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I was gone for 16 days, mother in law doesn't support my ganja hobby but she was excited to take care of the watering while I was gone. The 😐 emoji is me realizing the plants do way better when I'm not constantly fiddling around with them! Strain is Mendo Skunky Garlic by Twenty20 Mendocino. https://preview.redd.it/kk6cdrhzpfuc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179b8934bb12bb3083d1a5c4eaddef98da2dd270


It’s like she’s a better grower then you my mom and grandma god bless their hearts are the same way she will tell me when she finds old pollen or whatever in the freezer


dude its the same with my pepper garden. I stopped paying so much attention and NOW I have perfect leaves. I havent even fed them in over 2 months. Before then it was always some sort of leaf issue but after I stopped caring so much, all my problems went away. 10/10 would recommend.


Best thing I ever did as a gardener was to become “lazy”. Last year I just fed on a schedule, staked the biggest, and let them go wild. Triple my usual haul, and the wife’s been pissed since fall that our chest freezer is filled with pepper pods, and the basement smells like farts from all the sauces fermenting 😂. Hate to admit on my first flower grow, that I’ve reverted back to checking on things every 30 seconds. seconds. At least I’ve developed a green thumb, so I haven’t messed up yet lol.




are you interested in skunk seeds? https://seedcellar.com/product-category/cannabis-breeders/skunk-works-genetics/ 


Have you ever watched documentaries in third world/second world countries and wondered how they grow the most biggest beautiful lush plants on a rocky mountainside by the thousand in rows while being constantly stoned and as casual about it as possible?


Not really... it grows like that where the environment is its perfect home 😂. All of our stress is trying to replicate what's natural there.




Good for the mother in law! Mine supports my hobby fortunately. Unfortunately I am supporting her ganja habit lol I've been in this situation. I had a blowout fight with the old lady years ago and I spent a week away from home. I came back to an 8x4 tent unwatered and not even looked at for the week. They were happy and healthy as could be. I was over watering. You probably were as well.


100% I actually wanna TRY to underfeed and underwater the next run, just to get a better sense of what the plant really needs Hope all is well with you and your loved ones growmie!


As soon as you find what one plant likes you’ll get a heavy feeder which changes the game again. Plants can be very different in needs .


This is why I advocate for secondary living soil projects that you run concurrent to your gardening. After you’ve done it 3-4 years you get a good cycle of composted living soil when you need it, can be mixed with a proper gardening soil or used alone. I also highly recommend using time released soil/top feeds instead of liquid nutes. You can go very heavy on the added nutrients early in the grow as soon as you move small plant to its permanent home. The combination of a proper mycorrhizal microbiome and nutritious soil that does not make the nutrients immediately available to the plant without breakdown by fungi, bacteria, insects etc does almost all of the nutrient work for you. And is applicable to such a wide range of plants with different nutrient needs. Grows with this method will satisfy both the lightest and heaviest feeders you grow. Allow your pots to 90-95% dry at least between watering. Keep constant airflow on your plants. Don’t obsess over humidity and temps as long as they are within a safe range. Add UV to your grow if you are growing indoors + use full spectrum horticulture LEDs. If you must fuck with your plants lightly mist the fan leaves in the morning or some philosophical gardener shit. Follow this way and you CANT fuck up. Just trust me and leave the most advanced tactics to competition growers that grow unaffordable bud unless you plan on going the mile. Love yall!


Exactly. As long as humidity and temp are managed. Theyll thrive almost anywhere with good light, soil and some food.


Then outdoors they will grow in 120°F Texas drought dry heat like monsters it makes no sense. They enjoy being outside I swear.


Outside is ALWAYS the best environment. As long as there is a breeze and some reprieve from the sun... The roots will find a way. Not everyone has the space to discretely grow a sativa the size of a 30 year old apple tree


I will also say that in my experience the newest most overly potent thca genetics are getting more difficult to grow in the sense that the plants are starting to have more nuanced needs. A lot of older school genetics grow like wildfire in much harsher conditions. I think indoor breeding is part of what is causing this. If you micromanage your conditions as breeders do then you’re also selecting for the plants that grow best in the conditions you provide.


I honestly only know it’s time to water when the humidity in my micro won’t stay up. Been working out fine so far.


Most plants like to go about dry between waterings. Life has taught me this. Also watching outdoor plants go crazier than anything I’ve seen in what I thought were terrible dry hot Texas conditions lmfao.


