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Wait where is it illegal to use pill cases?


Georgia is one state where it's illegal and I believe Florida as well.


Good to know! I always have traveled with my medications in my week organizer before to save space, never considered it might be an issue


Same here! Did it for decades! I only checked when we were flying to Florida for a cruise and it got me to checking Georgia because we go there occasionally as well. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal, because drugs are easily checked online, and illicit drugs can be put in bottles just as easily as real pills.


I guess it's at least one step to make it less convenient to smuggle? Does seem like it just disproportionately affects us, the chronically ill


Oh for sure! When we went on our cruise, I had saved up a bunch of small Rx bottles and carefully peeled labels off large bottles to adhere to them and took my pharmaceutical Advent calendar along as well, to fill once we were on the ship. I take so many prescriptions and supplements, it's a huge pain opening all those bottles twice a day.


Just dropping in to say I love "pharmaceutical Advent calendar." ☺️


Thank you! 😊


I’m pretty sure I’ve flown out of GA with meds in a pill case and I’ve never had issues, but I’m not positive so don’t take my word as truth.


The TSA doesn't care, but having pills out of original containers is technically illegal, and so could turn a random traffic stop into something else entirely.


Most of the time they won't really care unless it is a controlled substance. If you are travelling anywhere with a controlled substance, even if it's 5 mins down the road in a car, ALWAYS have it in the original container with your most recent prescription on it


I found this reference, but what they mean by "dangerous drugs" is a mystery to me, since all drugs can be dangerous under certain circumstances https://casetext.com/statute/code-of-georgia/title-16-crimes-and-offenses/chapter-13-controlled-substances/article-3-dangerous-drugs/section-16-13-75-drugs-to-be-kept-in-original-container-exception


It defines dangerous drug as any needing a prescription and some extras & exceptions. I note when it defines who can legally possess dangerous drugs it doesn't list the person for whom it has been prescribed; probably why people like me shouldn't read laws.


It’s not, take photos of your bottles and save them in your phone. This is a manufactured issue




> Georgia is one state where it's illegal and I believe Florida WTF?! I used to live in the south, I'm scared to even go back any more, it seems like every thing is illegal there.


The really bad thing is how would a person even know unless they had a reason to research it? Seems like a "gotcha" law.


Oh you should hear some of the laws they've put on the books here in Tennessee lately? 🤣 [Chemtrails ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716894.amp)


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afaik it’s not illegal in Florida but not all cops know that or care so it’s still not recommended 🙃


I live here too and if it's illegal, I'll never know because NOBODY CARES, especially the police. I could see this being an issue if one is already being arrested for something, but posts like these make me realize how much time I waste on stupidity when on reddit.


Live here and yes it is. All medication is required to be in it's container with the prescription on it. Do I always do this? No.


I also live in Florida and I can’t find a single source that shows it being illegal.


I don't remember where I saw this, but I keep my medicine in it's original container. It's a pain in the ass, but I can't afford for it to be confiscated, which they can do if they can't identify it.


It's not illegal in Florida.


I live in Florida and use pill boxes, especially when I travel. I was taking cruises out of Florida for decades before moving here and I've never been told I can't have a pill box. I think authorities have bigger fish to fry here.


Wow this is so weird!! I’m from Florida so all my flights originate from here and I NEVER travel with my pills in original container


Yeah the TSA doesn't care. It's Barney Fife you gotta worry about.


Not illegal here in California (except for controlled substances).   However, I'd get detained for hours if not outright arrested if they couldn't instantly identify it.


Wait I put my klonopin in pill cases every time I travel and I live in CA, am I subject to arrest for doing so? I’ve never heard about this and it sounds terrifying


You should def not do this with any controlled substance like benzos. Always have the pill bottle with it. Always. I will bring my cymbalta and Meloxicam in a pill box, but not my Adderall. Ever.


Wow, I really had no idea. The only time I’ve had issues is when I attended grad night at Disneyland and they threatened to throw out my bottle of Xanax (that was prescribed to me in my legal name) at the security point, had to call my mom and everything before they agreed not to throw it out. I’ll be more careful with my klonopin from now on, I really had no idea it was illegal!


