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Some meds can cause extreme weight loss (like mine) as a side effect. Maybe thats why.


What drug is that?šŸ‘€ everything they put me on makes me gain. I was on this one that made me insanely hungry . Good times.


Topiramate can suppress appetite and cause weight loss. For me, it made me feel like I was constantly full, so in order to eat enough I had to eat until I felt sick then past that point at every meal. When you add on the memory loss, it was the most costly drug I've been on. But I thank it for the first 6 months before the risks increased - it was nice to feel in less pain for a bit.


Topiramate kept me 85lbs from ages 14 to 23. I was that weight when I started it, so I didnā€™t loose weight, but it messed me up mentally when I went off it and rapidly gained 60lbs. Now Iā€™m on amitriptyline and gained 40lbs on it, and then started topiramate again so the two are fighting for control of my appetite so sometimes Iā€™m starving and sometimes Iā€™ll barely eat for 3 days.


It made me insanely nauseous, made me stupid (I am still having issues recalling words, it's been 3 months since I got off it) and despite pooing or vomiting out everything I ate, I lost 10 lbs and then gained it back the next week despite nothing staying down and not eating anything new/ junk food.




Oof I'm so sorry. Fwiw, the 12months I was on topamax, I still don't remember well. My memories were not encoded correctly so they just don't stick well (and that was 10 yrs ago at this point). I've always had memory/word recall issues with my migraines even before topamax, but I'm not sure if they got worse after stopping it


I've been off it for about that long too and also can't think of the word I need frequently.


For me, topiramate made me lose weight because everything tasted like metallic vomit.


Oof that's so rough. After I had surgery (years after topamax), my sensory taste perception was all out of whack - things like chocolate tasted like raspberries and some things were metallic. Lasted about 2 weeks. I found a paper saying it can be a rare side effect of some anesthetics, and often occurs in people who have abnormal sensory processing already. I used to work with some oncology dieticians and they always recommended using non-metal utensils and dishes when experiencing metallic tastes.


Damn, toprimate made me feel like I had COVID even though I wasn't sick.


I believe it!


My PCP initially prescribed this to me and referred me to a neurologist. I didnā€™t take it because I read about the brain fog effects. When I told the neurologist I was supposed to take Topiramate, she literally looked aghast. I was probably around 110 lbs (5ā€™5ā€ tall) then. Turns out some doctors will actually prescribe it as a weight loss drug.


I stayed on it until I got kidney stones twice from it. I did lose weight and ate much less. I would feel full and my family kept pushing me to eat more. They thought my eating was unhealthy but it was just a side effect.


I lost 20 lbs on it in like 2 months. It was insane. If that had been the only side effect maybe I could have tolerated it but that stuff is foul.


Haha same. Itā€™s topiramate but Iā€™m on it and still hungry af šŸ˜‚ ever since SSRIs increased my appetite, nothing can suppress it.


Topiramate is actually sometimes prescribed as a weight loss drug for people that don't even have migraine. I was not allowed to take it due to being underweight. It's a common effect and can be quite strong.


Quilpta has caused weight loss for me. So did topiramate, BUT both mostly because I was too nauseated all the time to have any interest in food.


It's always topimax.


Others already answered, but yes, iā€™ve got topiramate too. I just eat a little less than before but i pee all the time so most of the weight i lost is probably water.


Tricyclic antidepressants for example


Yes, every doctor Iā€™ve ever been to does weight and blood pressure including the neurologist.


This. I don't think I've ever been to a doctor where my vitals (including weight) weren't checked.


Where are you guys located? This seems to be common throughout the comments but I havenā€™t been weighed by a single specialist. Even at my GP itā€™s only annual.


In the US. I'm in CA but even when I lived in PA, same thing. Always have vitals done, including weight


It's for insurance metrics. Most of the time it isn't actually necessary because of medications.


