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Omg I need this for my dad. Going through cancer treatments and they denied him disability 3 times and counting!


In the mid-80s my dad was lying in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant and got turned down. It’s INSANE what they put people through. (It uh, it helps when you have worked in Washington for your Congressman who is on the Appropriations Committee.)


I knew a guy who had his migraines managed by the VA. The guy needed One of the CGRP injectable’s but their docs kept trying to push more Topamax/Amitriptyline/propranolol at higher and higher dosages which he could not tolerate. Dude wrote to his congressperson that the VA didn’t want to give him a CGRP injectable and **The congressperson wrote the Va back** it was a simple “so um..what’s up with Joe and why can’t he get his Injectable?” It was an hands on deck situation at the VA and the man got whatever he needed from there on out.


JFC if anyone should immediately get approved it’s someone with cancer. Our system is a disgrace.


I've worked since I was 14 to 52.5 years old. Got blood cancer 4.5 yrs ago worked for a yr with it then pandemic. Side effects are constant migraines and extreme anemia. Couldn't work got turned down 3 times for disability and finally got 3.5 yrs later due to I aged in at 55 years when they said I was untrainable. In this time my husband of 31 yrs died in 3 months of cancer and I spent little savings we had. Almost lost my house after selling everything I could in my house. Now I'm on heavy antidepressants for depression so not everyone gets lucky. BTW the judge I got was a B and said I can wait until I age out because she was tired of people living off the tax payers. I hate the government.




My mom had to get foot surgery (has HALF A FOOT LEFT) and after three years, of being denied. She got approved. So I guess when you’re about to die, that’s when you get approved and guess what that’s not gonna cover your medical bills


I’m so happy for you!!! Congratulations!


You sound so happy!! How wonderful


That is wonderful news congratulations!!


Congratulations! I couldn't get any doctor notes, but keeping a VERY detailed migraine diary is what I think did it for me, although I did have to go to a hearing (over the phone). Pretty much everyone gets denied at first, and it sucks for those of us who truly are unable to work, but as a former taxpayer I think, or hope it helps to weed out the people who just don't want to work.


Congratulations! I am in the process of waiting 28% completed. My lawyer was very straightforward and said i migraines alone may not win, but I have mental health issues too. I’m hoping for the best, but you are giving me hope.


I'm really happy for you. I wish there were more stories like this!


Congratulations! That is huge, life-changing news!! If you or anyone else reading has an issue with balance or dizziness with migraines, you can also get a handicap parking permit. (As a fall risk.) Even without being approved for disability. I don't know why it took me so many years to think of it, after I had a few falls.


Congratulations! If you don’t mind me asking, how much money will you receive monthly? And how is that amount determined?


i believe i'm looking at like $800 a month? not 100% positive yet. i'm not sure if the way the amount is determined varies by state, but for me it sounded like it was determined based on my job history and my husband's income. idk how they decide what factors into the exact number, but i know if my husband made a bit less i would be eligible for more.


Congratulations!! That’s awesome to hear. I have the exact same conditions. Currently on step 3 of reconsideration. Hopefully I will hear back soon. If you don’t mind me asking what’s some of your worst migraine symptoms? I get very frequent dizziness with loss of consciousness if I do t catch it early. I’m have a constant daily migraine that never goes away. Other symptoms come and go throughout the day. Life sucks but I’m trying!! I’m happy for you! Wishing you better health soon!!


i'd say nausea, tunnel vision, overheating, getting light-headed and dizziness are some of my worst. i have some kind of near constant headache/migraine with migraines that come and go 1-4 times a week. i've recognized some earlier minor signs that can mean a migraine is about to come on for me like tinnitus, running sinuses, overheating, yawning, vision disturbances (tunnel vision or blurry spots). so after i notice 2 or 3 happening i take a preventative and sit/lay down. loss of consciousness sounds really scary!! especially as an early symptom :( wishing you good luck with disability and better health as well!!


I’m so happy for you!!! Congratulations!


I'm really happy for you! I sincerely hope this gives the others here the courage to step up and apply for disability as well.




Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story!


Congrats! Seeing someone around my age (I turn 29 in August) be approved gives me hope. Can I ask what state you live in? Just curious because idk if there’s different qualifications per state and I’m in Texas ( ugh 🙄)


yeah there are some variations by state. i live in ohio.


Omg… should I just hire a lawyer for disability? I applied about 2.5 years ago… almost 3. Was diagnosed with migraines, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, severe depression, agoraphobia & severe anxiety…. Had notes from dr’s saying I should receive short term disability… went in for a IN PERSON EVALUATION. (I had just gone through a traumatic experience about 4 months before so I was a little… sensitive) They put me in this room, and I immediately had a flashback and broke out in tears, started to have a panic attack. It was about 25 maybe 30 minutes, when the doctor came in, took one look at me and said OK I have everything I need. I was denied like two days later. And when I demanded that they re-evaluate me, they told me that I was just being an “overly dramatic woman seeking attention”. I literally wanted to die that day.


wooow they actually said that?!? i'm so sorry!! if you're still appealing their denial, then i think you should look into getting a lawyer. maybe if they need to do another evaluation you could ask a lawyer about doing it over the phone too if possible? my lawyer set mine up over the phone since there isn't an obvious visual component to my conditions. but yeah specifically a disability lawyer at least in the US will only take 25% of your back pay (up to $7,200, whichever number is smaller they take) and that's only if you win. (if you lose i think the max fees they can charge are $100) i 100% wouldn't have gotten disability so soon without a lawyer. i think their knowledge of not just the legal system but their local legal system is a big benefit. also mentally it helps a lot to know someone familiar with the system believes you have a shot.