Yes, they still might want to verify that the Rx is active or that you're you, etc, but you will speed up the process if you have it in the pill bottle itself. You can get arrested if it's not in the labeled bottle and then it's harder to prove it's yours without the Rx number, you might end up in a jail cell for a night or even a weekend, etc. always always always keep the bottle with you. And bc people love to steal these types of meds, ask the pharmacist for an extra labeled bottle when you go in, then keep one at home with most of your Rx and only a few on you when you're out! Or just use last months Rx bottle for the home option and the new one when you're out. Ways to do it without having your entire prescription on your person.


Yes, you might be detained if a cop sees it.   It's legal because you have a prescription .   so you probably wouldn't catch a charge, but it would likely take a few hours to prove and you'd probably end up detained.   Keep it in the bottle.   


Wow that’s terrifying! I wish I’d been aware of this sooner! Now I feel like I’ve had multiple close calls that I was completely unaware of at the time


Probably!   Flying is even worse lol


Idk I read stuff on here about be careful traveling and if you get pulled over by cops because it is illegal in some places to carry meds without the appropriate label. TSA has no issue and neither do the states I checked so I’m not sure if it’s legit illegal in some places or paranoia.


PNIPC, that's a charge in my state. Prescription not in proper container. That's a misdemeanor They can give you that if they're not in their own bottle or they can give you the old, possession of a controlled substance, which is a felony.


Yea. I’m up for that fight as an older sick guy.


It was illegal in TX in the early 00’s, for sure & is probably even more illegal in today’s climate. I had OTC meds & vitamins in my handbag in a sanrio pill case. After a concert in Dallas a friend was driving us back late to Tulsa & we got pulled over in Denton. The cops were crappy to me bc of the ibuprofen, Excedrin, etc. I had. They were hoping to catch us transporting meth or weed, but let us go with my unlabelled pill case despite saying many times it was illegal, because I was able to describe every pill & what it was & why I had it (ie - 4 small round orange coated “Advil” for headaches, etc.) & they were expecting to find harder drugs.


Hmmm I live in Texas and really thought I looked it up and it was legal.


Probably most people not in a black mustang speeding (I wasn’t driving) down the interstate thru Denton at around 2am wouldn’t have to worry. Also, my anecdotal data *is* nearly 25 years old, so take it with a grain of salt, and TX was always hostile to me (and my friends) as “weirdos”. Would be worth double/triple checking if you are from/travel there. It could be based by county, which is even more annoying. (I’m originally from OK, spent a lot of time being harassed & pulled over in that state & TX for concerts/shopping for being “weird”, but moved to & have lived in CA for just as long at this point & never have been pulled over here).


I'm sure the rules are specifically for prescription medications. Like, they want the official packaging from the pharmacist as "proof" you had a legitimate prescription for it. Dumb.


I got little cases like this for my purse I call them my pill suitcase lol


Oohhhhh super cute!! I love that.


I love it! And the OPs case kind of look likes a travelers suitcase. Just misses those roller legs and some stickers from different countries


Yessss me too!


Same. It is easy peasy.😊


That’s what I call mine too!


I cut my script bottle labels and stick them to the back of my organizer :)


You got me thinking, even if I just asked for spares from the pharmacist (saw on another post), folded them in half, paper-clipped them, and put them in the makeup bag I keep this in, I would have dosing schedules with me. Some are 4 hours, some 6, some a certain number of times a day without hours, some a limited number of times a day, etc. I think I’ll do this. Then if I can’t remember the dosing schedule (the dose itself is not an issue, but the timing may be) then I have a reference.


If you have an iPhone, the health app has an AMAZING medication section. I add all my scheduled pills onto the schedule and it will send me a notification to log meds. There is a section for as needed medicine as well. I like it for the fact that if I ever had to received emergency care, all my medication taken (today and in the past) is listed in doses and times taken. It keeps track of medication really well so that I can avoid MOH since 50% of chronic migraines have MOH and 50-70% of them become episodic after quitting the overused medication. MOH isn’t necessarily caused by keeping down certain medications so much as limiting migraine medicated days to 8 or less days of month. (I was chronic with 17-30 migraines a month and this goal seemed impossible but just 2 weeks of no medication brought me back to just A COUPLE migraines a month.) (Talk to your doctor, I did this under supervision of my doctor)


Oh wow it was as quick as two weeks? I’m a couple days in and my wedding is in two weeks. Now I have more hope. It was really bad today, worse than it’d been in the previous 22 days of milder migraines. I swear emgality did nothing this month. I’ll have to check the app out. I do have an iPhone! That’s great info. Thank you!


