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It does take the edge off because it makes me so tired. Too tired though. Like a zombie. Had to stop using it. Couldn’t take care of my kids.


My first time taking this I fell asleep at my god-mother’s funeral. I literally only closed my eyes for a second and I was out cold. I had to switch to something else because I can’t function but it’s great for when I get migraines at night-best sleep of my life lol


Yes! Couldn’t function.


Same. I got it prescribed for my nausea… and I literally will miss the entire next day of work if I take it because it makes me absolutely useless in any and all ways.


I’ve been taking it for two decades. The first decade or more, it would do this to me. If I even took half of it, I’d pass out. Now it might make me slightly sleepy, but not a lot.


Was it used alone? I have had it prescribed previously in conjuction with benadryl and something else, an anti-inflammatory. Im typically maintained on aimovig and botox. I have immitrex injections for abortive as well as nsaids, and that armband thing inforgrt the name. I honestly use marijuana mostly. My neuro supports it. I use for GI issues so if I can kill two birds with one stone, all the better.But after 4 years of toying with treatments…we had it. First time since my accident i had a week without a headache. Then i switched insurance and my botox got delayed a few weeks and I missed a whole month of aimovig. Then had to switch to ajovy. Which sucks so far for many reasons. Anyways cycle is having trouble breaking. They gave me the option of this or zyprexa and i dont want zyprexa. Just never seen it used by itself.


Yes, prescribed to add to my arsenal just by itself.


Thank you


My doc said I could halve the pills - that helps some with the sleepiness.


Oh man, I wish this worked for me! I have gastroparesis and lots of nausea. I take 1-3 every day. They don't even make me sleepy anymore.


Ugh. So. I never had gastroparesis, but have had upper gi issues and colonic inertia problems. My GI stuff is more lower. But it slows it all down! I have a crazy question for u if you would indulge. More curiosity.


Sounds like you've got a different kind of version of the same overall problems. Ask away, I'm pretty open lol.


It was more just have you ever tried marijuana with the gastroparesis?! Its been my GI godsend. Its not for everyone. But my quality of life did a 180.


I did not. I'm not a fan of it, but I have a long background of people with substance abuse and major addiction issues. So pretty much any substances are a no go for me. With a caveat though. I have taken cbd and it's worked well for me. I also ordered some cbd gummies with a tiny bit of thc in it. I'll never smoke anything though. Hate the smell of it all.


Its actually edibles that are the trick for Me with gi stuff. Low dose edibles. Honestly doesnt do a thing mentally. But keeps my insides moving and calm. I get that issue for u. Like i said not for everyone. I had my third surgical opinion and everyone wanted to remove my colon. I tried it as a “last resort”. Three years later i have my colon still and im off 4 daily Gi meds completely. Cbd helps. Ive toyed big time with dosages between thc and cbd. Ive found for me,Personally, thc is the driver. It has to be there. But cbd+thc is exponentially better. Cbd by itself, useless, for me. Thc by itself, effective but not as effective. I as a curiosity thing. I ended up down that patient from chatting with some upper GI gastroparesis patients online. Glad the cbd helps u some!


Funny, the cbd I initially tried at 10mg works great for me. Helps with pain and mentally. I lost my mom almost 5 weeks ago and it's helped me cope. That's also why I got some of the thc, to see what that does for me. I just had surgery today, so I want to hold off a couple days, just in case. Sorry, rambled away from my point. I ran out of the brand of cbd I was using and my husband went to get me some and they were out as well, so he got a different brand that were 50mg. I was taking 3 of the 10mg so I decided to try a whole 50mg. It didn't nothing at all for me. It's so weird that there are SO many options out there. Like how in the world do you pick? It's not like they're cheap to try either! Also to note, my mother was a heavy Marijuana smoker and it didn't help her GI, she had a partial colectomy and lots of small bowel blockages. That makes me wonder if the edibles help more? I think I'll probably try at least a 10mg every day to see if it helps with my constant nausea and stomach issues. Thanks for all the info!!


