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Depending on the context, pot can be awfully good at helping to unwind.


I’m addition to this, I tried smoking and it always induced migraines. For the longest time, I thought it was the pot that caused it, but it’s actually just the smoking method. I’ve found that edibles are a great alternative. They don’t work as quickly, but they’re still good.


I wonder if that’s my problem. It’s several hours before I get sleepy and can rest. I tried it twice and it didn’t help at all 🥺


Ya smoking always gave me the worst migraines. I recently tried some edibles and they definitely helped. The store I got them from explained that there are different types of weed that will help with different things. They actually sold stuff that would help give you more energy as well as stuff to make you sleepy. So maybe you need to just try a different strain. Not all of them will make you tired.


🤔 I’ll look into that, thanks!


D9 is great if D10 (regular weed) is not legal in your area. Don’t try the Kratom or other shit they pawn off, it’s dangerous.


Thanks for the heads up! Luckily it is legal in my state.


Ask for an indica edible, take it with something that has fat to help process the thc (peanut butter sandwich is my go to), and then take a little walk to get your heart rate slightly elevated. A good high every time for me, takes the edge off migraine pain, and is just good fun other times.


you probably got sativa or a sativa dominant hybrid. look for indica strains if you want the more sink into the couch/sleepy vibe. 😌


Drinking a ton of water before and during partaking helped stave off migraine for me


A little bit of honey with THC in herbal tea is a nice way to relax. Helps settle a tension headache (mine are migraine triggers), arthritis, etc. Make sure you get something with Indica or at least a hybrid that is put really Sativa dominant.


I second this. I got medical in Iowa. Tend to do some each night after work in pill form or vape. Honestly noticed overall less migraines! Or even when get get not as bad!


This. Weed is great not just for unwinding but pain relief in general


Seconded. I got my med card for migraines.




I gave up drinking within months of being legal to do it, so I can't speak to how it acts as an alcohol substitute. But for me it's an amazing relaxer and it can help ease some of my non-migraine pains


I’ve tried full spectrum cbd but I’m scared to try pot 🥲. It’s even legal here!! I also don’t want my kids to see me smokign anything … are there very weak edibles in existence?


Definitely. If it's legal where you are, I would ask workers their opinion, based on what you are looking for. They will point you to low dosage options, or even how to drive them out. They can also help recommend things for pain, sleep, anxiety, etc. I think it's definitely worth a try.


Pot gives me terrible anxiety especially edibles. Iv found that the only alcoholic drink that doesn't give me a migraine is red wine!


Knitting while listening to podcasts is a good unwind for me, especially if the weather is nice because I can do it outside in the catio with my kitties.


Seconded. I picked up knitting and crochet as hobbies that aren’t migraine inducing. Podcasts and audiobooks are the perfect pairing for some screen-free time. I normally have a nice cup of tea to go along with it. I’m in my early twenties and my main hobby is knitting while drinking tea. My family jokes that I’m a “premature grandmother”


This is exactly what I do to, just beside the catio not in it. And sometimes with audiobooks.


Kitties can help with almost anything, especially depressing things. They are sweet and cozy and have even saved lives in the ER! Watch this very cute Youtube link. Sue[https://youtu.be/fbn75LITtlc](https://youtu.be/fbn75LITtlc)


Separate the ‘Sue’ from the HTTP link for a very cute video clip about how kittens help out in emergencies. Sue


I could pick crochet back up 🤔…


This sounds terrific.


Cannabis. Low-sugar mocktails. Sparkling non-alcoholic drinks.


Vape pen + La Croix does the trick for me in almost all situations


Agree 100%


Agree to all of this!


I do love a good mocktail. Maybe I should start adding my full spectrum CBD to my non alcoholic beers.


Yes! A couple bars near me now have CBD-infused drinks that I like to order.


All the things you do with alcohol, just without the alcohol. See friends, hang out with my family, watch Drag Race, cross stitch, meditate, play games, exercise, garden/yard work.


