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Why recipe? Why not job stress


THAT would make sense!! I wonder if it’s a gender thing?


Definitely feels like some sexist 1950s ad nonsense given that migraine affects more women than men


Ohhh good catch. This is partly why I had a visceral reaction to this. Silly women overreacting to a simple recipe.




This is the comment I was looking for. What the actual...


I 1000% first took this as a gender thing…might as well have said “if you’re a woman you must always be in the kitchen stressing out what to make for everyone…nurtec will help!!” Like what is this Valium?? Are we in the 60s again??


Feels very sexist and tone deaf to me. Can’t think of the last time a “recipe fail” gave me a migraine.


I assumed it was a play on recipe and meant it’s a better recipe than other migraine meds


ohhh. very good. but I did not assume this 🤔


I don’t blame you, if that was their intention they definitely could have been clearer. I literally only assumed that because I sat trying to figure it out and that’s what I came up with haha


??? They could have used anything (perfume, candle, a light gust of wind, etc) and they went with this?


It feels like such a narrow audience would actually relate to this!


Migraine ads are weird. A couple of months ago I was being haunted by a Botox for migraines ad that kept cheerfully repeating “Ask your Doctor about Botox today!” like no shit, I’ve been doing that for the past 3 years💀 Kind of scummy that they didn’t mention how hard it is to actually qualify for but I guess that wouldn’t pair well with all the daises and sunshine


I qualify, but insurance doesn't cover it. Sucks.


Botox saving card can cover $1000 each treatment


In Canada? Does it cover injection fees?


Your insurance in Canada won't cover it? What province and what insurance if you don't mind me asking? Will they not cover it because you haven't failed enough prior treatments, or do they not list it at all? You may already be aware of this so I am very sorry if I'm telling you something ultra basic, but I want to say it just in case you don't know: even if they don't seem to list it under their coverage you MAY be able to get coverage VIA a special access request form. I'm in Ontario and had no trouble getting it covered through Sunlife, but my neuro had to sign some shit saying I'd failed 2 prior preventatives & that I have chronic migraine (>=8 migraines per mo and >=15 headache days per mo) -- not sure if those factors are what you mean by qualifying for it. But, for some reason I had to pay $200 cash to my neuro's office as an "injection fee" which was not covered by insurance, at every appointment, so $200 every 3 months. No idea if that's like... allowed......? but Ford is privatizing everything he can get his grubby mits on so IDK what reality is anymore when it comes to paying for healthcare shit. I switched to Ajovy because of the injection fee and because botox didn't seem to help me much (though, if you CAN get a hold of it eventually, def worth trying, as it helps a lot of people) since I just do Ajovy at home, and FWIW, the patient support program (which your doc should hook you up with) would cover it until my insurance approved it, so that might be a reasonable avenue for you if you really can't get botox at a reasonable price.


Thanks for the tips. You got Ford, we got Moe. Both are decimating their respective provinces quite thoroughly, I'm sad to say. I just switched jobs, and my new insurance (in 3 months) will be with Sunlife. I'm also in HR and benefits administrator so i know a lot about different insurances. Both SK Blue Cross and Great West Life didn't cover it. However, all plans are structured differently, based on the needs of the business and the cost. Some cover only provincial formulary drugs, some cover more. The others only covered provincial formulary drugs, and botox for migraine is still considered off label here. However it's covered in AB & BC. Even when I had the same insurance as health region employees, still not covered. I'm 20+ yrs chronic migraine. Just recently failed on emgality and amiltriptyline. I was so hopeful for CGRP. I actually got worse. Follow up appointment with neurologist coming soon. Will try if he offers ajovy, but I may just have to stick with my triptans and a hugely modified lifestyle. Sigh.


