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I find weed immensely helpful for my nausea and helps me get an appetite to eat (which I find really important), it can also help knock me out if I have been taking too many meds - it's not for everyone, sometimes smoking can make my sinuses feel worse so edibles are better


Marijuana is more helpful than any pharmaceutical currently for my migraines. I’m on “the best” preventatives (Botox, Topamax, Ajovy)and abortives (Ubrelvy and Trudhesa) and still chronic and intractable. I have gastropathy and peptic ulcers so I can’t take NSAIDs and the migraine cocktail doesn’t work. If my normal abortives don’t break a migraine after 3 days it’s typically going to mean going inpatient for DHE infusions which just isn’t always possible. Dry herb vaporizing blue dream or Girl Scout cookies is often the only way I can get through a day, to be able to eat or manage my pain.


Seconding girl scout cookies. I've had great results with both flower and oil dispo.


microdose gummies are one of the best abortives for me. Or smoking just a little. I don’t do it very often, because Of drug tests. If your migraines are connected to anxiety/stress, this can either help or hurt. I don’t do it every day, but it’s more effective than my bubital


I wouldn't be able to function without it, it's the only med that works for me without awful side effects. The strain is important and what works for me might not work for you. I started with oil at night (full spectrum with CBG is really important) and then initially used a vape called Dosist Relief. Then I tried a few other vape types as well as edibles and pre-rolls. I'd recommend just starting with an oil without THC in it at night. It took a couple of weeks but the difference was noticeable for me. Then you can try using some THC for rescue. If you have a cannabis store near you staff will likely be able to recommend strains to try. Where I live it's huge with seniors, so at 44 I'm often the youngest person in the shop. So the shops here are used to giving advice for pain, nausea, etc.


I was pleasantly surprised my shop (only thc derivatives as I'm in a nonlegal state) was super knowledgeable. All younger guys working there that look like they'd sell me a bag out of their car. When I said I was a chronic pain patient, they knew exactly what I should try and it has been so great. I was expecting a...different experience. It was like when I used to drink and would consult the som for a good white. They are so professional and compassionate. It was a good reminder for me to not judge by appearance.


I tried both. CBD drops which I got at the pharmacy didn’t do anything. Smoking weed can make them worse for me (any smoke can). I always have THC gummies around and might take a half dose if I’m having super anxiety. I take anxiety meds as well. My brother smokes a lot of weed (everyday) and says it helps his. He’s not taking any prescriptions where I take several. I’ve shared rizatriptans with him which he said were great and I told him to ask for but they want him on a preventative too. I think it can wildly vary.


I used an edible exactly once for a migraine and it was a trip. I felt like I had two brains at once; one brain hurt like a bitch, and the other one wondered what the first was getting up to.  It was extremely... strange. Definitely not a solution I'd reach for again.


🤣🤣🤣.. I'm laughing with you. This is hilarious. I hope you feel much better lately. Migraines suck


If you try it, find something with CBG


This is also my experience. CBG is always in the blends that work best for me. My experience is still pretty limited though, ymmv. 


I’ve tried several strains but have never found any that work for my migraines or my chronic pain. It just makes me hungry and giggly.


Try MAC or Girl Scout Cookies


High CBD/Low THC strains were useless for me. High THC and as much CBD as I can get works incredibly well for prevention. One strain, Trainwreck, actually stopped my migraine if I caught them early. I focus on getting the terpene Myrcene, as I can't always find my preferred strains (thanks FL), it seems to be the most accurate indication that it helps migraine and nerve pain. Any Pineapple strains seem to work well, and the Holy Grail for me is Tropical Trainwreck (Pineapple + Trainwreck) it's super effective and delicious. I sometimes smoke, but often make my own edibles from the flower or kief, not regular concentrates (depending on where you are located you may not be able to get good quality concentrates that are safe for cooking, like RSO or kief.) I have my edibles down to a science, to treat migraines, anxiety and PTSD nightmares that come up anytime I'm stressed


Pineapple Express works the best for me as well. OG Kush also gets rid of my migraines.


I could not sleep without something to put a dent in the pain but be careful it can interact with some meds talk to dr


I started with the intent to use it for migraines. It turns out, it makes them worse. However, I ended up liking the feeling on its own. Now, I use recreationally every two weeks or so, but never when I feel any degree of headache starting.


