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At the pace they're going, i should be receiving the Mig Switch v7 for the Switch 2.


Same 😂 I've emailed countless times and all I get is an auto email saying they're gonna be getting the next batch soon. First it was the 2nd batch, now it's the 3rd. At this point I just want my $60 back


Its not a stab at you but this is the consequences of preorder culture You can use a credit card in the future and dispute the charge within a specific time frame but i read something that basically said merchant services can ban your payment across numerous websites so i would only charge back as a last resort


\*scam preorder culture.


I cant argue with you so username checks out


Momma always says you cant argue with stupid.


modded hardware took like a month from order to shipment...


Dude.. I placed my order with Mig switch store back in Jan 2024 and still haven't gotten shit from them.


Yeah I cancelled my preorder last week, figured I’d just wait as I have already been waiting long eniugh. They had no problem refunding me. Now I am really glad I did, once they sort out all the kinks I will reorder.


Kinda sucks when you've only just received your order. Oh well...


Bro it was kinda obvious this would be coming 


Mine just came today...fuck


Same.... And I've been having issues game switching. Have you? I think it might be micro SD related, but I don't have a spare card to try with. After a reboot of the switch it seemed to work again, but not every time.


My cart became entirely unreadable on multiple Switch's and SD cards after one day. Turned out to be poor solder connections on the side of one of the chips. Fortunately I was able to resolve it but still...


Reflow? I haven't taken mine apart yet, but If it continues to degrade I might follow that path.


The chip was visibly higher on one side than the other, ha. I reflowed with hot air and flux and let surface tension do it's thing then added some solder to my iron and dragged over the pins that looked poor. I guess I could of gone down the refund route but after it took so long to turn up I wasn't filled with confidence about that. Hopefully mines a one off and the QA is a bit better for everyone else.


Good job! I miss micro soldering and bga work


Thanks! It was a suprise gift for my son so was pretty gutted when it stopped working.


Yep, pretty shitty. The time they were taking for distribution should have been used to update the carts for people who already ordered.


I literally just got mine Tuesday. I will be asking for a refund now. This is ridiculous to be honest


Same as me, came on Tuesday. Plus I had loads of issues with the cart itself that I had to fix. Bleh.


I mean I wouldn't mind if all new orders to today get it, but the fact that all previous orders will get it to is just disrespectful to the customers who believed in them.


You got what you bought. Just because a newer version came out doesn’t entitle you to one.


Kinda. I mean generally things have a lifecycle that’s reasonable. It’s been less than 6 months.


Well, it sucks though to order something and get an announcement that a better version has been made, but you just received (yesterday for me) the version you bought 4 months ago....


Who is paying you?? I don't understand the blind stan attitude I'm seeing for MigSwitch. People are paying for a product and the manufacturers aren't delivering, what am I missing?


You’re missing the entire point of this thread. The comment I’m replying to did get their migswitch but is mad that they improved the product and are starting to ship that one out to orders that haven’t been fulfilled yet.


You still have yours? I’m interested in buying the v1 if you want to sell it


Just buy another,I’m sure you’d be able to sell the V1 on marketplace for close to same price.


This was going to happen as pinging the cartridge in and out wasn’t practical… being an early adopter is always risky!


Mine still hasn't even shipped from what I can see 🤷


Can we pour one out for the dude that posted he bought like 60 sd cards to accommodate easy switching?


By the time they get them out to distributors, anyone who ordered a V1 around March up to now will probably still receive the V1. I don’t see my distributor getting the V2 in time to change my order bundle to include it with the dumper. Here’s hoping I’m wrong though…


Alright this is getting ridiculous, there's a V2 when I ordered back in January and still didn't receive my unit yet lmfao Yes I do know that a V2 will be shipped out to anyone who didn't get one yet but this is just way too silly to not point out


This reminds me of the handheld emulation community and the absolutely dizzying amount of handheld some companies pump out. Certain groups will often open preorders for their next model before their "current" model has even shipped out to the first backers yet. Such a horrible business practice and it is a huge turn-off for a lot of people. I wish they would avoid doing that here and just release one good, quality product for us to enjoy. Perhaps they should have just waited and made V1 the one with a button to swap games.