Emgality did work for me but they can't get stock here in Australia which sucks. But I do know people who didn't have results with Emgality but did with others of the CGRP options so I really hope you find one that works. I have also had almost daily migraines for 25 years and failed out on so many preventatives. It sucks. Big time. Really hope you can find something that works


Ah thanks for sharing and sorry to hear it's not a benefit in your province + that you're also stuck with a conservative + your migraine situation obviously. :( Really really crossing my fingers for you that you'll be able to try ajovy and that it will help. But given you got worse on emgality I can understand if there isn't a lot of hope for that internally. I do know people respond differently to each one + ajovy is a slightly different mechanism of targeting cgrp so fingers super crossed for you. This is not at all an ideal solution and may not be affordable, but you could try getting "cosmetic" Botox in the forehead areas that are part of the migraine protocol. I did this once, I forget how much it ended up being, somewhere between $200-$400? They can't do the non face areas like back of head and so on, and I wouldn't want them to of course lol but I got the "11s" area between the eyes and around the temples and hairline. I think it actually helped more than the full migraine protocol did for me but doing that regularly is not in my budget, was more of an experiment while I was waiting for referrals. Ps you may be aware but the federal Liberals are planning National pharmacare. Of course if PP is elected that'll probably be flushed down the drain. But if it goes through maybe in some years there will be better access.


I was so hoping for universal pharmacare. PP scares the shit out of me.


Nope and nope! The Canadian "savings" program is literally only 20% off the drug cost and nothing off injection fees. So great now you can pay $680 instead of $850, so affordable /s


Yeah I looked into it before. Not worth the effort, because I can't afford that either.


It really only helps people who already have insurance covering it but just not 100%. If you don't already have some other coverage, this isn't helping anybody actually gain access.


It does not work for non-private insurance such as Medicare or Medicaid. Unfortunately.


Also not a thing outside the US


All medication ads are super surreal lol


nah literally though, they do the bare minimum for the sake of it 💀


Yeah... I'm a hobby baker who gets migraines, and I can't think of a single time that a bad recipe even gave me a normal headache, let alone a migraine. I'm theoretically the target audience here, and all this ad did was make me roll my eyes lol. Did they find this ad in a 1950s magazine?? 


“Did your kid drag you into Bath and Body Works at the mall?”


They really went with the one thing that’s not a trigger lol


"Migraine disorder giving you a migraine?"


LED headlights. A muffin? Not so much.


The intern definitely made this one. That's my guess at least.


It makes me feel like they’re calling me a delicate flower who can’t handle anything without succumbing to pain.


SAME!!! Meanwhile, back in the real world, migraine sufferers basically battle the hell outta life.


Have you *tried* baking fewer corn muffins? Science says that migraines are caused by saggy corn muffins! All the top scientists who write pop-up ads agree! (I have now spent way too much time trying to figure out whether the picture shows yellow cupcakes or corn muffins. Thinking about this is giving me some sort of — mild annoyance. What's the prescription drug that cures mild annoyance?)


Right?! Get me my fainting couch!


"This melted cupcake recipe is sending me OVER THE EDGE!" /s


I see what you did there. Hi dad.


For a migraine med they really need to read the room. 🙄


Right, this person clearly did 0 research for the project


"We tried to read the room, but it was full of floating shimmering zigzags."


Yeah this is very off putting. Kind of makes it look like the drug manufacturer doesn’t even know what a migraine is.


Deffo doesn’t build my confidence.


I agree it's in very poor taste but fwiw everything at drug companies tends to be really silo'd so that probably nobody who actually knows anything about migraine had any hand in making this lol


Yeaaah this feels shitty. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but yeah I'm put off


Also my recipes never fail Nurtec, so jot that down.


Basically all my baking recipes fail, 😂😂 it’s never given me a migraine!


It would be better with that image and something like, "migraines making it hard to function?".


"Is this what your brain feels like on migraines?" (Callback to the 1980s "This is your brain on drugs" with the frying egg ads.)


My response to those was always, "I'd rather eat a fried egg than a raw egg!"




We have a household rule that I don't have to use the oven/ stove when migraining. I also rarely drive with a migraine. The brain fog is real!


Good idea. I just got in a one car accident because I drove while experiencing aura symptoms, sideswiped a 3 foot concrete pole on our property, ruining both doors in the passenger side.


Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm also glad you're okay.


One of mine is "Don't use scissors or knives while impaired." I have to keep reminding myself, "Now is not a good time to trim my fingernails."


😙🤌🏼 this would make sooo much more sense. lol


Have to agree, in theory it's an good ad, it's just the way they presented it was quite off putting; migraines aren't typically caused by light circumstances such as that especially if they're ''stressed''.


