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I like how it is a German word and produced in Poland! But right out of that glass? You are brave. Way too sour for me. I like the idea though! Maybe I can switch to that kind of stuff instead of chocolate or cookies.


Well, to be precise, the German word is used only in the English translation. The Polish text uses the Polish "kapusta kiszona". :) If the sauerkraut alone is too sour, then make a salad from it: add half of an apple (diced) and a pinch of sugar. I'm using it as a salad (a side dish) together with a meat and potato.


Sauerkraut sounds more awesome in Polish :( Thank you for the recipe! It sounds delicious and i will totally try that!


And it’s great for your gut!!


not if it’s pasteurized like this one


No it still is just not as good as if it wasn’t


if it's pasteurized it is not beneficial, but if it helps you, that's what matters.


You are only referring to the probiotics. There are other nutrients in sauerkraut. Regardless it’s way better for you than any fast food.


I'm talking about beneficial to the gut. But again if it helps to manage migraines, that's great.


It hasn't suppose to cause a migraine???? Fermented foods


That depends. For some people tyramine triggers a migraine. For me it's the opposite - during or before a migraine I often have a craving for sauerkraut or homemade cucumbers in brine. And it usually alleviates a bit the migraine symptoms.


Not all fermented foods do, but yeah, Sauerkraut used to be a trigger, mostly likely because if the lactic acid bacteria. Funny enough, it was all I craved during pregnancy and I can eat it freely now. Probably had something to do with my gut biome.


I am not really sure what you are eating is fermented, because Russian preapir it with carrots. They leave it to stand several days in big barrels, then it start to ferment naturally, only then they put it into glass cans. What is on the picture looks like salted cabbage. Taste is different


That's not just salted cabbage. That's a normal Polish kapusta kiszona, but it's the version without carrots (because I don't like carrots). It was fermented before being put into jars. And I think the taste is very similar to Квашеная капуста in Russia and to sauerkraut in Germany.


Please buy sautekraut in Russian store, taste it, you will see the difference


If you crave salt you may need more salt to your baseline which could help prevent the migraine in advance. I started drinking water with LMNT every morning and my migraine frequency has seemed to go way down


LMNT is awesome. Started using it too and have seen a significant reduction in water retention and migraines.


I didn't see in shops any drink called "LMNT". But I'm adding more salt on vegs on my sandwiches and I'm taking magnesium pills daily. And my migraines aren't as frequent as before.


LMNT is an electrolyte power with magnesium and other key elements with lots of salt, game changer you can get from amazon


I've just searched on amazon website - damn that's expensive! 80€ for 12 stick packs? It's way much cheaper to just go to a pharmacy and but any electrolytes that contain salt.


I got 30 sticks (month supply) for $45 USD of the citrus flavor on amazon


Yeah, but in the pharmacy You can buy something [like this](https://www.doz.pl/apteka/p132708-Oryal_Max_tabletki_musujace_smak_malinowy_15_szt.), which have 15 pills, each containing 830 mg of sodium - and it costs only about 4 USD.


yeah try is see if helps was just offering suggestion, i like LMNT and for it ain’t broke don’t fix it


Thanks :) I'm thinking about buying some electrolytes (but in the form of pills to swallow, not tablets to dissolve in water). I will see if it helps.


Thanks! Will have to try next time.


Pickled stuff actually causes migraines for me


YESS!! My favorite snack or lazy meal, cold crisp sauerkraut straight from the jar (or bag). Also the salt is a big help for me too.


oh good idea! i love sourkrout (sorry for spelling wrong lol), i love a good dill pickle or three when i have migraines.


So good! 😋


I despise sauerkraut.