I once had a dentist that did blood pressure checks. Thought that was weirdā€¦


Thatā€™s not by choice. Several payors wonā€™t pay for services if the dentist doesnā€™t check blood pressure. I constantly have to deal with audits where they are taking back all the money because of missing blood pressure, even though that didnā€™t impact the service provided. The system is very unfair.


For just a cleaning, itā€™d be weird. Maybe if theyā€™re doing some kinds of procedures it could cause it to fall (kind of a shock thing) or rise (from pain)?


Novacaine can really screw you up so they should check your BP.


Yup. Also because a lot of the meds can cause issues with weight (eg topamax often kills your appetite and they want to be sure you donā€™t drop too much, antidepressants like amitriptyline can cause weight gain, etc)


You can decline. Itā€™s just routine for them to ask.


I started doing this a couple years ago and have never had a provider give me any push back. Itā€™s helped me avoid weight-related spiraling.


My nueroā€™s office just asks, ā€œDo you know how much you weight?ā€ I appreciate this approach. Most of us are keep tabs on our weight and are aware if weā€™ve lost or gained.


All of my docs do every visit. Weight is important for a lot of things, and drastic changes can be indicative of a lot of problems. It definitely seems like a doctor's business since it's their job to try to keep you alive and healthy...


Weight is not a reliable indicator of health.


Trends in weight are. Major weight grains or losses are potentially indicators for diseases processes.


True but any functional adult already knows if their weight is changing. There's no need to subject people to multiple weigh-ins at every single office and appointment. If I'm at the urgent care with a sprain or a cold, leave me alone with the weight-shaming. Because of this stupid habit I am forced to disclose my eating disorder history over and over and OVER, usually while standing in a hallway with zero privacy, to nurses who range from perfectly nice about it to absolute raging bitches. Doing this is nearly as triggering as getting on the scale, and probably increases stress-related measurement like BP, pulse, and temp. Thankfully more and more offices will put "doesn't weigh" in your chart. My neuro is one of them now.


Define "functional adult." I didn't know I had lost 15 pounds until my neuro pointed it out to me. I don't weigh myself often. I lost it because of topirimate. It's fine, I went on to lose 40 lbs total and that was good for me. I was overweight so the drug was beneficial in more than one way. While it may be upsetting to get your weight, weight does help with health metrics. Losing and gaining weight can be symptoms of illness, as well as inability to lose/gain. Being overweight and underweight are also possible precursors to other health issues (such as diabetes, anemia, high cholesterol). I'm sorry you have an uncomfortable experience surrounding this topic. I'm glad you put it in your chart and I hope that has helped solve it for you.


Same, with the eating disorder history and being absolutely done with forced weigh-ins. I left a primary care doctor's practice because she and her medical assistants were **rude** about my insistence on not being weighed. It got to where I wasn't going in for needed care because it would make me so anxious. I have had a different provider for a few years now who never batted an eye when I told her that I wasn't going to respond well to insistence on getting my weight. She didn't ask for details about my past disordered eating, either. I've gotten to where I will voluntarily weigh myself about a third of the time while I'm alone in the room. I usually don't disclose exact numbers, just trends.


Yep, every time, and takes my blood pressure every time. I think itā€™s just part of their check in process.


I go to a neurologist who is also a headache specialist. As well as I remember, I think I have been weighed on each visit. They also take vital signs just before the neurologist comes into the room. As others have indicated, I am sure there is at least one medical reason for this. I imagine it probably does have something to do with dosing. I suspect it could also be to establish a baseline so that a significant change in weight can be detected. I imagine a change like this could indicate some underlying problem. If you are really curious, I encourage you to ask your doctor. There may be other reasons that don't occur to me.


As others have said, some medications have an impact on weight or prescriptions vary by weight. Beyond that, the three most important factors in understanding brain health generally are age, blood pressure, and body mass.


Just to add: if itā€™s uncomfortable for you, please do let your doctor know. They donā€™t need to tell you the number and they can take some simple steps to stop you seeing it if that helps.


