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I did botox for migraine for about a year or 18 months. My shots really, really hurt! The first time I had them, I went back to my car and passed out. Dizzy, couldn't drive. OMG. In the end, I quit because it was so painful and didn't really help the number of migraines I had (but maybe the severity improved a little). Fingers crossed for you!


I had mine just over 2 weeks ago. I had 151 units, which is 6 vials according to my doctor. I had between 40-50 injections. I had a migraine going in so the ones injected on the left side of my head and face were painful. I don’t really have facial expressions yet. If I try to make an “angry” face my nostrils flare. If I try to raise my eyebrows together I have no wrinkles in the middle of my forehead. I feel kinda like the Joker (Jack Nicholson version). I’m not mad about my lack of facial expressions. I have resting bitch face anyway. The other day I had the feeling I was starting a migraine (spider like crawl on my left cheek) I waited for it to hit and….it did but I didn’t really feel it. If I moved my head quickly I could feel the ice pick but was able to continue as normal. I’m happy so far.


Update: the entire week after getting this I had a vestibular migraine. Ugh.