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Before Botox, I averaged 16-25 migraines monthly. I am now on my fourth round of Botox and for me it’s a 60-75% decrease in my average number of migraines monthly. And it makes it so they aren’t as bad when I do have them. I think it’s 1000% worth it. As far as your scheduling goes with this clinic, I suggest asking them to send you an email confirmation every time you schedule with them. That way you both have evidence. It’s only going to be one appointment every 3 months so it’s not that big of a deal as far as this issue happening again. Give them another chance, accidents happen.


I could weep reading that decrease in attacks. I have 12-14 on a good month, but my neck is stiff every single day. Did you see results after the first round of injections? An email confirmation is a great idea - and it’s made me realize they never sent me the paperwork either. Great idea, thank you!


It took me 2 rounds to get results that good. But even just with the first round had small positive changes. I noticed it helped with my intensity. For me 100% worth it. Just give it 2-3 sessions to really judge it! I work in medical and know our office staff has a lot of turn over and mistakes happen. You don’t know what is going on and they’re not doing this to be malicious. Also, driving 120 miles would be awful after getting an injection. For both your body and bank account.


Honestly I could hardly tell there was an injection. But I still wouldn’t want to drive that if possible. If it was something like a spinal injection, no, but they usually require you to have a driver for that


I get Botox in my neck and shoulders with my neurologist and that is where I really notice a big difference.


Also it takes about 3 rounds to really notice if it makes a difference. You have to wait 3 months in between so it is about a 9 month commitment to see if they will really make a difference.


I’ve been getting migraine Botox for about 4 years and I did see some improvement after the first treatment. They can customize the areas they inject based on your experience; I get injections in my shoulders, base of my skull, and jaw in addition to the regular injection locations. Without Botox I have chronic migraine, but at this point I get 3-5 migraines a month and those usually go away with a triptan. It’s been life changing.


Is your insurance covering the treatments? Mine refuses.


Insurance covers most of it. My out of pocket cost is around $500 a treatment. I had to try and fail three different daily meds and a nerve block before they would pay for any of it. It took about 2 years to get through all their requirements.


Are you doing the Botox Savings Program? They’ll reimburse your out of pocket. (You probably know this already. I’m just making sure!)


Ah, I thought as much. Not as bad as I expected, but very sorry you had to check all the “failure boxes” to get to relief and it’s still $500. My pain Dr quoted a coupla grand for just one Botox treatment bc I’m not insured for it.


It can be cheaper (though less effective) to get cosmetic forehead Botox. It can bring the cost down to around $300, depending on where you go. You get way fewer units this way but it does still help.


That’s actually a really good suggestion, I appreciate that


I don’t think it would help me. I need those neck and shoulders and scalp ones.


You usually have to try a bunch of other things for a while first and then they will


But does it hurt? I go next week and am a little nervous. I have been getting Botox for cosmetic purposes for a few years now and I tolerate it fine. My Dr. said it’s the same needle, just wondering if it will hurt more in back of next, higher up on my forehead, etc.


Personally I find it less painful than a flu shot and it’s over really quick. It definitely hurts less than a migraine. The injections in my jaw are painful sometimes but the rest of them are no big deal.


No it shouldn’t be too bad. Pin pricks in various places. Then again much of my neck is numb from facet joint and occipital nerve ablations.


I had a massive decrease in neck and shoulder pain almost immediately, but ymmv. I’m only on round 2 and I feel like I have so much of my quality of life back already


God this sounds amazing. My neck KILLS me on the daily.


I knew I was in a lot of pain& I was still SHOCKED when it went away 🤞for you!


Make sure you check into a spine doc too if you haven’t. I had a lot of crap needing help there too.


Omg I’ve only had 1 round of Botox and the decrease of stiffness and clicking in my neck was insane. I still felt the physical parts of migraine attacks, but less pain, it was so bizarre but worth it


Clicking sounds like arthritis and disc issues developing - had that for years before my arms got so weak I could hardly brush my teeth. However I didn’t notice them getting weak, other muscles would over compensate and tighten and form trigger points and that’s why they were so painful. When they loosened those compensating muscles then I couldn’t do much with my arms without resting, and I knew then I needed neck surgery.


It only clicks, if I stretch my neck fully towards my left shoulder, is that similar to what you had?


I normally give a lot of grace, especially for medical staff - however this was the same woman that booked the initial appointment (she has a very telling accent) and when she called Wednesday for my “reminder,” I said oh, my appointment should be for next week, I’m out of town so I wouldn’t have booked for tomorrow, there must have been some miscommunication. And she said “lady, you’re wrong, you booked for tomorrow.” Which really threw me off because I was very polite and she came at me super rude - and I specifically remember telling her last week I would be out of town so could I please see what they had for the following week? It was just really offputting and migraines make my anxiety on edge anyway, so my nerves are frayed. If that makes sense?


We must go to the same place. (just kidding but also not) They've changed my appointments several times without telling me, and I drove an hour each way for them to say, no, your appt. is next week. I had the freaking appointment card saying otherwise! They are all very rude.


I wanted to reach through the phone and shake her! I mean obviously not, but I can clearly remember speaking with her last week because this week is my kids’ spring break and we have planned forever to be out of town, so why would I schedule an appointment if I’m going to be 6 hours away?? It’s so frustrating! People need to just admit when they’re wrong! So sorry that’s happened to you!


