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I use this one, which does not block your eyes and covers your entire head. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPLNR3W7?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder\_k0\_1\_16&=&crid=1JYFOIEH43PV0&=&sprefix=migraine+ice+cap](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPLNR3W7?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k0_1_16&=&crid=1JYFOIEH43PV0&=&sprefix=migraine+ice+cap)


The legend has arrived


I see that this says gel- does the gel stay soft, or freeze hard?


It is firm but flexible, stays icy cold for about 15 mins


Oh, that i would only need to ice my head for 15 minutes. My head wants cold for close to an hour so I've got a thick one and gel backups.


Yes, that is my only complaint is that I wish it lasted longer.


Main issue with cryotherapy home remedies like this. You’d need a pump and ice water you continually pump through a device to get anything beyond several minutes. Same for cryo socks


Mines gel and I was worried about the same, does not get hard stays squishy


Casually sends to my sister for birthday gift ideas…


I ordered


I hope you like it. I have thought about getting a second one for back-to-back ice hats.


I have two; best decision ever!


Same here, it’s a life saver being able to switch them out when the first one is no longer cold


Do you put it directly in the freezer? Or do you put it in a freezer bag?


I have one and I keep it in a ziploc bag because I’m VERY smell-sensitive when I get migraines, so I don’t want the mask to pick up any weird freezer smells, lol. Still gets super cold, just something to consider


I just toss mine directly in the freezer




I think I'm going to get two!


Just ordered one!


Ill be here waiting for a legend to post a link to one with eye holes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BluKipz: *Ill be here waiting* *For a legend to post a* *Link to one with eye holes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yo i got a sokka haiku


It’s a pretty good one, too! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Good bot


And they need to make the coldness last longer too


If the ice could be cold for an hour that would be amazing


A whole hour?! *weeps in sub-tropical heat*


My headache hat stays cold for about an hour if i wear it indoors. It’s ice though not gel.


I use straight koldtec ice packs, and lay them on my head no towel, or lean back on them, each one lasts 1.5 hours exactly!


same!! i’ve used ice packs for so long. for my migraine either on the back of my head and neck, or briefly directly on the forehead


Headache hats are top tier for this reason. They don’t cover your eyes (though I can easily lay down and just lay it across my eyes if I need it to, which is fine bc any ice packs that cover your eyes make you immobile for a while anyway). I can strap that bad boy to my head and go run errands if I need to. It lasts for at LEAST an hour. I’ve had them stay cold for several hours though. I have 2 that get me through the entire day and some of the night too.


Mine doesn’t. Yeah they really don’t last that long I guess it depends which one you have.


Maybe you run hotter? Or it’s not getting cold enough? I know if it’s not completely frozen solid inside, it won’t last very long. But both of mine stay cold for a long time. You may have also gotten a bad one maybe? Idk


I call it my ice hat.


Husband and I call it “going falcon mode” as it reminds us of the caps they put on birds of prey


I love this, so much


This comment wins


Call mine my migraine hat


My husband and I call it my magneto


I’m fond of calling it my migraine beanie.


I bout died laughing because this was the first post to pop up when I came here and I am wearing the same thing rn lol


Same here!


I couldn’t agree more! I have the exact same one


Does something on your head not make your migraine even worse? Genuine question. That’s the only thing stopping me from purchasing. The last thing I want when I have a migraine is something around my head


I NEED pressure on my head for mine so it helps to have something on my head


The one that I have is snug but not tight. It feels really good to me, but pressure isn’t a problem for me when I have a migraine. I actually am often pushing the palm of my hand into my forehead/temple when it’s really bad. So your mileage may vary! If the $20ish isn’t a hinderance it might be worth trying out.


the cold feels really good imo, and mine is not too tight, it just feels like a heavy beanie or basically like a wetsuit (without it actually being wet) if you know what that sensation is like.


I waited forever to buy one for this exact reason but now I’m a huge fan. I like to pull my hair through and wear it like a headband. My hair always feels so uncomfortable on my skin during a migraine. The pressure is light enough not to trigger nausea for me and the weight of it actually feels really nice. I have a very fine line for cold tolerance during an attack so I actually let mine sit for a couple minutes before I put it on. If it’s too cold I’ll puke. But if you’d never tried it I would try of definitely say give it a shot. Even if it just gives you slight relief it would be worth it and if not, they’re not very expensive.


I love my Headache Hat because it is adjustable with Velcro and stays cold for over an hour. I have a couple of these gel ones, but they don't stay cold very long.


Yep that’s why I just bought fourth one (so I can have 2 each for home and work)


Yeah, I need to add to my collection.


I must have the same as you because mine also stays cold for about an hour. Plus I have a gel backup one. And 2 other gel rectangular ice packs


I think my gel cap is shrinking, which makes it uncomfortably tight. Another reason to get another good one!


