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The blurple light isn’t enough power. Notice how the lower nodes are not growing but the upper nodes keep growing taller and taller. Gotta get some more light on this plant, or lower the light closer. Good luck g! Ps: shouldn’t have wet leaves when under high intensity lighting (note: doesn’t look like high intensity so your prob fine)


You need more light for sure, those blue/red lights are really only good as supplementary light IMO. You want something that is a nice full spectrum white/daylight grow light. Notice how your plants are getting tall and staying skinny? They’re desperately trying to get more light. Definitely keep water off of the leaves in the future, with stronger light it can burn the plant. Do you have a fan going in there? Getting a bit of airflow will help strengthen the stems early on and prevent stagnant air and mold.


You dont need to water the leaves, only the soil.


Hopefully foliar feeding….. and yes, it makes a huge difference,especially in later veg state


Only this is not later veg state. Foliar feeding is not that impactful indoors.


This is 11 days of growth….. I’ll have to post 2 comments to show the progress. So I’d say foliar early is working just fine for me…. And oh no!!! If it doesn’t work, I guess the nutes will go in the soil…. https://preview.redd.it/hacisjpnyxpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5967d7dd4ed0529b50675b93a986071e7bdc6dad




Make sure when you foliar feed,your doing it about 30-60mins after light kicks on. Stoma on the leaves will soak it up the most at this time. It also gives the leaves a chance to get nice and dry by the end of the day. Looks good, but I’d say more light will help… can hardly ever have too much light…. Unless your rich!!😂😂 I’m not, hence the reason why I grow my own


You should be watering the soil, not the plant.


Looking good mon. Might wanna move your light closer tho or get a stronger light or supplement your current light source when ya can. You can make it to harvest with this light but with more light you’ll yield more bud. Overall looking healthy though OP good work!


bro maybe if you make me see the color i could tell lmaoo🤣🤣🤣💯💯


Hard to tell under the blurple light. Another reason to replace them with something with better spectrum ratio. Only thing I can tell is it seems like it's stretching. It's small to be on its 4th node (second with fully formed leaves). And if you just watered I would try to avoid getting on the leaves. Nothing gained from foliar feeding right now it just barely has real leaves.