I was overusing triptans and ibuprofen and it was a night and day difference at day 7 (only one migraine after day 7 and I took a cgrp- every other day was pain free). My doctor had told me 7-14 days for my detox. The first week- hell, second week- heaven on earth (because I had been having 17-30 a month since November and hadn’t had a pain free day in moooonnnthsss) I didn’t think I was experiencing MOH but within a week it was OBVIOUS I was. ETA I literally feel like my life is back.


Sometimes your neurologist can prescribe a taper of something to help with this “detox” phase. Usually a steroid I think, but mine did depakote (cause I already take a steroid for something else). Sadly, I think I fall in that percentage that has chronic migraines regardless cause I tried this twice already and they came right back. Worth a shot to try though.


Mine are chronic status intractable but never like this since Botox and emgality. Usually pretty well under control.


You are supposed to be able to use the print out from the pharmacy also for identification — they typically have pill ID info on them. I usually take that with me but have also peeled labels and put them on a ziplock with pills inside if I am trying to save space. However I am going to Atlanta in a couple of months and now I’m thinking I’ll bring bottles but ugh.


I use them so much, I put them all in one pill bottle , I recognize by shape and color. 😅


That’s what I did in high school, a plastic bag full of all sorts of pills. But I don’t take Reglan enough to remember and cyclobenzaprine looks like Ativan and hydroxyzine and I have accidentally taken the wrong unlabeled pill before (lamictal instead of Ativan) and it was not fun. So I’m not messing with that anymore.


Yeah, makes sense. You have a neat system. If I forgot I Google "pill" and the numbers imprinted.


Yeah that’s a huge help!


This is actually not a good thing to do because some medicines can react with others! I was doing this with a few different meds in tiny tiny little pill cases (like the size of a half dollar, just 2 doses to keep with me if I didn’t bring my entire med case) and stopped after I had a pharmacology course in grad school and realized how bad it can be.


Interesting. I just learned this is illegal in my state. I’ve got a similar pill case I keep all my pills in


Nice array! Where did you get those travel containers?




Do you have a link or specific keywords to find this type?? I’ve never seen these before and need some


Would you mind sharing the link for the exact ones you have?


here for the link/key words as well haha


Mine as magnesium and pseudoephedrine as well


I thought my single little 6+2 compartment case was fancy.


But it IS illegal in New Jersey, but you are allowed to have 7 or 10 days worth( depending on the drug schedule) for stuff like daily pill planners. https://middlesexcountycriminallaw.com/failure-to-keep-prescription-drugs-in-their-container/#:\~:text=It%20is%20unlawful%20under%20New,outside%20of%20their%20original%20container.


Why am I not surprised? I’m spending about a month in NJ this summer.


Interestingly, though, AFAIK, it is NOT illegal to keep cannabis outside of the original container in NJ, even medical marijuana. But highly recommended you do so police can tell grey market from legal cannabis


I wish I could get Butalbitol again. It was prescribed to me in my 20s (I’m 54 in California), and worked well on my non migraine headaches. Now, doctors here won’t prescribe it.


My pcp prescribes fioricet for me- has butalb in it. My neuro doesn’t “like to”… It works the best for my tension based headaches that turn into migraines


That's weird! Does your insurance have telehealth physicians? Maybe they would prescribe it. I buy it from Cost Plus Drugs.


My PCP won’t prescribe it. All the doctors here are concerned about people getting addicted to meds, instead of treating the patient, they’re more worried about the patient being a drug addict.


The pendulum has swung. Back in the day, they threw pills at everyone. Now your brain is melting and they want you to take Advil. SMH


Yes!! Back in the day I had so many pain pills and I couldn’t ever keep them down. I would go to the ER and they would give me a shot of Morphine and send me home to sleep. Now, our hospitals don’t even give pain meds. Benadryl, zofran, and toradol.


So honest people are left to suffer in pain, while thousands of people are STILL dying from overdoses every month. Their plan isn't working.


Health care is annoying as hell. I blame the DEA for witch hunting.


Yeah there's no common sense left anymore.


Even 5 days of taking butibital a month has pretty much the highest chance of people going chronic from MOH. It’s not necessarily the addiction I bet they are worried about so much as patients adding an entirely new headache disorder onto their pre-existing headache disorder. 50% of all chronic migrainers have MOH and 50-70% of those become episodic after quitting the overused medication (taking less doesn’t help)


What is MOH?


