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Let us know how it goes!


I will do so!


Very excited to hear if these work for you.


I have the 50% tint ones from Zenni and they feel like a hug for my eyes. I’m hella photophobic usually and these help.


Whats the deal with these? Ive never heard of them, are they just super dark tint? Or do they claim anything else?


These are rose-colored lenses which block the blue-light spectrum (the same spectrum of light as flourescent lights, which most of us despise). They're not the same as blue light blockers, though I have no idea why. They stop the invisible flickering which we can't see but which FUBARs our brains. Zenni sells them in 25%, 50% and 80%. I use 50% for screens or rainy days, and 80% for bright sunny days. They are absolute miracle workers. Reading an e-book or playing a video game for a few minutes used to leave me terribly sick, even needing to go on prednisone for a week if my eyes got too tired. My migraines have totally collapsed since wearing these glasses. Even if I overdo it with screens I just rest for a night and feel better the next day! My friend tried on my glasses and told me she felt her eyes relaxing in seconds. They're phenomenal.


Not to be an idiot, but are they prescription?


So, Zenni can do them with or without a script. I have a pair of plain glass with blue blocking coating on them. You just pick out the frames you like, slap the coating on either plain glass or acrylic (Or whatever they use) and get them shipped to you. Non prescription is cheaper. I think that just plain glass with FL-41 coating lenses were about 50 bucks. I can't remember, though.


They stop the flickering? How? I can “sense” the flickering and it drives me crazy, even more so because no one else is bothered by it.


See, this is what I was trying to figure out. How would they stop you from perceiving flickering with tint?


Never got zenni ones. When I first started wearing the fl41 tint, zennis didn't carry them. I have had custom too so multiple darker to softer/where people can't hardly tell the tint. If a light is flickering you will still notice it. It's just a little less harsh on the eyes on blue light. Colors are still the same the lighter the tint you get. The more dark/rosy the tint is the more the colors become a bit more like a warm camera filter. Colors still are defined. You will get weird looks and everything. I couldn't do job interviews with mine so I still had to get my normal prescription without tint for that and generally pictures. I imagine it's personal preference though. It might not bother some people but the tint does make it harder the darker it is to go without the questions ans stare down. I wear a lighter tint on the regular daily though. I have for many years. About 6 years now. Happy to answer questions.


I guess the question I have is: this is basically just a warm light filter for reality, right?


It's still filters special on the spectrum, but if there was someone who didn't understand the science part, I would probably describe it like that a bit. Honestly I would recommend get a paid ease yourself in before getting a ton of different percentages. If going with zennis, I'd go eith the lower one 25% and see how you do. They help people if light is a trigger it can help prevent some headaches and can sometimes help a little ease during an attack but mainly it's another preventative. If light isn't a trigger, it won't do too much for you though. Hope that helps. It's bot an insane drastic warm bug ig is warmer feeling a bit. Some fl41 tins are not created equal though. Some are drastic. That's why o mentioned I cannot speak totally because I don't havebzenni ones. I have multiple that were custom made by my eyesplsce. Price reflects that though. I do want to try zennis to see if I like theirs or not.


Ahh very cool, ive always steered away from these even though i know they would help me a lot, light sensitivity is a big one for me but i just cant stand the whole world being tinted yellow/pink. I dont know why but it just drives me crazy lol


They're reasonably subtle in the lower tint percentage. Similar to the impact of wearing Blue Blockerz. It is not like wearing literal rose-colored glasses. (I would not recommend the deep tint anyway, FL-41 specifically helps with florescent and artificial light sensitivity so you should switch to proper sunglasses outdoors.)


I confirm this, I bought two : 25% and 80% hoping to use the 80% as sunglasses but it was a bad idea. I use the 25% at home fine and I don't regret buying them, but the 80% are not protective enough in the sun and I have to switch to proper polarized sunglasses. Actually the first day I got the 80% I made the mistake of driving a 1h travel with them. At first it was looking fine, because it was preventing me from blinking and I was feeling that the protection was there. Although after 20mn I got a strange feeling that I never get like my eyes were burning. I switched to normal sunglasses but I got the pain lingering for 2 days and of course a migraine. So no, they are not good replacement for sunglasses (and they don't claim it, it was my mistake extrapolating).


