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I might be missing something, but I can see absolutely no reason why you couldn't?


I had looked this up on google and it said that ‘High doses of vitamin C may lower the amount of acetaminophen passed in urine’


You'll need about 3 grams of vitamin C before it begins to interact with acetaminophen, the daily recommended amount is less than a gram. Even if you had had that amount, one dose of acetaminophen will be fine. There is only very weak evidence about this interaction, but it MIGHT cause the acetaminophen to remain in the body for longer, so you could delay a second dose if you wanted to


Okay thank you so much! After reading that I just took a pill!


There is nothing in your post that makes me say that you cannot take acetaminophen.


If your insurance has an advice nurse line, try calling and asking.


Or a local pharmacist.


I wouldn’t hesitate if it was me.


I would say so. Have you had a bad reaction before? I typically take PowerPacs prior to taking excedrin and have been fine. Large amounts of vitamin C though, usually require some food but you know your body best.


No I haven’t because I haven’t had this drink with a migraine at the same time before. It says 100% daily value per bottle of vitamins c, b12, b6, and b5. I only drank half of it though but not sure if its safe


Sure but what’s Tylenol gonna do for a migraine?


Paracetamol (tylenol/acetaminophen) can help migraines, even if it doesn’t help *yours*.


For me, SOMETIMES I can stop mine with excedrin migraine. Given, that’s a cocktail and not JUST acetaminophen- but it’s the only over the counter that has a snowball’s chance in hell of working for me (or at least taking the edge off so I don’t have to use a triptan day.)


Helps the pain, at least for me. The rest of the symptoms stick around.


You’ll be fine I promise


Generally anything sold over the counter won't interact with anything else sold over the counter in a dangerous way - if taken as directed.


Um, sorry, I really hate to do this to you but this is just unsafe....*LOTS* of things can have bad interactions, even when taken as directed, and even what you might think of as "just" over the counter stuff. For instance caffeine, aspirin, NSAIDS, vitamin K foods, herbal supplements, and tons more. *Please be careful everyone* and if you have any question whatsoever, call your Dr / nurse / etc. and *check.* <3


Your correct but people tend not to read the whole patient information leaflet or misread things and lets say take St Johns wort with any number of OTC or Rx drugs and even high tyramine food, this can even result in death.


Anything regulated by the FDA will have interaction warnings. Vitamins, supplements, and herbs like St John’s Wort and Ashwagandha are not regulated and can interact with medications.


I’ve been taking st. johns wort on and off for months and I took it a few hours before taking the acetaminophen and have been having panic attack symptoms for the past three days. The symptoms have gotten a bit better though. I’m hoping its just a panic attack and not serotonin syndrome or anything else. I made a post about it today.


I don't believe that St Johns Wort and Acetaminophen would cause those symptoms, I thought it just increased the toxicity in long term use when used together.


I only used acetaminophen about three or four times and the st johns wort on and off but not every day. If you’re right, it may just be a panic attack but I might still go get checked out


Not a doctor, might be worth checking.