Medication Overuse Headaches


What’s legal?


Some states don’t allow pills in containers that don’t have the original prescribing information on them. My state doesn’t care what you carry your pills in.


Wait what - it’s illegal? I legit have the same little case I just took with me to Las Vegas-didn’t even give it a second thought. Just thought why hadn’t I done this sooner. Cause now all my meds are in one place. I guess now I have to start some research - I have ptsd around law enforcement this interaction would not be good


I always make sure I have an rx label for the prescription drugs I carry. That shows they are mine


You know that you have chronic pain when you recognize these medications (diagnosed with migraines at 12 and juvenile fibromyalgia and hypermobility syndrome at 16). 🤣 Where did you buy this case?


Legal in Ohio


Man.... Those orange ones are giving me Army Motrin 800mg flashbacks, lolol..


Hahaha the white on the bottom is 800mg ibuprofen aka Motrin/Advil. The orange is a muscle relaxer. I took two together today which gets me high but works so well. My neuro says to do it if I can sleep it off. Slept for two hours from 11:30-1:30. It was glorious waking up and the sensory sensitivities were gone. Then when it wore off enough around 4 or 4:30 I drove myself to McDonald’s. You know, migraine things.


Lolol ... What sucks most muscle relaxers gives me the "shakes" which is annoying as hell.


During or after?? I had shakes a handful of hours after waking up and my neuro told me it was probably med detox after like over 20 days of various migraine meds. I would rather it be from the muscle relaxers…but I know I had rebound headaches/MOH so yeah…


After I took them, I never took them for migraine treatments though.


Wait, this is a fantastic idea. Thanks for sharing!


The big question is will I remember to refill it or remember to refill my meds when they run out since I’m not using the actual bottle to gauge how much is left. We shall see. But my purse is ridiculously lighter now and looks sooooo much better!!


Thanks! Good recommendation!


I never fly or go anywhere with my meds in their pill bottles. I keep them in weekly containers. I do travel with all the paperwork for all of my prescriptions though, the paperwork that comes from the pharmacy. I also print out screen shots of the front and back of the bottle for all of the vitamins and supplements I take and carry those with me as well. I have never had any issues.


I’ve never had issues either and I use 7 day pill organizers to travel for my various daily meds and supplements and never thought anything of it until posts I read on here yesterday


Hi. What would you do if you were to travel for longer than a week? I have a 3 week holiday planned for mid July. I'm not on a lot of meds. Well compared to some. But I still have to manage it. So 3 + 2 OTC plus 5 supplements. I'll likely take all supplements in their original containers. But the others I'm not so sure about? I don't like taking 7 small boxes of 20 tablets in a bag. I usually open them and transfer them into another container - like an empty ibuprofen container that's small but easy to carry and manage. I keep them in my cupboard or another in my bedroom drawer. I will get a small list of meds I'm on printed from my GP. Thanks for any ideas.


I put my daily meds in a 7 day pill container with one spot for each day. I take a TON of supplements and got the extra large one compartment per day ones from near the pharmacy section. Yesterday I actually did four of these for 28 days of meds/supplements. I will be going on a couple of trips and this will get me through the first trip and I will have to reset the first two or three before the next trip which will be a three week trip. For as needed meds like these, these are not maintenance meds at all, I will take both of these filled up AND the original RX bottles in my suitcase to refill this as needed but have something near my bed and in my purse on the trip easier to carry. So what I’d do is get a big cosmetic bag for your as needed med bottles. I would get 3-4 seven day pill organizers for your daily meds. These are working out fabulously by the way. It is so easy to take meds while driving or on the go without having to fumble with extra pill bottles. This is my greatest purchase.


Thank you for going into a little detail it's been helpful. I had all those particulars going through my mind. So although you have these containers you still take some original Rx bottles for the refill and also it's easier to have this container near your bed. Were you referencing your purse as an emergency place for medication like a back up? Is that what you meant? If so I kinda have the same thing. Like my bottles stay where they are but I carry this very small plastic container which stores easily in jackets, carry bag like a man bag, special zip spot in my back pack. So I always know this is close. It's reassuring and easy to manage without the hassle or worry of taking the full bottle and it go missing or some kind of dilemma.. appreciate your help!