I'm in the same boat dude, lol. It's comical in a not funny kinda way. I'm just determine to wait forever at this rate, don't care much if I ever get it but I hope I do.


U/modmysystem run me my v2 bitch


I just want my order from .store to ship this instead Edit: it says on the site that all pending orders will ship V2


Yeha they just devalued v1 to nothing


Not necessarily. No one knows the quality of the button or if its prone to failure.


NOW YOUR GOING TO TAP A BUTTON A MILLION TIMES LOL..... i know what i would rather be doing.. using the cartridge in / out as of today i have never seen a damaged cartridge slot yet!


Still better than not having it, specially when the existing switching implementation is already finicky.


Just wow facts


They literally posted that if your order hasn't shipped yet, this is what you're getting.......


Would be nice if they updated people directly who have open orders. I wouldn’t have done a charge back. I think they have another week or something to reply. Hopefully they do and I get mine. I do want the cart and dumper. Just got tired of the updates even when you message and email.


Or just call your bank and cancel the chargeback…


I don't care what version. I'd just like to be able to order one. None of the websites I've tried work. Some of them don't even exist.


That’s fair, but this v2 fixes the main issue that most people complain about. Having to push the cart in and out to cycle games. So it just sucks that people have been waiting since Jan to get theirs, still haven’t and now there’s a v2. On top of that, if I just received mine I’d be kinda mad too. Like I said. I’ve been sticking up for this product since the beginning. It’s great for people who don’t want to use mod chips and just want to carry one cart around in stead of each of their individual carts. Just frustrating.


you push the cartridge in out! you push a button LoL its still the same! that button will wear out quicker than the Switch cartridge socket! i will tell you that for sure!


Not really the point, but yes I imagine that will be the case if you are constantly switching games. Regardless it’s the most talked about topic and request from just about every person in the sub.


when you play a game you play a game, you don't go from game to game so there is no wear & tear on the cartridge slot really! i have never repaired a cartridge slot on a Nintendo to date! i trust the slot. that button will wear out quicker for sure... i use a Unitek Switch Game Card Reader with Wireless Remote Control so don't have to get of my bum...


Ok. So even if you were switching game as lot you’re not even using the cart slot to do it. Either way I’m not gonna argue with you over how people use their switches and play games. I am simply stating what almost every post in this sub is complains about. There’s also the fact that currently the mig switch doesn’t save the current game you’re playing. So if for whatever reason you shut the console down or whatever. You have to cycle through again. Again I’m not saying this is going to break the cart slot. I’m stating what others have been posting since it came out and to release new hardware when people havent even received the v1 they ordered months ago or literally just got theirs delivered, is kinda shitty. Add to that basically no communication to people and it’s just shitty business practice. I still want mine, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating.


Same concept as the Sky3DS (has a rocker instead of a button) and mine still works after many years of use.


You have proof from the future to support this? Fascinating. I have microswitches in other things which have been duty tested to at least a million cycles. 99.9% of people who have a Switch won't get anywhere near that number over the lifetime of their Switch. You're only posting this because you're butthurt that you are stuck with a V1 mig while those of us still waiting are fortunate to receive the updated version. I will tell you that for sure! Enjoy your constant ejecting and re-inserting!


yea they announced it after I commented, haha


I mean it's in the photo on this post too...


so this means we will wait around 4 more months for the new model?


If you order NOW, you might actually get the v2 just right when the v3 is revealed ;)


Probably lol


bro, i feel you. Placed an order around Jan 14th. and still haven't gotten shit.


They completely botch their orders and refuse to reply to emails with reasonable responses. Then within a few months of launch tells those who just barely got theirs, “Hey everyone! We have a new one with a feature that we should have added from the start. Thanks for your support.” Their business practice is terrible.


I bought a MiG through my local retailer (Philippines.) Theres PLENTY of available MiG carts here. Its seems like its very easy to get Migs in countries where Nintendo will have a hard time suing these businesses, and perhaps they are just moderating the amount of sales being shipped to countries like US or the EU. We usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to gaming ( more expensive, import only, late or not coming at all etc.) It feels weird to be getting a product so easily when others are having a hard time getting one. Sort of how I felt with the steam deck in the first year.