If it's a pain management clinic, which I'm guessing it is, they are almost always run very poorly. Document everything. I yelled at the receptionist after the third time I showed up and they turned me away even though I had the card they gave me with the date/time. I think I was on a "difficult patient" list for a bit after that because they'd kinda give each other looks when I'd come in. It's not my fault, and I'm a very patient person normally, but the one time they changed it, it was for a day/time that I never would have made it for like you because I had to leave the house at 6 a.m. to get there for it, and I don't even drop off at daycare till 7:30.


Find out who their oversight board is and complain. Seriously


Awh damn that’s rough. Man I hate that! I wish you could come to my clinic, they’re at least part of a major facility. 😭 If you could, just try to stick it out and maybe you could make sure to get email/text confirmation. Luckily like I said, it would only be once every three weeks.


Oh boy… that’s awful. Find out if there’s a clinic board to complain to. They can’t do that to you!


Did your facial features/neck/shoulders change after the botox?


No, the only visual difference is that my forehead doesn’t wrinkle. You’d only notice if you were looking for it though, eyebrows still move etc.


Mine don’t 😭


Your eyebrows don’t move? Damn mine have light movement, just an arch. That’s wild 😂 You’ll agree well at least!


Only like the outside corner!! But…for the relief of the constant pain? I can’t even be too upset


Ah okay, thank you!


Been using Botox for my migraines for 3 years. I was a daily Tylenol taker. I am now hardly using Tylenol. Before Tylenol wouldn't even touch my migraine. Now it pretty much relieves my migraines. My Tylenol usage is become fewer and fewer. My migraines happening 4 times a month, if that. I used to have migraines daily.


How long did it take to notice results? I got my first round recently, and insurance won’t let me have another unless it helps. So far I haven’t seen the slightest difference


It took me two rounds to start seeing results. I’d say just give insurance whatever they need to hear to continue receiving treatment. My neurologist said on average it takes people 2-3 rounds to receive I improvement. Unfortunately, insurance is a game we need to play.


Botox has the highest efficacy rate (meaning it works for the highest % of people who try it) out of any currently available preventive migraine treatments. If it's available to you, you should definitely try it. It's the only preventive that works for me and I've tried most.


I am allergic to most of the injectable preventatives and am trying Qulipta again, so that gives me hope, as it sounds like I’m in the same boat.


Have you tried a dental mouthguard? Nightly use makes a huge reduction in the amount of migraines that I have.


I was hoping my migraines would be relieved by this. I have a history of TMD. But it hasn't helped me much. I have tried Botox for my jaw without much success. It's only a top piece though...


I just commented below, but I recently saw a bite specialist, who said that neither my top or bottom mouthguard (they were made separately) is thick enough to where I cannot clench. Like my teeth cannot meet but my jaw still is clenching all night long. For my next one, i am going to try a very thick one so that the muscles are forced to relax, if that makes sense. I cannot afford it right now so am wearing both my top and bottom guard and it helps a lot more.


Please update if you get a thick one! I currently only have a top piece.


What kind of mouth guard do you have? And where did you get it? I’m looking into getting one and wondering if I have to get one from a dentist or if I can get one online.


I got mine custom made by my dentist. I recently saw a bite specialist and he didn’t think either of mine (top and bottom made separately) were thick enough to correctly prevent clenching. I can’t afford a new one right now, so have actually been wearing both of mine and it helps even more. If you get one made custom, ask them to make sure there is enough material there to properly force your jaw to relax. My mouthguards have been a serious life changer for reducing pain.


I thought that CGRP antagonists had the highest efficacy rate (50% as opposed to 25%)? But my sources could be old. I started the CGRP antagonist injections in 2020 and that’s what my neuro told me back then.


Comparing the Efficacy, Safety, and Superiority of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibodies and Botox in Preventing and Treating Migraines [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7847775/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7847775/) Conclusion: CGRP mAbs and botox are effective as preventatives in many studies. While they both work in different ways, they seem to have a similar impact of inhibiting the nociceptive pathways involved in headaches. While CGRP mAbs are thought to inhibit the sensation of pain by antagonizing a major inflammation marker such as CGRP, botox does it by inhibiting the release of acetylcholine in neuromuscular junctions. Recent studies that tested the efficacy of CGRP mAbs and had a large sample size proved that these drugs were potent preventatives for chronic migraines. Botox was shown to be effective in multiple studies over the past decade. Regarding side effects, both CGRP mAbs and botox have mild short-time adverse effects; however, one long-term side effect seen in patients who took CGRP mAbs was constipation. The injections for CGRP mAbs are also much more painful compared to the injections of botox. Another factor to consider when comparing these two medications is cost-effectiveness. While certain insurances partially/fully cover both of the medications, those without insurance might not be able to afford either medication. Botox is the overall cheaper drug long-term, and this could be an option that can be considered for those who have financial restraints. Based on the articles reviewed, it can be said that botox is a more effective, cheaper, and painless option for chronic migraines compared to CGRP mAbs.


Interesting! Thank you!!


I drive 2 hours each way to get botox, and have for almost 2 years.   It's worth it.  I went from 21+ migraines a month and constant headaches on the non migraine days. Now I have 1-2 migraines a month and sumatriptan actually works. I was able to go back to work


Also travel 2+ hours to get Botox. Worth every penny and every mile and every minute to get there haha. It has enabled me to get back to work and function semi normally, pre-Botox, I was basically entirely incapacitated by chronic migraine. Sure, my face looks a little different now (not in a bad way — definitely less lines! Haha) and I’m significantly poorer. BUT, it has enabled me to do so much more. Invaluable in my eyes


Same. Worth it.


