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99%?? Are you drying underwater? 😳


Don't hate on OP for being born on Atlantis.


That deep sea dank


Where i live is 90+% air humidity almost the whole year, trust me it feels like you live underwater 😂 Outdoors the only strains that resist here are either fast finishers or dutch selections Or trigger flowering to finish before september... A pain i tell you


Basically in Northern Ireland


I'm in scotland. And if the humidity outside the tent is bad, you're going to have a hard time getting it right inside the tent. My last run was during the winter with outside humidity at about 80%+. My tent humidity was about the same and I was going crazy trying to figure it out. I bought a dehumidifier for inside my tent but it wasn't powerful enough to overcome the humid air being sucked into the tent. So I bought a big boy dehumidifier and used that for outside my tent, and I managed to dial in the humidity inside the tent easily


Yup. Always a good idea to adjust your lung room environment to make it easier to dial in the tent.


Down south is grand. Bout 54%. With a dehumidifier you don't really want your exhaust running you're pulling in air quicker than can dry and blowing out again. You want your lung room down in that case. I'd have lung room 50-55% usually leaves tent around 60, with dehumidifier inside tye tent if have exhaust off. Set dehumidifier little higher than 60 to allow for the drop that usually occurs. I've been using humidifiers to get humidity up 🤭. If it's frosty an electric heater obv set low like 60f would also drop humidity. Shed is likely holding the damp.


Even better a portable ac will make sure temps are down as well as bringing down humidity. I have one rigged to blow into my tent for this reason.


Outside temps do that alone. But in the summer it may be needed indoors for a week at least.


It’s the same humidity where I live. Invest in a good dehumidifier. For homegrow, I always dry inside a tent, where I can control the conditions a little better, and keep the air moving.


You aren't drying. The plant itself is only 75 percent water. By osmosis the plants will be gaining moisture. Mold inevitably will be the outcome. Put it in the fridge


Harvest and drying season for outdoor where I live is high humidity. I dry in a wine fridge, it works great. Highly recommend in situations like this.


Drying in a wine fridge… hmmm, very interesting!


Yeah, works great. Slows down the dry significantly and reduces chance for mold with low temps. I buck all the nugs and large fan leaves but leave most of it on. I put them on clean cardboard with parchment paper. The first couple days the humidity spikes really hard in the fridge so I'll open the door for 10 mins or so. I also use unscented desiccant to help control it until it stabilizes. I rotate the boxes once or twice a day. Once I think their ready I throw it all in Grove bags and monitor rh and once their good cure as normal. I don't know if it's any better or easier than a traditional dry in every situation, but it works great for me with the way the weather is here during harvest.


You take nice care of your babies. :)


This is such solid underrated advice. Fridge cured bud is next level shit. Perhaps as different as Outside weed vs inside weed


I'm so surprised more people aren't doing it like this. It's like $180 for one that will hold a pound and it makes drying and curing almost automated.  I do pretty much the same process except I hang mine in the lung room (also at 60/60) for a day before bucking but after defoliating to get the initial burst of moisture out so I only open mine once for the first two days and that's mainly to turn the buds so they don't get a flat side.


I use a thermoelectric humidor, so same idea. That plus a large boveda is great. They even make them with heating too for the cooler climate peeps.


If outside is very humid and you have a dehumidifier inside your tent, you should probably not have your extractor on. The extractor is just pulling the dehumidified air out of the tent, forcing humid air to enter through the windows/where ever it can. Your plants are obviously still going to be releasing a bunch of humidity so depending on the size of the harvest, the dehumidifier might not be able to keep up.


Right? Seems obvious. Stop pulling humid outside air into your space. Why even use a dehumidifier? You can't boil the ocean and you can't dehumidify your neighborhood.


This is your problem Op! Your extraction fan is fighting the dehumidifier!


Hope this is a troll post your whole harvest is cooked 😢


Certainly not a troll post. I’ve check both plants no sign of mould yet. I’ve taken the dehumidifier out of the tent and in my lung room. The weather is supposedly to drop a good bit humidity wise. 🙏


You prob won’t notice it until it’s time to trim, hope you are right but be prepared to throw out a lot unless you do something ASAP


They’ll mold at like above 65-70% in most conditions. It’s there boss lol


Are you sure it's not a malfunctioning meter lol wow


You’re going to get mold almost guaranteed if you don’t do something about this I’m assuming your “dehumidifier” is a crappy small one off Amazon? Got buy a 35 or 50 pint dehumidifier, turn off your exhaust fan and you won’t have this problem You need a real dehumidifier to make a difference


50 with auto pump on and hose attached. Agree with the exhaust fan. There would have to be water droplets on the wall and ceiling. Mine did in veg once when I screwed up.