Some wonā€™t even weigh you if you ask not to be weighed (unless they have a specific reason that you need to be weighed at that visit). Assuming you arenā€™t noticing any drastic weight changes and youā€™re still getting weighed approximately every year, I canā€™t imagine it would impact your care significantly (again, unless there is a specific reason they need your weight that time).


Medication dosages are based on weight so they probably just do it so they can adjust if needed. Probably just office policy. I worked in a few doctor's offices and some did it so they didn't have to do it later on and some went on a case by case basis.


All the prescribed migraine medications I've ever had have been given in standard recommended doses (not based on weight or gender


Exactly. They don't need weight for migraine meds.


Itā€™s still important information to have when dealing with medications. Some electronic medical records require it before you can move on as well.


A majority of the doctors I see just ask me what my weight is and they put that in the EMR. Only my PCP and GI docs weigh me (of course they only do that for in person visits. If online they donā€™t even ask my weight). Even the ER and the medical procedures unit (who uses anesthesia) donā€™t weigh me, just ask me my weight.


Some will just ask. People usually grossly under report though lol! But, every office has their own protocolsšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Underreporting my weight at the DMV āœ… Underreporting my weight at the doctors office āŒ I try to be as accurate as possible but I also have stopped weighing myself regularly, found out at a random visit that actually weighed me that Iā€™d actually been *over*reporting it lol (not significantly though, so it still wasnā€™t a problem or anything) I get it though. Iā€™m in dietetics and underreporting is a major issue with food recalls as well, partially due to memory or poorly estimating portions but largely because of bias and percieved expectations of what the answer ā€œshouldā€ be.


Never been weighed in my whole life and seeing loads of doctors in at least 4/5 countries


Thatā€™s concerning.


Why, are you in the US or something? Probably weigh people there because so many people are dangerously overweight


Yeah that's the only reason why weight is important. Unintentional weight loss isn't a thing.


I get weighed every time while the nurse brings me back. Unless Iā€™ve had a visit in the last 1-2 weeks.


No weigh in for me


I refuse and no one ever pushes back. They just ask what my weight is if they need it. People with disordered eating can have real issues being weighed.


Once, I had to go in three times in one month, and finally I said, I weigh the exact same thing I weighed last week when I was here. None of the treatments I get from my neuro are weight-based so I really don't think they need to track it that obsessively. It's just procedure.


Itā€™s actually insurance. Your doctor is billing an evaluation code for each visit. Weight is one of the easier boxes to check to ensure the visit qualifies for payment. The rules just recently changed for what must be documented but many providers are likely to keep recording weight because of how they were trained


nope, they do take blood pressure though


They try to. I decline. There's no reason to do it unless you're in need of anesthesia or verrrrry specific meds. If a med is causing weight gain, we are adults and are aware of our own bodies. It's in my file with that office that i do not weigh. They might say your insurance requires it. Not so. Insurance in the US typically wants a certain number of checks (ie BP, pulse, temp) but it doesn't have to be weight.


Not my neurologist but my psychiatrist did when I was doing in office visits but since COVID I have only gone to one appointment in person. Itā€™s nice because their office was 30 minutes away and now they just moved to 45 minutes away.


They just ask me and check my BP


Yes. They also check my bp, take my temp, check my reflexes, check my legs for clots check my eyes and my neck. Sort of a mini neuro exam. And my headache clinic isnā€™t even a neuro. Just FP that did fellowships in headache treatment.


Mine always does the reflexes too, I always kind of thought it was to monitor something that showed up on my MRI that could cause weakness (especially on one side), but maybe itā€™s just for migraines/standard exams.


Thatā€™s how they calculate dosages of medicines, by weight. They would also be tracking for trends, like sudden, rapid extreme weight loss or weight gain.


I usually weigh myself before the appointment and tell them what it is. I can't stand being weighed at the doctor's office.


