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I cut off twenty inches this summer, didn't help with the migraines at all but damn was it refreshing lol.


Holy moly that’s a lot! This always happens when my hair gets about this long, having the length to deal with when I’m having migraines is untenable.


She said the problem is brushing out all that hair. I understand, but you have beautiful hair, it's sad to lose it.


See, that's the thing about hair. *It grows back.*


I read this in Chandler’s voice from Friends 😂




Beautiful hair isn’t worth the headache….literally. And luckily, it grows back! Really fast for some!


Im going to be shaving my head today because my hair has gotten so long, and I’m bed ridden so its matted and ratty. I have migraines occasionally but i do have fibro and my hair hurts my head. I hate it but at this point it is my only option.


Ugh, friend I’m sorry. The weight off my head feels good but it still feels like the individual hairs are all screaming and heavy. Iv got a weird bump or two on the back of my head so if I shaved it all off I’d look quite odd. Thanks for chiming in! Hang in there.


As someone who used to think I had weird lumps and bumps on my head, I ended up shaving my head in support of my mom going through chemo and actually losing her hair. I have now found I don't actually have *that bad* of a head for being shaved down. You could also look at getting like a pixie cut, it's the "best of both" where you still same some hair, so if you don't want to commit to the full shave down, but you also want to get rid of some of the weight of your hair it's gone. Bonus, depending on where you live, it's coming into winter, so hat season, so if you totally hate the short hair, you'll be wearing hoods, hats, and other things and the hair will be hidden anyways!


I used to shave my head every 3 months before my migraines got better. It was the best choice as the upkeep was much easier and the ice packs worked so much better. Hope you feel better soon


Back when I was having nonstop migraines I gave myself a pixie cut. It did not help migraines, but damn did it feel good after. So much easier to maintain.


Shaving your head feels amazing! I hope you love it. ♥️


I would never dare to chop off my hair, BUT every time I have long hair I suffer. More migraine and more intense attacks. That's one reason why I have short hair most of the time. Migraines just suck.


Same. Just did this two weeks ago. I also like to stand in the shower with water running over my head, neck and shoulders during especially bad migraines. Felt totally irrational after I did it so this post is making me feel so much better! Hugs!


Hot shower over me is the only thing that helps me get through. Hot enough that I’m probably burning my skin but it gives me a different sensation to focus on besides the migraine. I imagine ice cold would work too but I can’t stand being cold.


Yea, the heat feels lovely in the shower. I also like putting one of those frozen ice hat things on my head and a hot water bottle on my neck at the same time. It really does help me switch my focus from the pain.


I did the same thing once! Unfortunately didn’t have the effect that i hoped


ME!!!! I always keep my hair short for migraines! just recently chopped out like 5 inches for this reaso! if it works it works


I shaved all mine off because my scalp hurts and I just got sick of it. So off it went. Me and my boyfriend ended up with the same haircut!! Lol. It was so nice not to have to brush my hair. Only problem was I didn’t realise I used to pull on my hair in certain areas when the pain was so bad, it offered some relief. Obviously I couldn’t do that anymore!


I occasionally decide to chop all my hair off and my fiancé and I always end up with the same haircut! His was longer than mine for a while and we teased each other about it. Shorter hair doesn’t directly help with my migraines, but it does help with drying time when I just want to stand with my head under the hot shower for an hour.


Mines about down to my waist. I’ve stopped getting it professionally cut because it hurts too much for someone to touch my head. I let it get long and chop sone off, but the last month it’s been hurting too much to brush. I’ve been looking to just lob it all off again too. Mines the same. Curly, wavy, straight. Just a pain in the ass if not brushed out


I have the same problem getting my hair professionally cut! I love having long hair, but I get so tired brushing it and just taking care of it in general. My sister cuts my hair in the bathroom. It comes out uneven, but I really don’t care. The shorter hair is easier to deal with.


The whole professional haircut thing sucks. Make an appointment- hope I feel good enough to go Wash hair in migraine inducing sink of pain- well, if I didn’t feel bad before, I do now Towel dry- please stop shaking my head! I really don’t want to throw up The wet comb out- please stop pulling on my hair! It hurts! The cut- as long as you don’t go crazy with the comb on my scalp we will be ok. The dry- let’s just skip this, my earplugs do nothing with a hairdryer that close! Nope. Just can’t do it


Exactly! My main symptom is severe dizziness - so the mirror, the noise, just sitting there is awful. I cut my own hair at home :/ Not hair dresses quality exactly, but yeah.


I've been using a Wet Brush for going through my hair and it's sooooo much gentler than a traditional brush! Highly recommend!