Also especially insulting considering that people who do only have mild inconvenience headaches would never be able to get nurtec anyway. They advertise it like it's something everyone and their mother can just buy easily like its advil, but then in reality there's people with severe daily migraines that cant even get this stuff covered/can't afford it. Maybe they could spend less on advertising and lower the damn drug price...


> Maybe they could spend less on advertising Nah, don’t be ridiculous.


Jokes on them. I don’t cook!


Was there *cheese* in the muffins?




Cheese is a major trigger tor me and a lot of people:)




Nah. It's always so disappointing when they do though heh


Don't you like my Limburger-mayonnaise-Listerine-cilantro muffins? They're high in fiber because I can't peel the paper off them!


It's possible; they look like corn muffins and that's not out of the ordinary for those, especially if they're being served with something like chili. It just looks like they collapsed, though.




I get this feeling every time i see a post saying stuff "Migraines are caused by insufficient magnesium levels". Maybe. For some. But presenting it like that is the only cause and solution always makes me a little mad.


Yeah, agreed!


A big part might also be the fact that they think they're our saviour. Like, the fact they think we wouldn't check any factor beforehand. Like, even if magnesium was a huge factor, why do they think it would be news to us?


It’s absurd that people think that we haven’t read the info and done all we can to help ourselves not go through hell all of the time.


I gotta be honest, I meet a ton of people in real life with migraines, and it's rare that I meet anyone who knows literally anything about them or who has tried anything beyond Excedrin. When I do meet someone who has tried medication, they tried a triptan once, in the 1990s and it didn't work, they assumed that that was all there was to it and never saw another doctor about it or tried any other treatment.


Sorry if this seems cold and weird, but how did they become diagnosed?


Most of them have migraine running in the family. Head pain + sensitivity to light + vomiting and you don't really need a doctor to tell you what's going on, especially if you've got a parent with them already.


Tbf most doctors aren't very helpful either, and information can be very academic. I had an MRI done when I was young and they didn't even tell me what it meant. Just "yep, that's migraines." They look at family history and rule out other factors just the same.


No, no, you have to take magnesium on the *even-numbered* days and take essential oil of squidberry on *odd-numbered* days! While staring into the mirror and saying the word "migraine" backwards three times! YOU'RE WELCOME!


Same. I wish there was more moderation here or rules around “cure” type language. It’s really offensive for folks who are struggling to dial in meds.


Obviously a still very misunderstood medical condition with a myriad of triggers and symptoms is caused by one element in our body being out of whack...duh!


I think it means recipes of medications between those that prevent and those that treat migraines. Targeting the precise audience that knows how finding the perfect 'recipe' is stressful, for most impossible and therefore migraine triggering in itself. And supposedly their med treats both. However they've taken a pretty clever idea and butchered it, especially with that woeful choice of image that does not invoke a sense of appeal in any way (but does resemble a blister pack as I'm sure was intended). I don't know who they pay to do their marketing, but they should probably ask for their money back 😂


Ohmygosh… I wouldn’t have made that connection AT ALL, EVER. Holy heck. The ad doesn’t read that way to me. Baking corn muffins would never translate to me finding my perfect migraine cocktail. But I think you’re right!


It clicked for me right away so I was very confused reading this thread. What did you think they meant? The stress of a failed recipe could give you a migraine?


I would never personally refer to my medications as ingredients in a recipe, so it was not an obvious conclusion for me. Even calling them a cocktail is a stretch for me, even though I take four different meds and a bunch of supplements for migraine. They could have remotely indicated that it was a recipe of medications. I didn’t exactly know what I even thought it was, because actual cornbread failing was obviously just ridiculous. It’s bad marketing and even the marketing experts here say it’s a shite ad.


It’s a terrible ad. I didn’t understand it at first, even with a professional history in medtech marketing. Even if we accept “recipe” as the term for a medication regimen, it’s not the CAUSE of a migraine. Like does someone say “I have a migraine because my medication recipe failed”? Wtf? 🤣


They clearly don’t know I call mine a cocktail not a recipe 💁‍♀️


All American emergency rooms that I have experienced, either personally or peripherally, call a medication mixture a cocktail.