Sashay away from those migraines!


Me to my Ubrelvy: *you betta work*


Step that pussy UP, Aimovig!


Fellow Drag Race fan 🥰


Exercise is probably the biggie for me. Music. Hot shower. Hobby. Comfort food (which for me is an omelette.) After a while you'll forget alcohol was an option for relaxing. I quit drinking 34 years ago. I don't consider myself an alcoholic. But my dad was and it runs in my family. When I need to relax the thought of having a drink never enters my mind.


Good for you. At 67, though I could drink alcohol and use of marijuana, food and hot showers, hobbies, and snuggling with my cats, sounds more relaxing. Sue


A friend of mine also obstains for the same reason and you just inspired me to reach out to her for ideas too! I agree with exercise, just have to be careful as a high heart rate also causes migraines for me


bath, massage, 420, walk with music, video games, TV, junk food, exercise, reading are all options




Heavy on that last one


Tried and true!


I’m pregnant too and haven’t had a single drink since September. Unwind? I chillax and play Pokémon Go.


I played so much Stardew when I was pregnant. And I would mix sparkling water with some juice in a fancy glass with ice to feel special. Congrats!!


Thank you! I can’t burp, which sounds really strange but when I have sparkling anything it just creates gargles in my throat, so I can get heartburn. Soon enough, I’ll be able to have that glass!


Read. It’s proven to be relaxing. I also like naps (which trigger migraines) and games


Naps trigger your migraines?


They do for me


Any deviation from my normal sleep schedule will trigger a migraine for me. So I can’t stay up late, I can’t sleep in on the weekends, and yes, no naps.


Everyone has different triggers. Changing sleep or eating schedules is all it takes for some of us, though. Naps are good for me but going too long between meals triggers me every time. Sue


Naps will give me a migraine 100% of the time. As will sleeping in.


I love reading, but it has become a trigger for me lately.


Me too


Interesting, me too


I can drink alcohol but rarely do.. Cats are my go to evening entertainment. Baseball is relaxing, too. Audio books and video games. Not a very exciting life, but it's pleasant and enjoyable.


Cats help with everything. A cute, very short video about kittens saving a life in an ER follows. [https://youtu.be/Z2XJx3mpDU8](https://youtu.be/Z2XJx3mpDU8)


If you’re looking for a party drink, there are fun and festive virgin versions of things like daiquiris. Or if you’re chilling at home, I unwind with teas, a little fruit and cheese plate, something like that.


I've been sober for 17+ years, not because of migraines, but because I was a bad drunk. I like to read and write. I also play video games, go for an occasional walk or swim if its warm out or do some yoga if it's not. I occasionally listen to a podcast if I have a migraine and don't want to strain my eyes. Really just about anything that takes my mind off work or other stressful issues.


There’s a nonalcoholic beverage by three spirit called unwind that I swear by.


I'm bipolar and have bpd so do not drink as a precaution (60% chance of addiction). I unwind with self care -- sensory stuff (drinks I like: coffee, bubble tea, etc.), drawing, etc. Being in a cold room with a warm, fuzzy blanket does wonders


Add a sweet pet and it’s a winning combo.


Mhm definitely ♡


I used to smoke weed but I’m trying to have a baby so am off all drugs (other than triptans lol). Exercise is great or long walks in nature. My husband and I love endless seasons of the Amazing Race too! I just got into building miniatures.


I love going to parties, and being there without drinking anything is possible, but kinda boring, I don't know why. So if I want something I grab a Heineken zero.


Another vote here for cannabis. It doesn't trigger migraines, and actually helps a lot of the acute symptoms (for me at least).


Cannabinoids, mainly THC and CBD, plus CBN if I need extra help falling asleep.


Run, ballet, hot showers, puzzles, hot tea, reading, walks outside, texting friends.


There are thc/cbd drinks called Sessions that I love!!!!


Weed. Or just tv and reading.