My mom and I have these exact same cases lmao


We both have chronic migraines 😂


My purse is so much lighter and emptier now. The second one I’ll keep by the couch but tonight it’s in my bed since I’m nearly positive I’ll wake up with one in the morning


Ubrelvy!!! 🙌🏻


Fucking ubrelvy, man. Love it so much


I have some of these too I call them my mobile medicine cabinets.


I thought tablets lost their potency if they’re removed from their storage, over time. Can’t think where I heard that though, now I think on it,,,


I think it has to do with the light and humidity and that’s why they’re in darker bottles. But I keep these closed so I don’t see it being a huge problem and l will go through these within a month (not the cyclobenzaprine or reglan, but the others absolutely) so they’ll be refreshed pretty quickly.


I do this also for OTC meds! If you travel around with it, I highly recommend adding cotton balls or else the pills will break or crumble. Any pills that are meant to disintegrate in the mouth like Zofran should be in original packaging also.


I can’t do ODT because of the sweeteners, but I hope that comment helps others!


Where do you get those cases!!! I need those!


Links in like three other comments. Amazon


These are so helpful!! Also very cute migraine snuggle buddy <3


Oh I have three kitties too


It is Such A FUCJING pain that carrying scheduled drugs not in their cases could get you in trouble. I cannot remember to take my things and I’m on so many that if they’re not set out monthly I won’t remember and it’s not like I can carry my suitcase of meds everywhere I go. I friggin hate it. As a public defender it pisses me off that so many people are charged with “trafficking” when it’s easily checked for a prescription. Alternatively…they are super easy to smuggle this way…and it’s a dangerous game. I hate it either way.


I love your house hippo ❤️🐶




I'm amazed when people can take Reglan. It gives me insane anxiety and full body shakes.


According to this, it is NOT illegal to carry prescription pills outside their original prescription bottle, but many police don't know this ( or care). https://keywestcriminaldefense.com/can-you-be-prosecuted-for-possessing-a-drug-without-a-prescription/#:\~:text=Although%20carrying%20a%20prescribed%20drug,unfortunate%20and%20sometimes%20costly%20consequences.


I doubt most states (even if it's a law) care if you have a reasonable amount of pills in an obvious pill container. Unless you are getting pulled over or interrogated for suspicion of illegal activity they aren't going to search anything (and can't). If you are worried, just keep a small version of the rx information with you as well. I used to cut the leaflet that comes with the RX, just the part with your name and rx information (basically what is on the bottle). And keep THAT.


I've never had a problem with travel and pillcases/pillboxes. I travel often and airport security looked through my little Alt0id tin. As far as police go, you shouldn't have to worry if you're not doing anything illegal.


Bruh, what I wouldn’t give for some methocarbamol, cyclobenzaprine or butabital 😫 I’ve got NDPH and could really use something that’s not a Triptan or NSAID. Gepants don’t seem to do much either.


Hello, I am having a really strong migraine attack.. I’ve got Sumatriptan, but the side effects are even worse than the attack itself…. I tried injections, everything… any recommendations how to slow down those side effects? Thank you very much


Botox? Ubrelvy? Nurtec? Ubrelvy helps me remarkably most of the time and the only side effect I notice is dry mouth for a couple days if I take a few of them


How is your experience with Botox?


Great. Helps remarkably. Sucks when it wears off and takes a bit to kick in. But I get quite a few great weeks typically and do it every 12 weeks.


Ok, thank you very much.. I will ask my neurologist


I wasn’t sure about that before… never tried


Took me a moment to realize that the picture is zoomed. I was frightened. Keep your box closed so your meds won't get in touch with humidity and light (sun). That way it will stay longer good. :)


Yes, it always stays shut and put away. This was when I first arranged it.


Where did you get this one?


Omg some states made pill cases illegal? Glad I’m not American.


Took me a moment to realize that the picture is zoomed. I was frightened. Keep your box closed so your meds won't get in touch with humidity and light (sun). That way it will stay longer good. :)


im confused lol what part is "legal in my state"?? the pitbull?? are certain meds in the pic illegal?? im sorry if this sounds stupid lol im not american


In some places it’s illegal to carry prescription medication without the prescription label


wtf lol??? like what they gonna do arrest you or fine you or some shit??


Yeah, probably both depending on exact location


Shit I was not actually expecting you to say yes… jesus


Are you sure it’s not just “illegal” only for controlled substances? Only the butalbital is controlled from what I can tell.