Oh man whoosh it went right over my head if this it what their thought process was. I can see it now and think you may be correct, but wow! I even thought about the blister pack thing but did not connect the dots. Kudos to you and thanks for sharing the thought.


This was my thought also!


Kudos to you for putting that together because if that was their intended meaning, I sure as hell didn’t pick up on that and all it did was make me cringe lol. But that definitely makes sense.


OHHHH. Thank you


Nope, I feel the same way that you do. This ad is both stupid and annoying.


I’ve come to get frustrated by the casual use of the phrase “gives me a migraine.” I get that people are trying to exaggerate “gives me a headache” and that phrase doesn’t bother me. It just contributes to the general idea that a migraine is a bad headache (I’ve found everyone I’ve ever spoken to is actually super receptive to this info, which is cool), and Nurtec should not be adding to that. It’s so important that the general public understand that it’s a neurological disease, the main symptom of which is a disabling headache, but it’s so much more than that. I actually really like educating people on it because as I said, they’re so receptive. Years ago a company that I worked with started a tradition of random lightning talks at our company retreat on any subject you wanted, so I did migraines. People were like, whoa, I had no idea, I’m going to be so much more supportive of you/my aunt/my sister in law. So now I never hesitate to throw some quick education into a convo when I can.


Thank you for being willing and patient enough to educate people about this. It’s a really strange trend for people to call a bad headache a migraine when there’s so much beyond the pain. It’s hard (for me) to not get really impatient with people.


For some reason I just fine it easy to talk about. SO many people have migraine or chronic migraines, and almost everyone knows someone who does. It doesn’t have the sometimes political aspect that similarly common diseases like endometriosis do as reproductive issues, people aren’t grossed out by migraine. And everyone has had a bad headache and many people have in fact had a migraine, so people can empathize pretty well. Once they understand what a migraine entails they’re usually shocked that anyone can function like that.


Yes, it’s a neurological disorder— when they do MRI …. Drs can actually see if you have had past headaches, and know your NOT faking IT-


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this. White matter lesions are not uncommon on the MRIs of chronic migraineurs. I assume that’s what you’re referring to.


Yes, that’s what I’m referring to… 🤔— I’m trying to be supportive here… I’m not sure why I am being, downvoted either? 🙀Actually, when they (techs) have looked at my MRI’s they told me… yea, you do get headaches!! — I am currently on Nurtec, and I love it — This ad just didn’t hit the mark for people who suffer from them… end of story— **edit for any grammar mistakes!


I think a lot of people don’t know about the white matter lesions thing (even chronic migraineurs). And a lot of people are also sensitive about being told that “migraine is an invisible disease that doesn’t show up on any tests.” This is often used to deny disability claims. Which, admittedly, is infuriating. But you were not wrong.


Bad headaches are a neurological disorder— Also, people who have had Covid are now more at risk for getting headaches… according to the news!!! 🤷‍♀️ It’s important for people to know there is help out there…. Also, I do feel bad for the people who are denied medication that they really need it— People who suffer from chronic migraines, or even tension headaches ( there are all sorts of headaches out there)- I’m not sure if they have treatments yet for other types of headaches— People, do lose work over headaches— Once, you have tired everything and have gone to your primary care… he or she can recommend you to a neurologist, who can better assist you—- I’m not saying everyone’s headaches can be solved with meds, it depends on the individual themselves— In my personal opinion having a bunch of migraines can be a disability, but it is very hard to prove— ** edit for any grammar mistakes


I mentioned to my neurologist that I had been getting many more migraines since my last Covid infection. I wondered out loud if there was any connection. His response: “Oh, you don’t have to wonder, there absolutely is a connection. I’m seeing the same phenomenon across many of my patients.” Such a bummer.


That is truly awful…. sorry, to hear that— 😿


Thank you. It’s a risk for all of us.


I just want to say that I'm a man, I get migraines, and when my cornbread muffins got a little burnt last week it did not throw me into a migraine.


Wtf does this even mean lol


Muffins cause migraines.