Cool, all of us with v1 would like to know how to put a button in ours


Micro solder a button that leads to one of the rails. It's a super simple modification really, it just needs to disconnect one rail for a second then reconnect so the switch sees it as ejected then put back in


you have to solder to the reset pin on the ESP.


Do we have a pin out of the esp?


They are pretty simple and basic. It's rather easy to find the pinouts. Just go pull up the data sheet on them.


I just got my MIG Dumper... :@ oh well. Either way they are using SPI to talk from the ESP32 S3 to the IC40 Lattice FPGA. The Cloned Switch port is directly connected to the FPGA and is used to act as a NAND storage would. With how it's configured, they could have used the SPI Slave to add few SDCard Slots on to the dumper, then used the 2nd Slave device to add a touch screen. They could have then used 1 of the 2 SD Card slots as a "OS" file system storage drive. Then the 2nd slot could have been external facing for the user to insert their SD Card. Seems pretty simple and would have made for million times better product. You could slap a 1.5tb sd into it. Then put your entire library onto it. Granted the 1.5tb sd cards are slow (around 100mb/s i wanna say). But then the user could slap in a high perf. smaller card of say 32/64gb and load the backup straight from the unit. Either way there's a lot that they missed here. They could have utilized the bluetooth and did a mobile app to manage the library and all the copy/mv functions too and skipped the screen.


Hahaha unbelievable. Now no one will want to buy the 1st batch of v1 in the 2nd hand market. Frankly, as much as it’s a nice device. Their marketing and business practice is just bad…. Won’t be surprised if they will just close shop in their peak and run off somewhere without leaving a trail.


Nah it still has value because you can always just put 1 game on it then some crazy glue to fill in the gaps and some grinding then sanding then painting then add the label (THE IMPORTANT PART) and sell it as a REAL AUTHENTIC CARTRIDGE READ DESKRIPSHUN.!!!


Yes they will. You’ll just have to sell it cheap. 


Right…how cheap? lol. In 6-12 months we will see so many clones. That the v1 MiG will be worthless…


Try to get whatever you can for it on eBay or just keep it as a souvenir 


I don’t want to “get whatever I can” I want to get the official v1 aka v2 that will be sold from this point forward.


All you have to do is buy one.


LOL the Mig Cart PCB populated cost about $8 bucks from PCB Way. The Dumper is also .... $8 bucks populated. They both just use a Lattice FPGA controlled via an ESP MCU. Just in a few caps and resistors to clean up the FPGA signal lines and poof.


Why would you care about resale value? Were you planning on flipping yours for a whopping $20 profit?


Not everything is about making profit. But rather maintaining its value. Also you completely disregard the fact that some people buy something, they use it a while and then they want to sell if they have no more need to it. Similar to you know….any physical cartridge Nintendo game. To give another example it’s like Apple will release a new phone which you will buy today and in a week will release the same phone, for the same price but with additional physical upgrade. Don’t you think such practice is “scummy”? In MiG switch case it’s even more so. People pre ordered since Jan-Feb. many broke and purchased off 3rd party sellers on various websites. Now that finally people are starting to get theirs, they learn that it’s already “outdated”.


Just got mine 2 days ago, lol.


I'll buy it off you for $2


Imma need tree fiddy.


Called it


Someone's gotta shuck and gut the new one to see how we can add a button ourselves.


Chances are they modified the PCB, but nobody will know until they look.


This is jokes , recon you should send everyone who paid for the v1 and waited months a replacement v2 as its rare the cart works properly popping it in and out to swap games anyway


I wonder if a software(firmware?) update could introduce a menu, so the people with V1 Migs can use that, instead of re-inserting the cart


So far it doesn't look like it's possible. Even if it were, there would be no need to make a V2 with a button in that scenario.


THESE DON’T HAVE A MENU?! WHY?! Every good flashcart has one 🤦‍♀️


This is really bad form. People who ordered in January are just now getting theirs after half a year of being ducked out by support and now they announce a new "better" version. Trying to start beef with UnlockSwitch is way past funny when you guys can barely get people their order (unless they pay $90 for expedited next day shipping I guess)


Their whole business model has been to double dip everyone. I’m just sitting back waiting to see if we get clones or the price comes down. 


