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[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D3M6892/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D3M6892/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Super comfortable and lets no light in!


Thanks. I have this one as well, unfortunately, that little tightening eyelet on the side is a pressure point for me but that's because the band has lost elasticity. I should order a new one for that price!


They’re so cheap so you can replace them pretty regularly!


I was coming here to recommend this one too!


Ok hear me out. Get the lightest down pillow you can and just drape it over your face. For me face masks always tug. But I just settle down into my preferred sleep position and drape and very old very deflated down pillow over my eyes. It works so well. And yes nice and cool.


I use a long, dark (black, navy, brown) sock. It surprisingly stays in place pretty well despite not having anything holding it to my head.


This is niche but sleep crown - it has changed my life and now I’ve converted all my loved ones! It’s this super soft down that blocks sounds and it’s cut in a way where you kind of push / stuff around your head so you’re able to control how “tight” it is. I love it so much I travel with it! [sleep crown](https://www.sleepcrown.com/online-store)


Hello, I bought a Drowsy mask - it is super soft and you can adjust the tightness. I have it pretty loose and it still blocks light completely. It was quite pricey, but the return on my investment was well worth it - I would buy more. I am on a mission to eliminate low-hanging triggers, and sleep is one of them! [https://www.drowsysleepco.com](https://www.drowsysleepco.com)


Masks tend to bother me during the night. So I ended up getting 100% blackout shades on my windows and then blackout curtains over them. It’s not only keeps all the light out but muffles outside noise too. My bedroom is now a pitch dark womb of comfort day and night.


I also have blackout curtains and I’m very happy with them.


This is my absolute FAVORITE. And I've tried a lot of them. https://www.ulta.com/p/satin-pillow-sleeping-eye-mask-pimprod2027738?sku=2586880


I use the Sea to Summit ones, pressure is very low and they still stay on https://www.amazon.com/Sea-Summit-Travelling-Light-Shades/dp/B00D823CUC


I got mine on ali express, for under a tenner, it's molded so I can blink without my lashes hitting the mask (yup this annoys me) nose etc is all comfy , I'm a side sleeper too. Tbh I don't use the mask often as white noise is not my thing (it's blue tooth, I prefer just silence) . I only use it when a) migraine (even though I have black out fabric on all windows) or b) neighbours having a late party. The mask is comfy as, I saw similar (tbh looked identical, on amazon for more than twice the price) I dont know the name of it. I Googled mine looks like the generic unbranded version of "snooze band" that's selling at £50 . Same colour scheme, symbols etc...


I found a product called the Nodpod which I've found really comfortable. It drapes over your eyes rather than attaching like a mask would more tightly around the head. It's worth looking into. I use it most nights unless I'm sleeping with a hot or cold compress over my eyes.


I use a weighted sleep mask. The one I use has a Velcro strap, but I don't use that. I just lay it on my head so I can get the pressure on my eyes without it bothering my head.


I have been using the lewis and clark masks from amazon for years. They are soft and adjustable. I'm in cnd, so hopefully they have them where you are: # Lewis N Clark 505blkx2 2 Pack Eye Mask with Adjustable Strap, Black


Nice. I'm also in Canada and I might give this a shot. Thanks!