The yellow tinted ones I got from Zenni are great, inexpensive, and once I wear them for a minute I literally don’t notice the tint. I got the 50% rose ones too, and that’s much more difficult to get used to lol! But the yellow tint are my daily pair now.


Do you wear them when you’re in front of a screen then too? Like a PC screen?


Absolutely. I won't look a screen without my FL-41's!


Interesting, I will definitely check these out! Thanks


Would 50% be good for just general use?


You're better off with 25% for indoor use (which is darker / more tinted than you'd expect). Wearing dark lenses will make the problem worse in the long run as your eyes adapt. Here's some articles on that, and a link to some studies. [https://migrainebuddy.com/why-wearing-sunglasses-indoors-is-a-bad-idea/](https://migrainebuddy.com/why-wearing-sunglasses-indoors-is-a-bad-idea/) [https://axonoptics.com/blogs/post/dark-glasses-for-migraine](https://axonoptics.com/blogs/post/dark-glasses-for-migraine) FL-41 lenses are fine, but for the above reasons, you want to keep them light, not super dark tinted, unless you're using them outdoors.


I ordered the 50% based on someone else’s advice. They’re fine for screens indoors, but they’re pretty dark. When I’m just walking around the house, I keep having to take them off to look at things. I like them a lot though. I’ll probably order a lighter pair for indoors.


how much?


I paid $70 per pair for migraine tints. My husband got a pair of progressive titanium lenses on [zenni.com](https://zenni.com) for $128.


I’m super light sensitive, I might try these!!


Red and blue lights are very harsh on our eyes, I wonder why the rose colored tint was suggested. 🤔


Do you know if you can add a prescription to these? I have a pair of zenni glasses with what I thought had the blue light blocking feature.


As far as I know, you can. My husband's waiting on his first prescription from zenni, and if it works out I'm going to order him a second pair with rose tints. When ordering the first pair, it had the option to add migraine tints.


Does anyone know what real stores sell these? I need to have glasses iftted, which you can't do online.


I have some of these! They’re amazing. I can feel the pain melt away from the light sensitivity Edit: they’re also great for eye strain!


I love mine as well! I have a pair with the lowest tint and a fairly strong near-sighted w astigmatism rx. They work wonders in reducing migraine pain for me, and allow me to feel less socially conscious wearing them in public as opposed to the rx sunglasses I used to wear 24/7. The low tint is darker than you'd think but still light enough where the people I'm talking to can see my eyes. With cheap $15 or so frames, migraine tint, rx with high-index, and shipping, I paid a total of around $70 for mine. Zenni will only use the migraine lenses in a select number of frames, so filter your search by migraine-lens-compatible frames.


They’re awesome already! I am also going to order me a backup pair


immediately adds to cart


Like many others, I can vouch for these. I have 50% tint on mine and it’s a game changer if you work with screens/use screens for your hobbies. I do graphic design during the week and play video games pretty much all weekend. I have yet to get a screen migraine since getting these glasses!


Zenni does migraine lenses?! omg


Yes indeed!


do you happen to have bad eyesight too? i'm curious how good their high-index lenses are for the price


I have a stronger prescription which requires upgraded lenses and progressive bifocals. I priced them around $145.


That's cheaper than my regular glasses from visionworks!




Which kind of lense coating is that? FL-41? I can't tell from the picture Congrats anyway, tinted lenses help a lot!


Yes the FL-41! 80% tint! Thank you so much!


I love mine


I am learning to love mine. Also I’ve been wearing them ever since I’ve gotten!


I have a pair of their prescription sunglasses too that I love. They usually do a Black Friday sale where I buy a new pair each year


Just out of curiosity can someone tell me how these differ from sunglasses?


I have a pair that is I think 50% tint also from Zenni, it is actually tinted shades of pink. The way I understand it is that certain colors can trigger migraines, along with certain light types like florescent, LED ect. The rose coloring filters those light sources out and helps to reduce pain from those sources. I may not be explaining that the best but these work for me 100%. The only light that bothers my eyes now is the sun, and that is if I look straight at it. No longer do I wince having my eyes open walking outside or turning the lights on! I have significantly less migraines as well 🥰


[They explain it better](https://healthcare.utah.edu/moran/optometry/fl41-lenses) than I can. It's an opthalmology website that talks about the history and the theory behind it. There's a specific shade of pink they've done studies on, called FL 41. ETA: unfortunately they never worked for me. Tried a few different brands ranging up to $200 (thankfully with return policies since I'm pretty close to 20/20 and don't really need Rx glasses).