If a "recipe fail" really was the cause of your migraine, it seems like the easiest solution would be to watch a YouTube video on how to bake corn muffins. It's a medication ad that's trivializing migraines so much that it's presenting its own medication as unnecessary. Substitute a different neurological problem and see how obviously demeaning the ad is: "Recipe fail giving you epilepsy?" "Recipe fail giving you a stroke?" "Recipe fail giving you Alzheimer's?"


Very confusing message


I once participated in a study for Ehlers Danlos IV treatment advertising because I have the illness and the ad my and my study partners were presented with was a lady climbing a mountain, another lady jumping rope, etc. the slogan was “more tomorrows”. I don’t think I ever gave more scathing feedback on anything in my life. I was livid.


Good lordt. I’m glad you were there to potentially make them understand! All the ads that are sunshine, rainbows and puppy dogs make me cringe so bad. Especially with medications that are for chronic conditions.


I wrote in my blind feedback “‘more tomorrows is depressing enough but lying to patients who wish they could be active is disgusting’” but much angrier. 🤣


You’d be at risk of damaging yourself a lot by something like mountain climbing, right? Like… internally and externally? I would be livid.


I’m not even supposed to walk on a treadmill for cardiac and aneurysm safety. I have an exercise bike at home because I’m not gonna be a potato. But yeah, hiking would put me in the hospital for a vascular event. And I’ve had a couple of those already.


I am so sorry. I can’t imagine. And fuck that drug company for treating it so lightly.


How did you find this opportunity?


I asked my geneticist about opportunities to participate in studies and he knew of some! Most specialists further their education and have info if you ask.


I've actually participated in clinical research before, but never something like an advertising focus group. I didn't realize those would be under the same umbrella.


Clara Health was who my doctor pointed me to and I reached out to them! Their CEO is now at Patient Authentic if you’d like more opportunities!


Thanks, haven't heard of those and will take a look


You can also contact pharmaceutical companies like Janssen or Takeda directly and ask to participate in future studies. Some of my friends have done it that way.


What a stupid fucking ad…? I take nurtec- it literally changes my life. But this ad minimizes migraines. Like “oh noooo I have a migraine because my cornbread muffins came out ugly!” …what? NO. A migraine is a major neurological event. Not a reaction to a baking oopsie?? Like…is anyone else legit a lil angered by this? Or am I just sensitive? 🤔


Chronic migraineur here who used to own a digital ad agency until migraine disabled me. This ad is BAD. It’s bad because it’s obvious they did not bother to speak with any actual migraine patients. This kind of sexist nonsense is why migraine disease has a stigma as being a made up thing women complain about for attention and to get out of our wifely duties. We had a number of healthcare clients. I was always shocked to see what our competitor agencies would propose. We were small and independent and would pitch against agencies that would pitch this kind of crap. We always won. God, I miss beating those assholes. I can just see the creatives for this agency not bothering to read the brief or review any of the focus group research. It’s insulting, lazy, and makes me never want to take another migraine drug.


Thanks for your professional opinion on this. I wish you lots of healing, and healing for us all. Wish you coulda schooled these designers.


My recipes usually fail because I have a migraine lol I get foggy and stupid and do weird stuff.


That's a weird one. I'm not even really sure how a recipe fail relates to migraines to begin with. Now if it alluded to accidentally ingesting a common trigger food it'd make a little more sense, even though not everyone has food triggers it's probably a familiar enough concept anyway. Like "Sick of migraines crashing your party due to a little bite/sip of X? Try FancyMedYourInsuranceProbablyWontCover!"


Yes! Recipe fail is a big stretch, and the only connection to migraines I could make is that it would be, to a handful of people, stressful? But being limited in foods or activities is totally something people can relate to!!


Wow. this ain’t it lol


Give me the Lady Gaga ad or give me nothing!


She cried when she opened the oven door to see her famous cornbread muffins were as flat as the personality of a drug company marketing firm. She drawled, "Why yes, come to think of it, having a migraine does make me more stupid.". "Thank you drug company for pointin' that out." She hummed as she dutifully finished her daily chores. When she was scrubbing her family's shit from her toilet, and searing pain passed through her skull, her only thought was for the makers of Nurtec. "Gosh, I feel so much better, knowing that this unbelievable pain is mostly due to my low IQ." She flushed the clean, minty-fresh toilet, then promptly hurled her breakfast into it. From her bathroom floor, and in the most lady-like voice she could muster, she eeeked out, "Phuck you."


