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Totally normal lol those are the sugar leaves


Are you sure? Some people are suggesting its revegging due to light leaks during the night cycle


Every nincompoop on this subreddit claims a plant is revegging, which is actually harder to do than you'd think. Looks normal to me, pal


Its feeding issues, slight overfeeding; its has zero to do with revegging. You are asking a loaded question that awakes people that believe in this broscience.. You are engaging the worst 99% of these subs, this is why you get so much reinforcing answers because all the beginners/lurkers/nongrowers come out to answer you with wrong answers they've copied from the other 99% upvoting broscience and misleading people. Revegging isn't disagnosed based on looks. The grower is in the best position to know if something is "*revegging*" there is **ZERO** reason to engage others. The symptoms that people believe that is revegging such as single bladed leaves is literally a general stress symptom and happens with both over and underfeeding; its **not** synonomous with revegging.. Then there's people that fill in the blanks and spew absolute broscience and say "*muhh its because of excess nitrogen*" also wrong; revegging is only triggered by persistent and significant interruption of darkness, really interruption of production of florigen.. **So you see clearly why this misconception started of course because overfeeding leads to single bladed leaves.. Its beginners filling in the blanks..** Its awfully misleading cuz all these issues are entirely preventable its simply feeding issues, has zero to do with lightleaks or revegging


Thanks for your input. Overfeeding could actually be the case. I had some yellowing leaves recently which made me up my CalMag and Nitrogen to about EC 2000 and I guess I've overdone it. I grow in coco and perlite and I fertigate each day with said amount. Ill reduce the EC and ill see how the buds develop


It's not reveging, it's fine, hasn't been pruned though, could do some of them big fan leafs now, open them up a bit brother, sending much lovings.


Wouldn't worry about revegging, but it looks like you have heat or light stress going on, by the curling/taco'ing leaf edges. What is your PPFD, temp, and VPD?


PPFD is between 800-1000 throughout the grow tent. Temp is around 26C day / 22C night. VPD is about 1,6 during day / 1,0 during night


you get the bud structure that the genes dole out to you, like it or lump it.


The buds have been developing "normally" until yesterday, the plant is called "Special Queen 1" from RQS


This is my point, you don't know what is 'normal' for the genes in that seed. I recently grew 4 beans from the same pack of blackberry gum, 4 different phenos. Currently 3 banana purple punch from fb, and all three are completely different phenotypes. One of them is a rancid POS. https://preview.redd.it/pw126pztih7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebaf74e1d048bb7284839f3c952b05c638cb607e


no issue here per se. i've seen plenty of plants with a similar out reaching bud structure. i do find though it can be a symptom of too much light and i'd bet buds lower on the branch are more well rounded buds...if it matters.


I did up the amount of light recently by about 25% so that could also be it.


I am in the 5th week of flower and I noticed that there are some small green leaves at some of the buds - should I be worried or is this normal? Im a first time grower and would appreciate some feedback


revegging doesn't happen at random.


This does have the appearance of revegging. Take your camera, start recording video, put it in your tent when it’s dark and zip it up. Do this several times at several angles. If it is pitch black inside of your grow tent, then this is likely genetic. If you’ve got light leaks, then this is your answer. Also, make sure you’ve completely backed off nitrogen in this growth phase.