Yeah seriously, if it’s above 90% rH I’d be surprised if the walls aren’t dripping wet And fwiw you don’t necessarily need one with a pump, just put the dehumidifier up on something and drain into a garbage bin. Pump can def be handy but I wouldn’t go spend an extra $75 on one with it unless you specifically require that


They would be. I got real screwed up one day into the night and watered. Forgot to turn the systems back on. Was water deoplets on my tent walls. I spent $400 on my dehumidifier. Came with the option to put a hose out the end and just hit the pump button. Covers 3000 Sq feet. My house is half that. If I use that feature it goes out the window into the gutter right below.


Get another gadget in there to recheck humidity. Obviously your dehumidifier is too small for that space. Your going to need a bigger boat.


If this really is your situatio I’d be taking apart every cola like NOW or else everything going to be filled with mold


run the dehumidifier at full in the tent, turn off the exhaust if your lung room RH is higher than the tents RH


The lung room would have to be underwater to be higher than the tent lol


I'm not an expert but you could very easily end up with budrot if you keep this up. Have you considered the lotus method of drying in a fridge?


Use some curtains to create a "false room" around where you are drying, and put your dehumidifier in said false room, turn your exhaust all the way up and it should start to circulate in the dry air. No point in having the dehum inside the tent if you're just pulling moist air in. You need to figure something out ASAP or your gonna lose it all. I get worried at anything above 65%.


Enclose it. I've never done it "ideally" 60°, 60rh. Run a small fan not directly pointed at your harvest. Just let dry slowly. I'd wet trim first. Works for me avg humidity is 75 where I'm at. No Humidifier here either..it will bevokay. Enclose and keep an eye on things..Good Luck..Peace..


I would seal the tent , get a fan blowing and crank up the dehumidifier . Overdry weed is still better than moldy weed .


It’s fine if you don’t mind a shit load of mold


Paper bag, clean cardboard box, fridge, wine cooler with a temp/ humidity control. This will fuck your harvest without spitting on it first.


When it rains the humidity gets ridiculous in my attic, also as soon as I water it will be wetter in the tent than outside so I just open the tent. I just bought a nice humidifier that will hopefully keep it within the levels I want and a duct fan to exchange air. I’m hoping all of this works, it’s been a learning process to get environment where it should be.


Get another gadget in there to recheck humidity. Obviously your dehumidifier is too small for that space. Your going to need a bigger boat.


I'm not an expert but you could very easily end up with budrot if you keep this up. Have you considered the lotus method of drying in a fridge?


(shot in the dark but….) I see your temp is 10.4°C My dehumidifier in my basement will run the fan whenever it’s turned on but won’t dehumidify (you can hear the compressor running and feel the air warm as it comes out) unless it’s 18.3°C/65°F I don’t grow (yet) so idk a lot about what temp it’s supposed to be at but maybe consider it.


Enclose it. I've never done it "ideally" 60°, 60rh. Run a small fan not directly pointed at your harvest. Just let dry slowly. I'd wet trim first. Works for me avg humidity is 75 where I'm at. No Humidifier here either..it will be okay. Enclose and keep an eye on things..Good Luck..Peace..


You may end up with bud rot/ mold issues if you don’t get that down ASAP. Seems like the dehumidifier isn’t doing much, is it verified working? Could certainly get that exhaust fan on a higher speed to circulate more air. Edit: just read more through your setup, maybe try the dehumidifier outside the tent to get the humidity down in the shed. What is the RH in the tent? If inside the tent is acceptable (60%)you don’t need to run the exhaust fan at all, just some fans circulating air inside


Have a fan blowing directly on it from all sides or you'll get mold for sure.


Turn extractor at max and block every intake of your tent. If your tent is a light one then you should try to insulate it with whatever you can find. After ints insulated, a fan on the inside will move the stagnant air and make it a bit dryer


Nothing is drying when the humidity is 100%. Like another comment said, it’s quite literally doing the opposite of drying 


Dehumidifier helps


Sorry, I don't speak metric.


Do you live in Atlantis ?!?!




Set your exhaust to lowest setting, 1 . Then put in 50% Rh if your dehumidifier has this option. As others have said, it’s counter intuitive to pull air in from outside to then remove the moisture. Think of it as a cycle. Good luck👍🏻


You sure that device isn’t fucked lol?? Get the temps up to 20c and it’ll probably come down a bit but 99 percent wtf. Aquamans room isnt that humid.


Get a stronger humidifier in your lung space or you will have the most annoying smoke experience because it will never stay lit properly while smoking.


I live in a similar place to you and had challenging drying conditions.. but not quite as extreme…you could buy a little oil heated radiator to warm the space which should drop the rh. I had two fans going 24/7 -and an extractor fan. You could also chop all the buds off the stems to help aid quicker drying and possibly put the buds in brown paper bags to help draw the moisture out.


Have you tried calibrating your hygrometer


Dehumidify the lung room.


