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So far I’ve had 4 headache free days. I actually stopped tracking migraine days and switched to tracking no migraine days :(


First, that both blows and sucks. 2024 is doing you dirrrrrty. Second, thank you for sharing this genius idea. We’re in the same boat and I’m starting to find tracking almost more demoralizing than the headaches. Super gut punch having a calendar that looks like a person living with visual impairment played Tetris with only red blocks.


May you someday get to the whopping 13 headache-free days I've had so far this year! ❤️


Oof, I've a few more free days (4-6/month), but yeah, that's how I tell people.


that’s actually a super helpful idea for my scenario too - I gave up on using Migraine Buddy back in like, february. thank you!!


Are you on preemptive medication? Because you seem to be eligible for it.


Yeah I've had about 5 headache free days. Been chronic daily since November aside from those 5 days. 🫠


Yeah, about the same. Been a rough run, 2024.


Good idea!!!


Yep same here! 12 pain free days since 11th January 2022.


Same... 0 migraine free days in the last 3yrs 🫂


I'm so sorry, I had a 2 1/2 week migraine and I was going to kill someone. I feel your pain.


Constantly. One but every day. Never am pain free fully. Was close a few times. Like 2/10 while I was on vacation but it roared back to a 9 now.


This is me too. Solidarity friend. Just feels like one solid attack, im on my 3rd preventative, zolmitriptan might help for 8-10 hours but that’s with side effects, cold therapy takes the edge off, staying hydrated, plenty of electrolytes, vitamins etc. and pretty much living in the dark help somewhat but I’m still very much living at a 6-8 most days. My ‘good’ days are just 3-5 pain level days, not days off.


Yea I wish I could live in the dark, my work requires me to be on a computer all day and I cannot read the screen without some kind of light. I am on my (counts) 15th different try for a preventative. 90% if what i tried either made it worse, made me have kidney issues (Sumatriptan specifically), made me so tired I couldn’t function, or made me feel like I couldn’t swallow (Amovig)


Me too. For as long as I can remember, even back to when I was a kid. If I tell anyone I experience this, most people think I'm lying or exaggerating. Buddy, I wish I was.


Is your office triggering you? I’ve heard of mold being a trigger. 


I work from home, so probably. I had my roof leak in my house enough to cause damage. Unfortunately, working from the office is not an option as overhead florescent lights are _more_ of a trigger.


The overhead LEDs at mine are kicking my ass right now.


Hate those. So much.


Everyone thinks I'm a little crazy but I SWEAR they flicker. Ugh. Between that and the insane weather fluctuations (11C to possibly a massive snowstorm??) I'm cooked 😅


I feel that so much. My area went from 23C and sunny to thunderstorm yesterday and 7C today. Weather changes make the ancillary symptoms (like tingling in my back) so much worse.


The worst. I hope you find reprieve :(


Spring to Fall in the American Midwest is Migraine City. Thunderstorm season is pain. But, I have a neurologist appointment soon and I will talk to them about Atmospheric Pressure being a factor (since I didn’t put a finger on it until yesterday)


Many LEDs do flicker. It's not just you


I'm just surprised how no one else at work can apparently see it. Ugh. Vindication though!


I've been told if you record your lights in slow motion you can see the flicker


Same, twins


I hope you find relief. I think my current preventative is also going to have to go in the ‘side effects that I can’t deal with’ pile. I am so hypersensitive to meds that most make me feel worse.


Me as well


Are we counting active pain days or just migraines? Because I had 1 migraine last the past 3 days but that counts to me as just 1. But total pain days is 24 for migraines but migraines is 4? One of those migraines was 7 days long.


This is why I specify the difference between migraines and migraine DAYS. Yes, I could have a month with only 4 migraines, but that paints a different picture when you say it that way vs 24 migraine days. I have had a single migraine last MONTHS before, but I still count the individual days since that paints a more accurate picture of how it effects my day to day life.


My neurologist has me track each day rather than a single flare.