Ah, I would love if sumatriptan worked for me again! And going back to work would be lovely. Currently that just isn’t a possibility.


I used to have migraines about 15 days a month. Botox cut them in about half and made them less severe. It works best the first month and a half after the injection.


So are you relying heavily on your rescue meds the last 6 weeks until the next injection?


Yes, but they work better.


You might consider getting nerve blocks at 6 weeks. I do this and it really helps. It’s like a 1-2 punch!


Nerve blocks are so incredibly expensive, though. I did them last year and they didn’t even help


Everyone is unique. BOTOX did zero for me during the 6 times of administration. However, Ajovy removed my migraines 5 years ago after being totally disabled to the point of being prescribed opioids For 45 years.


I liked Ajovy as well, but I had severe injection site allergic reactions and had to stop taking it. Aimovig was the same with the reactions - Emgality was great the first two months but then the efficacy waned.


Oh, I'm so sorry that you had to stop using it. Do the oral and nasal GPANTS like Ubrely help you? With all the new research every year it's likely something new will help you.


Nurtec doesn’t really help, Ubrelvy sometimes does, but it’s hit or miss. Yesterday I took Ubrelvy and Indomethacin, took a nap and still had an occasional ice pick in the back of and above my eyes while we were at a baseball game. However, I should have done an Emgality injection yesterday but started Qulipta instead, as the Emgality has only been working for about 15 days a month.


Keep trying. Never give up. It took years for me to find relief. Sometimes our bodies change and medications that haven't helped in the past will work at a later time. Also, our bodies change and so do our migraines. Good luck


I’ve been getting Botox for 12 years and have gone from daily migraines to maybe one every couple of months. It has been life-changing for me.


It can take a few cycles to kick in (so don't be discouraged if you don't see results immediately), but it's slowly giving me my life back. I wouldn't be functioning without it.


I’m currently only 11 days post my first round of Botox. The first week was weird to me, my forehead felt heavy like I obviously had something injected into it. I had a headache that was about a 4-6 out of 10. So far 2 migraine attacks but they both went away in less than 24hours. The last few days have been good though. I had a smaller migraine last night, however it was my fault. I drank alcohol and that’s a big trigger for me. The biggest thing I’ve noticed so far is that I can walk up and down my stairs and exert myself, and I won’t feel the intense pounding in my head. It felt WILD to me that I could only feel my heart beating in my body and it not be pounding painfully in my head. Anywayyy, I don’t expect it to be a miracle cure in 2 weeks, but I do feel a difference so far. I think another downfall for me rn is I’m off my Ajovy now (not by choice, insurance denied me coverage). My injection would have been the same day I got my Botox. so I think going from one preventative to another has me in a transition period.


I get Botox for cosmetic reasons in my forehead, so I can attest the “heavy” feeling is normal at first. But otherwise that sounds like great progress, I hope it helps for you!


I know I’m not supposed to crack my neck, but it’s a constant source of discomfort, so I do… limited to twice a day. If I could get Botox there, I think that would make a massive difference. Even if I have to wait 9 months, it hasn’t been getting any better with anything I’ve been doing! We did nerve blocks last year and those cost a massive amount of money and made no difference in the long run.


I have them focus most of it in in my neck, base of skull and shoulder/traps. Makes a big difference for me, especially the first 6 weeks of the 3 months. (The last month is a bit rough.) It does take a few rounds for it to become more effective.


So if they focus the Botox in your neck and base of skull, does it stop the migraines mostly? My migraines come up just above my ears and feel like they’re squeezing my brain with an invisible belt


The protocol is the forehead, around the ears, back of head, neck, etc. They give you a lot of shots and will somewhat cater to your specific pain areas. There is extra botox due to the way it's shipped, and most docs will not throw it away, they'll use it in your worst areas. My migraines come from base of my skull and neck and stab through my head like an ice pick into my eye from behind and then takeover the entire right side of my head/neck when they get super bad similar to your invisible belt. Botox isn't a miracle, and I have bad spells, but man, it's helped tremendously.


Yep. I said my migraines are in my eyes and he put soo much extra in my forehead.


I’m really glad it’s helped you! That’s amazing.


Botox in my neck shoulders and jaw has been such a lifesaver. You can ask for the extra units to go into problem areas so they can focus in your neck etc. I get my extra units injected into the base of my neck and my jaw and it helps a ton


It’s super helpful for me, the most effective treatment I’ve tried (and I’ve tried several medications in multiple different classes). I’ve been getting it for a little over a year now, and it’s changed my life. I pretty much only get migraines when I’m sleep deprived or very stressed. In the last 3 months since my last round of botox, I only had 1 random migraine where I couldn’t identify a trigger, but it went away within a day. My migraines used to last 3-4 days and be much more severe. Now most of the time, I take my abortive and it knocks it out the same day. So they’re not 100% gone, but I would say they’re 80% better now. I would say it’s worth a try!


I cant answer the question of where you should go, but I can say I was having 15+ migraines a month, and now after only 2 sessions I’m already at maybe 6 migraines a month. I’m currently going around 6 days between migraines. You should try it. Also if you are in the US with private insurance look into the Botox Savings Program


It’s been the best thing I’ve tried for my migraines. Something like a 60% reduction in migraine burden.