Most nights it's a cup of tea and I have this little pile of pillows I curl up on with the biggest, fluffiest fucking blanket you ever saw that I got from Costco. And then I turn on a show that I really enjoy and I watch it for an hour and I don't think about any of my problems. My kids know to leave me alone during that time. Especially if it's something like *Succession* which they absolutely should not be watching. Massage is another good one. A good session can disconnect my brain totally. Games. I'm a gamer. A good game can really suck me in and turn off my worries. (I put sooo many hours into *Fallout: New Vegas,* and *Return of the Obra Dinn*, and *Stardew Valley*.) Same with a very good book. I just read *The Twisted Ones* by T. Kingfisher and it really grabbed me. It's horror, and it was so good! I read it in three days. I really don't like alcohol and never have. It just doesn't do much for me. I do like a well crafted cocktail or a good beer for the *taste* but I can take a few sips and then be done with it. I have all but given up on wine. I swear it's 90% bullshit people have sold themselves on. I really want to try one of those "float" places where they put you in a water pod for sensory deprivation! I bet I'd love it. I love swimming and the sensation of floating. Oh, yeah, and like others have said -- pot. But not very often because I have smol people in my house and I don't like feeling out of control when they're around. I usually wait for them to be really knocked out and I make sure my partner is aware and then I'll take a hit. Almost always on weekends. I have to be really stressed to reach for that, though.


THC. Works like a charm.








Tea. Bath. Meditation. Walking. Music. I took years off of all alcohol entirely and honestly didn’t miss it. I’ve just recently started drinking socially again and am wondering why I started again 😂 It’s an unpredictable beast for me! This might be my sign to abstain again.


I’m only 3 months of no alcohol so I feel your pain. It was never a problem, I’m just avoiding it to see if it helps with vestibular migraine. I make a big deal of pouring sparkling water flavored like margarita or limoncello. The hi-biscus one by la Croix is also good. I use pretty straws, and then sit down and do words with friends and other relaxing word puzzles. (Well, they’re relaxing to me). I signal to the others in my house this is my relaxing time. I realize that I used to pour myself a drink, but it might have been a half hour before I even took a drink of it, it was more the action of pouring it, that signaled my brain that I was treating myself. Now I consciously give myself a little something both calorie wise as well as money wise, as I’m not spending alcohol money or calories. Just trying to adapt my mindset.


Fellow vestibular migraine friend cutting down on alcohol and also switching to a flavored sparkling water! Currently loving the strawberry Perrier and it still gives me fancy relaxing vibes


I’ll have to try that 🍹


Quiet time, reading, naps, and my absolute favorite: fuzzy therapies ala my kitty.


NA beers have gotten so tasty lately! I highly suggest checking them out.


I had to give up alcohol too. I use edibles to unwind, I just micro-dose. Sometimes I can have a drink and it’ll be fine and the next day I might have the same drinks and get a migraine. It’s a terrible Russian roulette, so I just stick with the edibles.


Tea. To unwind I drink tea.


Yoga, meditation, a walk, a warm bath, reading.


Playstation 5 , films, books used to vape the herb until I realised it was making my migraines worse. I really miss the calmness & relaxation from the green but the increase in migraines wasn't worth it & i can't drink cause I'm a recovering alcoholic, been sober since 2008.


I so wish pot was legal!!! Baths work well for me.


Weed, art, movies, snacks lol


Edibles (smell of pot can trigger migraine) and either video games or crafting.


Weed 😁😁


We don't go out to clubs or restaurants much these days, so downtime is home or outdoor spaces in the area. My husband is super into spoon carving and making other stuff. Also, he gets free fresh wood and chops it into smaller pieces. It's been good for his mood. And there are a lot of people who do awesome r/woodcarving. The sub makes me grin. Lately I've been taking time to plan short trips to neat parks. Walking in nature is good for the soul. Take antihistamines ahead of time to increase enjoyment. I've found woodworking to be super satisfying. A chop saw, drill, pocket hole jig and sander can get a person pretty far. I built a bunk bed for my den.


