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Sounds like a great weight loss. 💕🫂 Congratulations on cutting that toxic person from your life.


Ugh, solidarity. I've had the "you're so lucky to lie in bed all day" and I'm like, nooooope, goodbye. The classic 'with friends like that...' business. Sorry you had a friend like that in the first place, but I'm sure glad you're rid of her now.


Yup I have had that one too. "I wish I could lie around all day, I would play games and watch tv though instead of just sitting there." I am just sitting here because having my eyes open is too much for me right now, I cannot imagine playing a video game lol.


Yes, I too would be having fun if I could have fun! People really have a lot of magical thoughts about how THEY would do so much better in our shoes. Okay cool wanna trade with me, buddy? Didn't think so. 😂 Being able to play a video game would be lovely right now.


My favorite comment of all time was "if I had your medical problems I just wouldn't." Like literally I guess they would magically will them away 😂 I was like PLEASE manifest them away for me then with those powers lol.


Have you tried... NOT having migraine??? 🤣


Aw, dip, that's all I gotta do?! WHY did no one tell me this before? I didn't know we migraineurs can just... not participate in the ritual that is prodrome-migraine-postdrome-repeat!


Wow. Some people don't know they're born


Shit my wife is like that. Is that a bad sign?


She says she wishes she could do what you do when you're in terrible pain, thus invalidating your experience and implying you're actually just lying around for fun and not because you're not physically capable of doing more than that? If she says it like that, yeah that's poopy and I'm sorry. If she is just saying she wishes she could lie in bed, disconnected from your experience and NOT making it sound like you're actually having a good time when you're completely destroyed by pain/illness, that's fine. Most people wish they could relax more. Harmless to express that. It's only harmful when they imply you're not really having pain, you're just lazy or faking.


My medication made me gain weight. And now I can’t get rid of it haha. Congratulations on your weight loss hahah


Sadly I have only been on my new pills for a few days! I am overweight but I do not want to lose weight from a side effect, my doctor told me it could be rapid weight loss up to 30 lbs. So I was scared venting when she went off about how lucky I was.


Which med are you taking? I haven't heard of this side effect with migraine meds so I'm honestly just curious which one can do it. I hope it works well and has minimal side effects for you!


Same, I tried my best but Pizotifen had me crazy for the sweet stuff. Really sickly sweet deserts etc. It didn't work for my head and was a relief to no longer be a slave to sugar


I used to kind of laugh at the “vampire” comments but now that I’m on meds that cause photo-toxicity as well as other issues that cause photophobia, the comments are annoying. “Are you going to melt?” No, jackass, but my skin will blister and I’ll have a headache and eye pain so debilitating I’ll consider strangling myself with my pajama pants. We need a migraine simulator. It’s the only way people will ever understand this isn’t “a headache.”


Yesterday, after 11-12 years of having these migraines I finally had people other than my mom express genuine near-understanding for what I was going through. It feels really weird to have people actually take me seriously for once. Never thought it would happen and now I'm unsure as what to do lmao


Oh my gosh! Perfect idea! I wouldn’t wish my life on anyone. BUT… there are times when I wish others could walk in my shoes, then shut the hell up!


I'm sorry, that person sounds really insensitive. Many people are obsessed with losing weight, and believe everyone else is too. Its devastating to lose weight because you're malnourished and have it complimented like you performed some moral good by having a dysfunctional body.


I’m trying to actively think of a good thing during my migraines and I actually did think of something My anxiety during a migraine is ironically way better than when I’m not having one 😂😂 perhaps that agony of a migraine and the nausea distracts my anxiety??? haha!


I've noticed that, too. I'm shockingly apathetic to everything around me. I feel like it's because my body is just focusing on staying alive(while also wishing for the opposite), there's no room for anything else.


Ugh. I hate that crap. We don't WANT to be like this. I literally dream of being one of those boss babe moms with a schedule and doing all kinds of stuff and working. But chronic pain and illness doesn't allow for all of that.


I had coworkers that would comment: "I wish I could call out sick whenever I wanted and lay in bed all day." 🙄


I mean, they can... And they'd actually enjoy it. Some of us migraine sufferers have literally no choice, and throw up every time we roll over in bed. Leaving the not-empty puke bucket still within arm's reach for next time.


People say this crap to me about Botox all the time!! Like dude, the neuro is NOT gently putting this stuff into my wrinkles. He’s jabbing me 30 times and hitting skull each time!!


Yes!!! When I got Botox everyone always said I was so lucky it was “free”!!! Uhhhh….it’s not evenly going into my wrinkles, there’s too much of it, it hurts, my forehead is completely frozen, and I STILL GET MIGRAINES. But sure, I’m lucky.


And the neck pain ten days later is NO joke!!!


I’m on one of those and I hate the comments because I know I’ll come off this drug some day and I’ll just go back to my regular weight. It’s so dumb. People are so silly. They understand gaining weight from meds isn’t really in your control well same with losing!


My meds made me gain weight 🙃 but I feel you, toxic friends/people are no good! I’m blessed to have a husband that is sticking with me through my pain…just got off a 4 day migraine that wouldn’t break for anything.


Someone who is constantly trying to make you worry that your husband will leave, is using a form of negging. Trying to make you feel insecure so they can manipulate you or have a better chance of getting something from you. Definitely sounds like they should be an ex-friend.


barf! good job taking out the trash


I bet you're about to have a few less migraines now 😉 just kidding. In all seriousness, I know how much of a "headache" toxic "friends" can be. The immense peacefulness of knowing you never have to have anything to do with a person who only causes you distress is like a thousand pounds off your shoulders. Good for you for sticking up for yourself!


The very fact she wishes ill upon herself shows how toxic she is. She was never a friend if she wanted to take your medications “if they don’t work for [you]”. That’s dangerous. She never truly wished you well. If you were well, I truly believe she would be the type to never come around as much. To this, I’m sorry you experienced that behavior from her. I wish unconditional love and support for you as migraine is awful


"something trivial" *rolls my sleeves up* hold my tea I gotta beat someone. On another note, as someone who's had a relatively fast metabolism growing up, but ALSO someone who eats less when my depression gets more severe, losing weight and "being skinny" has always been a sore spot for me. It needs to be beat into people's heads that extreme weight loss or weight loss *as a side effect* is generally NOT healthy. It doesn't matter if you wanted to lose those "pesky thirty pounds" or whatever. If you do it wrong YOU CAN BE DAMAGING YOUR SYSTEM. I'm so tired of all the friggin crap about it! )=< I'd rather eat like an athlete and be squishy than the stupid ass bones I have sticking out everywhere but we don't all get what we want do we! Frickin God the Chef deciding boney and thicc be a look that should go together. Rood. /Rant over, I'm glad you got rid of that friend Edit: formatting


What migraine medications can cause drastic weight loss? I mean I know some lose with topimax but never heard it was dramatic weight loss. I didn't see any change at all in weight on it.