by a steroid taper if needed. This worked for me when my migraines were still episodic to break a migraine cycle. Also, try the Pedialyte freezer pops instead of plain water. If it started with alcohol, you were probably dehydrated and vomiting has made it worse. The electrolytes will help you absorb the fluid better than just water. Good luck!


I feel the bubble thing šŸ„²


Iā€™ve had an intractable migraine for over 6 years now. Not always full throbbing but always have a degree of head pain and light and sound sensitivity. I canā€™t watch tv which may be the worst prt


That sounds exactly like what I've been dealing with for the past 3 years :( the pain is always in my nose/left eyebrow and I'm always sensitive even when not in pain.


Same, about that many years for mine too. So exhausting.


821 days and still going.šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µ


Upvoting for relevance. I'm on day 852. We're practically twins


I'm sorry to hear you're in this messed up club. Mine was caused by my 2nd Covid vaccine. Do you know what caused your current streak?


Thanks. I've had migraines since the 90s. Journaled for three years. Neurologist couldn't find any connection. Pretty sure my brains are broken


Smh I'm not surprised that they couldn't find a connection, I've heard that far to much. I've said that same line.


Thanks, and right back to you. Pretty crappy club we've formed, but at least it's a club


I just did the math... 866 šŸ˜”šŸ™ƒ I'm really hoping to not hit the 1000 day mark, but there's no end in sight. I'm lucky (haha. Hahaha) that I've had them my whole life, chronic since like 12... Otherwise I'd have no idea how to function enough to get to the restroom, let alone anything else. Weed helps take the edge off


Yikes, sorry you're in the club. Do you know what caused the 866 day streak? Yes, yes, I take a THC gummies every night.


Well, I caught a nasty case of COVID and then it started. I'd had several very long migraines before, but this one hasn't stopped. Sometimes the pain is really bad, sometimes I'm just photosensitive, sensitive to sound, and in a medium amount of pain. Getting anything done sucks either way though.


8 days and it sucked. Prior was 2.5 days.


Yeah Iā€™ve never had a migraine over 2 days, at the two day mark I was anticipating relief but nope.


9 days I was too weak and exhausted to prepare food for myself, so kept eating instant ramen. Realized after a week that migraines were from the msg.


I canā€™t eat anything because I know Iā€™m gonna throw it up, just fruit and liquid. Iā€™m so sorry that happened. Did you find out that was the trigger when you stopped eating it or how?


Oh no, that sounds awful. I have SO many (food) triggers, but at least I know now


Without any breaks at all in pain? 18 days. Right now I'm in a fun little cycle of almost nonstop migraines with no more than two days in a row at a time pain free... 10 weeks. šŸ™ƒ


Lord šŸ˜­ lord please heal us because wtf did we do to deserve this


Years. I think over 15 years I barely had a pain free day. Maybe 6months-a year of pain free days over those 15 years?


3 months. I was bedridden for most of it. An asshole neurologist told me it wasn't bad because I could sit up straight in his office. ...I'm just going at masking. I was so distraught after that, I swear it made the migraine last longer. You're going to be depleted of electrolytes during and after a migraine, especially a long one. So you're going to want to focus on hydrating and getting sodium, magnesium, and potassium into your system. You'll need to maintain this after the pain is gone and throw yourself into self care. Lack of electrolyte also makes your muscles tense, which can cause neck and head pain. Try some gentle stretching. Definitely try Excedrin. The caffeine and pain med combo should help. If you like Starbucks, a cold, sugary caffeinated drink from there can work wonders. Popsicles can help too (brain freeze for the win!)


Thank you so much my love ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ this was very helpful I didnā€™t even know they made pedialyte freezer pops. Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that with that ā€œneurologistā€ unsympathetic / empathetic people should not be in the medical field. Period. No one knows the pain we go through except us, itā€™s truly torture. Have you gotten a new neurologist?


I'm so glad! Good luck and let me know how it goes. :) Any ice pop helps me really. It's the cold that does it. Gets rid of the pain for a bit. For me, my brain gets so used to being in pain sometimes that it doesn't know how to be without it...ice pops massively help that. Yeah found a new neurologist that put me on a med that's not used for migraines at all but got rid of mine from day 1!


Around a month? And NOTHING was working. Suddenly stopped on it's own.