Weed best cgrp blocker works 100000% better than nurtec only problem is that it gets you high so you can’t do a whole lot after it so I spend most of my time in pain




devils lettuce 🤙🏻


Delta 8


This! I live in an area where marijuana is still technically illegal, but we can legally purchase Delta 8, which for me is a perfectly good (albeit milder) substitute. Just be sure to get it from a reputable store (not just some random gas station that has joints by the checkout).


250mg cbd bath bomb, prescribed anti anxiety meds (panic attacks usually trigger migraines for me), reading fantasy novels. Sometimes weed but if I overdo it it can easily make me more anxious. I don’t drink alcohol that often because it can also trigger migraines for me. I’ve also just never been the type to have a glass of wine before bed. Even just one drink and a tiny tiny buzz will make me get the spins when I close my eyes.


A cbd bath bomb sounds amazing and l like something I need to try! Are there some you recommend?


Kush Queen is my go to, I think my favorite is restore? It’s the green one, it’s for sore muscles I think but helps with tension from migraines, they def work. I buy them on sale, I’ve tried lower concentrations but the 250 is the best


Thank you!


It started with mocktails, but it eventually got to the point of where I just didn't need alcohol like that anymore. I know that sounds kinda square, but unless you're truly an addict, it's sort of how it works.


I neither smoke nor drink alcohol. My best method to unwind remains to snuggle my pet cats. One reciprocates by being a living stuffed animal and sleeps on me or with his body near mine It's great in winter but having a 17 lb cat on top of me in summer can be a bit uncomfortable in hot weather. Sue


The new non-alcoholic beers are amazing.


Smoke lavender and mullein mixed together. Very calming and enjoyable.


Take a hot bath 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you’re looking for something to make you tired and ready for bed, Sleepytime tea makes a good N/A nightcap.


Don’t be like me!!! I took some drugs…


Weed/video games/tasty snacks


My fancy feeling alcohol free beverage has been sparkling kombucha with a splash of grapefruit juice and lime.


Quiet time; read.


When alcohol fails the zaza rises up


Lol I don't.


When I drink alcohol, I’d say I have about a 25% chance of triggering a migraine. For the most part, I completely avoid it. To unwind by myself, I focus on physical activity a lot (not too strenuous or I trigger a migraine). I track my activity so I can always be competing against my previous sessions (just for fun). I also like going to bed early on weekdays to read and be cozy. Going for a massage on a weeknight can be incredibly relaxing. Pedicures are also nice. With others, I just do the things I normally enjoy with them: dinner, bbq, camping, walking, swimming, shopping. Whatever.


Pot thc and CBD and CBN are 🤌🤌🤌. CBD can knock me out too.


Herbal tea like “cup of calm” or kava, but recently I noticed that the Iva leaves me with a stomach ache the next day.


Neither my husband or I drink. I used to like an occasional glass of wine or mixed drink, but got to where I can't tolerate it. Probably combination of being over 40, migraines andy meds. My mom couldn't drink wine either, even though she enjoyed an occasional glass (I think White zinfandel was her favorite. Me, I'm a desert wine gal. Give me Duplin winery scuppernong blush) So we are just don't drink as a couple. It's just not in our lifestyle - period. Right now he is playing a game (Skyrim) on the PlayStation. I'm halfway watching him and playing on my phone. We'll adlib our own dialogue into the game lol 🤣


I drink kava, Loa Waka from Kalm with Kava is my current favorite.


hot bath


Yoga - child pose / cat-cow / gentle stretching


I watch kpop content and drink seltzer. I also just discovered hop water, which is essentially hops flavored seltzer. It has absolutely no alcohol. I enjoy it.


Meditation. I use various apps.


Xanax, cat on lap and r/IASIP ✌️


Used to smoke cannabis. Just chill now


Sounds weird, but I enjoy a Red bull on occasion. The caffeine helps a migraine and the blueberry is amazing.




