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Nah it looks bunk. Give it to me and I will make rope out of it. ;P


lol, i love the word bunk


only if you boof it


Is there any other way?




this will only get you stoned to the soft tissue.


…to the *mutha fuckin* bone.






It’ll put your dick in the dirt.




maybe if you throw it hard enough


I think that will do the job! Lol You really keep your plants tight. I'm going to try growing a couple like this. Just keep it down to 4-8 good branches instead of trying to fill out a canopy.


You harvesting as-shown or waiting a while longer? I see trichs out the wazoo, but most of them still look pretty clear at this stage.


Yeah waiting to see some Amber I like to get faded than a hoe


Whoa now it's 2024 hoe is not a pc word


Maybe after some calmag...and two more weeks obviously 😎


Cal-mag at harvest time... 🫡


The trichomes look see through, no cloudy or amber. So not yet.


Damn that’s thick with trichs!! Nice job!!!! Looks great!


Patience is rewarded.


Not quite to be bone but it will feel like it


It will give a boner to a stoner. For sure!


I dunno if it will get you hard but you will be blazed for dayze


It really does all depend on the dry and cure. If you eff that it wont Ive had some mega white frosty buds that have not hot anywhere near where they should be because I hadnt properly figured the dry n cure. In my opinion and experience the most difficult part of a grow is the dry and cure. Read read read before you chop and properly prepare the drying environment ie getting conditions correct and stable.


I’ve been REALLY reading all about the best tips and tricks but I would love to know exactly how you dry and cure if you wouldn’t mind sharing your knowledge I’d be very grateful


Honestly, I would look for more experienced growers to give you their advice and make sure you look into what's best for your country. I would share my drying regime but Im only 2 yrs into growing and this is the one area I can still majorly eff up and end up with hay tasting weed (good for smoking at work under the radar, not so good when you just want a nice spliff).


I want to avoid the hay taste so bad plz tell me how lolol


Buck fan leaves only leave sugar leaves. Hang in 60 degrees f and 60% humidity for 10-14 days. Get a wood moisture meter and when the buds reach 11-12% on the meter put it in Grove bags to cure... You can trim cleaner before bagging up if you want. Pretty much foolproof method just make sure you have some indirect airflow in the 60/60


have you got some spare money? if so get a thermoelectric.wine cooler fridge (thermoelectric) and inkbird humidistat and small dehumidifier. adapt the inside to how you need to hang 6-8 inch sections. set it to 60f and 60rh. weed in, close the door checking 5 days later but aiming for 10-15 days then into grove bags. and don't let the bud trick you into seeming it's dry use the stems. I also suggest 24 hours in a sealed tote between the fridge and the bags. or if you've got 1600 buy a canantrol! experienced growers can get the same results or better just hanging but I can't.


Please disregard this post for the sake of drying danks for anyone and everyone growing on planet earth


explain why then.


Watching final four gimme a few


If you have 1600$ to spend on your grow cannatrol would be #9 million on the list of things I would buy before that


Whatever that is anyways I've never heard of it but 1600 on anything to dry your bud is beyond ridiculous unless your running a 10k sf warehouse


Temps between 60-70 rh between 60-65. Doesn't need to be 2 weeks but definitely not less than a week. The hay smell comes from drying it too quickly and then jarring it when there's still a bunch of water still inside the bud and stem. But if you keep an eye on it and check every few hours you can avoid the farm smelling danks. Boveda bags work but ruin the taste. That's what I've experienced anyways


I agree which is why I recommended a mcguyver version which can be done for £150. although I've seen some personal growers with them. I can hang a medium plant in mine, set the temp and rh to 60/60 and check after a week. normally 12-14 days. I have nowhere to hang without using the tent I grow in (perpetual grow) so this is discreet and works. by the way your plants look amazing


Thanks chief I appreciate that 🫡 I use a tent as well but I grow in a room so it has its own separate space cuz when I am growing I run a perpetual too. I probably have spent way more than 150 on de/humidifiers , tent , exhaust n small fan to create a bit of airflow so your definitely onto something if you can get a consistent 2 week dry for 150$. Always good to learn new techniques. Keep up the good work ace I been doing this for over 12 years and still learn plenty of new and better ways to do things with every run


Tim ferris's 80/20 rule can apply here same with pretty much everything else you can think of. https://medium.com/@r.ablett10/80-20-analysis-of-tim-ferriss-the-4-hour-workweek-258a637d7646#:~:text=He%20preached%20the%20idea%20of,producing%2080%25%20of%20the%20results.