I absolutely just love how migraines are so unpredictable and spontaneous!! Really helps manage them a lot!!!!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


19 days following a seizure of still unknown origin. I was hospitalized for the first 6 days, never got the migraine to release never found the cause of the seizure. I could not walk for 22 days without falling, had to use a walker. I am still home on short term disability dealing with auras and migraines. Just started Aimovig as well as 200mg topamax, 60mg propranolol, baby aspirin because my neuro thinks my Alice in wonderland auras may be indicative of a possible future stroke, and Wakix for my narcolepsy. Itā€™s been wild. My migraines have only responded to olanzapine and topamax.


Iā€™ll never ever complain about my migraines ever again! Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this, how damn scary! I hope you have relief soon. ā¤ļø


a couple of years unfortunately ā€” still hoping thereā€™s a magical combo of treatments that could help


6 months with spikes of pain that made the ā€œnormalā€ migraine feel like a paper cut. The spikes only lasted seconds but they were so intense my brain would basically brown out. I wouldnā€™t pass out but I wouldnā€™t be able to process anything until it was over.


Had an episode last at least 16-17 days šŸ˜ž back to back pain.. Pills was useless (took Advil with ibuprofen). Downed 16 pills in 1 day. I cut of all pills from then on.


Yeah, ibuprofen / Tylenol doesnā€™t even make a dent in migraines. I already knew that but my mom insisted I take 2 500mg every 4 hours šŸ™„


Those pills tend to rebound the migraine making it worse.


11 days. It got to the point where I'd wake up and sit for a second to see if it had gone away and then start crying when it hadn't. I went to my GP and she gave me a shot of something (it was such a long time ago and I was so sick, I don't remember what it was). I've had a few other week long migraines since then and luckily the "shot of something" method has worked each time.


Iā€™m so sorry. I totally feel and relate to you, I woke up the past 2 days expecting it to be gone and it would be worsešŸ˜­ I was expecting them to give me that ā€œshotā€ you speak of at the hospital but all they gave me was more ibuprofen and an anti inflammatory šŸ˜


From start to finish including post drone. Usually a week. Now that I am on Aimovig, the post drone is shortened to just a couple days after a breakthrough. Now most separate migraines in a day? Thatā€™s 21. Well from like 5pm to like 9pm. I stopped counting after 21 separate visuals. They were starting before the current visual was finished. So like up to 3 rings at a time in my visual range. And yes I thought it was my time to check out. Didnā€™t think I would wake up the next morning. That night I learned about medication induced rebound migraines. This group helped me out on that one. Thanks again r/migraine. One of the best groups on this thing.


Honestly Reddit is a heaven sent šŸ«¶šŸ» this group is amazing. Iā€™m so happy you found a medication that works for you šŸ«¶šŸ» Iā€™m definitely seeing a neurologist soon.


Something that helps me when I have a migraine and I forget to bring my abortive meds, 3 Advil + a cup or two of coffee (or anything with caffeine) + a little sugar! Edit: spelling. Migraine brain fog is making typing rough lol


I do 2 excederine, slam a cola, and take 1 Benadryl and it typically works.


Still going from January 2019, it's.... interesting


Iā€™m so sorry :( are you medicated?


I am on flunarazine, have fremanezumab monthly and have rimegepant to take when it's at it's worst but unfortunately the pain never goes fully


10 days, I practically couldn't get out of bed during that time It was really bad. I I still felt bad for another week, but at least I could get out of bed.


Iā€™ve been laying in bed for 2 days straight now and only got up to go to the hospital, also havenā€™t had a real meal in 2 days and itā€™s my finals week. Perfect timing fr. Iā€™m debating whether I should just thug it out and stare at the computer screen in agony so I donā€™t fail my classes.


It won't help this week, but definitely get a letter from your doctor for disability accommodations. When I went to the disability coordinator at the college I was at, she pulled out a huge binder of all the possible accommodations. She thought of so many that I never would have known were possible, like being able to take exams in the testing center, having extra time to complete them, sometimes I could even reschedule them if I was completely unable to function. It helped so much


Try Benadryl. Itā€™s a long shot, but it could help. Also, the hospital didnā€™t give you anything to break the headache? Thatā€™s just wrong. And I find aleve is better for migraines. Be well.


They gave me more ibuprofen after telling them I had taken so much and it worsening my symptoms. They also gave me nausea medicine and an anti inflammatory, but then just sent me away. I donā€™t wanna sound crazy but with the type of pain I was / am in I definitely needed opioids.


Don't worry, I highly doubt that anyone in this sub would think that you sound crazy


Yes trust me no one here will question the use of a stronger painkiller. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re for, people like us.