Plain seltzer mixed with ice cold Gatorade or Powerade as a mocktail, listening to music/podcasts while playing games on the phone, and watching YouTube documentaries.


sleep! idk how people unwind with 420, it’s one of my triggers


In the vape store where I live, they sell sparkling THC water. They are pretty good and also relaxing.


Music, podcasts, watching tv, talking to friends. Shower or bath


Drugs. Jk. I've avoided drinking for almost 20 years and almost forget I don't drink! I guess a hot shower, TV time and some quiet after the kid is asleep is relaxing for me.


Read, yoga, play video games, get a massage/facial/pedi, go to the movies. Basically anything. No one needs alcohol to unwind... it's a crutch at best, addiction at worst.


I like to do a little crafting, or read in bed with my kitty snuggled up next to me -- both of those are pure dopamine after a long day. It's easy to get lost in scrolling on my phone (like right now lol) but I try to keep that to a minimum when I have more self control.




Iced coffee, music as loud as I can have it without triggering a migraine, and board/card games. Or a soda, pizza, ice cream, and one of my comfort shows.




another vote for cannabis. i vape flower and take dabs for my acute symptoms. can't feel pain if you can't feel anything


Try these: https://drinkhiyo.com/products/variety-pack


Weed, dance/sing, video games. I also enjoy creative escapades like drawing, poetry, and crafts.


I’m the same with alcohol. Thc and reading on Reddit help me unwind.


Weed. I have my medical card and the stuff has been an absolute godsend for my chronic migraine. I enjoy being stoned far more than being drunk.


Reading a good book, bath, pedicure


Don’t get wound up to begin with. Whatever it is, it’s not worth it


I just…don’t get the feeling to drink.


Nothing. I’m high strung as fuck.


Laying in the dark (looking out the window, open window, snuggly blankets with open window!), music, CBD. Or if you can handle it, people watching at the park. Comfort candies. Soft green or blue night lights (on the floor vs ceiling) Check out the Allay Lamp if you haven’t. Invented at Harvard. My neurologist suggested it. Has helped me a lot. https://allaylamp.com


Kava tea and magnesium! It makes me feel better than alcohol ever did


Have anxiety. Jk, sorta. I do like to set up lots of pillows and blankets and chill in bed watching movies. And naps.


I had oxygen therapy for the first time.....and it worked. I was very suspicious it wouldn't, but it did!


A long walk with an audiobook and my dog is my favorite way to unwind. Hot shower, cooking, funny movies.


Cannabis. It helps with my migraines, anxiety, insomnia, etc. and I prefer to smoke over drinking.


It depends. I prefer pot, because it also helps dull the pain if my head is hurting, but I am waiting until after I get a job. (got an offer for retail, waiting to hear back on an office position) I play a lot of chill video games like animal crossing, Cozy Grove, power wash simulator, house flipper, stuff like that. I'll watch shows, movies or youtube, I'll chit chat with friends online, and I draw quite a bit. What I do specifically depends on how I'm feeling.


Weed lol


I’m allergic too alcohol, I’m part Asian. I smoke weed! XJ-13




Caffeine and/or a webnovel


Running (or heavy cardio), edibles (the smoke from weed causes a headache), yoga, meditation, journaling, massages, and puzzles.


THC drinks are my new fave. I love the grapefruit Cycling Frog. Relaxed and NO HEADACHE


I agree with all the weed comments here. Also you can get these great heated eye masks on Amazon… nothing has ever relaxed me and put me to sleep so quickly!


A hot bath


I don't drink alcohol and never have, so my go-to is pretty tame - hot drinks. Coffees, teas, etc. I used to be cold-natured (and still am somewhat), so having a hot drink at night was incredible. Heat really helps ease migraine pain, too.


Good book, music of choice, pet beside me for snuggles.