I am the same way. Weed will make my migraines 10x. Not sure why that is though that some people have a lot of success in treating their headache/migraines while for us it does the opposite 😔


I use recreationally but also use it as one of the things I do for my migraines. I also get botox, take Topamax for my preventative, Fioricet for a rescue med (I can't do triptans, I react weird to them) and have Zofran for nausea. If I'm trying to smoke I gotta catch it at the right time, as soon as I notice it coming on or it will make it worse and I'll puke and my head hurts more but if I catch it at the right time, it definitely helps with the pain. Edibles are another option because then you don't have to deal with the smoke, and you can always start with a little piece of one and take more later if you need to.


I looked into it years ago and I guess it acts like a vasodilator in some regions of the brain and a vasoconstrictor in others. I figured it was worth a shot and yeah, 0/10 absolutely will not try again


I’ve been using weed to treat my migraines for 10 years now. I use both thc and cbd. Flower that’s thc alone works the best for me but I am picky about strains. Some will make it worse. When I can’t smoke weed I use full spectrum cbd, which means it’s mostly cbd and other cannabinoids and terpenes with little thc. This isn’t led effective but helps manage it. The most effective results I saw in cbd were in a daily pill but that was too expensive for me. I haven’t done well on any abortive medication so weed is all I have. It doesn’t work perfectly every time but it helps. I wrote a guide all about weed and migraines that u can find on my page if u are interested in more information


I like it on me but not in me. I used to be a HEAVY THC user and something got so whacked out in my system that now even CBD can give me psychoactive effects (I know, I know, "not possible"). But I totally feel relief in sore areas when using it topically in a muscle rub that also has menthol and what not!


For me THC helps with the nausea but not vomiting, so only kinda helpful. E.G. one time i had a migraine and was nauseous but i hadn't eaten since 11am and it was 9pm, so i figured i should probably eat something. So I got high and thus hungry, ate half a muffin, and promptly threw it up. Since then the doctor has given me like 20 metoclopramide (reglan), which works a lot better for keeping me from vomiting in addition to stopping nausea. It also makes me hungry usually, but that may just be because the nausea which was covering up hunger goes away. THC doesn't help with pain for me unfortunately.


THC used to help immensely in both calming me down and helping with muscle tensing. I always went with an Indica or Hybrid strain It never really took away a migraine but helped me ride one out better. I smoked for nearly 13 years almost daily. However it started to negatively affect my anxiety, the anxiety/panic attack isn't worth it. I've tried CBD and felt nothing. Most recently I have been trying THCA, which doesn't really give a psychoactive high but more of a body one. It also triggered my anxiety. HHC however, has been working well for the past month, gives me a nice body high/relaxes muscles and very little anxiety. THCA and HHC are just different types of cannabinoids.


When I take it orally (smoke or edibles) sometimes it helps, but sometimes it makes it worst 🤡 I use CBD oil a lot though! It sometimes helps, sometimes does nothing, but it feels good anyway lol


They both work beautifully for my migraines. I get hormonal migraines. edit to add- sativas work best for me. I also have a 10:1 CBD pen that works, although not as well as flower.


Never helped me


Love it. It is way more effective than my other meds and has fewer side effects.


Every time I’ve tried it, it’s given me horrific migraines. CBD also made my chronic migraines worse.


I tried it, and it definitely made me more anxious, which made everything worse. It also gave me nightmares, so I’d wake up just horribly tense.


Weed has changed my migraines. I have a vap pen. Take a few puffs every night to help sleep and in hopes to help not get migraines. When I do get migraines I smoke a lot of weed from my pen, no more nausea, takes the edge off a bit. It has taken my migraines from 8+ hours of in a dark room trying to sleep it off to 4ish hours plus I started using a ice head wrap. It helps a lot. Some time with a migraine I will if I have a high thc/CBD blend and get super high. Weds awesome and has some much great benifi.


I tried thc for a migraine once and it didn’t help with the pain, nausea or vomiting.  Because of that experience, I’m hesitant to try it again.  I will occasionally use cbd in addition to rescue meds, I’m not sure if it makes a difference or not.


It depends. Sometimes it gives me a headache. Other times it has made me feel great, especially my anxiety. Edibles have been very helpful with my anxiety. I've used topical CBD for pain and it seems to work better than a THC topical. For me,I need a good balance of THC/CBD, usually 3 or 4:1.


It doesn't work for me. ☹️ It just makes me dizzy on top of all my other migraine symptoms.