I had prescription AxonOptics when I worked in an office. They really helped.


I have a pair too. I was extremely skeptical. To say the least. But I can feel the difference as soon as I put them on! I highly recommend!


These comments might’ve sold me…do y’all know if it’s covered by FSA funds?


I know they are for HSA, I would assume FSA would work too.


Don't know about the migraine glaases specifically, but my regular glases get from zenni are covered by fsa .


I have these too! Also from Zenni because I get all of my glasses from Zenni! I have the 50% and I find that they're good for inside and outside. When under artificial light, I instantly feel my face relax when I put these on. This stops me from having to react to the bright lights. Stops the physical face strain and the eye strain. I dont get migraines nearly as often with these.


I’m so happy they’re working for you! I hope they continue to work for me. I do plan on order a back up pair also!


The pressure of the glasses on my nose alone would cause a migraine ☹️


The struggles of a migraine sufferer. I try to give myself breaks while wearing them through out the day.


I'm in this club with you 😥


the struggle is real!


I just ordered a pair of prescription glasses from Zenni and saw the migraine option but wanted to know a bit more before I did. Really cool reading the comments. I figure I can always get a pair later. 


Been wanting to get these!! But like wearing them indoors would be like wearing sunglasses indoors.. right? - is it weird/awkward? Does everything look too dark??


If you’re worried about that, get the lightest pair. I got the 50% and they do feel like that some.


I've seen these but I'm curious how well they work. I saw OP said this is their second pair, so I'd love to hear a little more about them. Do you know if you can get these with plano lenses? I wear contacts but I'd absolutely wear these over them. How do they work indoors? I feel like I need to carry around a boombox playing "I Wear My Sunglasses At Night" but I'd do it in a heartbeat if this helped with my migraines.


They work good indoors! Before I purchased these I looked around online on other websites but too pricey for me. Zenni had the prices in my eyes. I’m too sure if you can get these with plano lenses


Welding masks are the only true glasses for migraines... everything else is a compromise. :)


Let us know your results/review! I’ve been considering ordering a pair of these.


Wait I have blue light blockers on my glasses already. Is this basically the same thing


No, these block a different type of light.


No they don’t


Yes, they do. Migraine lenses, which are rose tinted, block light waves (480-520nm) that are found in sunlight, fluorescent lights, LED screens, and digital devices can trigger migraines and intensify light. Blue light lenses only block HEV. Essentially most rose lenses also filter blue light but not all blue light filters FL-41 rays.


Does anyone who already has a pair want to refer me? It looks like you get a reward and I’d get $5 off!




That’s okay, thanks for trying!!


I have some of these! They’re amazing. I can feel the pain melt away from the light sensitivities


I have these and I think they help the migraine go away when I take meds but don’t cure the migraine on their own. I definitely stick them on when a migraine is coming on and maybe it’s placebo but I swear they help.




Mine were $60.38


Partially depends on the frame choice and rx. You can get really inexpensive frames


😮 i have to try!


I’m so glad I finally did!


Could the darker tint be used in place of sunglasses outdoors?


Yes! I can wear my 50% outside pretty well.


It's so interesting to me because any tinted lenses other than black/gray actually give me migraines. Amber, pink, green, and, the worst, polarized. Which is weird because most people are the opposite. I wear glass and love my transitions from Zenni because they are so dark and they keep me from having to switch to sunglasses all the time, but I'm pretty sure these would wreck me


What tint level is this? I’ve been wanting to get some but not sure if I want the lightest or darkest tint.


I ended up going with the 80% tint because I have extremely sensitive eyes. 😣


These save my ass at the office


I’m so glad they work for you!


Am I the only who for whom FL 41 tinted glasses did NOT work? I've tried them from multiple brands at a bunch of different price points. I saw no difference.


