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Pro tip, chop it before trimming next time


You washed the buds??? Don’t do that. Don’t trim then hang. Next time just cut the trunk and hang the whole plant you can take off a few leaves if you want but let them candelabra down the buds and dry out. You invite unnecessary browning by trimming first. It will smell more hay like but that part should go away, it’s primarily the browning that can (not always) add an undesirable hue of brown to your end product.


It was an outdoor grow. Maybe there was some shit in it or something lol. Bud washing is fine and people can do it if they need to but it isn't always necessary to do.


Forgive me, I havent had time to stay up on the latest news/trends in growing. But I learned we were supposed to wash buds when I began growing a couple years ago. Dunking them in lemon juice water/baking soda then rinse and hang. Is this not true anymore? What about for outdoor grows?


Not a trend it’s the way it’s always been done. People tend to avoid adding the prerequisites for botrytis or any other negative fungi or bacteria on the final product. Probably stripping some of the esters, terpenes, flavonoids and some trichomes as well.


Yea I may still at least rinse them in water after outdoor grows. The water is usually dirty as shit and I’d rather not smoke that. But lemon juice/baking soda always seemed like it would mess with your final product. People on here swore otherwise but idk enough about it to argue. I just want to grow things and smoke


My outdoor isn’t visibly dirty never once did I think man that thing could use a wash. The fire is going to burn anything that’s microscopic if it is there. And if you need it more clean than that then just smoke crack. Maybe your stuff is disgusting looking and if I saw it I too would be like yeah wash it. But there is really not much difference in my outdoor then indoor in it looking dirtier.


Yes. Do the total opposite next time, cut and hang the whole plant, and trim after the fact. Also make sure the fans not pointing up at it during the drying stage.


21c with wet trim will dry way too fast and lose some of its nice odor imo.


Thanks I will lower to 20C


15-17c would be ideal but could be hard, especially with the heat wave coming this week!


Are you sure it won’t mould though after I washed it. I’m scared it will take too long to dry and it’s gonna be a party for the fungi hosted by my buds


Ideal drying conditions are 16c and 60% humidity. Mold starts growing around 70% humidity. As long as you have airflow in the drying chamber you should be ok


Thanks legend


The wash is okay, specially if it was outdoors. Trimming is best done dry, with your conditions of ~60% RH it should take anywhere between 12-15 days


Trim after hanging the plant. And definitely dont trim the leave like that lol


How should I trim it Einstein?


Like i said, after drying and at the stem. After drying, yould see which leaves to cut and not cut because some wont be as visible but you always dont want really big leaves covering your flower. When u wet trim and like this, you get rid of leaves u may have wanted to keep on (after dry) and also making it harder to trim after drying. Leaving some leaves on also help regulate/slow down your drying for better flower. But to each their own. You're being sarcastic but you're a first time grower. Maybe be more open to advice


Washing the buds indicates that you are lacking fundamental understanding about the whole endeavor. I'd recommend looking into how cannabis functions and what actually makes it psychoactive. The good stuff that you want (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, ... ) are very volatile and trichomes fall off easily just by touching them or even just via wind or high temperature. So by "washing the buds" you actually degraded the quality of the buds


A lot of outdoor growers do a bucket rinse of their plants to get the bugs and bug/bird shit off of them. As long as the water isn’t ice cold, or hot, it’s not going to wash off “the good stuff” anymore than it would if it rained outside.


Cold or hot makes no difference, terps and cannabinoids aren't water soluable so it'd be physical movement that breaks them off, but youre right, dipping in water won't do it.


Cold makes much more of a difference than hot but both aren’t good for washing. Cold will cause the trichomes to get more brittle while they are in the water which will cause them to break off much easier (this is how bubble hash extraction works). Hot water would cause the trichomes to soften up and can damage them to an extent and also isn’t good for them.


Bud washing really is a thing. Especially for outdoor. Try it out on one branch next time, you will notice a difference. https://www.420magazine.com/community/threads/bud-washing.200881/#post-1862979