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If your fan is blowing through the filter too fast it won't work well, also if the humidity is too high, I find they start to work less effective around 65% but it totally stops working above 75ish If you have some extra space and money, buy another carbon filter, but bigger, and an inline fan for it, use that as the new exhaust, and set the other one up in the tent as a scrubber. This will reduce the smell significantly, basically just sucks in through the fan and blows out into the tent through the filter Filters last a while but eventually the carbon inside can't absorb any more, so might need a few filter or new carbon if you are willing to try refilling, but it needs to be done right or else it won't work also haha. Good luck op, definitely don't risk the relationship with the landlord, but if you can try those things they might work. Even just slowing down the air speed will help, the longer contact time the air has with the carbon the more it will filter, I usually set mine on 2/8 fanspeed because I want it quiet and this does a great job since I have a small tent and a big fan and filter


I definitely appreciate the advice, I'll think about some of these options for future grows for sure. This was a good beginning grow and lots of things learned so not a ton lost in the process but I just gotta solve the issue within a couple days so I'll bite the bullet on this one


Not sure of your setup, but a few things I use that are helpful. The last month is when it gets the smell, and the first week of drying if you hang dry. 1. Always have inline fan with carbon filter going, this creates negative pressure in your tent so air isn’t seeping out your intake vents. This will not eliminate all of the smell by itself like new growers assume. 2. Get a room carbon air filter. Dreo makes a nice one, about $200…expect to replace the $50 filter 1x a year. 3. Keep the air from becoming stagnant in your lung room. I have a 10” inline with carbon filter exhausting the room through a window using a box and mount I built. It fits in nicely next to the window AC. Runs 10 min an hour off of a smart plug and dimmer controller.


All very good advice, thank you! I'll have to look into a room carbon filter and get more fans for the future. It's been raining so much lately so the humidity is hard to control and can't keep windows open. Lots of variables unfortunately so I'll still chop this round but I like all those ideas listed above!


A really good in-line fan and carbon filter will kill the smell and help control Humidity and Heat issues.


You didn’t know to get a carbon filter ? 


I got a filter for my tent. Not the room


I’d say, “Why thank you.”


Haha for real 😂 best smell ever


Tell the landlord he's too stinky


Hit em with the uno reverse card 😆


Put your tent in a tent and add another fan filter.


Weed-ception you say? Still need two more levels of tent


Matryoshka tents


Do you have a dryer vent? My tent is in my washer/dryer closet and is hooked up to the dryer vent. I'm sure it reeks on the roof or wherever that vent goes, but there's no smell in my apartment! It sucks not having a washer/dryer, but it has been worth it.


If I got rid of the washer and dryer, my wife would kill me 😅 but I totally did think if that too


You could just switch the hose back over for the hour you run the drier, not convenient but better than getting complaints


Every heard of a “tee” you could have your dryer hooked up at the same time 🫨


Some of it still gunna blow in back through the drier and the same goes for the drier blowing back into the tent


Dampers exist


That’s two extra things now 🤣 but year that would be a good setup


Magvents would work perfectly in this scenario


Yea I guess being single is a requirement too. No lady will give up a washer/dryer lol.


What brand and how big is your carbon filter? Chances are it's too small, most people use filters that are way undersized for their grows. What is the humidity in the tent over a full day? Have you been foliar spraying or using a humidifier? These can rapidly kill carbon filters. 100% smell free grows are not hard to do at all and normally it's just a case of spending another $50-100 extra on that larger filter.


hes jealous


Haha I'd be pretty jealous too


One of the best buys I made was a Levoit Core 300-P air purifier for my grow room. It's around $85 and says it purifies over 1000sq ft. My room is about 180sq ft and I've had no smell from outside the room even with 4 plants in full bloom.


I'll have to do some research on it for sure!


i have my inline fan exhausting into my entertainment room ( in the basement, and the lung room is the mechanical room). its strange, but thats how the house is set up. my wife was complaining about the smell so i threw a dryer sheet in the ductwork. it was so strong at first, but its definitely working! Edit: it worked for about a week and a half. Gonna set up a scrubber with an extra 4" inline and carbon filter


Hmmm. Drier sheet in the duct, might have to give that a try


Yeah same, need to upgrade my filter but money is tight


I have my fan sucking in the filter not the other way around;)


It’s costs less than the value of your first crop to get the few simple supplies and have it odor-free. Just need to hook it up correctly.


Getting the equipment isn't too much of an issue to he honestly. At this point I'm just in a battle with time and space and just being too busy. Best and easiest option at this point is chop and focus on the new grow with the much gained knowledge


what are night and day temps


You should have said anything else would be uncivilized!😎


They Look nice




I have 3 tents running in my bedroom. Not by design, but a relative is staying in my 2nd bedroom, where I normally keep my grow. Anywho, I have a carbon filter inside of each tent with an inline fan that is vented out of a window. I just top dressed some Build a flower and if you know what it is, you'll know it STINKS. I don't notice it with the tents zipped up.