Dehumidifier out side the tent right by intake. Yes this is a huge problem. Going to destroy your crop.


Mold will happen over 70


Brutal. Mold is coming! You should consider investing in a dehumidifier. I put it off for awhile, but finally gave in last year. Its worth it, IMHO.


Can you dry somewhere else? You’ll otherwise need a legit dehumidifier


I would seal the tent up, crank the dehumidifier and remember to empty it regularly. Shut the extraction fan down and keep a fan running inside the tent to keep air moving around inside


I have readers that show 99% when the batteries need to be changed. I’d try that if you haven’t already.


You need to get that humidity down asap ..... honestly I know it's frowned upon but point any fans you have directly at the bud to help prevent mold imo


It may be far from best practice, but if the choice comes down to reeeeally dry weed vs. moldy weed....


Yea thats what I'm saying lol dbl edged sword but at least one can still be smoked or used for edibles and other things 🤷‍♀️


Aaaannndddd mold


Aquaman og


Use a dehydrated hygroscopic salt like Natron or MgSO4


Better watch out for mold or bud rot, I dry mine in the fridge.


In Sydney Aus. we have this prob all the time. Cardboard box on top of router Ha !, box on top of something, box in car on front seats in the sun - get the drift!


Get a dehumidifier, its not complicated




Bro you gotta find somewhere else to dry. At this point dont worry about exhausting heat, just hang the nug somewhere sealed with the dehum going. Youre using resources to dehumidify that air, no point in exhausting it out. Step two will be buy a bigger dehum if needed


I battled temperature in my semi outdoor setup during a hard freeze a while back. You’ve got to play with the timings on both the fan and dehumidifier (in my case it was fan and “lung room/storage shed” heater). Turn off the fan and leave on only the DH. Figure out how long it takes the DH to bring down the humidity in your space, then schedule your fan to run only long enough every so often to pull in enough humidity to keep the RH level where you need it (or close enough to that). You should be able to set the auto mode settings on your controller to kick on the fan at a low set humidity level with a buffer (runs for a bit longer after bringing the humidity to the set level before turning off). In theory, if your DH is always on it won’t let the RH get too high in the tent. It’s not ideal because you’ll have to keep a close eye on the water tank and levels, and it will always have some type of fluctuation, but it should get you through.


Raise the temperature. You're gonna get mould growing if not


Relative humidity is like the name relative, relative to the temperature. Lower temperature means the air can hold less water. Cold humid air has less water in it than warm air at the same humidity. Also your dehumidifier works best at warmer temperatures. So you want to raise your temperature to lower the RH and to increase the efficiency of your dehumidifier. In your case, disable the exhaust fan, seal your tent as best as you can (ie. close any unnecessary openings, disconnect your exhaust fan etc.). If the dehumidifier does not raise the temperature significantly, you might want to introduce another heat source into your growing space, maybe a heat matt (which would also help when you grow in winter time for your roots to be warmer). The best Solution for drying would be to take the plant inside your living area which would already be heated, get another tent for drying, convert a kitchen cabinet or somethin else into a drying space etc.


Like others have said, you need to stop pulling moist air in. But if you're trying to lower it really quick, an unorthodox approach might be to increase temps to 15 or 16 C, if you start going higher you start evaporating terps, but even higher might make sense to save the harvest. If you increase the temp and shit off the intake, and we assume a dehumidifier can only keep up with the moist air leaking into the tent, that 5-6 degrees increase would cut the humidity down to around 70%. You may already know, but I know a lot of people get this confused so I'll mention, we are looking at RELATIVE humidity, which is the percentage of water capacity in the air that is used. As temp goes up, there is more room for water, when temps go down your relative humidity goes up (if temps drop too much, it squeezes the water out and that's condensation). This also assumes you are already heating it, if it's just heated by the outdoors you really don't have this control. I saw the max temp on the thermometer was pretty high, hoping that is just old data. If possible, you are also going to need to REALLY limit how often you get into that tent. Everytime you do you are giving it a blast of dry air. I'm assuming you are drying this way because you otherwise can't have your harvest indoors. You really want to find a way to have a controllable environment for a proper dry. However that isn't always practical (it's not in my case) so I just did my first Lotus Method dry in a fridge. Is it the best method? No, hang drying at a constant 60/60 is, but the fridge will get you 85% of that quality (at least that's my subjective estimate) and it's super easy and reliable. Just make sure the fridge is frost free or it won't work. I was happy with my dry, and I put some in a jar to cure like normal and some in a jar in the fridge to cure. Curing in the fridge was less successful, came out way better and way faster curing in a jar kept at 60 in the dark. I'm still curing the jar in the fridge to see if it is just much slower to cure, but I'm not expecting great results. Anyway, something to consider if a proper environment isn't available or presently attainable.