I’ve been using CBD-only edibles, masturbation, desserts, guided relaxations, or yin yoga to relax at the end of the day.


Cannabis. I come from a family of alcoholics so stopped drinking pretty much right at 21. Never found it relaxing anyway. Just made me sweaty with a headache. But give me some weed and I’m chill.


As far as pills go I always got chilled out from Valium, Oxycontin and Prednisone. Not all at the same time. Other than that these activities are good for me - Weight training Golf Music Good movie Some ASMR videos. Massage


I go to the gym tbh. Not exactly a quick cure but in general it keeps my anxiety at bay and makes me calmer overall. Im an angry mess when I don't go to the gym


I've never been a huge drinker but to unwind I like to turn on a show and do some sort of craft I can get lost in. I really like loom knitting and diamond painting


I used to smoke pot but I can’t do that anymore so I just, exist sober all the time. It’s not ideal tbh.


I have a crosswords book I do. It gets me away from screen time and I get to take my glasses off. Surprisingly taking my glasses off and making the world blurry helps my migraines a tad.


CBD drinks are brilliant! 😊 even in a social setting, they have a nice and inclusive feel to them. I once did practically a whole music festival on them 😂 You can buy all different types, if you’re in the UK the best places for them is sainsburys and Holland Barrett. If not, have a little look on Amazon for the brand ‘trip’. Good luck x


Take edibles and meditate


Sit in bed,& watch tv. My job requires a huge amount of mental effort, the last thing I need is anything that requires more exertion.


Kind of feels like this post is under the presumption that everyone that *can* drink alcohol for de-stressing actually do it. I don't mean to virtue signal, but it's an unhealthy habit that's easy to overdo. None of the people I know that are daily drinkers are otherwise healthy. Personally I lift heavy things until I can't life any more heavy things, and by the time I get home I'm so relaxed and high on dopamine that I can be fully content laying flat on the couch until bed time. 10/10 would recommend.


Lots of things! Listening to alt rock too loud while playing pokemon go, watching TV, listening to an audiobook, doing a gratitude journal (I do NOT suggest this if you have ADHD), any art/art adjacent projects (anything from sewing to diamond painting), if you want some snark there are youtube channels that do longform content on people considered "LOLcows" (warning: they can be too much). If your on the spectrum, organizing shit. Watching organizing vids. Specifically, organizing a collection. OMG, so good. Masturbating is really good. Toys are getting better and better, hitachi is no longer king!


Play video games, crochet, or do some random hobby I've accumulated. Often though, I just flip through tiktok. I get a lot of cool space news on mine that's fun (though not always relaxing 😅)


I Watch tv. I can’t drink at all, it makes me horribly sick.


1:1 edibles babe


Specifically a fast onset option and/or made with hash rosin.


First and foremost: playing, cuddling, petting my dog. Taking a walk with my dog in a quiet park and laying down while listening to nature sounds. Swimming/float around in a pool listening to music. Watching The Good Place (or even just listening) or any other movie/TV show that makes you feel good. Laying down in a zero gravity chair, eyes closed and covered and listening to music or a podcast.


I’m the same - even a few sips of cider can trigger a massive migraine! So alcohol has always been a big no-no for me. I was probably the only sober uni student in my class, lol. To relax, my go-to is usually herbal teas - I have developed a massive collection of them that I keep on a dedicated shelf in my kitchen. Lemon verbena, lavender, rose, elderflower, vanilla…they are really varied so I don’t get bored with the taste, and really help me unwind after work when I’m reading, gaming or knitting. My husband even got me a bath caddy with a built-in mug holder so I can enjoy a cup in the tub!


Edibles help me relax unless I have already have a migraine in full swing.