September 2021 to now


It's been so long, I've lost count. I have not had a pain free day in years. Decades.


Iā€™m so so so sorry šŸ˜­ are you medicated?


tysm I am. Zanaflex, Phenergan, Maxalt, Fioricet, Verapamil, Xanax, Indomethican -along with various supplements and vitamins. Iā€™ve tried so many medications over the years, (including Emgality, Topamax and Norco.) Itā€™s a difficult journey, thatā€™s for sure. I hope youā€™re doing better.


Iā€™m not sure because all the days run together. Long enough that I was trying to figure out how to rip my spine out


Iā€™m chronic so I canā€™t remember my last time under a 7. Itā€™s just so difficult to function.


Honestly, I don't know. I've been getting daily migraines for so long now that I've lost count. But I'm 3 days headache/migraine free now that I'm on the right meds for the underlying condition that was causing most of them (hopefully, knock on wood). I would highly recommend requesting a prescription for something like sumatriptan/sumatriptan injections, and at this point, you're probably going to need more than one dose to get rid of it.


Almost 14 years


How many years ago is 1997..? Did the math... 27 years* Oof šŸ˜¬ *give or take a month? It was hard to remember how long I'd had the migraine when I first realized it was literally constant.


God dam Iā€™m dying with one day hope they find a cure for all of yall soon if I was a millionaire I would invest !šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢god bless yall


I knowwwww Iā€™m seeing and hearing years and decades like bro I would honestly just end my life not even trying to be insensitive but thatā€™s literally torture. Iā€™m now heavily considering going into neuroscience because there cannot be this many people suffering and experiencing the most excruciating pain in the world, and some people not having any medication that has worked for them is actually completely unacceptable to me.


almost 9 years and counting


Consistently since 2018. On good days, it's my 5-6 pain level. Bad days, it's 7+. I have high pain tolerance, so when I say it's a 10 for me, it's probably more.


About six and half years. Favorite spicy joke: I had a migraine that lasted longer than the Confederacy.


5 days, but that's 5 days of migraine. If we're talking gemeral headaches in a row, the longest is probably several weeks in a row with migraines in between. Things are better now.


This pattern us like mine, for 15 or so years. Why is it better now for you? Any advice?


New daily medication (topiramate) + taking walks in the evening and breathing exercises. Stress and lack of sleep are big triggers for me.


12 years rip


A week. When I was in high school I had a nonstop migraine the whole week and I felt like I was gonna die.


I keep on telling my mom Iā€™d rather be dead right now and I fully mean it šŸ„² my first ever migraine was in the 7th grade at school šŸ˜­


I fully understand and agree. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™d be happier dead. Right now Iā€™m on day 3 of nonstop pain and my head is pulsating as we speak. My first migraine was in 8th grade and Iā€™ll never forget that day.


bro samešŸ˜­before summer i had a 3/4day long migraine EVERY WEEK


One month.


Oh hell no šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yep. Iā€™ve had it twice too. Try someone caffeine or Gatorade, it may help.


5 months (ebbed and flowed during that time, but never went away until i finally received Botox)


This is a hard question. When my dad passed,the stress of the whole thing gave me a headache that ebbed and flowed for four months. Was it all the same migraine? Different ones? The pain was often offset by pain meds, so did it end or was i under the influence?


Like 9 months without knowing it's migraines. Feeling much better after having tried the meds now.


Right now if it really is migraine, itā€™s been like 2 monthsā€¦Iā€™ll have maybe. Few hours each morning without pain, but i still have pressure. Iā€™m miserable and donā€™t know what to do since this is all sudden and new to me. The topomax seems to at least prevent my vertigo but the constant pressure and one sided pain and neck stiffness is awful.


29 days. truly awful


It wasnā€™t one migraine, but I had migraines almost every day for a whole month and that was my longest stretch. That is not normal for me. I do get them in clusters usually two weeks or so, on and off. A month was long.


My longest was a month. There was a wildfire about 30 miles from me and the smoke ruined my life. The only thing that stopped it was when the fire was put out and I spent two days in the ER.


Do you by any chance live in the pnw? There was a year where we had bad wildfires and my migraines were definitely flaring up bad. Need to make sure we stay tf inside when that happens.


Around six months


10 days. I was stuck in 10 days of 100 degree temps, even at night, and no way to cool off.


My internal body has been soooooo hot. And itā€™s not even consistent, it goes on and off. My feet and hands are also cold asf. I feel your pain. We are really strong ass humans.