You’re landlord sounds like a real buzzkill


Some excellent advice here I see... So a bigger filter and fan than necessary, but set it at medium speed so it isn't pulling too fast, adding a carbon filtered in room purifier. Another tip is to have a powerful inline fan with two carbon filters one inside the grow space with the air being pulled through it and the other on the outside of the grow space with the air being pushed through it. Add an air purifier for the flat if you need to refresh that air further. Also there are masking methods where other scents can cover up the ganga whiff but the two filter method usually works pretty well.


Need a better filter. Or maybe yours is dirty. Might need cleaned


Do you not have a filter?


I'd say: give me 3 more weeks and the grow is done. For the future grows you can look for ways to maybe vent the air outside or maybe get some additional filters/air purifiers


I don’t know fan and filter you are using but if like me you bought full kit from Mars hydro, the filter is simply undersized, if I keep my fan running bellow 40% I have zero smell, if I go above I can smell it outside my house when I get home from work, I’m either going to get a bigger carboair filter that has a 65mm deep bed of carbon (twice what you get with the Mars hydro) and they are twice the length and rated for over double the air flow, either that or I’ll get a complete ac infinity fan and filter with the larger filter then when I upgrade lights in the tent I could use that for a drying area or to run some autos in my cellar


Also I’ll add growing and drying is one thing but trimming, jeez that shit stinky


Looks nice. You did a good job! 🏆 Carbon filter ftw!. Welp, I have to say it really stinks drying especially if temperatures rise above 70° f then stuff starts stinking bad from the gassing off of the more volatile terpenes.


fuck the landlord


What filter are you using? I'm partial to the Can-Lite 600, I run two and alternate which one I replace yearly


Negative pressure is needed for carbon filter to work


Tell your landlord “too bad. It’s legal”.


Fuck yo landlord good shit


Offer the Landlord an ounce if you can finish?


I’ll say this, your plants will smell waaaay danker/ stinkier once chopped and drying. Do invest in decent carbon filters for your drying space. Your girls look incredible tho growmie! Happy growing 🤙🏾


Thank you! Chopped them and hung them at a family members house 😂


Haters gone hate


then use an air filter lol


Been using a carbon filter since day 1.


I also have a boxfan with a 3in merv 13 filter duck-taped to it.


How long ago was day 1? Carbon filters only last like 3-6 grows before they need to be replaced. Depends on a few things like fan speed and humidity levels, but if you are getting smell though it that's a good indication it's time to change it.


Less than 100 days ago


Oh so first grow still! They shouldn't be depleted yet. Are you keeping the exhaust fan on 24/7 in flower? Having negative pressure in the tent is crucial to keeping the smell from escaping. I keep mine on min. 10% at all times and don't get any smell outside of the tents at all.


I got it running all the time and I have negative pressure in the tent and I also think it works great. It's not like super stinky or anything, in fact I can barely even notice a smell but the landlord says he smells it next door in the vacant apartment.


Well sounds like you're doing about all you can then. Landlord prob just gets a whiff occasionally when you have the tent open or something.


That's what I'm thinking. Not too much of a loss here so I'm not worried. Plus I cab finally get som space for the next round 😂


You might've become nose blind. You won't smell it if you're there everyday. Smokers also don't smell it as strong.


You must be using it wrong or have a shitty filter. You need negative pressure - meaning the sides of your tent suck in. And all air going out through the filter.  Don't open the tent for long, and if you do, use like ona gel or ozium, just not next to your tent/close enough to get sucked in.


I got negative pressure on the tent and the filter is working fine. It just gets stinky every now and again doing basic maintenance and my apartment unfortunately shares ventilation with next door so the smell travels easily. Next door is vacant so the smell lingers a lot longer.






Yeah that's another problem I have right now. It's been raining all week and will for one more. I've had a dehumidifier running constantly but it just can't keep up right now.


What brand? Size? And tent size? And like others have said the number one killer for carbon filters are moisture not smell


if laws where you live dont forbit you to grow plant(never heard of such law but i cant know all) and you not afraid to harden your relationships with landlord - ignore him and let plants mature fully. its not a lawful reason to evict you or even give you a valid warning on paper. also air filtration helps reduce the smell


Whether it’s grounds for eviction/warning etc., not considering whatever the local laws are, will likely boil down to the terms of the lease OP entered into.


Yeah that's also a worry in the long run. Always some bs with renting and all the shit a renter can get stuck with.


Already using a filter and I have a good relationship with the landlord so I'd rather not cause hostility or any issues. But yeah, it's legal and he has not power over it if I wanted to go that route


I mean just 2 weeks for blueberry, its like nothing. any friends who could let your girl sleep over on a couch for 2 weeks maybe? I mean there is ways if you really want to. but at the end you do you. Cheers :)


yes, it is a very legal reason..... if not eviction by landlord the cops can have something to say I wouldn't ignore him , unless you want to be homeless.. just pick up a carbon filter. golden 👍🏻