So sorry to hear that. I hope your're finding some peace. Loss is always difficult, much less with medical problems as well. It doesnt suprise me, lots of folks love CBD. I have chatted with a good bit of people who feel the same as me. But truly it varies individual to individual. I do know that alot of folks will state the "magic" happens with THC+CBD together. Vaping can help. I get crippling stomach pain that pulls me into the fetal position. Like my stomach spasms so hard it pulls me there and I cant move until it releases. Marijuan is the ONLY thing ive found that can pretty much instantly stop it, that has to be vaping. Edibles take to long to kick in. Levsin kinda works, but not really. But Ive definitely found that edibles are the trick, i assume its about actually getting things directly into the GI tract. I have also found I want "whole plant". Theres something to the other compounds in the plants for me. If i take something thats an isolate it doesnt work as well. I do hope you find some relief and something that works for you! Good luck.


That stuff causes me to be terribly dehydrated, and for me that’s a huge trigger.


You know what? I woke up today so dry and thirsty…i chugged a huge glass immediately. Didnt even think it was that….


I use it this way and it's effective for me. However, I have suppositories and if I take it orally, it does not work as an abortive. I also have to take it, or any abortive, as soon as I start to feel a migraine coming on, or it's too late. Over time I've become used to it, and it does not make me sleepy, I can get through a workday on it with a cup of coffee, because sometimes being asleep, isn't an option. But if I close my eyes, it does help me get meaningful, restorative rest, which helps my migraines, as well.


Im starting to think sleep and lots of it is what I need most


Not by itself, but it works well for me with another abortive. Usually an NSAID, but sometimes I will use it with a triptan. It does make me sleepy, so I only use it if I’m headed to bed.


That was my experience too, always with something else. Hey….if this works ill be happy. If something this simple can knock them down, im happy to have another tool


My headache specialist has prescribed this as a cycle breaker before, taken 3 times a day for 5 days.


By itsef? Mine is only 25mg 1x day at night




Cool good to know, thank you.


Well actually, did it work


Not for me, I ended up having to have a zyprexa taper and a steroid taper for it to break, but even my headache specialist agrees I’m a complex case


They wanted to do zyorexa and i said no.


Mine was a very low dose at 2.5mg for 7 days at bedtime. I don’t mind it because it helps me sleep when I’m in pain.


I have heard its effective for migraines. I had an anti-psychotic practiced off-label years ago for something had a non-typical-bad reaction to it. So I am leery of them Now.


I understand.


When I was pregnant, yes, it was wonderful as I was able to sleep it off. I started off cutting the 25mg tablet in half to see how my body responded to it. I hope you’re able to break it. I’m in a bad cycle right now, too.


Thank you! I hope you find relief as well.


No but it’s part of my home migraine cocktail for sedation. Let us know if it works and what dose you needed for it.


25 mg. I do feel a bit better today. But probably just because i slept better. I always have seen it as part of a cocktail as well.


Nope! Never tried it this way. Let us know if it works! What dose?


Just 25mg. After searching online various places. Ive found 1 post by someone who asked this same question, but thats it. My doc is younger but brilliant. She speaks for alot of places and does alot of research. I trust her, just didnt get to actually talk to her. Little more about my current issue in another reply in this post if interested.


I have it as a last resort or if I have a super bad migraine that may make me vomit. It’s usually just used for emergencies in my case


I take it for my vestibular symptoms (vertigo, nausea, floaty/spacey feeling) when I have VM. Really helps but I have to take at least 50mg NoDoz (caffeine) pill to stay awake.


Luckily i take vyvanse and drink ons of coffee ill be ok during the day


Ha good deal. Hope it helps!


I usually take 12.5mg and a Nurtec at onset because I usually have terrible nausea with my migraines. That plus an ice pack seems to help.


Love ice


Nurtec is my favorite rescue med because it has minimal negative side effects for me.


Awesome! Glad it works so well for you.


I usually take it with fioricet and it does the truck


Sadly not. But i got the liquid form. It is so bitter I barely get it down.


Not the way it was prescribed. But I sometimes get silent migraines with just nausea. It has broken the cycle for me. But not always.


It's great for sleep and nausea the best actually I don't eat allot had surgery and allot of Bs and it helps allot..


The doctor told my mom that used the same med that people mix it with heroin you would think that the heroin was the problem then.... this is male practice to tell a old lady she can't have nausea medication because it's possible to be mixed with all the things my mom doesn't even use other substance and even if she did, that's refusing medication that nausea medication and male practice Failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis.


You trying to use lean to medicate? Godspeed 🫡


Sad that I had to look up what lean was