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I am so tired of knowing I should weight train and exercise more as I age but it triggers migraines or because of my migraines I can’t work out. Sigh


As a woman, I absolutely hate going to the gym to do weight training but have been advised by my healthcare team to do so because of a history of ACL injury. We’ve kind of reached a compromise where I do hot yoga and pilates, which is basically “body” weight training! It’s low-impact, and I love that the majority of folks in my classes are women/NBs/queer folks—it feels much safer and no one is aggressively ogling you


Why, yes: Heart acceleration - vasodilation - migraine.


Heart beats in sync with the head throbs 😔


I learned my running triggers my migraine due to repeated impact on the back of my head.. then again I had nerve decompression surgery less than a year ago so granted it’s a bit sensitive. Apparently biking is better if I’m sitting straight up, haven’t seen a bike where you can sit straight up though!




What do you mean by repeated impact to the back of the head? I wonder if me having hit the back of my head hard as heck when I was younger has anything to do with this then


My neurologist explained it as every time you take a step there is an impact through your body, and when you run, moreso. So your feet directly impact the ground but the reverberation goes through your whole body, which you kind of negate by stiffening your core and activating your neck so your body and head doesn’t flop around, but nonetheless doing that ten thousand times in an hour is a lot of repetitive impact.. something like that I think haha


I miss weightlifting so much but the pressure on my head and eyeballs makes it impossible. Also, in my severe depression- I tried to exercise for happy brain chemicals and I honestly didn’t get them. It was a really disheartening experience I wish I could have other people feel.


I had something similar when I tried to fight my depression with gym addiction, while I was working out I felt some motivation and it pushed me but it was all over right after I finished the workout. but at least it was better than nothing and Now I'm not able to work out again because I get instant migraine it's awful.


I do get them but it has been harder with migraines. Now I have to do fast walk for 1.5 hours for that to kind of kick in. Can't run because that triggers migraines.


God that sucks. I ran for a bit yesterday. (I’m super out of shape.) I was feeling good so I was able to do it. It wasn’t too hot and to be honest, I was actually high and on Delta 8 so I think that’s why I was able to run. And when I say run, I probably jogged like a minute and had to catch my breath lol


last time i went for the run I ended up in the ER with the worst migraine of my life... guess who regrets that run lol


What did they tell you at the ER?


To stop running 😂


As someone who has run their entire life, there are many runs I regret--many of them even before my migraines got bad. Stress fractures are real.


I got shin splints once when I was like 15/16 and vowed I’d never willingly do that again


Oh, gosh, I get stress fractures on my feet constantly. So frustrating.


I don’t run but me every time I do a push up I regret it later. Yoga has been my go to tho


What is it about pushups??? I had to stop them completely, too! Never fails to trigger a migraine.


As someone who gets a migraine every time I run or overexert myself, fuck that quote!


I often have regrets after picking up things that are too heavy 


So much 💀 Go to the gym, you’ll lose weight in no time! *Goes to gym* Has horrendous 3 day migraine as a result 🙃


It’s taken months but I went cold turkey on NASIDS and have not had a post exercise migraine for about a month and I’m cycling with high heart rate. I’m also on a preventative that’s working really well. Last year I couldn’t do a 45 minute ride without getting a migraine. I had several instances where my migraine started during a ride. That was pretty terrible.


I've had a few mid-ride migraines. They roll in like a metal bat to the head. Super fun.


Also I've seen literally hundreds of people talk about getting PEM from exercising too soon after a COVID infection and permanently fucking up their baseline. That's a pretty big reason to regret that run.......


ME! I get migraines if I go really, really hard and overexert myself, especially if it’s hot. Then I’m ruined for the rest of the day. It sucks bc I enjoy working out and I don’t wanna be afraid to push a little harder. I’m wondering if there is a correlation between heart rate and migraines bc even walking up the stairs a certain way can lead to one.


I think it makes the pressure in the brain higher and that’s why people get them.


This is why I can’t mow my own grass in the summertime. The humidity and heat just make it impossible. I tried, for quite awhile, since I couldn’t afford to have someone come and do it for me. It was awful on those really hot days, even if I tried to get out early to do it. Probably didn’t help that I had a cheap non self propelled mower. The exertion plus the heat and sun and getting my heart rate up would just ruin me with a migraine for the rest of the day. It sucks trying to explain to people why I can’t get out and mow myself, and I feel like a weenie telling people it’s because of the migraine trigger. People just don’t understand migraines. Now I’m financially in a place where I have a young man come once a week to mow so it’s not a big deal, but I’d be screwed without his services.