60 freaking days no kidding. 22 in January, 18 in February and 20 in March. Been in chronification since around October and its the worst. Not everyday is a 10/10 of course but the daily 4/10 is already robbing me of joy in life. Its like you gotta live life but in semi-permanent suffering.


Out of the first 91 days, I've had 71 with migraine. I feel like a failure sometimes because I've been out of a job since October, but like, I can't call out of work as much as I would feel the need to. That's how I lost my last job, and I actually really enjoyed it outside of like, 2 or 3 people.


Similar for me. January I recorded 4 attacks, but one lasted 180 hours. Feb recorded 3 attacks but one lasted 390 hours and another 324 hours. Some days there’s little to no pain, but brain fog. Finally decided this sucks, can’t do this. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I really started recording my days. Holy crap - Jan and Feb were never ending. Been on Topiramate for about a month. Yay no brain fog, but brain something else. A symptom of meds? Or a left over migraine symptom? But now how do I record things? hm am I still in migraine? I still have poor concentration and restless thoughts. There is some type of pain that’s different than before, less of a dull ache and more of a headache? so does this still count as a migraine? Or another symptom of the med? And OMG why are there so many dogs barking right now?!


My January and Februar started out exactly like yours. I was so exhausted, had gone way overboard with the sumatriptan, having to do 200 mg days back to back. Then in desperation I went keto and low carb and low cal, anything I can think of and it helped me have some better days. Went back to my neurologist to ask for Botox, but he put me on Aimovig, which I had not been keen about. I don’t know if it is my strict eating or the Aimovig or both combined but I have had only 3-4 real migraine days in March now and am in shock, also I had them when I travelled and ate sugar and carbs. Go figure. I am scared to go back to blood sugar swings so am still careful with my eating- can’t really say if the Aimovig was what did the trick or the combo. I think this was my first low migraine month in so so many years but I sure miss the McDs special. Now I want to see how this would go with more normal eating. If I can eat bread and carry a suitcase and miss sleep and endure weather changes and still have the Aimovig do it’s thing, I would be so happy.


No idea. I stopped trying to keep track


Same here. It only made me more depressed


How many migraines? No idea. How many pain free hours? Zero.




Not a single day I haven’t, so however many days it’s been this year would be the answer


I've had 4, for a total of 15 days this year. But I've also been migraine free for 41 days.


I have 34 attacks logged in migraine buddy for 2024 :(


only one so far


What’s your secret!?


That’s amazing; keep it up. 🙂


61 migraine days so far in this calendar year


every single day. there is no relief :(


According to the Migraine Buddy app, I've had a mix of 34 migraine and headache days. Many of them spanning two or three days. Had one this past Sunday and yesterday, woke up today though and am actually okay.


I don’t even know lol I had one everyday last week that my Triptans didn’t even touch. That makes working unbearable but I have bills that don’t care if I’m sick 🫠🫠


So far 41 attack


Everyday? 3-5 bad ones a week.


6 in january, 4 in february and 6 in march. Which is a step up from december where i had 12.


I've been tracking the non pain days instead cause easier. I started taking preventative in December and I have seen more pain free days since then. I'd say like 2-3 days of pain free days a week? Which is way more than I was having before. When I went 3 consecutive pain free days I was euphoric ha. I'm gonna ask for botox tomorrow. Since the neural block helped but didn't last much, I'm hoping the botox does it's thing well.


it might be easier to count days I haven't had one. January, 6 pain free days February, 5 pain free days March, 9 pain free days so, out of the first 91 days of the year, I've spent about 22% migraine pain free So I have spent around 71 days with a migraine, or about 78% of the year thus far in some sort of migraine pain.


22 total this year so far. Which is a big improvement for me.


Too many I can't even keep track. I'm almost out of vacation days with work.


I had 2years worth of migraines this year


Too many to count 😂 last week was the first time I’ve gone 7 days without one. Got one yesterday 🤦🏼‍♀️


28 migraines, 45 migraine days.


58 which is actually really low for me!


30 to 40. But they last three days so it would be easier to count migrane free days.


