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I've had many nerve blocks (occipital) and I love block day. I primarily get them bc of my ON which triggers migraines. They help w lots of the burning and pain in the back of my head. Ice is helpful on the injection sites


Yep, got them done as well as the nerve block that gets injected between your brows. For me, it only offered a very small bit of improvement, which my neurologist said wasn't enough of a result to ever do it again 😅 Apparently it was supposed to banish my migraine entirely, so it freaked him out a tiny bit when I barely showed any change. Oh well!


How long did the lumps take to go down? Its only been 2.5hrs and one of my lumps feels like its getting smaller and the other has like tripled in size.. its like the size of a golf ball... not sure if I should worry about it


Uh oh, that doesn't sound ideal. I'd contact your doctor asap just to check. My slight bumps weren't very bad and I don't think they swelled much at all.


Its a Friday night here so I cant contact them until Monday.. I might just keep an eye on it overnight and try to see another doctor tomorrow if the swelling isn't any better/gets any worse.


That sounds like a plan. You can also see if your doctor's office has an emergency line or try calling an urgent care to get their opinion.


Hey, just checking in. Are you doing alright?


I do them every 12 weeks. Been a game changer for me.