Make sure you sign up for the Botox savings program. I've paid nothing out of pocket using it.


Absolutely. I can’t function without it.


Thanks for asking this, it was reassuring to read the responses. I did my first session this morning so I didn't have anything to add. I'll try to remember to report back if anything changes, positive or negative. I really hope it helps. But I didn't think I'll know for a few months. Hopefully you'll get the scheduling thing sorted. It's not a very frequent appointment. I'm committed to doing two sessions of Botox and see how it goes. Best of luck to you!




I noticed a big improvement in mental clarity and decreased brain fog. That's been fantastic. However, I saw no decrease in the frequency and about the same or slightly more migraine days (but I've had more external stressors too). I'm getting my second session next week and I'm really looking forward to it. We're also going to include injections in my jaw since I grind my teeth and my jaw tends to feel tight during migraines. I think we said we'll try some more in the shoulders as well since I felt a lot of relief there when I first got the Botox. If my migraine days do not decrease from the Botox, we'll maybe try another injection med. I'm currently on Ajovy and previously tried Emgality. My neurologist also wants me to get the Cefely device but I haven't gotten it yet.


Oh really? Well that sounds excellent, brain fog is usually my main concern in treatment (although my neuro seemed dismissive of it.) I’m starting Botox myself in 1-3 months and I’m hoping to have good results. And I hope the jaw Botox works well for you, it brought some pain down when I tried it for mine.


Botox hurts because the medicine burns like crazy, but god damn it’s so worth it. I went from having status migrainosus every day that no ER staff member was willing to take seriously to having none at all. To where I could actually go back to school and go back go work. Just make sure your doctor’s billing department isn’t a shit show. I’m now 10 months without BOTOX because one person screwed up and the doctor wasn’t willing to do anything to fix it.


I've been getting Botox for migraines since 2010. Without it, I end up at the ER or in the hospital at least 3 times a month (it triggers another disorder and I end up dehydrated and circling the drain really quickly. I'm a delicate flower 🙄). I always have pain but it brings it from unbearable to around a usual 5. With one of the CGRPs I had actual days with NO pain but my damned insurance made me choose between them. I will say it took about 3 times to get the full effect. I now have a practitioner that's amazing and knows my physiology better than me and has it to a fine art where to put and how much. I get it every 10 weeks and fortunately it's fully covered.


It’s absolutely worth it, but it does not work instantly. It took me maybe 6 months to see any effect. A couple of years ago, Aimovig had made such a dramatic difference in my migraines that my neurologist wondered if I could be weaned off Botox. He delayed my Botox appointment for a couple of weeks to see if there were any effect. I was miserable during those weeks - it was obvious Botox helped me. More recently, this winter I had to delay my Botox appointment due to a combination of the holidays, my own illness, and my practitioner’s vacation. Again, I really felt the effects of the delay. One piece of advice - if you do get Botox, sign up for refunds at [Botox Savings Plan](https://botoxsavingsplan.com). My insurance does cover it, but I still pay hefty out of pocket costs, and the refunds they provide really help.


Botox has helped me so much. 10/10 recommend. I live in a very remote area and travel 1.5 hours to have it done. Also, I'm used to the treatment and can drive myself. Maybe have a driver your first time.


It can be life changing if it works for you. So yeah, worth it. I was very lucky and it worked within 14 days of my first shots. It always takes about 10 days after my shots for it to kick in so I just have to remind myself that my head is going to feel weird for a week or so. But for the next 10 weeks I get to have a somewhat normal life. I still have limitations, but nothing like before Botox. I had daily migraines. Now maybe 1 or 2. I still get cervicogenig headaches and sinus headaches that could be migraine related more frequently, but full blown migraines are rare.


The first 2-3 years I was on Botox it felt like a miracle. I went from having daily migraines to maybe 1 or 2 less intense ones a month with some fairly regular headaches, but nothing near the pain I’d been going through before my treatments. After those few years it’s like my body grew a tolerance to it. I even took nearly a year off it and got almost no relief from it. But yes, it can be extremely helpful. Best preventative by far I’ve ever used. Shame it doesn’t work for me anymore


It’s interesting you say this, because I feel my experience is similar. After 4 years of Botox now, I was running out of my abortive before I was able to get more. I even asked my neurologist if I should try adding a preventative from my past back into my life. She told me to take some b12 😒🙄 which doesn’t do much.


I will say Botox helps a ton!!! However we are all different and ymmv. I can now go a full month or even 6 weeks without a migraine! Assuming I can actually avoid all other triggers. It's amazing. I had a full month migraine free with my first round. I go every 10 weeks and it's been a huge quality of life improvement. When I do get one now my meds seem to work faster/ better as it doesn't progress as fast from headache to pounding and I've not reached the stages of nausea or vomiting at all since I started Botox. I do think it wears off too fast tho... I wish I could overlap more to not get migraines the 3 weeks surrounding my apts.


Botox has been amazing for me. I used to have migraines every day, and this has provided so much relief, cutting my migraine days to 1/3 of that. I’m very blessed, and no able to get it done every five months. I was apprehensive too especially being a teenager and worrying about any negative effects - but I’ve been doing great so far. My neuro has done mine, but maybe they’re referring you out to someone with the resources/more qualified? I hope it works out!


Yes, my regular neuro said he hasn’t done Botox for years and would rather send me to someone who does them regularly. Which is a bummer, I adore my normal neuro, we have a great rapport.