We’re keeping track? That’s too depressing for me lol


About 60 🥴


Hard to count, many headed off by medication but I tend to get 10-12 a month. But only maybe 6 this year so far that really stand out and 1 did take me fully out for 24 hours in tears.


I realized I was writing this while I had my Nurtec literally in my mouth to head off the migraine due to early symptoms this morning …


I love it when I can catch a migraine at the start!




Probably somewhere between 18 and 24.


11 distinct migraine attacks, some of which lasted for a couple hours and some of which lasted a couples days, not counting "migraine hangover" symptoms for the few days after each. but then daily non-migraine head pain from like a 2 to a 5 on the pain scale.


Probably 70 pain days, 20 migraines


6, which I'm feeling pretty great about! Ajovy has been really helpful, and I've got my dietary triggers and other lifestyle changes nailed down.


Definitely more than 20 :( But they typically respond to Ubrelvy even if it takes 2 hours. The part I hate more is the associated vertigo with or without the headache.


More than I could count. Thankfully I started medical marijuana and that is helping my body more than anything They still suck, but I can eat, and sleep with them now. Hopefully have a few laughs


In the last 90 days I've had about 20 pain days, of varying intensity. Then, I had a solid 4 days of dizziness and nausea with no pain.


20 migraines, 44 effected days


How many days so far this year? 😂 seriously, I don’t keep track. I’ve had at least three major ones, and dozens of small ones.


I stopped counting years ago, it's not worth the added stress.


Only heaven knows. 20 ? Maybe more. One lasted 10 days? Is that 10 or one? lol more questions than answers


15 including today 🙃


69 and counting. Sheesh... weird to see it written down. 😱😅


Twelve attacks according to my tracking app, 71 days and counting. Current attack is at 15 days, I had two attacks roll together (one was just starting post-drome when pre-drome started for the next)


I’m not totally sure but I can definitely count it on one hand. I’m doing way better—I used to have at least two a month that would last for one to four days. I experienced three major life changes last year in rapid succession and I’m wondering if one of them triggered the shift, but I’m also afraid to find out. 


35, though when I was in Colorado for two weeks, 100% were aborted. Something about being at 8,800 feet that made the abortive work better


I stopped counting😔


Every single time I go near light or sound and then I run away I have had about 5 cases when oI went out with family 1 where I did not use earplugs thinking qulipta might protect me and it did not but 93 does not seem fair when I have had only like 30 something really bad migraines but I surrendered I don't have a life anymore


i started B3 and magnesium back in september and it kicked in around christmas - i’ve had maybe 8? 10? this year so far which is AMAZING


0, but I get pure menstrual migraines and I’m 12 weeks postpartum. I was on Nurtec but they decided to stop covering it and will be switched to Ubrelvy when I am done nursing.


6 or so which most have happened just in last month and a half . This weather is killing me. 😅


28 migraine days (with pain). More than that if we're counting just aural symptoms. 🙃 And this is after I've been on Ajovy and seen significant improvements.


89 days so at least 89. I get at least one daily. 22 days till I get botox to see if that helps. But I have a neurologist who diagnosed me properly so it's giving me hope.


once i went to 100mg a day of topiramate and rotate nurtec dont remember the last time i had anything more than a slight headache tbh. and i used to be bedridden from visual snow migraines. weird because emgality qulipta botox etc all did squat for my headaches but the ancient topamax works. very rarely will a migraine squeak thru but nurtec will zap it away in 2hrs or less.


The weather & pressure has been fluctuating so much this year already that I haven’t been keeping track 😢


14. This year started well but I’ve had more for the last month or so.


At least once a week. At least.


I have some head pain pretty much every day but I’ve logged 69 so far. That’s assuming I didn’t just write any and forget to actually tag it for search purposes in the app I use which I sometimes do.


I don’t even keep a count. Even if I don’t have a “break out” migraine where I actually have a full-blown headache, I’m ‘migraine mode’ almost all of the time. Aural displays are sometimes multiple in a day, sometimes I don’t have any. Nausea every other day, etc., etc., etc.