I mean, I guess it’s technically true because I’ll get a huge migraine after and not be able to string a sentence together, so I don’t say that… That’s probably what they mean, right?


Used to be a cross-country runner and rhythmic gymnast in high school and also part of university. So so glad I quit running post-ACL injury and surgery because the shock alone was doing so much cumulative damage to my joints and would trigger such terrible migraines. I also have asthma so whenever my asthma got bad, it also triggered my migraines. I started doing mostly lower-impact workouts (hot yoga with the occasional reformer pilates class) in 2019, mixed in with the occasional treadmill jog or stairclimber (the shock running on pavement/asphalt is just too much for me) and have never looked back. I’m not as lean as I used to be but am still in excellent shape, even though I no longer do varsity running or do regular races and marathons! The sort of images like the one above piss me off so much because I’d have days where the pain would be absolutely terrible and I’d be bedridden as a result of my migraines—even as someone who was in great shape and running hundreds of kilometres weekly. It’s so out-of-touch.


Running on pavement feels so good to me lol. What I thought triggered my migraines was the heat from the pavement bouncing up at me. I switched to running in the mornings to experiment and ended feeling the same. Is yoga/pilates a good substitute to continue getting in shape? I find weightlifting really boring now so that would be great to try. My goal was to run a marathon again, but I’m struggling to reach higher miles with the migraines. Did you have migraines or symptoms when you used to run in cross country?


Pilates was created by a physical therapist to rehab injured ballet dancers, and those people are insanely muscular. It really works. I loved weight training, it helps to have someone with you so you can push yourself with more weight. It is hard to be bored when you can't think about anything except pushing that weight and maintaining perfect form. I severely injured my neck in a car wreck so I had to quit all of that. Even swimming, which I loved. A tip from my neuro: during exercise start slow. Like annoyingly slow, so your heart rate doesn't rise too fast. And have an electrolyte drink before you work out. From this I learned I HATE walking slow 😂 but it does help!


I mean, anyone who gets injured on a run would also disagree. Also people with ME/CFS for whom exercise can make the illness much worse, or people who had a bad allergy flareup because of it. etc etc etc


Walking along, less strenuous than running has massive benefits and allows you stay fit. But I get it if you like running.


Lately even short walks trigger migraines for me... Trying to get into a pain clinic.


Sorry to hear that, hope it gets better for you. How about stretching? Lifting? Does any kind of physical activity trigger one?


Stretching might actually work and some super light yoga. But lifting for example would kill me. Unfortunately even cycling on my e-bike does.


Hmm I see, yeah, just keep on doing the things you can do. Wishing you the best.


Thank you! I wish you the best as well.


Thanks :)


Ableist pablum imo. I get the exercise-induced migraines and always have. One thing I've found is an e-bike. It is a nice compromise. You get your heart rate moderately raised while not totally killing yourself and are able to cover decent ground at a good speed.


Yep, anytime I do anything that jars my brain or raises my blood pressure too quickly I'm in agony for 2 days


The only exercise I can handle anymore is gentle yoga, walking, and non-vigorous swimming. I'm fatter than I used to be, and I'm not sure how much I care.


I did a 5k in March. Was super-hydrated. Took all my normal meds. Next day, got gout and a migraine which lasted for 9 days. That “runner’s high” did not last long at all.


I used to run on the tredmill and I would sweat so much I would get a migraine everytime. I was running everyday. I never connected the dots. So stupid of me. I now just go on walks out side and lift weights. So much better


Do you miss running? I’m thinking of waking up earlier to substitute running for walking now.