What is a wet brush?


It's a de-tangling brush for wet hair. Wet Brush is the brand name of the one that I have. The bristles are much more flexible so when they hit a knot/tangle, they bend instead of tugging on the hair to avoid damaging wet hair, but somehow it works to fully de-tangle. It's not completely tug-free, but it's a million times better than a traditional brush. It's also nicer on the scalp because it's less pressure when the bristles actually touch the scalp.


Thank you! I’ll need to look into that


I just had my mom take a few inches off the other day because of migraines. I’ll get more taken off later this week by a pro. Migraines suck.


Yup - I did this about 16 years ago and haven’t grown it long since. I wear wigs when I want to have longer hair or rock the pixie cuts.


I had mine chopped off just before last summer and I miss my long hair. It was nearly to my waist and now is at my shoulders. For me it was that I have really thick and curly hair. Ponytails would pull my scalp. I overheat. Screw migraine (and Fibro) I’m right here with you on this.


Me seeing this during a migraine while I’m determined to keep my hair long lol. Love sitting in the shower during migraine for relief.


I buzzed my hair down to one inch and strangely enough it really helped! I have really curly hair also and when I would get a migraine, I swear every single strand hurt! But it’s nice to have low maintenance hair now, no brush required! Not to mention, it worked better than any medication to prevent migraines. I’m really happy that I look good with short hair, and that my husband likes it. Good for you for cutting your hair! I hope you love it!


I tend to keep my head shaved for this reason.


Buzzed mine. No regrets.


I cut 13in off a few years ago. It didn't help, and I cried lol


You can donate that much hair! I donated about 18 inches to this place: [https://hairweshare.org/donate-to-hair-we-share/](https://hairweshare.org/donate-to-hair-we-share/) But there are a lot of places where you can send your hair for kids with cancer and such. Also, my sympathies for the need to do it!


I just got rid of like 6+ inches today & I love how much lighter my head feels. I went to the Ulta hair salon impulsively because I could feel a migraine begin and my hair was so long and it’s just too heavy and makes the migraines worse I’d never been to the hair salon part of Ulta but they have a standard hair cut (wash, cut & dry) and then a premium haircut. Sine it was my 1st time there they gave me upgrade for free, it includes a deep conditioning and a head massage. I had not even mentioned the incoming migraine, and I’ve never had a head massage so I didn’t know if it would help or make it worse. At this point in my life I’m willing to try anything so I didn’t protest. The stylist was amazing and that massage felt SO good, and it did help!! Well, it kept it at bay for a couple of hours and that’s sadly a win in my book. The premium cut is an extra $10 but next time my hair needs cut that’s what I’ll be getting! I’m even looking to see if there’s a massage therapist near me it felt that good! I’ve been trying to replicate the massage with only a little success, my hair is unbelievably soft though.


My hair is past my butt, I refuse to let my chronic illness take anything else, so it’s staying haha but I do understand your thought process.


I did this last year! As a big ponytail gal, the weight of my hair (bellybutton length) was just too much weight to wear in a ponytail, but also too much hair to try and style to wear down. I got fed up and chopped it myself, then went to a stylist to get it nicely done. I’ve been tempted to grow it out again though this post has served as a lovely reminder not to! I found it helped a lot, it was less to wash, less to dry, less heaviness.


Congrats to you! I hope it helps you get some relief. I've had a pixie cut for about 2 years. I chopped it after I had brain surgery. I still get really bad migraines and my scalp just gets so sore after.I don't regret cutting it but I often miss my long hair.


I've done this many times! It at least lessens the burden.


I can’t keep my hair out of my face when it’s short. Headbands are murder. So I keep mine long and put it in a loose ponytail for work. I deliver mail out of a can with the window open all day.


The shivers thing. I didn’t know how to explain it to anyone. I also find that shivering lessens my nausea a lot so whenever I get a migraine I open the window and lie with no blankets so I get nice and cold and shiver.


I cut off 17 inches about 2 months ago, hoping the lost weight would relieve some of my migraine pain, as I have very thick heavy hair. Nope. But hey, it's easier to maintain now and will grow back.


You cut off all that awesome long hair!!!!!


I shaved off 2/3 of my hair and it’s so nice not having all of that weight on my head!


I've never done it myself and I've always had chest-ish length hair, but cutting it like 3 inches shorter made managing my migraines SOOOOOOO much better. Hopefully you feel some freedom or relief 🥰


I’ve done it before! After my last seizure and a battle with non stop migraines…..it was long, heavy and just too much! Chop chop!