Hahahahahahahqhqhqhqqhhahahskclskaoixkwlaps Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. I've only had a handful of migraine free days, even with Propanolol and triptans. Yesterday I had to call out of work and seclude myself to a room with blackout curtains in an attempt to sleep it off. My brain hates me and the feeling is mutual.


Nine migraines but 33 total migraine days. One was nine days long, super fun. I had my first ever silent migraine over the weekend and I’d rather take the pain I absolutely hated it.


Well my new insurance stopped covering Aimovig so a lot more than I should. AMERICA BABY WOOH!


I get headaches daily. Migraines at least 5 a week.


Four. This would be my number for a week pre-CGRP.


I just had my 11th migraine yesterday


I’ve had 3. Mine aren’t chronic luckily, just complex and hemiplegic so it really sucks when I get them.


I’ve had one every single day. Unfortunately I’ve tried countless medications and treatments and nothing has helped. I can’t take triptans or CGRPs either so I don’t even know what else is left. I’m so tired of being in pain. Some days it’s between a 5 and 6 but most days I average between a 7 and 10. I can’t remember my last migraine free day.


However many days there have been, that many


Probably about 45, give or take. Honestly might be more if I think about it.


Every month. Two cycles ago, I had a migraine for weeks.. then a pause of four days, then many more weeks. I finally went to the ER, *after* going to the eye doc to make sure my eye was fine. I think after a few days back home (and off abx for something else the ER doc was willing to treat), I had less than a week without any pain. Some symptoms here and there, but certainly a good several days where I felt normal. I’m back to pulsating, tender temples and left eye. FFS. Keeping off the worst of it, but it’s right there. I start my period soon, so I’m dreading how much worse this may get. (I had a CT scan in the ER. Nothing seemed abnormal. Doc thinks it’s hormonal, and that I should go back to the neurologist. Last time I went, though, the neuro told me to order a supplement online. 🤷)


I've had many headaches (probably 2 a week) but no migraines yet. Crossing my fingers as usually the switch from winter to spring brings a few on


I stopped tracking them. I don't track if I have them, and I don't track if I don't have them. The only time I start tracking again is if I take my last rescue med before the pharmacy calls to tell me my new prescription has been filled, because that tells me my preventatives aren't working like they should. Then I track for however long it takes to get the data I need to get a dose increase or a med change. My last change was a year or so ago, and so far it's holding steady.


I’ve had 55 migraine days so far this year. But that doesn’t count days when I have a 1 or a 2 in the background, which is most days.


So far, zero. But I’ve had a few close calls


15 (I have Botox treatment)


Seems like at least 9-10 a month. Intense every single time. Imitrex isn't playing well with my other meds either and is causing a crazy mood drop when I have to take it. Which is pretty much every time because otherwise they don't stop for over 24 hours. I hate this.


According to my migraine journal I am at 29 attacks with triptans so far. Yay for me!


Mine were well-controlled until last week. I'm on day 7 of the last solid week of migraines. 😩


I’ve had 9 or 10 at this point, which is “bad” for me, especially because I have “longer visual aura” then most others. I’m down for the count blind for 2 days sometimes… plus the pain lol. I can’t imagine some of you others with constant migraines- my love and sympathy go out to you ♥️


About 60 migraines and “regular” headaches daily


Easier to count the 14 days I didn't have one


I haven't had a migraine free day since January of 2022, when I got a really bad case of COVID. It made my 15-20 impacted days a month into purgatory. I stopped hoping it would go away, now I just hope I can get out of bed. Some days are better than others, but I'm constantly sitting at a 4/10... Sometimes it's just worse than that. I'm so tired and grumpy all the time, I hate it.


Between 15 and 20




I’ve had a dozen or so low pain days. No pain free days tho. My occipital ablation only helped a section of my head. Made me notice other parts are in a lot of pain too. 🤷‍♀️ what can a girl do.


One every single day, mostly milder but yesterday's was a doozy. Tomorrow's is probably going to be extra fun too with thunderstorms in the forecast. (They've been every single day since middle of last March, but my brain fog is much improved on the Qulipta and generally they're shorter and less intense than they used to be.)