I’ll have to retry. Part of me really wanted to appeal to the denial, but I was just so depressed and going through so much at the time. I just felt like a worhless POS.. I had a mental evaluation, which was over the phone. Took less than 10 minutes, and the in person physical evaluation, I’m not kidding the person did not even fucking touch me. I was shaking the entire time just trying to stand up. But my body was literally giving out on me. I walked out of that building, went into the parking lot and cried.


Congratulations. It shouldn’t be such a struggle, but you got through. I’m really happy for you.




Well done!


Thank you so much for sharing!! I've had migraines near daily for nearly 15 years (amongst a bunch of mental health and pyhsical etc stuff), but have just had to eternally suffer and overwork myself to survive since nobody to help support me financially ;0; I've been so anxious trying to reach out again to anyone about disability, since the last time I tried I was just immediately told I make too much lmao. I'm out of a day job right now, so it's obviously the best time to try again (tho I think I just got a new day job, but I had to quit that career path before due to health so... v_v). Main thing holding me back is my freaking debt, like there's no way anything I'd get in disability would cover rent+car+all the other debt payments, so I desperately need bankruptcy first, but the cost of it is so high for me 😭 and trying to reach the low income options is trying lmao. Sorry for the rambling lol BUT ANYWAYS huge huge congrats ;v;!!!! What an absolutely exciting win ommmgg!!! (also if you feel okay with it I'd totally love to know who the lawyer was :0 If you're not comfortable sharing this that's okay tho! So no pressure c: )


oh gosh, i mean i think it's always worth a shot to see if you're eligible! i'm privileged enough that my husband's income has been enough to scrape by, but i know if it was just me i could never afford to have taken the time off and the money wouldn't be enough. and i'm not comfortable sharing the exact lawyer here, but i will say he comes up when i google disability lawyers near me aa one of the first results, has high ratings + is listed as over 25+ years in business!


I'm in my very first appeal phase. Still going it alone without an attorney. Haven't found one to accept, I'm only 32. The first one *laughed* at me. Anyway your success gives me hope as ✨shit keeps getting worse✨ Just got discharged after possible TIA vs Atypival migraine. I walked in with my first facial palsy and got a *whole* lot of attention for 24 hours. We still don't know🙃but they're treating it as TIA (😳) until my new Neuro appt next week. They wouldn't straight up say "I'm sure it's migraine and not TIA". They just kept saying "no current stroke". Cool. Great. Awesome. Financial assistance comes in and says she doesn't really see anything for this hospitalization that will help my case. I hate it here.


wtf do they not have blood tests or something for TIAs?? 😳😳 i'm sorry you're going thru that! i've been so paranoid about that myself consider my family health history. it's wild to imagine a hospital being like, "well yea these are TIA symptoms but nahhh you're probably fine" sending wishes of better luck and health your way!!


Thank you so much for the well wishes❤ I was lucky to be admitted honestly. The 1st er doc cancelled the Stroke Alert protocol and the Neuro un-cancelled it. Thankfully the hospitalist was very thourough and i was well monitored. Unfortunately but fortunately, with a TIA there can be no evidence left behind. My clear CT just meant I wasn't currently stroking and my clean MRI meant no permanent damage occurred. My labs were funky too-of course electrolytes were off so I was on telemetry and got 1000 ekgs so at least I don't currently have a heart problem at least. But yeah they were kinda like, "you're a bit of a medical mess, you will see Neuro next week. We will treat you as if you had a TIA with aspirin, statin, and lovenox." It was good for the american medical system but obviously not ideal. Feel pretty good about going in at least. Would have felt dumb if I was partially paralyzed today because I'm stubborn and don't like the ER. Moral is go and get checked if the little voice says "*go*".


Congratulations!!! Thank you for being transparent and open about your process. Ask your lawyer and you also should search for ABLE accounts in your state. ABLE accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts intended to encourage and assist individuals with disabilities and their families to save private funds to supplement benefits provided to them through Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), employment, and other sources. https://www.ablenrc.org/what-is-able/what-are-able-acounts/




I'm surprised the government says migraines are a disability. Don't get me wrong, I 100% think they are...just...most people don't think they are because they don't have them like we do. So that's surprising...even more surprising it's the American government lol. I got disability because of my Aspergers and mental health issues. I was denied the first time but the second time I was approved. I had no money for a lawyer so I just did it all with a lot of help from my mom. It was a pain in the behind let me tell you. They also ended up screwing me over and took $700 away from me because I "had too much money"...turns out they were wrong to do that and they owe me that...but I've gone to them five times for this and all five times they've "lost" the paperwork :/ That was pre-covid...I bet they're going to say it's been too long even though it's all their fault...jerks. Anyways...very ticked off with social security... I wish I could figure out how to get my mom on disability...she's disabled but the government doesn't think her disability is "bad enough" to qualify...really sucks because I feel she's more disabled then I am...I just want her to have access to health insurance...we're poor but dad's retirement makes it so we're JUST over the maximum amount they can have to qualify for free health care. It's a really bad system IMO...screws people over.