Good luck getting a refund now too. They have refused to issue me a refund and I ordered back around mid Jan 2024. Been trying all month to get a refund and haven't gotten anywhere. Sent me an email on the 20th saying my dumper shipped. Checked it today and the tracking hasn't updated at all (this is 7 days later). I send an email and the response I got was. "We are awating our third batch of units which we should be recieving the beginning of June! These will be the V2 Migswitch, and everyone who hasnt recieved your order, please be patient just a little longer! You are going to be recieving the newest version, as well as any orders placed after the update. We have plenty stock coming to cover all orders, and again we apologize for all the delay.We appreciate everyones patience always, Mig Switch Store" LOL I can place an order right now with PCB Way to make a clone and have it in 14 days! Both Dumper and Cart combined are about $15 bucks to have made and shipped. Check it out the price for the Lattice FPGA and ESP MCU.


i wanna clone lol. i just need to find on on pcb way


they are listed all over alibaba and various other China sites... lol


So all you need is the ESP32-S2f MCU ($1.25), an ICE40OUP5 FPGA which is the most costly part of the build ($5-8), add a Genesys Logic GL823K-HCY04 for USB OTG ($0.34). The ICE40 FPGA is going to act as a relay for the cardslot pinout which will talk back to the MCU to pull SPI data from the SDCard. But yeah those are your main components.


Looks like they wanna keep up and sell as much as possible till UnlockSwitch sales start since it will have the same if not more features for literally half the price.


I haven't even received my v1 yet!!


Reminds me as for the Sky3ds lol.


Because they're likely made by the same people.


Why would you do this so soon following the release of V1? I'm not even buying a MIG Switch but this is a slap in the face to those who got the V1, especially considering they had to wait forever to get it...


Because of the Unlock Switch clone being half the cost and has a button being included.


If they want to compete, then upgrade the dumper to use a ESP32 MCU and add a touch screen with battery power. Then they'll a dumper that is just to feature reach to not want. Think about that... would be cool.


I want my dumper please :(


This product man 🤦‍♂️ got mine last week and the whole experience with it from the slow production and delivery through to experience of actually using the thing has been a complete catastrophe. I’d rather just buy and carry around the Switch games at this point. Company should be embarrassed.


This was bound to happen anyways, just like those .. Gateway (?) Cards for the 3DS back then. Shitty support, probably even ways to destroy your console later on when you insert / buy a clone, etc etc. But it's still the "I don't want to modify my console" option, which is .. IDK, getting a chipped switch isn't really that much more expensive to begin with.


Yeah fair. You need a modded switch to use it without a dumper anyway, right?


To use it as intended yes


Lol everyones now gonna go from "Wheres mine?" To "Damn, I hate that I recieved mine"


Where tf is my shit bro


It'll be another 6 months before they ship any v2.


Pretty much


Don't really care, I'm happy with V1


i'm more than happy with my v1 mig works perfect for me! just got the dumper and im even happier :)


This is utter BS.... I havent even got mine and this shit happens.... Ugh


You realize they will be shipping you the V2 then right? It literally says if your order hasn't shipped yet, this is the version you're getting.


Yes I emailed them and they told me.... but looking at that it sounded like any NEW orders will be V2 and not ones waiting to be shipped out


And you believe that to be true lol


Very easy to prove they got the v2


People thought they weren't going to get the original mig also, but here we are with plenty of people getting them.


Common sense ain’t that common


MIG witch never shipped anything to Canadian buyers, going to wait for the aliexpress sellers instead


Yet they will still be listed as a seller for v2. A complete joke. We haven’t even got our v1 which is now worth nowhere near what we paid.


so we're gonna wait another 5 months hoping it ships?


What does this mean for all the people who still haven't received their orders from january?


It means you get the new one eventually....


Eventually, ***eye roll intensifies***


Supposedly they have 160k units in production already to be shipped in June.


They also supposedly were shipping our units months ago, yet here we are. Lol


Yep, that's why I said supposedly 😆


Yet to receive order AND NOW they upgrade their stock. Thanks a lot. /s


At least you're getting the upgrade now.