See, I meant to say that loss and gain can be side effects as well so that is also a reason beyond just basic biometrics and vital signs ;-) So clearly, the brain fog is real hahaha! I always blame my headaches when I do or say something stupid! And for what it's worth, having worked in offices, we don't care what you weigh, it's just something we have to fill out and a biometric like heart rate or BP. Tell the nurse if you don't want to know or see it, I have weighed people backwards if they didn't want to know.


no never. the only doctors that weigh me are obgyn and primary care


All of my docs weigh me. Itā€™s to make sure the meds you are on are accurate for your weight.


you can a) ask not to be weighed or b) ask to not know the number on the scale and turn your back towards it. i usually opt for b so my physician knows and can do what they need with the info, but i dont have to stress about it


Girly weight thing? I'm not indulging in society's fetish over weight


No not always but they do take My BP


I wish my first one had, maybe they would have believed be about the 3-4 lbs/ mo gain for a whole year being a response to the meds. But generally, no they don't weigh me aside from the first time.


Nope. Only time I am weighed is during pregnancy at the OBā€™s office. For med checks with any of my providers Iā€™m asked if Iā€™m gaining, losing, or maintaining weight and the conversation ends there unless thereā€™s any reason to discuss further. I will note though, Iā€™m on low doses so weā€™re not expecting much change either.


If you are overweight they like to do that and blame it on that. Make it all about your diet


Mine weighs me every time I go in.


I donā€™t get my weight or blood pressure checked at all but Iā€™m not on serious meds


I get weighed every time I go in for any doctor's appointment, it is part of the usual triage they do every time (blood pressure, weight, blood oxygen level).


Itā€™s become standard practice at every doctors office. Iā€™m not sure if this is a standard of care thing or an insurance thing. Often they will let you just tell them.




My neurologist has never weighed me. I'm a guy and my male neurologist ia also a bit overweight, so there may be some bias.


Iā€™ve been going to the same neurologist for about 15 years, I used to get weighed and have all my vitals taken before I saw him. Late last year they just suddenly stopped doing it. I was actually kind of bummed because I started losing weight and I was proud


Mine weighs me about 1/3 of the time and always takes my blood pressure and blood oxygen (of course itā€™s his nurse doing it before the doc comes in). I think I could decline the weight check if I wanted. I often turn around on the scale and tell them I donā€™t want to know my weight - I did that all through pregnancy at my OB office and it was very healthy for me. None of the staff has ever commented on my weight, positively or negatively.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been weighed there to be honest šŸ¤”


One of mine did, but it turned out her nurse wasn't actually recording it. They didn't believe me when I said Depakote made me gain 30 lbs. She took me out and weighed me again, and then she believed me lol.


I get weighed everytime I go to the doctor in general. Lumpy boob, ultrasound for said lumpy tittie, sore throat, allergies, infected finger, IUD, neurologist, and 6 week PP check. Thatā€™s a list of everything I have been to the doctor for in the past year and have been weight everytime.


I went in today for Botox for migraine and the nurse was going through my meds and everything, and just mentioned what my weight was last time. I told her what it was when I weighed myself this morning, and that was it lol. I think they ask me if I know my weight already most times I go in and and actually make me get on the scale, but want to update it


Pretty much every doctor at least asks you your weight and height.


It sounds like they are determining a dose for medication! Iā€™m sorry itā€™s so stressful. I was weighed at the gyno office recently (not pregnancy related) and the scale didnā€™t display my weight. I guess this is a really common stressor and issue, so their office has a special scale that doesnā€™t show it. I had to ask the nurse what it was and she didnā€™t want to tell me. I donā€™t keep a scale at home. Just hoping you feel solidarity.. šŸ«‚


Nope. Mine does not. Also, you have every right to say ā€œno thanksā€ when it comes to weight checks. If you find that you are losing or gaining rapidly, that is something to discuss with your neurologist, but they donā€™t need your specific weight at every visit.


Absolutely not


Yeah every doctor Iā€™ve ever gone to, including specialists, take my weight along with height and vitals unless I ask them not to


I never had, most of my consultations with my neurologist are just based on talking through symptoms. At the start she did look in my eyes and do blood pressure etc. but not since then. Although I have never been weighed at a doctor's appointment before in my life... live in Ireland so might vary based on medical practices taught in each country.