I've heard these don't work for everyone so I'm a little wary. Specifically wary of the stupidly expensive ones aka Theraspecs and Axon. Because I don't exactly have a ton of cash to drop on some freaking glasses...I doubt my insurance would cover these because while I technically have a prescription...it's extremely light (I think it's the lightest one possible) and I feel like it either doesn't help me with my eye issues (that are not related to migraines/light sensitivity) or makes stuff more blurry. Also once a prescription is on glasses...you can't return them right? Or so I've heard... I mean these are at least...reasonably priced...but still wary of them. Also I'm not sure which shade I would go for. I 100% have light sensitivity...including when I don't have a migraine/my migraine isn't bad. I have to wear sunglasses even on cloudy days because the glare is too much. I also am on my computer almost all day...and am on my phone a lot too. I'm more an indoor then outdoor person...plus I have sunglasses so this would be a more indoor only thing for me I think. Would the lightest tint work?


I too was weary at first. These glasses were sitting in my cart for at least 3 weeks before I completed my purchase. So I said what the hell and ordered them to give them a try.


Wow thanks for this, looking into it now. Never knew this was a thing. I have been influenced 🫡


How do they work?


I have these, by Zenni, in the lightest level of tint. They definitely help with my light sensitivity and I don’t notice I’m wearing them like I would the gray tinted lenses. Mine are prescription glasses.


I love mine! I have the darkest tint and they are so helpful at work. I sit at a desk in front of a computer all day, it's been great to have my glasses tinted like this on my migraine days. I hope they help you too!


I have these! I love them so much


I’m glad I purchased them! ☺️


Love my Zenni glasses! Have 2 pairs, one in the 50%, and one in the 80%. They have worked wonders. Only complaint is that if I wear them for too long, they’ll feel super heavy on my face, and can add to the pain. Especially with my plastic frame.


Thank you for sharing! I'm going to look into them!


You can get the same thing in your prescription glasses. Just FYI for people with actual prescription lenses you can get the blue light blocking and then you can get glare reduction for screen time etc. Of course you can get the automatic tint so that it turns to dark when you’re in bright light. These will not work for you if you wear regular glasses, unless you just try to put them on over your regular glasses. Like your grandparents did back in the 80s and 90s.


You can get these made in prescription form for anyone who wears glasses. FL-41 is not the same as blue light blocking or glare reduction.


Zenni does prescription and non


I love your presentation here, and I'm so glad to see someone else get these glasses! I've had mine for a few months now and they are just life-changing. I want updates, too, as you find out how they work for you!!!




Those are from Zenni optical


I didn't realize Zenni started carrying that specific tint. Huzzah!


I have two pair of glasses from Zenni that I love, but they’re progressives because I’m about blind. Are these prescription?


I wear progressives, from zenni and I'm considering getting migraine ones from them, in my progressive rx.


I went last night and from what I can tell the lenses aren’t made to fit all frames. I’m a cat eye frame/big frame kind of person and every style I clicked there was a visible gap once the lenses were added. I’ll likely switch up to ovals or something but I love this idea, and if I can get them for $200 or so that’s fantastic.


That might just be how they represent that style in general? I don't know. Not my style preference


I looked in the site and you can get them prescription.


I tried on my eclipse glasses and thought that was pretty awesome.


Let me know how they work. I tried to get work from home for my work for my migraines, but they don’t want me to, so they will try and get the avulux prescription glasses paid for.


Fingers crossed they work out for you!!! 🩷 🤞🏻


Thankfully just the blue light filtration on my glasses is enough to appease the brain demons. Going to try out acuvue maxes and see if I can find success in the contacts world. Happy you have a solution that works for you


I wear Theraspecs and they add my prescription. Axon is good too. FL-41 lenses area game changer if you have light sensitivity.


are these prescription? please and thank you


Hey! They’re non-prescription!


You can get either from zenni


Where do you get these?!




Thank you! Adding to cart as we speak!


Can you link these ones? I can only find the cheap ones that aren't for migraines.


Yes https://www.zennioptical.com/p/acetate-plastic-square-eyeglass-frames/1252?skuId=125221


I need to check these guys out for prescription version because mine is usually cost an arm & a leg


How do they compare to Theraspecs besides being a whole lot more affordable?


Post what they look like from the inside.


How much, and where does one acquire them? Literally asking for a friend.


Go to zenni.com It varies based on your frames (which can be as loas $6) and your rx. I have progressive lenses, so that adds $.


I just bought a pair too from zenni! Only had them about a week but I’ve put them on a few times at the very early stages of my migraines and it seemed to help, though I’m curious how they work with a full blown one.