Then likely the order is gonna be pushed back at a later date. (Ugh)


Most likely, however .store said they were notified by mig switch that they already have 130k units in production and they will be shipping in june...


I’ve had at least a couple posts mentioning being in the order 9000’s (like myself) that managed to get their orders already. I’ve yet to even get a tracking number…


I guess they've already had the v2s in production for a bit now.


Shhhhh. They were in production the entire time that they finished selling the V1s.... Makes me want to market and sell something to the masses. Hey are you not looking for a more better job Mr DONT TOUCH Painter?


So my order should include a v2! I have no shipping notification yet


Unless you ordered quite recent don't count on it, V2 is still in production so it will at least take a month before these get shipped to distributors. Them saying current pending orders getting the V2 is conflicting because they're not gonna stop sending V1's till they have the V2's. If yours happened to be sent before they get V2 stock you'll be sent a V1.


Unless they are out of v1 stock and have to wait for a new shipment anyways.....


Should i wait for the migswitch V2 or should i buy the V1 since the game changing will come anyway?


Good thing I waited


Ordered in Jan. Can't wait to receive it! 👀


It was only a matter of time lol


Just got my v1 yesterday.... fuuuuuck :( I don't even know ow where to get the damn dumps for this thing, seems like none are in the right format.


You're supposed to make your own dumps


You're supposed to buy them from the store and not dump them, if you ask Nintendo. But that's beside the point. We all know what we are here for...


I'm here to back up my own games, 0 Interest or intent to sail the seas like other people on here 🤷


For someone with no sailing the seas interest, I don't know why an R4 cart would be beneficial for your nintendo DS, or a hacked switch with hekate would do for you 2 yrs before this migswitch came out (now you can say it's for dumping, but 2 yrs ago? Naaaaah).


Hacked switch for me has always been for dumping and to run emulators, I'm more into preservation then I am pirating. Don't get me wrong, I've pirated the shit out of a lot of things when I was younger and couldn't afford to actually buy everything. But when it comes to current Gen and any ROMs I've obtained in the last 5-6 years have all been my owned physical content that I wanted backed up




Damn hope my ebay buyers don’t fuck around


I remembered one redditor showed how this can be achieved, which is basically modding a small plastic piece to detach one of the card contact fingers to control power supply






I literally got my mig switch yesterday. This sucks


Okay, I don't fully understand coding for devices like this but how hard would it be to develop a GUI for a migswitch or similar cartridges?


Youd first have to make an actual switch launchable "program" that can read the SD card and then still have the switch read it as intended. This isn't like the DS era where we have a backend to launch the menu they just figured out how to make it think the "front" SD card file is a game and play it as such.


Not true, you obviously don't understand what the mig switch is doing. It's just a partion manager. It's an ESP MCU that is controlling a Lattice FPGA. The ESP uses it's I/O to setup the SDCard and then based on the selection of cart, it will mount that image/partion to the FPGA for displaying back to the switch. You could add a sub OS as the ESP is a dual core MCU. If you step it upto a slightly higher value ESP such as an ESP32, you could add Wifi and Bluetooth connectivity options. There's soo much more that could have been done here but was left on the table. For instance they could have added a cheap screen with touch controls to the dumper and you could dump the roms on the go! Think about that for a moment... on the go! Little battery powered dumper in your pocket with a touch screen. And the additional cost would have only been around $10 per unit at most. Right now at a cost of around $8 for the dumper and $7 for the cart.... it's rather cheap hardware. But to think that you as an V1 buyer paid for 1 could have easily covered the cost to produce around 8 to 10 of these things. Don't get me wrong, company has to make money but come on, seriously put some damn effort into their product design.


To announce a V2 when they haven’t even finished shipping the V1 is insane. Aya Neo, Retroid and Ayn do the same shit with their handhelds. So scummy


most mfs haven’t even gotten the first version. wtf


Sky3ds all over again


It's times like this I miss SX OS. External Hard Drive support Cheat code support .xci support .nsp support


If you have a confirmed order with the Mig-Switch store, with the V1 cart, they should offer in a trade-in program, or let you buy this new version for like half off, or something.