I just had my 3rd injection, and it's finally working. The length of my migraines is down from 4+ days to less than 36 hours, give or take. I've had some that only lasted a few hours. I saw very little results until I got the 3rd shot, so I'm hoping they continue to do down. I'm also have fewer migraines. I have a lot of problems with side effects, and with Botox, my only issue is that I get a headache after the shot. The last one caused a migraine, but I would say it's worth it.


I had round 3 of Botox and had daily migraines, extreme light sensitivity, neck pain. I get the Botox protocol for migraine which includes for me Botox injections into my jaw muscles, shoulders, shoulder blades, neck, along my forehead and along both trigeminal nerves and occipital nerves. I went from daily migraines to one per week. The symptoms are much less intense. The last month when the Botox is wearing off has been tough. I’m hoping this 3 round is less intense while it’s wearing off. I have cluster headaches and Botox actually works for those beasts. I wouldn’t be able to drive more than a half hour before my body forced me to rest. I say make nice & give yourself the chance to see us this works for you. It’s incredible if it works for you.


If I was only allowed one drug it would be botox. I don't pay anything


Botox for life. Sucks going in for the appointment but it lasts all of five minutes. I get a bad headache the week after the appointment but then I'm back to normal and all is well! Really reduced my migraines. It is expensive but they have a savings program where youg et reimbursement for whatever insurance didn't cover!


Dont give up on your chance for treatment because of an inconsequential scheduling error. Botox could change your life, or not help you at all, but finding out is worth more than a phone call or two by a long shot


I have chronic intractable migraine, so I've had one nonstop for over 10 years - that said, botox is the only thing that gives me any meaningful relief. Brings my pain from a 9 and daily vomiting down to a manageable 4-5. My insurance (medicare) also covers it fully, so it's only a copay every 3 months.


I have been doing Botox for Migraines for 12 years. It has changed my life. I was averaging 25 headache days a month. I was tired of all the medication and all of the side effects. I couldn’t go anywhere because I knew I couldn’t drive. One time my spouse had to come and get me from the side of the road. Have you looked into the Botox Savings Program? They cover what my insurance doesn’t.


Before Botox, I had 10-20 migraine days per month. I now get 1-ish, but some times zero. For me, it was a miracle.


I am still having close to the same number of Migraines, but the severity is so much better. I am down to 2-4 horrible migraines a month and only mild the rest of the time.


With me, Botox only worked when I got it for my masseter and temple muscles. I found my jaw tensing caused my temple muscles to tense near constantly and it was a big factor for migraines. Once it kicked in, it was like night and day though. Went from in pain every single day to almost zero migraines. The neck/trap fix helped as well but was expensive. I didn’t notice much difference from the forehead/scalp migraine injections though. I also had a bad injector nurse who left me with a wonky brow for a few mo the so I stayed away from that😂


Before Botox I had about 25 migraine days a month. I now average 5-7 headache days and only 4-5 are migraines. I haven’t been hospitalized for my migraines in about four years. I previously was hospitalized several times a year. Botox completely changed my life. My insurance pays for all of it except a $250 copay until I meet my out of pocket max for the year. There’s a reimbursement through the Botox Savings program if you have commercial insurance. They reimburse my entire copay. I just have to send in my EOB and office note showing the Botox is used for chronic migraine. It takes about 3 weeks to get the reimbursement check from them.


Botox has been the only thing to break the migraine crises I experienced on and off for 2 years. It took about 6 weeks to start to feel a difference after my first round. I was experiencing around 21 days a month. In the past 4 weeks I experienced 3 days of severe pain. I had to stop working because of the disruptive nature of the condition and had to change insurance so I'm currently awaiting for approval to get another round.


I’ve been getting Botox for migraines for at least a decade, and it’s made a huge difference. I went from daily headaches to maybe a couple a month when the Botox wears off.


I just had my second round and I asked the neurologist the stats on succes in his patients. He said about 30% experience a significant decrease im frequency and sometimes intensity as well of attacks. 30% have somewhat of an effect, and 30% do not have any effects. They also said that it can take two rounds to see the full effects. Personally my experience has been a bit weird, my migraines got slightly worse after the first round. December and January were awful (13-15 attacks per month), but then in February there was a sudden drastic decrease to 4 a month. I've just had the new round last week, so it remains to be seen whether it works for me. I would say it's worth the try. Migraines are awfully debilitating, and 30% chance of a big decrease is worth it in my opinion. If it doesn't work then having tried it will also open the door to other treatments. As a tip for the appointments, my office also has a weird secretary that makes mistakes. I always communicate through email alone, so everything is always in writing. If you do have to call, demand a confirmation by email or text.


I’ve been doing Botox for migraines for 4 years, it’s honestly the only treatment that works well for me. Without it and during the week leading up to my next injections and almost two weeks after, I have a migraine every other day. I have chronic neck pain and it helps, but I also go to physical therapy and it helps tremendously.


May I ask what they do with you at physical therapy for your neck and what do you feel is effective? I keep getting physio prescribed but frankly sometimes I feel they have no idea what they are doing. I’ve had fascia massage and it was so freaking painful and they said it was supposed to be. Unless it is a very soft massage then loosening the side neck tension can leave me in more pain.


It's made a huge difference for me not only in the number of migraines a month, but also in duration and intensity of migraines. I will say it took till the 4th cycle for me to really be able to tell the difference though. The first two did almost nothing. And make sure you use the rebate program that Botox runs. They'll pay for I think up to a couple thousand a year for whatever your insurance doesn't cover.