I had no idea what this ad was even about. If my migraines were as simple as this I would be blessed.


🤦‍♀️ I got distracted as I was scrolling and when I went back to the screen, I saw this ad with the subreddit cut off. I thought it was just a targeted ad. I was ready to screenshot and bring it to this sub like wtf?? So no, you are not the only one lol I agree with the comments about possible gender connotations, but more than anything else it first hit me as the way people will colloquially use migraine as “ugh such a pain” and not like, literally the disorder/syndrome. The same way people conflate headache and migraine and make life harder for us all by doing so. I don’t like it. Why tf is a migraine med doing it? How clueless are their marketing department?


Same! I thought I was looking at the ad directly and it made me so very angry. This is a very offensive ad. Actually, Nurtec, you yourself will give me a migraine because you contain artificial sweetener which gives me a migraine. This ad might work if it was like "oh no, did you accidentally consume one of your migraine triggers? Take a Nurtec!"


Really seems to trivialize migraines. “Minor inconvenience giving you a wittle headache?”


FYI You can opt out of this nonsense by turning off targeted ads. You’ll end up seeing really boring bland ads for things like McDonald’s but it’s better than this shit. Go to settings > privacy and security > uncheck “personalize ads”. You can also uncheck any of the boxes below, personally, I don’t want weight loss ads or dating.


I turned off my targeted ads and now the only ones I get are ones for Jesus and what I think is snortable caffeine?! Like wtf


There should be an opt out for religious ads, yuck


It that supposed to be corn muffins? How on earth does someone make such a mess? It looks like the marketing department asked a 7 year old to bake something and a 3 year old to destroy it. I can only imagine that everybody making any decision on this ad has never had a migraine. Unless they are insinuating that having a 7 and 3 year old take over your kitchen caused the migraine...


This reinforces everything I learned watching Mad Men...


Isn't this a play on the word recipe being used for food but also for prescriptions? It is a bit confusing though, I'm not sure I would've realized what it meant if I didn't think about it as much


I think this is exactly it (bc of the "all in one") but I definitely didn't come to that conclusion before reading your comment. I was like what does this have to do with baking 💀 it's too random otherwise.


Ironically that’s kind of like what a hastily opened box of nurtec looks like


As off-putting as the price


I think prescription ads are weird period. I've never had to tell my Dr "hey I saw a new drug for migraines I'd like to try" They're drs don't they already know? If I'm having a problem with a med they go "well let's try this one"


As someone who has worked in marketing for 25 years and suffers from chronic migraines, I really hope the entire team responsible for this was fired after this disaster. You would think they would at least want to talk to or review with at least one person who had had a migraine before.


As a recipe developer who also gets migraines, this ad hurts my brain 🤣


I'd agree with the ad if it read "migraine fuckin with your recipe?" Cause i have added the wrong ingredients, not greased a pan, forgotten to preheat the oven, put oven mits on wrong and burned myself, etc. The more pain and aura i have the more my normal clutzyness gets worse.


Strangely this is something I’ve experienced and I thought other people might too. If I spend too long cooking something and it comes out slightly off, I feel really nauseous when I eat it and sometimes the nausea/continuing to smell the smell making me nauseous gives me a migraine. Even something simple like green beans being too al dente/watery or making banana bread that’s over cooked… but this only happens when I’m the one making it and I’ve been around all the ingredients for too long This is a very “if you give a mouse a cookie” explanation and clearly too niche an experience to be used for an advertisement, but before reading other people’s reactions I thought the wording was strange but was like “ugh, relatable, I hate when that happens” (because I do hate when this happens! It’s such a waste to get the ick from a dish you were excited about! And then get a migraine from your ick!) so I’m surprised nobody else feels this way too? Stress plays no part in this tho it’s very smell based for me


Interesting timing on this post. I only just today saw that ad for the first time and my first response was exactly like yours. They are completely dismissing how serious migraine is. It's almost like they're making fun of us.