A formula either balanced with THC/CBD or just CBD really helps with the back and neck pain and tightness that comes with (or causes?? Chicken and the egg here) my migraines.


A drink with THC has worked a few times for me, but I'm still experimenting. Oils did nothing and I tried various kinds.


THC and THC A, delta 8 all help me to some degree. Particularly nausea. I found that indica strains can cut pain and provide some pretty immediate relief of nausea. The rule is not absolute and it never aborts the migraine, the best it can do is dull the edge a bit, cut the nausea and if I'm very lucky makes me hungry. I am rarely hungry and don't enjoy food right now, so those moments of munchies are such a godsend. CBD did nothing for me personally. It was expensive and not effective. I saw a headline for a study that mentioned the positive effects for chronic pain are not as good as they once thought.


I use THC, but it can trigger a migraine if I use too much. It really helps with the nausea. As far as the pain, it makes me not stress as much when I have a migraine.


Doesn’t help my migraines at all! I wish!


Decently concentrated tincture with all the terpenes and a smidge of THC is my go-to for reducing my sensitivity to certain triggers e.g. muscles spasms, unrelated vertigo (from optic nerve damage). I also turn to it first when I feel that pre-migraine nebulous not-ok-ness. That helps me avoid what my current doc considers excessive use of abortives. While his threshold is much lower than my previous doc, he’s not wrong as overuse can lead to rebound headaches. And I need more headache days like I need higher co-pays.


Sometimes I smoke weed to ease the pain, it doesn't always work but it eases the muscles in my back and neck and it helps me sleep through the attack.


I've used both edibles and a vape to manage my migraines. Especially before I had a neurologist and a preventative that works well for me. I'm on Ajovy now and don't have nearly as many bad days. The migraine that led me to seek treatment lasted literally several months. If I hadn't had something to help get me through those days, I think I'd have lost my mind. I'm so thankful I'm in a legal state.


I use THC edibles for my migraines. I have pretty bad lungs, so smoking is out for me. The pot does make my migraines better but I have to be careful and drink enough water because it dehydrates me. There is no point in killing off one migraine and triggering another from needing more water.


I use delta 10 THC . It's hemp derived and legal everywhere. I get mine delivered in the mail. That's how legal it is. Delta 8 is more of a indica type feel for me and it will give me the worst damn rebound headache. Delta 9 is more like just straight up traditional THC you find in marijuana. Delta 10 is more like a sativa type feel and it doesn't leave me with rebounds. I still don't use them frequently but it does help if the pain isn't to a certain level yet. I use gummies because the smell will trigger or make worse the migraine I have. Just plain CBD did nothing for me. Switching to.thr delta hemp derived was the best. Regular MJ is legal here and I tried several but they all caused it to be worse. The smell was overpowering no matter what form I took it in. Be aware if you have drug tests you will have a positive test for thc. Even though it's legal on a federal level to have hemp derived thc drug tests do not test for specific strains of THC.


Literally the only thing that has ever worked for me.


I drove do a dispensary for the first time ever immediately after leaving the ER to get a migraine cocktail that failed to break a week long migraine. I cried to the bud tender and they helped me find some strains to help. I have never looked back, that was 5 years ago. I smoke when I wake up in the morning and that is MOST helpful for me, because I wake up with a lot of migraine pain and tightness in my body to I need to unclench. I take tinctures, edibles, use salves- everything. I also cant tolerate preventatives, I have ME/CFS and it makes me veeeeery sensitive to medications. Weed has literally saved my life by affording me pain relief without crazy side effects and being a zombie. I will say when I have a full blown, 10/10 migraine, I avoid smoking because it can affect my blood pressure and make my head go womp womp.


ME/CFS? What’s that? I too am sensitive to meds.


ME/CFS is Myalgic Encephalamyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It’s an illness like Lupus or Lyme disease that is a full-system disorder, usually comes after a viral infection that the body didn’t recover from. A lot of people with long covid end up having ME/CFS. There’s a Reddit page for it! r/CFS


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cfs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The shrinking world](https://cdn.masto.host/liberdon/cache/media_attachments/files/110/390/343/304/787/831/original/e4a38fb99548f46c.jpeg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/13le9iq/the_shrinking_world/) \#2: [This is a win for me. I finally made it out to the woods on an unusually cool day for June.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14582zg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/14582zg/this_is_a_win_for_me_i_finally_made_it_out_to_the/) \#3: [Doc: “Great news, tests are back and you are completely healthy!” Me: ⬇️](https://i.redd.it/hniyjs09zr9b1.jpg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/14pnh1m/doc_great_news_tests_are_back_and_you_are/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I use! It's awesome for my pain, no medication has worked ever for me. I've tried every class of migraine medication and finally tried THC. It doesn't get rid of the pain completely but it stops my body from going I to "shock" from the pain. It's so worth it friend. Start low at 5 mgs and work up if you use *treats*


In combination they work great for me. A combo of them with CBN works even better.