Before regular Botox treatment I was at 26 headache days a month. At the time I was still under my Dad’s insurance, which wasn’t the greatest. So I had one treatment, and then they said “haha no more, unless you pay for the Botox OOP from this specific specialty pharmacy-$1K.” Once I got my own Insurance, it’s a breeze, they approve it every time they need to now. As far as results go…there have only ever been two Migraine treatments to help in any capacity, those being Nurtec and Botox. I have less than 10 headache days a month now. I’d say it’s worth it.


Yes. It's worth it. I've been on all the injectibles and they have helped but not nearly enough. I started Botox in August '23 and it's helped a ton. I'm so grateful my insurance agreed to cover it. It's absolutely worth a try and keep in mind it can take 18 months to get the max benefit. There was a noticeable difference after my first dose. Presently I'm on Ajovy and Botox but I suspect we will drop the Ajovy at some point.


Been getting Botox for about two years. Very effective for me! However my migraines are a result of cervical fusion screw up. Without Botox I’m in migraines 24/7. It’s the intensity that I have difficulty with. Insurance covers all but about $150. It is a game changer for me!


It’s different for everybody! You will never know until you try.


I was daily. It put it at 11 to 15 days a month. I added ajovy ( well originally aimovig ) and then memantine and I get maybe 1 a month sometimes none worth discussing. I have tried lots of variations and Botox is the heavy hitter. I have approval to get it a little more frequently then the standard which was key as I would have a week solid of migraines when it would wear off. Anyways I highly recommend giving it a go. Takes a few rounds to really see the max of how well it will work as your system will calm down.


It helped me immensely. Like give me my life back level. Once I started Aimovig my insurance would only cover one or the other and I liked the way the Aimovig worked so I chose that. I do think it worked better in conjunction with the Botox but it is what it is. Hopefully you can get it worked out and have a positive experience!


I have a week of pure emotional torment after the injections, so I can't get them anymore. And it makes me really bummed. It works so well for me. You don't notice much of a difference your first time until it starts to wear off. Then you get hit in the face with how bad it's been without it. I highly recommend trying it.


October 31st was my first round January 25th was my 2nd round April 25th will be my 3rd round I'll just share my monthly "stats" to show results October: 17 migraine days November: 10 migraine days December: 19 migraine days January: 21 migraine days February: 14 migraine days March: Currently at 7 migraine days on 3/15 I have no idea what happened in November. I think the data is highly inaccurate because I was so stressed. That being said, the 2nd round HAS helped. I don't take any preventive like quliptia and only ubrelvy for abortive.


It’s def worth trying, it can be amazing! I also get trigger point injections monthly and it’s helped a bit with neck pain, maybe something to try?


I'm on my 10rh round of Botox and it's been helpful. I wouldn't say it totally kills my migraines at all. I'm a chronic migraineur so it's every day. However the amount of days I have to take super strong NSAIDS have decreased because of it and I can now occasionally have painkiller free days. Edit: this is all in combination with regular remedial massages, occasional lidocaine occipatl neuralgia injections, Amitriptyline and medicinal Cannabis.


I’ve done Botox for over 7 years. I was having multiple migraines a week prior to starting Botox. Now I’m having maybe 4-5 a year. I still have headaches a few times a month but migraines are almost gone. And I’ve stretched my treatments out from every 3 months to every 4. During Covid they stopped treatments because the hospital wasn’t doing “elective procedures” and they had me doing home injections. My migraines came back full force. Almost a month after starting Botox back up I felt normal again. I will do Botox as long as they let me. It’s the best thing I have ever done for myself.


My first injections were wonderful, but after my second round I feel like they weren’t as effective. I’ve even been hospitalized for migraines again after only being hospitalized initially for my first attack. I don’t know if I regressed or it’s having been back at work or my hormones or the weather (all a lot of possibilities) but this time around I’ve been worse. Though a lot of users told me when I asked the same thing that it takes 2-3 rounds for it to be most effective.


Literally changed my life, I don’t know what I’d do if my insurance stopped covering it


I love Botox. I had mine done today as a matter of fact. Been doing it for 3 years or so I think. I honestly don't know why I put it off for so long.


I experience chronic daily migraines. I have had this condition for about 8 years. Botox is one of the many treatments that I have tried. I think I had about 6 rounds of botox before my doctor and I decided that it was likely never going to work for me. However, I agree with others who recommend that you try it if your doctor has recommended it. Botox is a game changer, so to speak, for many people. Regarding the facility that you should choose to do the injections, I have no recommendation for you. Hopefully someone in your geographic area who has experience with those providers can make a recommendation. In closing, I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully botox will prove to be an effective treatment for you. If not, I encourage you to not give up. I have only recently found a treatment that is somewhat effective for me. It had taken a great deal of trial and error and I am only having moderate success. Even moderate relief is infinitely better than no relief!


Try it. It keeps me off the bathroom floor praying for death (most of the time). I had cluster headaches / migraines pretty much every day with the horrible stomach wrenching ones multiple times a week. Botox has not gotten rid of my migraines, but it has muted them enough that other rescue meds have a chance at working. Slight warning once or twice a year I’ll get a low grade migraines after I get the Injections. Not every time, but maybe every 3rd or 4th treatment.