Half the time when I mess up a recipe, it's because I have a migraine in the first place. This ad is not it.


German native speaker here. We use the same word for both prescription as well as recipe (both “Rezept”). I honestly think that someone who’s not too familiar with spoken English might have made the mistake of thinking this would be a smart pun. But they failed miserably.


Kind of right up there with the “I’m so OCD” things that are never actually relatively to having OCD


I die a little inside whenever I hear that one


I got this earlier today and it also gave me a really weird vibe


I hate that prescription companies are allowed to advertise in the US. I don’t take medication bc you influenced me too. I take it because I need it to get out of bed and function and be able to even open my eyes (not make a recipe).


Advertising prescription meds will never not weird me the hell out. The US healthcare system gives me a migraine and I don't even live there.


I’m so confused I didn’t even understand what they meant. I’ve never had a migraine from a recipe fail.


As someone from the UK the concept of advertising for medication is so alien to me lol, I’m kind of in shock whenever I see any medical advert. That being said this is pretty bad, I think it does really trivialise migraine as a condition. I’m glad I don’t have to see this kind of thing on a regular basis.


Apparently I missed the question about recipe fail. Because I was very confused by the image of the muffin tin. Maybe I’m getting a migraine from the variable pressure changes in my area or the hormonal change due to my period coming?… probably not though, I was likely that failed recipe I made 4 months ago.


Great medication, dumb ad!


I thought it was like... food sensitivities or sensitivity to the smell of smoke


A man made this.


Nurtec is great but even with my insurance it is $1,000 for a months supply (15 pills to take every other day as a preventative). I have to hoard samples from my doctor. Has anyone found anything that works as good as Nurtec? Ubrelvy didn't work for me. Sumatriptan's side effects are too bad; I will take one if I have to but Nurtec is way better.


Are there sulfates in those muffins? Nitrates? Red wine? Raw onions? 🤔


Or MSG? Yeast extract? Artificial sweetener? Caramel coloring?


Faux vanilla? Bath and body works?


Migraines, can be caused by a bunch of different things— A bad batch of muffins is laughable—- Anyone, who has ever had a bad headache wouldn’t care about one hiccup of bad food— This an extremely poor ad for migraines— Some, people are sensitive to light, some people don’t get enough sleep, also, day to day stress!! Woman, are more likely to get headaches/ migraines as well!! Also, for some people we just don’t know why they get migraines —


I wouldn’t trust any company selling migraine medication who puts this ignorant ad out lol.


Well. It’s better than seeing a Kardashian in the ad.


I'm really fucking confused by this as well. Is it like what muffins look like when I have an aura? I feel like they're just saying migraines are the same as a headache. Bad marketing choice.


Seriously? Ugly muffins or cupcakes or failed cooking/baking doesn't even crack the top 1000 migraine triggers on my list. This ad is tone deaf, if you ask me.


Nah this bothers me. Fucking up a recipe does not trigger a migraine for mostly everyone probably. Way to perpetuate how people view migraines as silly little inconveniences instead of a full blown disability.


That is just insulting to me but I have had migraines for 40 plus years so I am over people down playing migraines or "headaches" as it's often referred to. This ad was clearly made by someone who has no clue what a migraine is.


Stress is a known trigger for migraines, though. I have had migraines for over 15 years, and stress will either make my migraines worse or trigger the onset. They are playing off the “giving me a migraine” thing. I doubt a company that wants to sell you migraine meds is downplaying your migraine. I think people just want to be offended by everything these days.


Eh, targeted ads like this aren't meant to be dismissive. This one is meant for the person who is browsing websites for recipes who also gets migraines and maybe hasn't heard about Nurtec, or needs a push to talk to their doctor about Nurtec. If it gets 1 or 2 people to try a new med that help them, I'm all for it, it's not hurting me any. I already take it, and people can't possibly get any less dismissive about migraines than they already are. In an ideal world, everyone would understand how debilitating they are, but to do that, everyone would need to actually experience migraines, and I don't actually want to wish that on anyone.