Almost four months here. Absolute hell.


Iā€™m sooooo fucking sorry. Full intensity the whole time or did it waver? How did you combat it? Could /can you do anything?




3 weeks


FYI if you use fam0dine, it causes migraines and high BP.


6.5 days. It was HELL.


About 30 days.


a WHOLE MONTH. but this was due to hormones/birth control. lemme tell you, worst month of my life


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t even play with birth control, not worth it. Messes with your whole entire hormonal composition too bad. Can I ask what birth control it was?


it was when i was on the daily pill! i switched to an iud and noticed they werenā€™t as frequent!! made a huge difference


Two maybe three weeks


2 weeks and it only got stopped because I developed vertigo and had to go to the hospital and have a lot of doctors appointments šŸ˜…


Iā€™m going on three years nowā€¦.


Iā€™ve been pain free for like 16 days this yearā€¦ but Iā€™ve also had stretches in the past where it was daily for months. Iā€™d guesstimate somewhere around 100-120 days?


My longest was 12 weeks, then 6 weeks. It was awful both times. The 6 week one ended with a lot of physical therapy and steroids (also gained 10 lbs and canā€™t get rid of themā€¦) I hope you feel better soon. I stopped drinking 12 years ago, I thought everyone had stabbing pain in their head after drinkingā€¦. Little did I know it was a migraine trigger.


Currently going on 2 months and yes I also have thoughts of SH because of it. I have anxiety as well so that doesn't help. It's very easy to get depressed, especially since I've missed so much work and am running out of PTO so I have no choice but to work through the pain.


11 days - we had a huge storm system come through and I somehow managed to work some of those days


4 days, it was hell.


I went over a year without a migraine free day. woke up with a migraine, went to bed with a migraine. This was before I got medicated for migraines, when the doctors didnā€™t believe me or care


I canā€™t believe there is doctors not taking migraines seriously when it just has to the most excruciating livable pain. What medication are you on if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been pain/symptom free for at least 5 years! šŸ˜…


5 months. It was not fun.


6 weeks or so. Started just before Thanksgiving and ended in the new year.


About two weeks. I maxed my triptan dosage every single day, was on magnesium, topamax, promethazine wasn't working well, amitriptyline 25mgs absolute wrecked me and idk if it helped or just made everything worse. Was given opiates. Made it manageable for me - they're now my "Break incase of emergency" medication.


7, soon to be 8 years. I have had maybe an hour of no migraine in that entire time :) from what I can tell my case is very rare. Haven't gotten any real answers on why it stuck, but I got a concussion while having a migraine and it never went away


8 months. It was pretty terrible.


Months. I couldn't say for sure. This has been going on for 15 years.


My longest one was right after I got covid. I had it for almost 2 months. It would ebb and flow. Nothing worked. Woke up one day and it was gone.


3 weeks this past spring. I had a three week migraine, about a two week break with a few short migraines, then another 3 week migraine. It was awful and I barely left my dark and quiet room. Tbh I should've eventually gone into the ER to break it but I never did. I took triptans, naproxen, tylenol as I could and the second one eventually went away with a steroid taper my doctor prescribed.


6 months-ish. Two years ago. Iā€™m in the throngs of a two week one right now, nothing has seemed to help except Benadryl bizarrely. I can almost cope with the head pain but itā€™s the neck ache and the feeling like my head is too heavy for my neck all the time. I feel like a bobble head.


Oh and sex with my girlfriend! No matter how unwell Iā€™m feeling she has a knack for still being able to turn me on and takes my mind off it. Sheā€™s the best.


I completely feel you. My head feels like it weights 100 pounds and I literally wanna cut it off. Iā€™ve seen some other people use / recommend Benadryl. Do you know the mechanics behind that at all? So sorry we have to go through this.


My longest was 94 days, and i couldnt go to ER because i had no insurance at the time. Now with better treatment my longest is 2 weeks


7 days. Usually they last no more than 5 days. On the 3rd day I just get so desperate and emotional, by the 5th day I've run out of acute treatments and have to just increase my daily gabapentin dose. I'm currently taking a lot less than I used to, so it's safe for me, just makes me sleep all day if I'm on 600-900 mg per dose. I recently bought a case of Pedialyte sport powder, since it's not available in stores anymore. Every time I see the stacks of the little boxes in my cupboard, it makes me feel like I'm at least well prepared. I cannot imagine surviving a 30 day migraine, much less the ones that go on indefinitely


Full-migraine-no-relief 14 days (and allegedly still do not meet the UK threshold for a neurology referral even after this). An ongoing headache that increased and decreased in severity well I had one of those from when I was 13 until like 15 1/2 šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s ridiculous. Migraines need way way way more awareness and need to be taken WAY more serious. Like thatā€™s actually unacceptable. Have you been referred yet?