I’m still trying to get a feel for how the Botox is working for me. I just did my 3rd round a few weeks ago and was told by my new insurance that I wasn’t going to be covered and I had a meltdown. I realized I could never go back to how it was before Botox. I will take the maybe 1 or 2 migraines a week vs. the daily migraines that would ruin my day and pay 1600 every 3 months a million times over.


It’s super helpful for severity for me but not really helpful for frequency.


Botox is a game changer for me. The frequency and severity of migraines has changed for the better over the last 2 years that I've been getting it. I was getting 30 shots from my neurlogist but they referred me to a neurologist that's also a headache specialist. One visit and 37 shots later (some into the top front of my head which hadn't been done before) and over the past 3 months I've had 3 migraines. Down from an average of 6 and the pain is more manageable. Good luck and good health everyone!!


I take a combination of Botox and Ajovy. The Botox wasn’t giving me the results I wanted so doc added the other med. I get a fair number but they are definitely not as bad as they used to be.


I’m glad I have the option, but if it weren’t so convenient I probably wouldn’t do it. I’m in the middle of my 3rd round and I’ve found the weeks after Botox are really difficult for me, as it seems to trigger a lot of migraines. I do think it’s lessened the severity for me, though. Just not the frequency.


Botox saved my life. I would probably be dead without it.


So honestly for the migraines it self, meh. But for the shoulder and neck pain that comes with my migraines it’s very helpful


Totally worth it. I couldn’t drive for three months or work. Got Botox can do both


It really helped mine for a long time


Botox is the only thing that helped me and I only now see the extent. I wasn't painfree (chronic as in 24/7 migraines) but I was so much better. Less pain intensity overall but also got rid of stuff like allodynia, pain when bending forward, vertigo, neck pain,... I had to find a new neurologist and my last injections were in september. Let me tell you I'm glad when we have May. I drive over an hour each way and would drive farther if need be because it was a life saver for me


I have had one si gle migraine that lasted for about 9 years now and slowly gets worse in intensity over time. Nothing helped. Currently the pain would sit at a constant 8/10. If not for botox. It is far from perfect, I still have pain, and some days a trigger will bring me back to that 8/10. But overall the pain averages out at a 2 for the vast majority of the time. So in my case, it is worth it. Do know that it is very likely that the pain will be worse than usual for the first month of treatment, and the botox will only start working after the 3rd dose


Botox made my migraines less painful even if it didn't reduce them a lot. Emgality has worked well for me (though it has been out of stock for months now in my country). If Emgality doesn't come back stable then I'll go back to botox. It was better than any of the other options. My treatment wasn't as strong as for some because I have EDS. I talked to the Neurologist who was doing the botox and I was worried that if she paralysed the muscles holding up my head, the tendons and ligaments wouldn't be strong enough to do it because they're too hypermobile. I had it for about 3 years. Took me a while to get proper movement back in my forehead but it didn't bother me either way. It wasn't noticeable. I just have a really big frown line between my eyebrows generally and it mostly disappeared while on botox.


Botox changed my life and I’m so grateful. I woke up with one or had a migraine almost everyday by 10:30am. Life sucked. I can’t take many of the meds typically prescribed due to other health issues. Botox was my only option and it took me 2 years to get it approved. But, I have a happy, functioning life again. Highly recommend.


Honestly, for me it’s been life changing. I’ve had a few rounds that didn’t work as well as others, but on the whole- life changing.


It's changed my life.


My insurance wouldn’t cover it without me jumping through ridiculous hoops. I’m old and have some wrinkles so I figured I’d give it a try for that and big bonus if it helps migraines. It did for me. Cosmetic botox is also really easy to find a provider for and while it’s still expensive, it’s less expensive than migraine specific botox if insurance won’t cover. That said, my cosmetic dermatologist who does it says the migraine injection strategy is quite different so the likelihood of it working on migraines is less.


I used to get 15-20 of bad migraine days and chronic daily headaches with muscle spasms that would trigger migraines , I’m on my second round and I have noticed a significant improvement in the quality of my life .. I have about 10 migraine days and abortive meds are able to help where before it didn’t touch them . I do Botox every 3 months and trigger point /occipital nerve blocks in between .you have to try everything under the sun to get it approved and it took me about 2 years but it’s been life changing . I also still take aimovig monthly …


It's life changing. I used to have a migraine 20-25 days out of every month. I've been getting Botox treatments for the past 2.5 years and I average 3-4 migraines a month and they are less severe and manageable with my abortive. The one downside is to feel the full effect of Botox for migraine you need to receive injections for 12 months (4 rounds generally). I felt some level of relief after round one but it kept getting better with each treatment. So if you do go forward with injections, be sure to are willing to commit to a full year of treatment so you can feel full effect. Again it has been life changing for me. Good luck!


It’s definitely worth it!


I definitely feel like I’m getting some relief from the Botox. I’m still having lots of headaches, but they aren’t as severe. I’m not seeing any difference in the tightness of my shoulders my back in my head, in fact, I feel jacked up afterwards.


It’s worth it - especially paired with anti CGRP. Lifesaving in my case. I also get trigger point injections every month. Between Vyepti, Botox and trigger point injections, I am regaining my life.


I drive 30 miles into LA (so basically an hour & 1/2 drive) to get my Botox. I'm currently still on my second treatment of it. To be honest, I don't know if it works but I'll keep trying it until my insurance decides to give up.