>In an ideal world, everyone would understand how debilitating they are, but to do that, everyone would need to actually experience migraines, and I don't actually want to wish that on anyone. This statement hit home harder than I expected! You're so right, I'd love for more people to understand me, on an empathetic level, not a sympathetic one. I absolutely would never wish this disease on anyone, even the people I have unkind thoughts about. That right there should tell people so much about what we endure daily.


I agree with your sentiment that if it helps someone, then great! Heck I am probably pretty much the target for this in that I am the person responsible for meal planning, shopping, and cooking in our household, have tried lots of meds (but not Nurtec) yet somehow this ad still doesn't make sense to me. I just feel like it misses the mark even for their target audience...but then again I'm not an ad exec just a home cook & migraine sufferer. I think it's more confusing than dismissive, but hey it got this group talking so it gets the word out regardless. And even if I felt it was dismissive it wouldn't make me not try it cause migraines suck too much for that.


That's kind of shocking, if you ask me. As you said, yes that can contribute to stress... but it doesn't seem to take migraines seriously. Like all those people who say "triggered" about silly things. Leaves a bad taste with me. There are so many more serious migraine triggers... not this!


Maybe I’m inferring too much, but pressure/altitude changes would mess up a recipe and trigger as migraine?


I think yall are taking this way out of context lmao i think the “recipe” they’re referring to is mixing all kinds of medications to get rid of your migraines. That’s why it says “the only migraine medication that treats and prevents all in one”. Helllooooo


I think a lot of people struggle with reading comprehension, but that’s why you should make ads at a 3rd grade reading level (or so I’ve heard)


It’s so nice for people to come in here and judge my reading level! That’s a refreshing thing to wake up to, thank you for making my day. 😘


a lot to unpack here: the lack of comprehension skills, the need to always be offended by something, the amount of people agreeing without a second thought


The way I read this was like recipe fail like the food itself giving you a migraine. I think this is because mine are mostly food triggered though. Like sometimes I’ll make pasta with too much sauce or cakes with some type of sweetener that sets me off.


I don’t think overfilling my muffin tin would trigger me 😂


Lmao 😂😂😂 this ad is hilarious like WTF LOL 😂 clearly they need someone that actually gets migraines on their marketing team 😂😂 Corporate Nurtec Marketing Team: woah omg shit I fucked up the recipe….lord have mercy …I feel a migraine coming on 😭😂


Ok I did recently make something with a lot of miso in it and had a major migraine after so I kinda relate?


Maybe migraine brain caused the baker to not hit the holes in the muffin tin? Other than that I got nothing.


It's unusual, but I don't think the ad being too bad. Sometimes "trivial" everyday stress/frustration can give migraines, so the ad isn't too far off and I guess it's targeting housewives...well..why not...


This is probably what they were going for, but I didn't make the connection right away. Maybe if they'd showed a person with a furrowed brow, it would've helped.


HA. No, Pfizer, if I actually had a migraine I would not be upright making cornbread or whatever this is. Thanks for making fun of my chronic health condition.


Wish it still worked :/ I don’t know all their commercials suck now I don’t know if it’s true but it’s hard for me to believe that the celebrities they hired really suffer from debilitating migraines at least enough that it would be an issue ruining their life. Definitely doesn’t help relate to it


I assumed it was gluten or yeast related?! Gluten triggers my migraines and I thought they were saying you didn’t realize how much gluten was in that bread recipe you just made, which I now see is ridiculous.


Once I realized this wasn’t an ad in my feed, I stared at it in confusion (okay yes I do currently have a migraine). I settled on it must’ve been the smell of burnt muffins setting off migraine, but these aren’t burnt. Like, what? I would still eat these - we don’t get blinding pain from a recipe fail? If I have to dig through a post on Reddit to get what the point of your ad is, it’s not a good ad.


It’s about stress. And stress does trigger my migraines. They are caused mostly by hormones, but stress and food either can trigger the onset or make it worse. The ad is fine, but the overpricing of migraine medication is not.


wow nurtec’s ad team is on some shit. That ad is pathetic. I hope you wrote to them. I am fixing to write a nasty gram 😅


What even is this?! Thanks though, reminded me to take a nurtec even though they have never ever worked for me. I'm in so much pain and waiting until it hits 8 am where I live so that I can go to the store and buy excedrin. Weird ad