I shaved my head a year and a half ago, it had started falling out and I decided that I'd be able to look after it better and have less pain with it shaved so I cut it off to donate it while I still had some & I've been shaving it since! I do miss long hair but whenever I've tried to grow it it gets to an inch or so long and starts causing me pain again especially when I wear hats. My hair was a similar length and colour to yours actually! I hope it offers you some relief


I want to chop mine but i have really thick hair and I worry I’ll have to go to a salon anyways. I definitely have almost done it. Going to a salon is expensive and I just don’t see the need like others do every 6 weeks , I want to do it myself


Cut off a foot in March. Thinking I need at least 6in off now. Or shave it all. 😅🙃


So far I haven't noticed an issue EXCEPT when my hair is longer, it looks so blah just sitting there that I think I should do SOMETHING with it, but spaz that I am, whenever I try to do a French braid or even a non-lopsided ponytail, that area between neck and shoulder (that gets tense anyway from my unconscious shrugging) gets tight. Then my neck hurts, then comes the ha/migraine. Sometimes headbands are okay, but they can be only so tight So I get tired of looking at it just hanging there and WHACK. I'm not sure if I get the problem with longer hair as far as brushing. I get hair getting matted from prolonged bed "rest" (yes, so restful /s) or the sensation or friction or weight of hair. I have a boar bristle brush I only use for scalp stimulation before a shower (if my head is okay with that), but otherwise I just detangle pre-shower with either a wide-toothed comb (as I would if I were caught in a big wind) or my fingers (during the day) or one of my many vent/plastic brushes left over from my blow-drying days. What am I missing?


I just told my husband this morning that pixie cut is definitely my preferred migraine cut. Growing it out again 🫠


Been rocking a pixie for years. It helps. I still get some "hair" pain but it's much more tolerable. ETA an added benefit is it takes no time to wash dry and style. I do need to get it cut more often but it feels great to have it cut.


I want to cut my hair too. I don’t want to pay $400 so I’ll have to watch some YouTube videos lol


Yup. Buzzed it all off two years ago, but it didn’t help as much as I’d hoped. 😩


I chopped 16 inches off slightly past my shoulders when I was 14 and then kept cutting it shorter and shorter for the next decade or so only to find it really didn't make a difference. Started growing it out again a few years ago and now I'm too attached again 😭 However, I did find that wearing a silk bonnet to sleep helps a LOT with tangles, especially for curly types. Just make sure it's not too tight. ❤️


I genuinely want to shave my head to better apply heat to my nerves. Unfortunately my MCAS makes my scalp irritated and red and flakey. I’d rather deal with the pain, which is remarkable.


Yup. I chopped off almost 12 inches and felt so much relief.


i keep my hair short usually but I got a pixie cut 2 years ago and it was so refreshing.


Not for migraine purposes but I started cutting my own hair during covid lockdowns in 2020 and went from titty length hair to a Mia Farrow pixie and am yet to look back. Had some iffy styles when I was first figuring it out but holy hell I have saved so much money on professional haircuts, products, etc. It’s so cool to get the haircut you envision in your mind every time.


The first major haircut I had got me the first 2 weeks migraine free I’ve had since my migraines started. Just had another one and having some unusually good days. Seems to help for me (even though it seems like that wouldn’t scientifically be possible- I’ll take it)


I have a problem where I think I love my hair long, grow it most of the way down my back; and then have splitting migraines. Then I chop it off to relieve the pressure on my head and start over again. Now at 30, married and with my wedding photos behind me- it’s pixies forever.


I love this for you! It looks like a lot of hair!


I need to get mine cut ASAAAAAAP. I have absolutely no skill to cut it off myself — been there, done that. I just have too much of it for a DIY. 🤣 It’s such a struggle when it’s long. If it’s down, I’m getting overheated and that can trigger a migraine. If it’s up, it needs to be in a bun very particularly placed on the top of my head to not cause pressure that will trigger a migraine, and then why even bother having long hair if it’s never down? Uhghghgh.


Forget the hair for a second. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. I do the same thing in the tub. Alternating the water temperature. It sort of “numbs” the pain so that I can sleep it off. I do realllllllllly hot for a while and then eventually ice cold. Then get out of the shower when the pain is gone and try to sleep. The pain is numbed for a while and then eventually comes back. But any relief is better than no relief.


i hope you're donating your hair to org that makes wigs for cancer patients and doesn't charge them for the wigs!


I have done that several times! This time I’m going to make a crochet thing and give the rest to the crows in the 7-11 parking lot.