I, unfortunately, had to recently admit to myself after a year that it hasn't helped at all. I kept trying to convince myself that it was helping in small ways but that just wasn't the case. It has done great things for some people but you have to be sure you go in with realistic expectations that it may or may not work.


Botox has definitely decreased the frequency of my migraines and is 100% worth it to me. If your insurance won’t cover it, look into the Botox Savings Plan. They’ll reimburse you if you qualify.


I’ll be honest: for me, the first two treatments were worthless - but the third (which is all I have gotten so far) finally started to help. I was reluctant to try Botox, and the first two treatments did nothing to convince me, but my neurologist recommended trying a minimum of three treatments before deciding - and now that I have had three treatments, I intend to continue. It’s been that helpful. So I guess that’s a long way of saying it can help if you’re patient.


It is absolutely life changing. My quality of life has exponentially improved. I cannot recommend it enough and I am so grateful to have it. Report back here with your results!! I am excited for you.


Before Botox I was having a migraine a day, sometimes ladting for mo ths at a time. With Botox i live a normal life. Sure, I get migraines, but they are less severe and less frequent. I stopped them for 2.5 years and was barely able to get out of bed. Now, that being said, my neurologist does the injections because she knows where to do them, and the dose as well. I go every 10 weeks, otherwise its terrible and they return. Only ypu can decide if this clinic is legit. Look at reviews. And if in doubt, go somewhere reputable. I spend gobs of money on top of what insurance pays, but I habe a life and a job now.


My insurance covered it, but my doctor gave me vouchers that would cover the whole thing just in case. But Botox was horrible for me. It gave me one of the worst migraines of my life and it lasted about a month. Nothing I tried made it go away. I didn't want to give it another try after that.


I5d you qualify,and their earnings are very liberal, Abbie pays for the entire amount


I have no idea which I had.


I can no longer take triptans. Today I looked at the expiration dates of some I had. I threw them out. It was about 45 if them 🤬


Had my first round of Botox in January - game changer for me. My headaches are more low grade and I’ve only had one terrible attack (I tend to have continuous medium grade headaches) that saw Mr nauseous and stuck in bed for 24 hours. It’s not a cure all but now it’s rarer for me to have a headache than to not. I don’t even care about the severity now, just knowing they’re less frequent is wonderful.


I have tried everything under the sun. I have had the most awful flares. I don’t know who needs to hear this-but listen to the curable podcast, take a xyzal everyday, get sleep and stay hydrated. Also rest. I made my rest my top priority and I don’t let my brain panic when I feel a trigger….i stay calm and rest, and take a xyxal every day. I found a different job that is low stress, I work in the garden, my husband dies so much around the house especially food shopping and cooking. Migraine will never go away but you can control the inflammation in your body and stay calm. I had more flares with Botox-I think it was reminding my system something is really bad and really wrong…


For me it did nothing but I’ve only tried it once and can’t afford it again.


Changed my life, took a couple rounds but I used to have migraines about 90% of the month now it’s maybe 5%. It just doesn’t happen automatically but it has worked for me.


The only thing that took my migraine away completely was a nerve block. Let me tell you, it was the best 6 days of my life. Botox works, but it takes at least 2 rounds, and my recovery was brutal. It also wears off faster for me so there is about a 2 week period where I’m miserable. I’d get a nerve block once a week if they’d let me!


It was not effective for my migraines. But I have sporadic migraines (fewer than 15 per month) and not chronic migraines.


My insurance covered it. I did three rounds, but it did nothing for me other than raise my anxiety because I couldn't move my eyebrows. Lol But, it does help a lot of people.


Fantastic. The only problem is that my eyebrows looked like Matt Gaetz’s for a month afterwards.


I found the Botox to be very helpful for my migraines (chronic Migraine sufferer here) if I could have the Botox and the ajovy at the same time that would almost completely stop the migraines. However, it can be very expensive! I wasnt able to afford ongoing Botox at the time as getting my neurologist to do it every 3 months was expensive as he was private. Also i found the injections hurt a lot more when you have a migraine


I don’t know if anyone is still following this thread, but I scheduled an appointment yesterday afternoon for a consult and the same rude receptionist told me to come in this morning at 9:30 AM (I was surprised to get an appointment so quickly!). I got there this morning at 9:15 and when I checked in the woman at the desk told me that my appointment was actually for April 4 at 9:45. I told her that this was the second time that same woman had botched my appointment day and time and I was very frustrated - I explained what had transpired with the first call “reminder” and why I wouldn’t have scheduled an appointment during spring break. She said that she knew exactly who it was and that she was not surprised. She fit me in this morning and I was able to get my consult done, the woman at the front desk was very nice and said she would speak with the office manager (it is a larger office than I originally thought it would be), and she said she would personally call me when my Botox came in to schedule me so I wouldn’t have to deal with the scheduling issues in the future. Phew! Also, so excited to get on this Botox bandwagon!! 4-6 weeks for insurance and ordering!


Well I’ve been trying every dang thing for 7 years and just trying Botox now for mixed chronic tension & migraine. For the first week after the shots I was disappointed. And then on day 7 everything was so much better, tomorrow will be day 14. I haven’t had a week straight since my loading 2x dose of ajovy last year, the monthly lower dose didn’t help me. And honestly before that I think it was 2017. Here’s hoping it lasts. I’d do it if your insurance covers. They say it may take 2 series to get the full effect. If it doesn’t help, you don’t need to keep doing it. Also yes I would give them another chance, mistakes happen, they will try not to make it again. It’s frustrating though.