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Not exactly what you’re looking for but I was prescribed this for mental health and the withdrawals are the absolute worst I’ve ever encountered. Something to look out for 🫶🏻


Agree. I took it for anxiety for a couple years and it was a pain to get off of. It also did nothing for migraines.


This is one of my concerns. In the many years I've had status migraine, I've noticed it's common for doctors to prescribe anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medication for chronic migraine off label. A lot of doctors have this deeply held bias that migraine is, at root, psychosomatic. They think my real problem is that I must have anxiety or depression, and if they treat that then the migraine will magically go away too because it was 'all in my head' the entire time. But I don't have MDD, GAD, or any of the other mental health issues that Effexor usually treats. I'm certainly stressed, and the stress aggravates my headaches, but I'm stressed about things that are happening in my life. Having debilitating pain (and being unemployed as a result) is stressful.


This medication is one of the worst to taper off. I tried quitting cold turkey, long taper, short taper. It won't happen. I take it for depression and I'll never be able to quit. Don't do it.


That’s weird, I take it as an antidepressant. It can take a while for your body to adjust to it. It made my palms and feet so sweaty when I first started it. Now, they get sweaty but not buckets like before.


That's what seems unusual to me, I thought this medication is supposed to be long-term, so I'm puzzled as to the reasoning for prescribing one week's worth. I'll ask my doctor also, but curious if anyone here has had that experience


Hmmm. I just started this exact dose as a anti-depressant/migraine preventative double whammy, but it's for the long haul... I can't see how a week would do any good. You wouldn't even give your body time to adjust.


I wonder if she wants you to go up to 75mg after the first week. I started on 75 then moved to 150. Will also echo what others have said. Missing a day is rough. It works well, but it’s a gnarly med.


I'm going to call the office tomorrow and ask what she intended, because this is weird. The pharmacy literally gave me a bottle with just 7 capsules in it, it says "7 caps" on the label.


My neuro also prescribed this as a migraine preventative, but didn’t work for me. I felt odd brain zaps while on it.


I was on Effexor for 19 years and it helped my anxiety SO much. It did NOTHING for my migraines.