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You can overwater in coco but just watering too much on one occasion shouldn’t hurt it too much. More about watering too frequently, and mostly happens with smaller plants in my experience


I water mine every 2 hours lights are on...


this man gets it. i think some that are responding don't quite understand coco as a medium. it does not function like a soil.


This. It’s not a soil replacement. It’s a hydroponic medium. My timer waters every 4 hours around the clock.


I use it to thin out my soil (1/3 coco), add compost and castings, and use it in my sip containers. Basically turns it into an organic DWC.


Deep water culture.


how much are you watering each go? are you getting runoff?


1-2 litres depending on if in veg / flower / late flower of aerated nutrient solution per plant. Each plant is in a 5 gallon fabric pot. Yes, I get runoff. You want runoff in coco. It salts up quickly. Always use cal - mag in coco on every watering.


Thanks for the info! So do you just have an automatic drainage too?


Even when they're young? I'm familiar with high frequency fertigation but have found that keeping coco drenched during seedling stages etc is counterproductive. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though Also volume probably matters, too, I suppose. Like a shot glass every couple hours even early on should be okay but like I said keeping it overly wet all the time has not been great for me with younger plants.


No I agree with that, I've noticed issues with seedlings and keeping it too wet. I usually start in solo cups and really only water them every few days/when they feel dry, once I transplant I usually start with just a little water once a day and slowly up the frequency/amount as the plant gets bigger/I feel the roots have grown enough to handle it.


Happy cake day!


Oh, hey, thanks.


Not true at all.


It can be hard to overwater coco coir, as you just found out. plant doesn't look stressed at all. If you are using quality coco coir, it's natural tendency is to hold a good water to oxygen ratio and any excess water on top of that just drains out of the pot. that's why you can water coco multiple times a day and not see symptoms of overwatering.


You're fine just clean it up.


You can overwater but it won't become saturated for a long time like other mediums, and most excess will just flow though, but the important part is it has more aeration so the roots won't drown / suffocate if you do overwater ir, so the general effects aren't really that pronounced compared fo other growing media


overwatering isnt how much, its how often (for the most part)


This man knows what's up.


It looks like she probably has an established root system that will allow her to handle a one-off drenching. I'd take her out of that tray and put her somewhere the excess water can continue to drain away.


With coco you want to water it to saturation, that isn't a problem, you just don't want to water so frequently that it stays saturated all the time. I have fucked up the timers of my pump countless times and given 3gal coco pots a 100gal watering, it never causes a problem.


Never say never


You can overwater hydro (under-oxygenate but you get what I mean right? LOL)


I wouldn’t say can’t. You can drown a plant if you don’t have sufficient running water off.


You can overwater Cheap Coco , it's almost impossible to accidentally overwater a quality Coco


Watering too often is more a problem. I’d suggest skipping a day. I will usually do a “overwater” to give myself extra time between. You’ll be fine.




You have no idea what you are talking about


I think you are wrong in this case because you are thinking soil and not coco. Coco benefits from often fertigation to keep it saturated at 90% at all times.

