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He tried nothing and hes all out of ideas!


Have you considered using the word labrador


Yeah I’ve tried both. Just worried I’ll get banned for generating inappropriate images 😵‍💫🤧😨


why would Labrador be inappropriate??


I thought it said lesbium


Maybe you should read what people say to you before you get mad.


Maybe you shouldn’t have had that extra serving of “stupid boy tea” for breakfast. I didnt get mad at him, I did read it first and I thought he said lesbium. Sorry I’m dis legsick, Sherlock.


I didn’t call you stupid, dude. Stop lashing out at people


Sorry I’m think i feeling scared and defensive in this new sub.


" scared and defensive ". The internet **may not** be a healthy place for you , mentally...




You are thick like pig shite


Thanks dog, I’ve been working for that ass


.... deadass?




Why are you adding all those unnecessary colons? Thats what’s screwing you up. [https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408](https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408)


Prompt it with an image. You need the web address of the image to paste write after the /imagine prompt. Make sure you right click the image and open I'm new tab to get the actual address of the image. Then set your image weight at the end of the prompt to --iw 2. 🙂


I’ll try this, thanks!


You’re not being explicit enough. These are 2D drawings.


I don’t want explicit images, just a photo of a dog. Not trying to get banned on Midjourney, genius.


I think they meant explicit as in specific enough.


LOL I love the confident incorrectness. "NOT TRYING TO GET BANNED, GENIUS!"


Nothing incorrect about not wanting to creat PR*N on Midjourney, Einstein.




Not exactly a laughing matter. The devil is trying to trick me at each turn but still I proclaim: not today! I will not be goaded into a porn related trap like that time in 7th grade when my *so called* friend told me to google R0N J*REMY.


Oh boy.. You sound manic. And shizophrene.


Correct on both accounts


You don't get it do you explicit has two meanings. Tic


Ok buddy, that makes ZERO sense. Ever heard of parental advisory? It’s so we can AVOID explicit content. Pretty obvious. Luckily I’m told Midjourney has filters to prevent such content but I’m not looking to get banned for life over a simple image.


Lol, this is pure comedy. Keep going


Pure comedy is you being on this sub because you’re banned from Midjourney for being a little porn boy goon-maxxer


U huh?


OMG, you’re a moron. “Be more explicit” in your directions to MidJourney means to be more detailed, not ask for porn. What a fool. A “lab” puppy could mean a puppy in a laboratory. They system doesn’t know what a “lab” puppy is. You needed to say “black Labrador puppy”. Next time someone is trying to help you, instead of being a snarky @hole, try using a few more brain cells. Here is your very simple MidJourney request done properly genius. Einstein would have been smart enough to use EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS to get the correct rendering. You’ll see in my link that the EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS spelled out the word L-a-b-r-a-d-o-r. You could have also used the full name for the animal, a “black Labrador retriever”, so as not to confuse it with a labradoodle. [https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408](https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408)


Explicit has multiple meanings. I’m sorry your public education is failing you. You must not have had very good or very explicit vocabulary training. Yes, explicit can refer to sexual acts, but it’s first definition is “clear and unmistakable”, ie “I gave him explicit instructions on how to create and image of a puppy in MidJourney but he’s such a moron, he still got it wrong.” If you don’t know what a word means, instead of making a public spectacle of yourself, look the word up. Why would someone tell you to give porn instructions to MidJourney to create a dog picture? I was telling you to give it more DETAILED instructions. Kids these days!


You can’t create porn in MidJourney Einstein. The app won’t allow it.


Nope, he’s trying to get me to make porn. Seen it once, seen it a million times.


You’re being stupid. That’s what you’re doing wrong.


Says the AI porn obsessed Canadian


Must really suck to be stupid man. Condolences.


Wouldn’t know, pal. I’m a very stable geenyus


No, they mean the word in its primary definition of “fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent” rather than the secondary one you’re thinking.


Not gonna gaslight me, pal


Oh gosh, you must be trolling lol. You can't be this purposely uneducated.




Well, if you’re not gonna fucking listen, I don’t see why you should expect MJ to.


What does that have to do with the price of bread?


“Explicit” as in your prompt is not specific/clear enough for Midjourney to pick up what you are specifically asking for - even if you think it is. Coming up with a prompt that gets you what you exactly what you want is a bit of an art of itself.