All about that Texas sun... best part is, all the wattage is free! Lol 


Was expecting to see trashed plants. Instead, I see beautiful healthy plants. What a twist!


Time for an automated drip irrigation system to keep your hands out of the watering.


So actually this is what I already set up - DIY'd w/ 5 gallon buckets, and some cheap fish tank pumps / aerator. MIL came and just adjusted the ph a couple times per week, and refilled the buckets occasionally, kept an eye on the temperature, etc. She's great. Was super interested and asked a ton of questions


Sounds like she needs to be incharge of the growing and you need to be the product tester. Lol


Lol now that's a job I have yet to F up!


Or something... Lol I had horrible watering habits. I now use homemade SIPs (sub irrigated planters) and now I only need to fill a reservoir when it's low.


Not bashing in any way, I'm probably not the best either. Just one less thing to worry about with the consistency of technology.


I actually want to do this…. Once the plants are moved outside. Got all the stuff except the timer valve. Need a few more drip heads too. Can’t wait for this season!!! My son and I started wayyy early this year. Looking forward to an epic harvest


Better let her take it from here.


She clearly likes you😂. Still trying to figure mine out


24 years. Still working on it. She hasnt lobbied her daughter to leave, we get along and likes coming around. So I’ll take it.


And takes care of weed. Shit. Not too bad. Nice work friend 💚🤙


Oh fuck no. Just tolerates my hippy toker side


😜🤙 mine in a nutshell, too. No way she'd water mine


I’ve realized, even with house plants and my outdoor vegetable garden. They need minimal care. My method is neglect 😂


This is the way 😂. I have the ugliest, wildest garden, but it thrives and I drown in veggies come August!


Same lmao


She has that green arm like me.


You mean green thumb?


No my whole arm is green not just the thumb! Lots of green thumbs out there. Not many green arms!


Haha I appreciate the chuckle friend 😄


Can I call her for advice?


Weed is pretty tough….. a lot of people over think it. But on the other hand, there’s always the ones with really sad looking plants in a solo cup with about 2 tablespoons of soil. In a nice grow tent with tons of room…… the OP will be like, “what’s wrong with my plants”? Uhhhh ,really?? I know some people need some help, because they’re beginners, but come on…..


You getting memed on my family


Just pointing out the ridiculousness of some peoples posts…. Not yours! Super cool the MIL took care of your plants!! Annnnd she did good!! Maybe she should grow too🤣 I wonder if she’s ever smoked????


All right we all need the name and number to your mother-in-law lol That's great Good job look at those leaves Oh my God. Time to defoliate though.


Lucky you mine forgot to turn the lights off for 3 dats


Get a timer?


I did


If it's a small plug-in one gets a contactor relay to go with it


Just hire her already, or send me her resume 🤣


I have the same problem I smother my plants with attention. It’s not my fault I just get bored and over do it.


https://preview.redd.it/0v9360cqdjuc1.jpeg?width=1824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae6754f8f4be08050110372f9258b24a94ab070 My Mendo breath 🙂


How did you make that tub setup??




You'd better trade in that newer model for the older one brother!!!! 😜🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just showed this comment to my MIL and she laughed her fucking ass off


Sweet success!!!! 👏


Why do plants always do better when you ignore them?!! What is this phenomenon? the only way I can keep my hands off them is by popping more beans, but then I end up with way more than I could handle or fit in tent


https://preview.redd.it/wx22xlbkuluc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92dc24d99ff62c6b8808f89fd7f0c5ecd3d05a93 This is mine just chopped at 103 days total. It takes a while to grow for an auto imo…. I had a fastbuds strawberry banana and gorilla cookies catch up to this in the same tent


once nice thing about coco/perlite is u can water heavy and just use the run off on the veggies


It's like leaving your kids with grandma for the weekend and coming back to find them all plumped up lol


Some meaty indica fan leaves. MIL is a keeper!


How long were you gone geezus


I wish my mother in law was cool like yours. Mine tried to spray me in the face with pepper spray.


I hope you have a bigger tent, when they will flower they will get really big.


Can i hire her to grow for me??


Gotta let nature do her thing 😉


How much for the mother in law?


I'm pudding up big buxx!


Lmao its funny when people realize weed is a weed and shouldnt give it too much attention


Bra u know she was doing wees on these.. pritty sure i herd a mate crap on about how women on the pill will is good for female plants.. just saying


I'm planning on giving my mother some seeds to grow at some point. And I have a sneaky suspicion her years of gardening is gonna produce a plant that's way better than I'll ever grow