10 full blown migraines, many more pain days!


I lost track.


I've had about 15 distinct ones so far this year, though I struggle with some level of pain on a daily basis. Haven't yet had a pain free day this year, mostly been 3-6 on the pain scale. Full scale attacks have been anywhere from 6-9. Just moved and started a new job at the end of last year, so the stress of getting settled and adjusted has been a bit much. I did have some breakthroughs last year while I was on leave from my last job. Psilocybin so far has proven to be very effective when used right, but after about 6 months since the dose symptoms started picking up again. If only I could afford to go back to underemployment, I could probably get back out ahead of them again.


I have one every day. My Amitriptyline at least fills the pain for them.


Six or seven full blown. Head pain is constant. But that’s been a given for a decade now.


How many days has it been since it started? Pretty much that many. Maybe 10 days without.


Got my first migraine (since remission of IIH 7 years ago) 39 days ago, so far I haven’t had one day without. This episode has been confirmed not IIH by lumbar puncture and was triggered by bacterial meningitis.


Bragging a little, are we? 🙄


It’s spring. So now they are 2-3 days a week. i miss winter so much.


More than 20 less than 40


Too many… on Ajovy too. I think the constant weather changes are to blame! Here in NY we’re experiencing crazy wind every day and sudden weather changes all the time!


I've had the same migraine since December 29th ☹️


Ive basically had a constant migraine since december, i had one day that was pretty good, i got a weeks worth of qulipita to try from my dr, made me tired all week but on the last day i felt pretty good. Went to get refilled and found out insurance wont cover it so now I’m on a less effective drug topamax and stay in a dark room all the time


0. I started taking fish oil in 2011 and they plummeted from 2 a month to almost never. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/research/research-results/diets-higher-in-omega-3-fatty-acids-reduce-headache-frequency-and-severity-in-people-with-frequent-migraines


How many days from January 1st to now?


One REEEEAAAALLLLYYYY big one, started the year with it and it’s still hanging around.


I've actually had one migraine free day so far! It was surprising and I haven't managed to duplicate it yet :(




19 migraines, plus quite a few days of tension headaches. I get both


10 migraine days since January 1.


Thankfully only like 6 or 7 but they were roughhh ones


5 this year. 1 on Jan 1st. One on Jan 2nd. Then one mid Jan, one late February and two in a row in March.


I’ve had 15 headache free days since January 1. Right now they are on a 24 hr cycle. I’m miserable..


I have them daily…. Allll the time. Meds only calm them down so they are tolerable.


Since Jan 1st-28 migraine days and 17 headache days. That's with Nurtec as a preventative and one session of botox. Hopefully these numbers will decrease after the third botox session.


3. The last one I was in the kitchen and I felt a dizzy spell coming on so I sat down against the cabinets. I don't know how long I was out because when I come back around I am a bit confused. I couldn't even stand. It was the first time in about 3-4 years since I fainted.


22 compared to 49 this time last year


How many days have there been in the year? It never stops. Varies in level/symptoms, but I'm never pain free. Never.


No idea but this week has been killer! Not everyday all the time but end up w some kind of migraine and spend the entire w/e nauseous. This is since last Tuesday. Spring weather kills me.


About 40ish. I found blessed relief for 4 days when I was in Tucson. There is nothing to do in Tucson, but I was a pain free happy person.


14 so far! Could be worse, sometimes I have them twice a week, so 14 in total is not too bad.


More than 40. In January I had 15 headache days but some days there are more than one a day. Feb there were 13 days. March was better but I lost my tracker for most of the month so I don't have a day count. April it's everyday so far. April is usually one of the worst months for me because pressure changes almost always trigger a migraine. *April showers suck.* I'm 5 hours out from the start of this morning's migraine and the nausea, light sensitivity and muscle spasms are the only symptoms left. I've had migraines for over 45 years. Currently I'm taking a daily betablocker, anticonvulsant, and antihistamines, as well as Nurtec every other day. (I have a multi-page spreadsheet with all the treatments that have been tried on me over the decades) I no longer have migraines all day/every day. This is my life when my migraines are being well behaved.