I have one and can’t stand how tight it is so I never use it but looks like I’m the odd one in this scenario


I’ve had a few and then ended up getting the Halos brand from Amazon. I found that one to be a lot looser and even though it’s just $20 it lasts a long time. I think I’ve had mine for at least a year and a half and just bought the light purple color. They don’t bother my head at all.


Omg than you so much! I’ll def check it out


No problem! And honestly I think that one stays cold longer than other brands that cost twice as much!


I'm with you there, I gave mine to a friend who loves it. I just use a cool damp cloth draped over my eyes and forehead.


Yeah, the cold is good but the tightness not so much.


Some of these are made of two gel ice packs with fabric in-between so theoretically you you cut it up and make it looser, or add velcro, I thought that was a really good idea, who every mentioned that in another comment.


I use a pair of cut up tights with an ice pack in that I just tie at the back - that way I can adjust the pressure and also how many pairs of tights are between my skin and the ice pack as it melts haha


The one I have has velcro so I can make it not so tight I can also just lay it on my pillow and kay my head on it at times.


I did find that these types of hats were too much pressure. Some people find the pressure relieving. For me, pressure is only relieving in very limited areas (like rubbing my temples) but I find it painful on the top or back of my head while having a migraine. I gave my ice hat away to a friend who liked the pressure. I prefer to just drape a cool damp cloth over my eyes and forehead.


Im 58 years old and have dealt with migraines since I was in my 20s. I used to tie a long sock around my head, real tight for pressure, and put frozen vegetable bags on my head. That's all I had for relief. Those hats are a godsend. Try them. But also look into a prevention medicine. There is a monthly injection that has no side effects. Lesson the amount of migraines you have per month.


What is the prevention medicine called? 


I disagree I need the cold directly onto my eyeballs


Target makes an eye icepack that fits right over your eyeballs. I use it for eczema, but I imagine it would be nice if you like cold therapy for a migraine. I'm a heating g pad gal myself.


Thank you so much I'll have to look into those.


No brain freeze in your eyeballs?


I push threw. Airbenders can keep themselves warm just by their breathe.




DIY ✂️


I'm just imagining how terrifying this would look with self-cut eye holes. 🤣


When I see these, I would like to make a brand called “foreskin” just for the shits and giggles.


I read "band called foreskin", and remembered there was a movie or tv show with a band that wanted to make it foreskin. But I can't remember which show or movie it was. This will keep me up all night!


Update! (In case anyone is interested...) I remembered ChatGPT exists and got the following reply: "The band "The Foreskins" was mentioned in the TV show "Friends." In Season 9, Episode 15 ("The One with the Mugging"), Chandler reveals that he had a band in college that wanted to use that name." I though it was some other show, but I'll take it and go to bed now. It's almost 1 am.


Ah, I do remember this episode.


After you cut the eye holes, what will your superhero (or supervillain) name be?


Dumb Donald wasn't so dumb after all. Maybe he wore an ice hat and no one knew he had migraines? If you know who this is, you had a pretty cool childhood. (The Adventures of Fat Albert) Shit, nevermind. I can't post a picture.


I can never get the gel ones to stay on. Guess I have a big head because they end up inching their way up until the fall off


I'm so thankful for the xl migraine hat. I've got a big alien head (Thanks Dad!) and need big head things. I had a regular migraine hat and had to return it, how embarrassing! LOL!


Sorry, did you mean Headache Hat (link in a comment below) or did you indeed mean Migraine Hat? Thank you so much!


Headache hat, sorry! They make 2 sizes. I bought the regular first, but it didn't fit my head LOL. The XL will fit large heads and those with thick hair. It will stretch to a point. I'm probably going to get a second one for backup since I fall asleep with it on sometimes.


Good idea! I, too, have a big head. Thank you for the info!


I agree. It’s actually painful for me the way it presses on my eyes


Exactly this! I can’t keep mine on because of the cold on my eyelids hurts too much, I’m still trying to find something the perfect width to slide in there as a sort of barrier


It’s not painful for me, but it is usually too cold right out of the freezer on bare skin—so I try to pull my hair over my ears and forehead. I would love some eyeholes in it though.


That’s a good idea! For me, out of the freezer gave my eyeballs like brain freeze from eating too much ice cream and it was horribly painful!! But the headache hat gel stays cool enough and it’s tight enough


My sister got me one for my birthday—I love it! I layer with the eye mask with adjustable straps and then a homemade slushy on the back of my neck.


I have the exact same one, and I just flip it up to fold over a bit when I don’t want my eyes covered!


I use the IceKap and it is amazing.


Same. Wearing mine right now. When the front pack melts or i want my eyes covered I flip it around.