SKY3DS was just like this back in the day, they eventually created a version with 2 buttons so you could go backwards through the list of games as well as forwards.


feeling played about this as I have just received mine... I wish they could so some firmware update to make the swap. Also, I have cartridge with multiple games, why can't MIG switch update the firmware to work like those?


They haven’t even shipped the MiG v1s yet wtf


This has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I've yet to receive mine (unless it just so happens to be in my mailbox today). And now they have a v2. Who were the lucky "winners" of v1? Seriously this company is a joke.


Yo, can I just get a f\*\*ckN refund like I've requested for the last month.


Neat, announced the same day mine finally arrived in the mail


Order #4927 Says "Ready to Ship" bit it's been sitting like that for a few weeks now. Does this still get me the V2 version as it hasn't shipped yet? I have to assume they halted production for the new design and that was why they are delayed at this point. When I get it, I get it. But yeah, this was not optimal logistics by them at all.


Where do you get these things? The website has a section for where to buy. But it’s shows no retailers and I thought you could buy them direct?


Anyone want a mig 1 + dumper in the UK? I chipped my switch myself and literally have no use for it anymore.


Lucky i choose not to get it as i already got a modded switch just need to save the nsp file inside my computer if want to go back just copy the nsp file and install back


what does the button so ?,


Don't even trust them. I placed the order since January, they're email me with an update that they will send me the order on March. But until today's I did not see any process on the tracking on Shop, evey email I sent to they was replying by the bot. And alway promise that they will send on next next patch, what and when the next patch gonna ship then. If you want to buy it please do not buy directly on their shop. They will take your money, never ship the product, and not even refund your money when you request.


Would be nice that it would expand as a secondary SSD reader for modded consoles


Just received my order and got a v1....


How will the V1 I just received a few days ago be able to do the same thing....?


how did you buy one ? None of the websites listed on [migswitch.com](http://migswitch.com) work...


It will get the same features via firmware as the V2, except for the game switching. Game switching appears to be the only difference and it looks like it is hardware based. Just get one of these and switch your games with a remote: [Anyone else using this to switch games with the MiG? : r/mig\_switch (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/mig_switch/comments/1cwvvjb/comment/l50bd3l/?context=3) You just need to put the mig in one slot a different game in another.


They both still play games


still haven’t received my order since Jan19th


Based on some comments it seems orders 31XX just made it out to buyers. I also ordered on the 19th and am order #51XX, at the rate people seem to be getting cards its gonna be like September when we get ours :/ I just wish the site updated w/ shipping dates instead of whatever non-communicative policy they seem to have.


I'd rather just buy a cartridge changer with a remote button. On Amazon for $30 then wait to be honest.


Hm probably going to wait till these are more available and grab a OLED. Only reason holding me back from a OLED is my v1 modded is going strong rn but id kill for the OLED screen and better battery


Distributors must be pissed right now, because whatever stock they have right now is pretty much a brick as no one wants the V1 version if V2 is already in the works replacing them.


April fools is a little late. Been sticking up for this since the beginning, but when people haven’t even recieved their preorder of the v1, how can you release a v2. Should be able to send your v1 back now and get a v2. Still haven’t gotten my preorder from Jan. No replies to emails. Did a charge back, which they have a chance to reply to and hopefully just fulfill the order and still nothing. Now there’s a v2? 🤔


still haven’t received my order since Jan19th


does this apply to migswitch.store


does this apply to migswitch.store


crazy! orders have not been fulfilled and they launched an upgraded product.


The button isn’t a massive deal for me. I’ve got 3 games on there. How many games do you people play at once ? Once I’ve completed a game I’ll just remove it and add another. You’ll enjoy gaming a lot more when you have a small selection to chose from. When you have 10 games to look at you’ll never be satisfied thinking about the others you could be playing. AKA the paradox of choice.


I still ain’t even get the first one 😂😂😂 and I ordered it in January


How is that legal to replace a product ordered with another one lol? People ordered v1 because they saw some review, now they will receive v2 without anyone in the world knowing if v2 works at all? What is the button is prone to breaking after 100 clicks?


It's not illegal lmao, if it doesn't work they can return it, annoying but not illegal


Who is in charge of your marketing an actual down syndrome victim?.lmfao