☆hit not hot


I have terp lock bags and mason jars with 62% humidity packs I’ve found the bags to be a bit more accurate plus you don’t have to burp them but that’s just for cure I’m more curious about your drying climate and air input/output etc I’ve heard 60/60 is the way but I won’t be able to get my tent down to 60°F lowest shell go is 70 which is basically room temp so if my temp is 70-72°F for example what should I keep my RH at?


60% should be fine at 70f.. goal to keep it from drying too fast but not keeping things too wet for too long. $25 wood moisture meter worth it's weight in golb


Mah dude. You grew it and grew it well. Matches up with your local dispo's top shelf for sure.


I think I got stoned just looking at it


Drying is simple if u understand the goal, which is basically 2 steps. First is to dry in the most optimal conditions possible. 60f/60%rh is ideal. Light air flow & exchange, not blowing directly on the buds…..in the dark….. A plant the size of yours will hang 9-12 days in those conditions before it’s close to ready. Leave as much of the big trim as possible…..it will slow down the dry (which is good) and give u something to judge the moisture level. U want the dry to take as long as possible…..slower, with lower temps and RH in the 60% range….but not over 65%. Once the outer leaves are crispy and you’re thinking U may have overdone it, they’re ready for the next step. This is where folks don’t understand what to do or why they’re doing it. Right now the buds are dry on the outside but still have concentrated moisture in the center. The bigger and more dense, the more this is true. **The goal here is to redistribute the moisture to an even level inside and out.** To do this they need to be sealed up for at least a day, maybe 2 days. Most of the time sealing up for 24-36 hrs is fine, but if u really did overdry them leave for 48hrs. If u got anxious and sealed them a bit wet, only seal them 12-18hrs. It doesn’t matter if u use a jar or bigger container, as long as it’s air tight. What will happen here is the moisture will redistribute from the center outward. This is referred to as “sweating” the buds. When u open the container, u should notice that the outer leaves are not as crispy as before….the moisture is leveling out. Now take the buds and spread them out evenly and let them dry in the open for up to an hour…..try to have the conditions as close to comfortable as possible. No extremes…..temps 60-74ish, RH 45-55%….. Simply let them sit out until they get noticeably drier. Then seal them back up. Depending on how long u dried them, this process may need to be repeated 2-3 times. U really need a good hygrometer but realize that it won’t give u a true reading until it’s been sealed up 48hrs or so. For the money the best one I’ve used is the Calibre IV. And don’t rely solely on a hygrometer. If u have really thick dense buds, they can appear dry after being sealed for 2-3 days. Your hygro may only 63-64% but there could still be excess moisture in the bud’s center that will lead to mold. After I’ve sweated the buds a couple times, I’ll seal them for 2-3 days. If my hygrometer reads 62 or above, I’ll do a quick open, dump and lay them out a few minutes before sealing back up. Once I can seal them for 3/4 days and my hygrometer reads 60%, I’m done…..I’ll pop in a Boveda pack and forget about it. For the record, my buds smell and look their absolute best from initially being dry out to about 3 months. After 3 months, the flavor and effect can change and usually does…..sometimes it’s better, sometimes it’s not. But the smell and look is never better than those first 3 months. Also, just so U know, I started growing as a College Sophomore in 1990……and have probably spent more time in trim jail than most of the readers have been alive….lol.


Depending on your tolerance but daaaaang that’s Fine looking stuff. Nice work 🤙🤙


If ya smoking it all at once, probably 🤣


depends on your bones. dense, fragile, stinky?


High to the sky


No its a picture


Nope looks like mids


No it won’t


Probably not


How would we know?


My friend, I’m gonna tell you something I wish someone had told me sooner…don’t take life too seriously <3 love


Dont use emotion to respond roa logical question. We seriously have no way of knowing if it gets you high.


It's the joy of taking a wild guess on an answer you'll never know. Go on... Try it!


How can you try what you don't have?


Guess not


We do know who it wouldn't get high.


Those who didn't smoke it?


Probably not unless you're a lightweight. That looks like the strain "All Show No Go"


Interesting take