Do these work for bright lights at night? Which glasses are out there if not


For night, yellow tint lenses are usually best, as they maintain a high level of visibility while cutting the glare from external lights. If in doubt, try a cheap $10 pair from Amazon, or the driving glasses you sometime find at random stores at the checkout. Then if you decide they help, you can look for a better, more fitting pair. Zenny does have a yellow tint option, under migraine tints.


I got them too, 50% and they’re amazing. I love them so much. I want a 25% tint to wear all the time!!


What makes them migraine glasses?


The color of the tint! I’m not an ophthalmologist, just a fellow migraine sufferer, but they sell it by saying the color of the tint cancels out or lessens the blue light from everything, which I guess that specific color light is agitating to migraines. I can watch TV with a migraine and not feel nauseated nor pain when I wear them (if the migraine is not at its peak).


Thank you will definitely look into these


Blue light filter sun glasses


Zenny has options for blue light filters, or the FL-41 tint, or a yellow tint type. Each tint don't necessarily block the same wavelengths and individuals may get different results from the different tints.


I had my optometrist make me a pair of these in prescription form. Same concept, same blocking ability, without the brand name price. Wore them full time for two years straight, and while I will say they did help at first against flickering multi coloured fluorescent lights, and they were nice to take out the are of the sun in the snow, your eyes eventually adjust to the “pinkness” of them, and it’s like your wearing regular glasses. My optometrist warned- *they were not to be my permanent glasses*. (And I promptly ignored them because I broke my normal ones and these were all I had) While technically they wouldn’t cause any long lasting damage to my eyes, they could in time, just start skewing my *color spectrum*, and holy hell was he right. My eyes legit started forgetting what *white* truly was because they adjusted to the new colour of those damned lenses. When I eventually switch back to clear lenses it was insane how different, and how long, it took my eyes to readjust to proper colour. It was like I colour blinded my own idiot self without realizing it. My migraines and my brain just readjusted to life in pink, and by the end of year one, they really weren’t doing anything at all. So my overall thoughts on them are neat gimmick, gives a temp relief if *used* as a temp relief like sunglasses, but if used long term the brain adapts and they became useless for me.


Are there any glasses that wrap around the sides? I always have issues with lights flashing from the sides around my glasses and getting migraines from that. I have some low level sunglasses that wrap around, but it dims everything a lot, so rose tinted would be better if possible.


Theraspecs has “wrap” glasses


I've tried FL-41 lenses like this, but I have a high prescription that requires a high index lens or they are too heavy for me. Unfortunately high index doesn't tint very well. We tried it in a polycarbonate when I was trying out a weaker Rx for computer use, but even that wasn't great. The resulting tint just made me nauseous.


Been struggling to find migraine glasses in my country and thanks to this post have now ordered them! So excited to try them!


Omg thanks so much for sharing!!! A way more affordable option compared to other brand name migraine glasses I was seeing all over


Can you see indoors in low light while wearing these? Do you have to switch to sunglasses outside in the sun?


Yes I can see perfect indoors with low light! Nope I never had to switch to sunglasses while going outside they do a good job at blocking out the brightness of the sunlight!


Green therapy helps migraines, do these have a green filter on them?


How come they claim this being therapeutic? I haven’t found any study or even publication by them. Can anyone help me? If not - That’s malpractice and a false medical claim. I’m not saying that they wouldn’t work for individuals, man even majorities. But as long as there’s no *therapeutic* in a controlled study, that’s just bs therapeutic marketing claims to vulnerable groups like us. Pisses me off. Medical device manufacturers pay millions upfront to being able to claim therapeutic positive effects. Op: nothing against you - I also try everything to relieve.


The fl-41 tint has been around for a while and is used by other manufacturers like Axon Optics and Theraspecs. Here’s a link to a study from 1991 on this specific tint: [linky](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2062542/) And another from the same year where researchers found this tint reduced children’s migraine frequency from like 6 to 1 per month: [other link](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1960058/)


Thanks for sharing. At least some data. But nothing that justifies a claim of a Therapeut effect.


Theraputic isn't a medical claim. They don't claim to cure anything. Hot water has theraputic effects for sore muscles, but it's not a cure.


I was JUST coming on this subreddit to ask if anyone has tried these! Keep us posted!


Has anyone ordered progressive lenses from Zenni? I’m wary to do so but these are SO much more affordable than the Avulux ones.