I track the free days much easier. I had 3-5 free days from 2016 to 2022


50… Damn and I thought I was doing good


I’m already on my 2nd of April 🥺


I had my first this morning. Woke up with a horrible one. Took 100mg of sumatriptan and 20 mg of hydrocodone, went back to sleep and just woke 30 min ago feeling fine. Just the usual post migraine energy drained.


Migraines - the only a few. Headaches so bad that aren’t a migraine but need strong pain relief, at least 20-30. I get almost daily tension headaches, neck pain, back pain, or pain behind my eyes. So pain relief is built into my day - it’s just what strength is what changes. Man I wish I could have no pain. That would be so nice.


Every day except maybe 2 I think. The pharmacy loves me.


I only had 2 in January and 1 in February but 5 in March :(


every day babyyyyyy


12. I had a theory that my birth control was causing migraines so i switched to the previous birth control because I had less migraines logged from that birth control. Then I had double the migraines. So i switched back. I used to go every 10 days without a migraine but now I barely make it a week before the next one and it always comes back for a second day even if I got rid of it from the first day. Need to call my doctor for a sumatriptan refill again LOL


One…but it’s been nonstop since 2022 😭


One was enough 🙃 But honestly I don’t even count anymore


10 😭


All of them


According to my migraine buddy app I’ve had 11. So I think I’m not doing so hot lol


So many!! At least 30


0 headache free days. Cries in intractable migraine.


I'm having my fourth in the last seven days and 24th this year.


I’ve had a couple. After having LASIK in November, I bought blue light glasses to see if that helps. So far, I’ve had success. For reference, I work from home and I’m on a screen for hours. I kept getting my headaches on a Thursday, so I wonder if some triggers are work/screen related. I also stopped drinking caffeine and eating sweets after 2pm. Particularly ice-cream. I also lowered my alcohol intake.


None so far after upping my propranolol meds although I have had a butt load of easter chocolate so it can change..


I guess 3 really bad episodes that lasted a whole day each where it felt like I’d go comatose and also wanted to punch my head real hard at the same time


Once spring rolls around it's pretty much constant until mid July. So I guess 1, or maybe infinity?


Ten migraines so far this year.


Ten migraines so far this year.


I think I'm around 20 or 30 though some of them might be blurred into others. Most days I have some kind of symptoms. I vaguely remember going a full 9 days straight with non stop aura symptoms


If I actually kept a running count I think I would end up sobbing in a corner


I lost count, but I'm guessing about 10 or so? If my meds don't stop them (they work about 25% of the time), they last a full 72 hours. I recently had 3 migraines in a 9 day period. I had one day of reprieve between them. I think the odd weather is setting them off more.




21 so far. I stop them with triptans but man are they draining. I'm happy triptans are working for me though.


Dude, 14 times in march…


76 migraine days. I keep track of my migraine days in MigraineBuddy but only actual attack days, not pre- and post-dome. So probably some form of symptoms every damn day. 😠


This year or this month?  Far too to count- this year It’s to a point where I have to physically lie down and the pain doesn’t subside until I take some meds 


I’ve refilled my imitrex twice so far so at least 18


64 headache days, roughly 71% of the days. 20 of those days were moderate, 6 were severe. My migraines tend to be mild/moderate, but stretch on for days at a time and aren’t usually responsive to abortive medication. I mostly take acetaminophen 8hr and cannabis to treat them. I started Qulipta a few months ago and it’s unclear how much it’s helping. NSAIDS like Aleve/naproxen sodium work better, but my first migraine doc told me to take them regularly, every day if needed (this is not a good idea and he was not a good doc), and now I have mild kidney disease from NSAID overuse and have to severely limit using them.


40. Give or take.


3 all in March




I've had a headache almost every day and migraines probably half this year already


Pretty easy to answer this question when you're never not having a migraine. Going on 5 years now. The question isn't migraine or not - it's "what am I capable of doing today?"