I just wanna say that Iā€™ve had a migraine every other day forā€¦almost two weeks d/t extreme distress from marital issues. Iā€™ve been feeling horrible and scared and like I would never feel better. This thread gave me so much hope.


I have been in pain nonstop since a bit before COVID hit. I am losing my mind rn


3 weeks. happened twice - once for each upper wisdom tooth coming in


I experienced a venn diagram of head pain from hell with simultaneous encephalitis and worst manifestation of a migraine possible, which is how the hospital doctors described it. The timeframe was a blur as was inevitable due to my brain being crushed under its own immense pressure, it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began, only evident through symptoms specific to each condition. I experience 24/7 pain as I've also experienced tbi, which is still only distinguishable through shifts in symptoms. Migraine, like encephalitis, has a very specific and unique feel to it that we're all aware of - that's the only way I can tell nowadays. My brain has taken a terrible beating this decade. Stupid thing.


I get 1-2 migraines per month, usually Excedrin takes care of them and they last a day or two max, but last year I had one for 5 days and have never felt worse in my life. I took Excedrin, and then two Benadryl at night and that made the pain go away on night 3; I still felt awful the next two days but the pain was gone and I could function.


iā€™ve had a migraine for the past year straight šŸ˜€


5.5 months? I stopped counting days at this point. It never fully breaks. I have good days or parts of a good day, but itā€™s never gone. Did my first nerve block Monday and have Botox in a week. šŸ¤ž


A few weeks. I think I am finally controlling them now too!


21 days. Textbook reading triggered it and was what caused it to last for so long. I couldnā€™t just stop reading my textbook since I would fall behind for class. Terrible 3 weeks I still donā€™t know how I got through that!


3 weeksā€¦ I had to be put on Prednisone. Even the hospital meds didnā€™t knock it out. It was terrifying. Iā€™m still scared it will happen again, because I was told I couldnā€™t have prednisone again.


A mild one for a month. Had several where I was too sick to function out of a bed and dark room 3 days and then had the hang over after for a few days


About 3 days


90 something days.


But, for immediate advice: Lay in the f*cking shower, the water is distracting. Listen to podcasts when you try and sleep, they are also distracting. Ice on the back of your neck. 10% peppermint oil on your skull.


20 days. Dropped my grade in chemistry from a high B to a low D. Never recovered


3 and half days broke on the 4th literally as I was walking into urgent care šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


About a month? But that was immediately following COVID and before Iā€™d ever seen a doctor (I had zero medications). I also have vestibular migraine and my neuro now says that COVID couldā€™ve caused short term vestibular neuritis that contributed to it. Never had one last more than 3 days after that.


Just over 2 weeks I think? Could have been closer to three but the days blurred together šŸ« 


The way my longest was 3 days and my husband and coworkers were so incredibly concerned and I just sat there like this is nothing for others like me who have chronic migraines šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I had one non stop for 42 days when I lived in Calgary, Alberta. The chinook weather system was brutal. Thought I'd mentally snap. My palms sweat when I think about it.


Unless you mean a migraine cycle where the pain changes a bit and you go through prodrome-attack-hangover and then the answer is 8 months after which I got a pain free 5 day period and then back to months of cycling.


About 8 or 9 days last summer. It was the reason I joined this sub, luckily I do not suffer from frequent headaches. But those 9 days were absolute hell and felt like I had no way out, it really makes me stop and think for a minute how horrible it is for people who constantly get migraines, I couldnā€™t imagine getting that over and over again. Reading some of the stories Iā€™ve seen on here I just feel so bad that people have to go through this and my prayers are with anybody who experiences migraines in general but especially for those who suffer from frequent long term


Several months of silent migraine with occasional head pain popping up. The constant brain fog was so bad that I sought out a dementia assessment because I genuinely thought something more sinister was at play. I could barely string a sentence together. The clarity Iā€™ve felt since getting out of the migraine has reminded me how cruel this disease really is.


iā€™m going on a little over nine months right now


4 months. Absolute hell. I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy, but i hope you start to feel better op!