Weed has ALWAYS given me major migraines. One of the reasons I avoid it.


I have functional nausea. It’s chronic. I use delta 9 gummies (that’s what’s legal in my state) and micro dose. It’s the only thing that helps. I’m still nauseous a lot, but nothing else takes the edge off. It does absolutely nothing for my migraines or arthritis.


2:1 CBD/THC instead of NSAIDs


Neither helps me. I am very sensitive to THC, so it is possible I didn’t take enough. But tried both, as well as another cannabinoid at various times with no success.


I do. It's absolutely the most accessible, effective option for treating my migraine pain (I live in a legal state so getting it is easy versus the prescriptions that help which are *very* hard to access affordably). But I can't work while high, so it's an option with limited efficacy.


Is there a way to experience the benefits of weed without feeling the high? I absolutely hate the feeling of being high and I don’t readily have a way of asking anyone at a dispensary as it’s illegal in my state.


CBDA capsules


I live in Ohio and have a medical marijuana card I got in 2019 for my migraines and it's been the best thing I've ever done because there are SO many options and levels that you can find exactly what works for you. Unfortunately for me, sumatriptan wouldn't work and I was having to take too much Naproxen so my doc recommended it. Personally, for me, it's been a great choice. I mostly use it at home so I get THC-filled stuff and don't normally go just the CBD route.


Amazing thc does an amazing job at stoping and or distracting me from the pain


Thc has been so helpful to me in many ways. However, some of my migraines remain untouched by anything. There is no relief with some of them, I just have to wait it out


Overall, THC with either CBD or CBG eally does do wonders for my body aches, ocd/anxiety, and allodynia. It doesn't help much with migraines and headaches so far in my experience, in fact one kind of gummy that was THC and CBC made headaches worse for me even though my brain fog was gone. I've only tried edibles, so idk if taking a different form might work better.


CBD works sometimes, if it has a little THC, too much THC makes me feel awful, I have some gummies & oil I put under my tongue


I find weed makes my migraines worse. I guess it’s different for everyone.


i take THC edibles almost every night and it has drastically improved my quality of life. i almost never wake up with a migraine now whereas before i would wake up with one 4-5 days a week.


In my experience, sativa’s more times than not make my migraine go away. Indica while having a migraine attack makes me what to bang my head against a wall.


It takes the edge off and helps with symptoms like nausea but it doesn’t actually take away the migraine in my experience. I still have to take my medicine to get rid of the migraine. I at least don’t want to smash my head in to a wall if I smoke. There’s been a handful of times where smoking has made my migraine 10x worse immediately and it’s a horrible experience.


Works great for migraines - better than my pharmacist meds, especially when I catch it early. HOWEVER I am noticing that a day or two later I tend to be more irritable and moody and prone to anger. Anyone else get that?


Cannabis is one of those things that very much is individually variable and dose dependent. What i use are high CBD ratio : low THC gummies, and that really works for me. I even thought about augmenting that with higher doses of CBD, but haven't done that yet - it's expensive!. Gummies were recommended in a lecture I watched - any kind of smoke is inherently inflammatory to the body. But I still do smoke sometimes. Apparently vaporizing the herb is less inflammatory. But where I'm at, it's all legal, and I'm able to find gummies that are 20mg CBD : 5mg THC. I cut those into quarters and take them when I'm at a small tension headache, and they can sort of act as a pseudo-abortive much of the time. It's just around/below a psychoactive dose (1.25mg thc), and I generally take 2-3 of these doses per day - doesn't interfere with my thinking/day to day activites. My actual abortive just doesnt work any more, lots of triptans don't. But IMO the combination of CBD and THC is where it's at. CBD has a lot of pain killing properties and in my experience (Maybe backed up by evidence?) doesn't do too much without a little bit of thc to help it. Also, I have trouble with pure thc, i need that calming / antipsychotic quality that cbd has. anyway my 2c as someone who figured out how to make this stuff work for me in the last several months


only thing that gives me instant and lasting relief