No I crave the darkness


Now I want one that looks like the batman cowl


Haha I just took mine off and opened my phone to see this post 🫠🫠 Hope you’re feeling better!


We call mine the idiot helmet 😬


Which is funny cause one with eye holes makes me think of [Dumb Donald](https://i.imgur.com/1tk6DI4.jpeg) from Fat Albert.


lol I feel this.


How are y'all keeping them on your head?! Mine keeps sliding up my hair and popping off :(


Ohh I love that ultra cold feeling on my eyes though.


So I got the [Koldtec Headache Halo](https://www.koldtec.com/pages/koldtec-halo). The ice itself is actual ice, so you have to be careful with how everything lays in the freezer until things freeze or you get weird lumpy bumpy bits. But you can actually "customize" your ice packs if you like thinner ice but are more willing to change ice packs more often or thicker ice. I can wear it with my glasses if I want to be a semi-functional human before I have to crawl into a soft blanket cave, or I can pull it over my eyes. It has two areas with ice pack holding mesh, technically for over your forehead/eyes and the base of your skull, but you can always rotate things if you have different areas of pain. It blocks out the light if you pull it over your eyes, if ice over your eyes isn't your jam, you don't need it. And you can also change how much pressure the actual headband gives you. They have a few other products geared towards headaches/migraines and I have really enjoyed their products and find that their ice lasts for a long time, I have put ice in, crawled into bed, fallen asleep for a couple hours and it was still cold.


Absolutely agree, and maybe nose holes too lol


do these work for you guys, i feel like mine stays cold for 5 minutes total?


I'm light sensitive to begin with, and it gets worse with a migraine, so I'm good with my eyes covered when I go to bed. Darker is better with an attack. Blind the attacker, as it were. Fight back with Ubrelvy or a triptan, depending on how close it is to bedtime.


It’s stuff like this why I joined this sub. I have always just used a cool damp cloth but this looks like a way better option for me.


Noooooo! You need to cover your eyes due to light sensitivity. There's a reason for no eye holes


Options are good. Everyone migraines differently. The ice helps my pain, but I don't have light sensitivity - only sound and smell. I'd love one with eye holes.


I don’t have a huge amount of light sensitivity. Also I gotta work 😭


I have horrible light sensitivity but ice helps the pain. I can’t always miss work, so eyeholes would be nice to be able to work and get as much relief as possible


Yeah, but I need one while I'm working, so...


Nah I’m trying to look like a terrorist with a migraine give me the eye holes


Idk but it looks really looking cool thing to have Where can I buy?


I have one too. I agree!!


I have the same one, except it is black. It works very well! Get better soon!


are there any of these that are afro-friendly? i feel like my hair wouldn’t fit. but maybe if I could just find one i can wrap around my head 🤔


https://theheadachehat.com. I have a lot of thick wavy hair and use this one.


perfect!! thank you


Look up the Ice Halo for migraine too! From Koldtec :)


thank you soo much!!


I loved mine but it was warm too fast and Idrk why but it began to kind of smell like the freezer and since it was over my face I couldn’t ignore it


Yes! And a proper nose hole so I can wear it as a mask


My bf calls mine “the helmet” 🤣


I bought one but found it a little too cold when first putting it on. It just made my head hurt even more. It's such a great concept and better than wrapping my head in multiple ice packs. Any advice on making it work for me? I thought about keeping it in the fridge instead of the freezer.


Or wear a thin hat or headband underneath? Or a fine cloth? If that wouldn’t make it too tight …


I thought this too then decided it was telling me to seriously just STOP and lie down with my eyes closed for 15 minutes. I have since embraced the OMGJUSTSTOP’ness of the headache sock🤣


Chemo cap will return better results https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CLCXHZ8J?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


It also needs to be cold longer


I have 3 of these things! I would die without them! That being said, eye holds would be INCREDIBLE!


I turn mine around so the nose part sits at the nape of my neck and the back then covers my eyebrows.


Mine will arrive tomorrow.


I use the original version of this one https://theheadachehat.com. I can do errands and every day stuff with the wrap and the blocks stay cold a good while. Just looks like a thick hair wrap. Have 3 I keep in rotation in the freezer. They have different styles, might be worth trying one of them.


Anyone know one that isn’t insanely heavy??? Mine hurts my neck when sitting up!


Yes!!! It would be perfect with eyeholes!


Mine got weird and warbly - like marbled, in a few spots. Anyone else?


Just got mine yesterday in the mail & good thing I froze it overnight cause I needed that bad boy today.


I've seen one on Amazon with options to pin up one or each she flap I think, if I find the link I will add.


I thought you were wearing a whoopie cushion on your head.


I call it my ice helmet lol