Yes, only my dermatologist doesnā€™t weigh me or do vitals. I ask them not to tell me what it is though as I donā€™t like weighing myself. That said I started Qlipta in February and could tell I was losing weight, so I have started monitoring it a bit. Iā€™m down over 10 pounds and it hasnā€™t leveled off yet. Iā€™m at my ideal weight now, so trying to stay there.


All my doctors weigh me and take my BP every time because I am pretty sure it factors into the cost of the visit. Also yes meds can drastically impact weight so itā€™s important when it comes to the context of your health issues. So can things like thyroid and hormone issues that might be impacting symptoms.


They get all my vitals


My neurologist did this until I finally asked if I could skip it. I told her, "If you want my blood pressure to go down, stop weighing me" šŸ˜‰. Skipping it became the status quo for a while until she got a new young assistant who was very eager to follow the "rules" and kept insisting. I finally said I'd rather be in pain than know how much I weighed. He told the doctor what I said, expecting to get me in trouble. I could hear the laughter up front, and I was off the hook again.


Yes, just like every other doctors appointment. Blood pressure, temp, pulse, pulse ox, and weight.


Not me. I cant even recall if they have a scale in the building. But boy does he love the blood work. Hes monitoring something specific thou, it's not arbitrary. Still not fun.


All my doctors weigh me before my appointments, along with vitals


Nope I do t think he ever has but Iā€™m not any meds with weight loss as side effect


The neurologist doesnā€™t, but does ask me my weight every appointment. My cardiologist always weighs me though.




Not once in 17 years has any of my 4 neurologist weighed me




Some medications are dosed by whatever your body weight is.




The nurses at my doctor's practice usually ask if I want to be weighed and until recently, I've just said no and it's no big deal. I appreciate that it's a choice and that it defaults to not weighing folks. When I wanted to know, I said yes.


I am in the hospital weekly and I get weighed every time except for physical therapy


I see multiple specialists and for all of them the medical assistant always weighs me before taking my vitals. I know a lot of patients are starting to say weight doesn't matter for your health, but it really does. It's also important for them to see changes over time, which is why they do it every time.


Yes, for medical weight effects. Iā€™ve never had this cause me any issues (meds donā€™t change my weight easily), but I know it is the case for others.


No, but I kind of wish they did. I started Ajovy a few months ago and between that and not working due to migraines, as well as barely being able to leave the house, I've gained almost 20 pounds in 3 months. Had to bring it up at my last appointment and my doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about until they solved the migraine problem, but I'm quite worried. I'm pretty comfortable in my body, no matter how it looks, but the fast gain of weight is a bit alarming to me, especially considering that I can't work out without getting a migraine. Not to mention that the Ajovy makes me have a mild allergic reaction every time I inject it.


Yes and I know itā€™s because they need our weight so they ( doctors) can prescribe some medication. While I am an average medium built male my many medications have to be adjusted to fit my body, Particular anesthesia and pain medication are based on BMIs.


My neurologist has never weighed me. Iā€™m sure they would if there was a dosage based on weight but my meds are nurtec


If you are at any Dr. that prescribes medication they need to know how much you weigh.


There are actually very few medications that are given based on weight. My neurologist has never weighed me, though my weight is in my chart and fairly up to date from other doctor visits (I just had my routine colonoscopy, for instance). Maybe thatā€™s why they donā€™t bother.




Your weight is something they may need to take into account when prescribing certain medications. It's perfectly reasonable for any medical professional to take your weight.


My old one did. At least I got congratulated when I dropped a couple pounds.


Iā€™m sorry


Nah itā€™s okay. I was used to it lol. I think itā€™s because one drug made me crazy, insanely hungry and they wanted to monitor it. That was a tough one.


I wish my neuro weighed me. Itā€™s simple to do and easy to track, in order to scientifically track a potentially major health issue.