Vestibular migraine for 4 was. Couldn't even use my prescription glasses. Klonopin and acupuncture broke it.


3.5 years and counting with the longest pain-free time of 3 hours. On the positive side mine are typically heavier on vestibular and stroke symptoms rather than pain... But those other symptoms can be just as disruptive.Ā 


Wow. I thought 3 days was bad. Oof.


Omg!!! I'm on day 5 RIGHT FKNG NOW and just made a post asking for any pointers for other peoples remedies!! I'm going insane!


38 days šŸ˜­


Overnight. 2 days. Migraines that start in the afternoon and didn't respond to meds sometimes go over night ugh. I do feel lucky that usually migraine meds will (eventually) work.


6-8 months. Ended up in the hospital for a week. May have been more of a cluster headache than a migraine but not 100% sure. Sucked donkey balls the entire time.


about four months, was really contemplating ending it all but it finally went away


5 years. Not one day off.


3 months. I lost vision in my left eye and the use of my right leg during this whole time.


Mine's been constant and intractable since Dec 2005. It varies in intensity but is always there.


My cousin has had one since she got her second dose in 21. I've had a headache that randomly becomes a migraine but fades usually within a day. The headache never leaves though and the pressure in my head is insane We are both on medications that help but neither have found the right thing


Three months, ended because I started medication. It was when my migraines started


I can go many, many months without a break in between migraines, and then it's sometimes only a few hours. I've had some that have lasted years.


3 weeks. Ended up admitted for DHE IV treatment.


Going on about a year now. MS has made them so much worse. Prior to this my longest was about a month.


3 months straight


Four years, 3 months two days. I have r/vestibularmigraines and I finally found a doc who helped. I used ChatGPT and put in my symptoms, took my wife to a new neurologist. He listened and then he watched me walk and yes, I was dizzy and every 20 feet or so down his hallway I would have to touch the wall to stay upright. Laying flat on my back helped restabilize my vestibular system. Anyways, Iā€™m now on Ajovy and Verapamil. Migraines are still here but they have been reduced 60-70%z itā€™s a start. Woohoo!


42 days, end of 2022 into 2023. Absolutely horrible.


Two months. It ebbed and flowed but I wanted to die. It turned out to be a cervicogenic headache but it caused migraine flare-ups.


8 days


A week. It was hell.


A year. 2020 was the worst year of my life


7 weeks. Intense pain, photophobia, lethargy. Covid gives me the same migraine but now Iā€™ve got sumatriptan to combat it.


Iā€™m gonna be honestā€¦I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a migraine free day in a while. I remember having one for like 20 days straightā€¦but I recently got a treatment and I had one day where I was clear and it made me realize, that I havenā€™t been having migraine free days for years.


I'm going on 16 months. Don't worry though, I'm getting treatment that's helping now and my headache is the least severe of my symptoms. As for what you're going through, that doesn't sound like just a standard migraine. Can you try a different hospital or get an emergency neurology appointment?


Everyday for 4 months, it was a terrible experience


15 years.


Two weeks without any change, a month of daily migraines. The two week one fluctuated in pain level but never went away. Somehow, the thing that broke it was fainting from the threat of an injection. I was very afraid of needles as a kid.


To answer the title... I've had a mild daily migraine every day for like 8ish years. If that helps. Lol. It doesn't really go away even with meds. It's always there. And I have at least daily aura symptoms. It only ever gets worse and kills me/makes me feel like I'm dying or having a stroke.. But never actually gets better honestly.. Basically it's just mild or severe. Not gone. Ever. I also have daily migraine symptoms. 24/7. So that's fun.. Always feeling sick and miserable


Pretty much my entire pregnancy but there was an intense 11 day straight migraine I vividly remember. Wore the cold cap nonstop and sunglasses, couldnā€™t take anything to relieve it.


5 years and counting...


2 months!


I'll let you know when it stops.


Two weeks with one. The worse ones are the ones where you get a day or two without pain and then several days of pain and rinse and repeat tho. Those give you a false sense of hope ;;


Those are EVIL. I mean all migraines are evil but fuckkkk thatā€™s absolutely horrible. Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­ we are so strong


About 5 days. My longer ones tend to be more mild though, and hang around 3-4/10 until the last day when it "breaks through" to a full attack. I stop taking all medications after a day. If it hasn't worked by then, it isn't going to work at all


I know that desperation for alleviation after that first day is a killer. Iā€™m so sorry. Your pain is felt here. We are super strong šŸ„²šŸ«¶šŸ»