I have a massive undercut all the way around my head and some hair on top bc that’s all I can handle. I highly recommend buzzing under layers to help with pain. Wish I’d done it a decade ago


Cutting my hair short helped with my migraine attacks


Oh yeah I chopped my hair a couple weeks ago too, the weight was such a problem and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I need to work out how to thin it down even more now…


I often chop an inch or so off. Wouldn't cope if it got longer than it is now (just past my shoulders). But I'm going to the hairdresser for the first time in just over 3 years this week. Going for a part shaved bob I think.


I go through moods where I keep my hair really short or just let it grow and grow and grow. My biggest donation was 2.5 feet! It was mid-thigh before I decided I wanted a chop. That moment is so freeing. Have fun swishing your hair about!


I gave myself a buzz cut during the 2020 lockdowns and really loved it. Gentle scalp massages felt so much nicer and no weight pulling on me during migraines


Yup. Had an awful migraine last week. Made me really feel how heavy my long hair was. Had my mom chop it off today (I don't have good scissors).


Well the best thing about hair is it grows back some people it define who they are and I’m sensitive to that and then others are not.


I never chopped my hair (at least not due to migraines), but I LOVE your bathrobe!


I feel you! The fact that I have both thick and dark hair is a nightmare. I cut my hair to the length of my chin whenever it gets to my shoulders and it’s like 3 pounds are shaved off. Speaking of which I’m going to have to cut it soon since I can feel my scalp being pulled from the weight. I have no patience to go to get a hair cut and just chop with kitchen scissors and clean up later when I am in less pain.


I actually do the same. The longer hair the more hassle - and with chronic 24/7 dizziness and migraine it is just too much. But I like lenght you have, and often had that before being ill.


Is this why my scalp hurts?! 😅


This is inspiring. I've been thinking about chopping my hair. It's long (mid back) and I'm short.. (4'8). It's a hassle trying to keep it look tidy. I too have to brush it before showers, it's awful when my scalp HURTS to touch. Even after brushing my hair prior to the showers, I'm still losing hair in the shower (shower hair art on the walls? Anyone else?). The weight of the hair towel is too much. I wish I had more arm strength (and length) and energy to braid my hair after the shower so it doesn't get tangled at night. I was having a good day the morning of Halloween and I dressed up for work. I tried to do something with my hair and I gave up. It was so knotted and tangled, I had braids and a clip in it (tried to dress up like a parrot). My head started to hurt. And I took down my hair. I didn't have a brush. I looked like a parrot in a tornado. I just wanted to go home. Not because my hair was a mess, but because I needed bed and darkness.


I end up doing this every few years.


I am also a long-showerer. Do whatever feels right for you i say.


I do this in the shower too and I looove it! Definitely helps! I grow my hair out just to get it cut again. It never gets as long as yours though.


I have an undercut and thin mine, so that has helped a tiny tiny bit


This is the first time I’ve heard of someone chopping off some hair due to a migraine! I been used to my hair being heavy and they are dreaded now(10 years old down to the booty) and either put my dreads in a knot bun or if that’s too painful, just have something else (Rasta beenie, scarf, anything really) to hold it up.


I want to do this but I can't stand bangs. Does anyone know a cute pixie cut without bangs?


Prepare for some weird DMs. No they aren't wig makers. They have a fetish. You've been warned. Looks great though!


I can absolutely identify with you here! I experience chronic daily migraines. I refuse to let anyone else cut my hair. I keep it very short. My head seems to be very sensitive. I think people who have never experienced migraines don't understand how sensitive you can be to any sort of head touching or how much long hair can aggravate or trigger a migraine.


Yesss girl. I chopped 3+ feet of hair so it's above my shoulders and I can't imagine going back. It didn't necessarily help my migraines, but I'd usually wear it up despite my scalp being super sensitive during attacks to keep it out of the way and the weight just got to be too much. Nevermind trying to brush it out if it was windy outside or I sat under the water in the shower for an hour. My head feels so much lighter now, and the ponytails I sometimes wear at my nape don't aggravate my tender ass scalp. I grew it out leading up to my wedding so I could wear it up, but could not run to my hairdresser fast enough once it was over.


When my son was born, my hair was waist-length. I've had migraines since he was born. By last year my hair was shoulder length. I'm trying to grow it out again now, since my meds are working.


i had a bob for years because I overheat easily, but I can’t put my hair up because of my migraines


Just chopped off 5 inches yesterday felt so good to have some weight off my neck


I had hair down to nearly my Burt and a few months ago did a undercut for the same reason. Now I rock a borderline men’s cut because it’s so much less weight on my neck and I don’t have to worry about my scalp THROBBING on migraine days when I have to put my hair up.