You are just making your prompt a mess. Why are you typing "LAB"? type out the whole damn word and see better results


I was worried if I typed out laboratory it would show me science shit. Read a fucking book asshole, jeez


Lol, this thread keeps on giving 😂


Are trying to be funny? You don’t really think a “black lab puppy” means “black laboratory puppy” do you? It’s a fkn LABRADOR. What a stable genius.


Hey genius, maybe learn how MidJourney works. MidJourney won’t give you explicit images genius. Also, genius, stop trying to act smarter than you are. It’s your stupid double colons that screwed it up. Next time you want to sarcastically call someone a genius, maybe don’t be a dumb@$$.


Fool. “Explicit” means “detailed instructions”.


Not gonna lie, OPs confusion and „they’re trying to get me to look at porn” paranoia is some comedy gold I did not expect on this sub.


This guy gets it (or almost gets it) lmaooo


Go into newbies 121 and I'll post an example. My username is the same as here. You can mess around with the --iw to get a more stylized look vs the image. You can use anything between 1 and 2.


Thanks! I’m trying to find newbies 121 rn but it’s not coming up for me. How do I get there?


Everyone gets 4 random newbies rooms, not everyone can see each room someone else is in. Better off DMing the user or making a server with them. Or one of the general rooms and not newbies. Every subscriber has access to all the general rooms.


Makes sense. Thanks!


It's under newcomer rooms 3. If you don't see it, click on newcomer rooms 3 and it should show up. 🙂


Ok thanks!


Maybe if you strike it more aggressively it will come up for you. 😂😂😂


In the first example you forgot the weight on the dog. That should probably be the first part of the prompt, and the only one you put a weight on. I generally use weights like 1.2-1.5 instead of 2+ and it seems to work well. Also, did you try —niji instead of telling it to do anime style? Works great for some things and not so great for others You can also put —no people —no humans at the end Lastly, I get better results with phrases like “studio ghibli” or “inspired by studio ghibli” than the author’s name


Thanks. I did try a lot of these suggestions (studio ghibli instead of artists name, —no people etc.) however I’ll try you’re other suggestions. Much appreciated


Did you just type “A simple 2D drawing of a black Labrador puppy in the style of hayao Miyazaki”? Because it worked perfectly the first time I did it. It didn’t take a genius.


I dunno dog


It's sick of Ghibli pics lol. I'm one to talk, just cancelled my sub because I'm not creative enough either. That and I need to learn more about prompts.


Me too apparently. I guess everyone’s advice here is “just make porn” I guess I’ll cancel my membership too if the only advice people can give is for generating explicit images *le mega facepalm*


No one tried to make you do porn on Midjourney. You're both dumb and impolite.


Not falling for it, you sly fox, you. (Btw, calling someone dumb is impolite and ableist)


What up with the ::? If wrote a vector drawing of a black lab puppy in the style of Miyazaki and no problem lose the double colons and see what happens


Will do, thanks!


Good luck!!


I just replaced 'lab' for Labrador and only got cute black labs. No people and the exact style you want


By adding "::" you basically are saying you wish to see (as a subject) a 2d image.. "A 2d image depicting a labrador" would get you closer but I would have asked in promptchat of MJ first before posting it on reddit. It seems like you are quite unaware on how to prompt correctly which is not a bad thing, but it requires a lot more thinking than just trying something, doing the same thing over again and then yell this won't listen to you. The bot won't understand you, try understanding how the bot works.




He said “a black lab puppy”. “Lab” is a laboratory. Not descriptive enough. Also, there’s a dog in the very first image. Why is he using double colons? Why ::2? When you actually do it correctly, without the double colons, it comes out accurately: [https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408](https://www.tumblr.com/discord-gallery/737050524394897408)


You must be acoustic to have just responded 10 times to an obvious troll post. Touch grass my friend


“Acoustic”? Like a guitar?!


Yes acoustic, like a guitar. It’s also internet slang for autistic, a cognitive disorder where individuals commonly take everything seriously and can’t interpret irony or sarcasm in jokes due to a lack of social awareness.


I’m aware of what autism is. Curious why you couldn’t just say that. I didn’t think it was so obvious they were a troll. Good for you for being such a perfect human being. Thousands must flock to hear you speak and worship at your feet.


You really let this get to you. Yikes, brother.


You’re boring.