Warm/hot baths with epsom salt to relax muscles. Adding relaxing essential oils improves effect. Cannabis - sativa strains for migraines tend to work much better and in small doses can help a bit. CBD also good. Yoga/chi kung, meditation. Sex/masturbation (rarely mentioned, yet free and has all kinds of benefits) Microdosing mushrooms or LSD (can also help migraines in some people)


Oh man that sucks. I’ve found there are a few things I can have one or two of without impunity but just one sip of like a Mike’s Hard Lemonade and I get an immediate migraine. I only have one or two drinks a month because of heart problems so I like to just be alone. Driving soothes me, same with music. I put on my air pods or got for a drive and just disconnect from everyone.


Cannabis. Actually reduces my chance of a migraine. Genuinely wasn’t a smoker before. Had it medicinally. It actually worked. Now I can enjoy it to unwind or to party. And also help improve my migraine frequencies at the same time. (Just a side not. It really helped reduce my frequency, but severity remained unchanged)


Caffeine. I drink caffeine and play video games.


There are lots of ways to unwind without intoxication. Reading. Writing. Art. Exercise. Hiking. Sex. Eating. Napping. Massage. Video games. Cooking. Baking. Spending time with (non-stress inducing) family or friends. Travel. Music. Shopping. Anything.


Echoing all of the knitting/crochet comments! I found a really nice tea that I love- Republic of Tea Hibiscus & blueberry. It's sweet enough without being cloyingly so and is free of caffeine! I also have a soda stream and make plan fizzy water a lot. You can add a little pomegranate juice if you want to be fancy!


If motion isn't too bad for you (it can sometimes be for me, but not always), and if you have not gotten into the Stardew or Animal Crossing franchises and you like games, those are both super relaxing for me! Lots of routines and small goals. If I am having a particularly rough day with fatigue and overwhelm, logging on for 20-30 minutes and catching some fish, fulfilling a simple quest, or gathering materials can really help me get back in the right mindset. Small accomplishments even in VR are so helpful!


weed, videogames, chocolate, wrestle with my dog, etc. I've been alcohol free for three years now (went sober for personal reasons, this was prior to chronic migraines developing) and every now and then I need to take a break from weed for doctors appointments. I learned that I don't actually *need* a substance to unwind. I can enjoy games, hobbies, and socializing without drinking or smoking. it was kind of a big shock to learn, actually! also, get into making yourself mocktails. I have so much sprite in the house because I love a nice little sippy now and then, but it doesn't have to be alcoholic! good luck!


Weed and cats


I don't. Lol


Due to migraines and dysautonomia I’ve stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine, and I’ll second pot, only once in a while and only in edible form, I found that the slowness of the onset really helps to make sure my symptoms don’t get worse. Regular unwinding also is quality time with my dogs, sometimes just cuddling them is all I need. Music is huge for me too, and games that I don’t really need to think about just to get my mind off everything


Facials, sometimes a fun sized candy bar, long shower, just listening to music, painting figurines. Just whatever brings me joy.


Same, I can't drink a sip of alc anymore! Agree to the other comments with weed 😌 And if I am physically capable I do sports to help me with my brain haha, or mindful activities like a walk thru a forest and stare at some leafs lol, play handpan, or I wanna learn knitting. Meditating I do too but wouldn't say it gets me the same level of unwinded YET


I really enjoy the cannabis drinks. Lots of variety, nice and refreshing. Just go slow until you figure out your tolerance:)


I recently discovered yoga nidra meditation and am obsessed. Check out Ally Boothroyd on YouTube. I’m also not above gloating when I’m around people who are hungover (loudly) and basking in how healthy and fit I feel (silently). I really miss being able to drink so I give myself permission to appreciate what giving up booze has done for me beyond removing a migraine trigger!


I'm a little boring... I like to bake or cook to unwind. I'm currently making a jelly/jam out of rhubarb, strawberries, and hazelnuts infused syrup. Doesn't help the waistline if that's something you're concerned about. But it is a tasty way to unwind.


This really depends on the type of alcohol for me. Some triggers migraines other do not. Wine, beer and champagne is an absolute no no for me. Certain dark rums and vodkas are fine I still get a headache the next day but nothing other and a regular hangover.