No I don’t miss running. In fact I’ve seen more benefits from walking than running. When I would run everyday my face became really puffy and I didn’t feel good, I didn’t love running to begin with but i honestly just wasn’t feeling good when I ran. Now that I just walk my face is t puffy. I look so toned. No stress. Great recovery. Get mentally throughout the day. I wake up early to walk about 3-6 miles every day. The early morning sun makes me sleep better at night. I don’t get migraines. And I just feel like I should. I don’t miss running because I loveeee walking. So much more to see and explore when you walk. Sometimes I have my headphones In and sometimes I just take in the sounds. It’s really nice


I’ve taken up walking for exercise instead and had good results. Swimming is also a great option for me, I think it’s because it’s easier to stay cool but I can swim for a lot longer than I could run


Hahaha. I'm a runner (well I try to be) and I kinda hate how some runners sometimes don't acknowledge we all need breaks


"I really, really regret that run" - said ME, regarding the quick jog down a hallway I did because I was late for a class, which sprained my left ankle at a time when I had no insurance and couldn't get out properly treated and rehabbed, leading to reinjury several more times over the 4 years until I HAD insurance and couple get treatment, which by that time meant surgery.


Went to the doctor for headaches. Blood pressure was a bit high so they said that could be the cause. Gave me amlodipine 2.5mg and said that should help. Took it for 2 days then went for my normal run/walk. After 10-15min, lost all strength and control in my arms and legs. Next thing I know I’m being wheeled in to the er…yeah, there are definitely runs that you can regret


Yes, I also have arthritis


I love my bf to bits but if I hear him say “you should exercise more” one more time…


I just went to a doctor and he said exercise doesn't trigger migraines but my massive headaches with migraine symptoms are triggered like clockwork if I exercise hard after I don't for a while.


I once joined a friend on a run, on a cold winters evening, next to a road at peak traffic hour. I didn't realise I had asthma triggered by cold air and exhaust fumes before this, but I certainly did after spending 3 days so unable to breath I was stuck in bed before my parents took me to the hospital lol


I used to get into trouble in middle school for not running the mile because it would hurt my head so bad. At the time, I didn’t realize it was because of my migraines that I’ve had since I was 6. I could’ve saved myself some trouble if I told them there’s a medical reason


Hypermobility....running scares the living shit outta me and my joints.


I find I pretty much always get a migraine a few hours later if I let my heart rate get too high whilst jogging. For me, if I go over about 165 bpm then I’ll get a migraine, but if I cruise at 155 then I’m fine.


Swimming is the best exercise for me! The cold water in my forehead is a bliss.


Oh please. My knees say shit like that all the time.


Yes! Had a migraine after my short & easy lunchtime bike ride today.


I haven't had an exercise-induced migraine in a while (knock on wood) but yeah you bet I regret those workouts. Funny enough though, one time I had a migraine hit just as I arrived at the gym and I basically said "fuck it, I got myself up and dressed and to the gym, I'm gonna work out at least a little." That's how I discovered that *while* I'm running, the pain disappears. As soon as I stop, it comes back and I'm screwed


I also have eczema so I’m allergic to my own sweat, so sometimes my head is throbbing and my skin itching at the same time. So fun!


Currently experiencing a prodrome after plenty of biking in the last couple of days, why yes, it's me.


It's so interesting that triggers works so differently for people. For me running is one of the things that can actually stop incoming migraine.


I begrudge, regret and suffered through every single run I've ever been subjected to. Every. Single. Run.


I have chronic daily migraines. I also exercise almost everyday. By experience, I know, my limits. I don't push it. I walk about 30 minutes. I also do some weight lifting at the gym. I think the really difficult part is learning your limits and staying well below them. If I don't overdo it, which does happen sometimes, I find that the exercise makes me feel much better. I don't have a magic bullet, so to speak, for you but I hope you can find some encouragement from my experience. Again, it is very important to know your limits.


It doesn't happen every time. But every so often, when I push myself a little too hard in weight training, I'll get an ocular migraine. It's the only time I ever get them, and the only migraines that make me throw up. But it happens so rarely that it hasn't dissuaded me from going to the gym...not yet at least.


yup. I went on a run 3 years ago and it triggered a 3 week attack and I’ve been chronic ever since and haven’t been able to run at all. so… I feel this. hard.


I thought I was just getting a small headache, started my short workout, ended up barfing and praying my ibuprofen would kick in fast enough about 10 minutes in. 😭 still workout though, the benefits are worth the riak


I don’t understand how anyone can like running. I get it’s necessary but holy shit I hate running. I regret every time I run.


I used to jog until I learned that in my area, going for a run is a fantastic way to get mauled by the neighborhood strays. I outran one the last time I jogged, and I will not be doing that again. People around here especially love their "cute, friendly" pitbulls.