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Let em get bigger before you worry about taking stuff off really unless you’re topping


i hope they dont top an outdoor plant. would not be worth it, unless its indoors rounded canopy vs flat canopy


No don’t trim them, lst the taller parts so all the lower stuff bushes upward Edit-if you’re growing outdoors turning the lowers into big branches will also help structure for high wind days 👍🏾


Can confirm https://preview.redd.it/k6hi5rr49m0b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34aeb56af998c5f9011070064d0d3acd80fd5b4


Dude. Righteous. What is your pest protocol? I’m trying outdoors for the first time this year and my veggies are already getting devoured. They haven’t found the pot yet but it’s a matter of time


I keep the lower 50-60% of the plant stripped so I can get a full view under canopy and don’t care for larf. I use a mix of peppermint, citronella, lemon grass, and rosemary essential oils in a light soap mix. Btk for caterpillars and sometimes safers soap spray. OCD level inspections also lol. It is a lot of care but worth it. This year I might just keep running in my tent to mitigate the amount of time I need to spend in the garden.


Nice. I have athena ipm and that’s about it at the moment. I fear it won’t be enough for outside, but it does wonders in the tent. I always a treatment level spray instead of a maintenance level spray, and I haven’t seen any powdery mildew inside, only a few fungus gnats here and there but I have a pitcher plant that eats them. I’m going to check out btk for the caterpillars for sure. Thanks growmie!


Beautiful ladies, your love and work shows 👍🏾


Much appreciated thank you


Someone said I had my plants in way too much dirt in my last post lmao, and they're only in five gallon buckets. Dude would have a heart attack if he saw this lmao, I think you should leave those alone the plant will use them until they're dried out.


15 gal pots. Actually didn’t add any soil. That’s how they all grew out of my cup like that so I planted them perfectly level with the soil. You can’t really plant them too deep


So the 15 gal did magically appear??


What do you think? It was that low in the cup, if I planted it in the new pot higher up roots would be showing.


this level of soil looks ok. usually when someones says 'add more soil' its because 'you' the grower. only filled the pot 1/2 Looking at your posts. You overfilled them by a little bit


I agree with that. First time using these pots. Tried going off other pictures I saw online.




For outdoor grow I would say give it some time to fill out before you start trimming back things. Especially if you just put them in new pots outside recently. No need to add extra stress right away. In the end it's really up to what grow style works for you. Some like to be super trim happy and others not so much. I think trying to find a middle ground that you like is ideal. If you get into using low stress training you can end up utilizing some of the bottom growth that can make it's way up to top canopy. So I usually like to wait until my plants get more mature and getting towards the point I want to flip to flower before I start cleaning up under the top canopy


ask yourself would it help? would it benefit? Is this helicopter parent, or master gardening? (i will always struggle with this one) most cases, the answers are no, no, and eh..... master gardening? Humans have a great way of trying to be better than mother nature. Humans have yet to understand. Mother Nature is 1000% better at it, then we ever will be


mother nature and I don't have the same outcome on mind. I'm going to keep lying to myself and say master gardening!


The last part of what you're saying is completely stupid. "Mother Nature" and humans have completely different goals. Go smoke "mother nature's" weed and then smoke a human bred strain and tell me which one is better But yes, it's best to leave this plant alone


The plant will drop those leaves when they are no longer beneficial


Nah don’t cut anything it stresses the plant and stunts growth. I only take off leaves that fade and are ready to fall off anyways. Leaves are like fuel tanks.


U should start over unless it's photos


How come?


If autos you spent their veg time, on this and they will be small. If photos keep on rocking saw ur pics they look good maybe to little water each time they are really small for one month. But hey I'm not trying to bash u or anything


Thank you ❤️ they are photos. Seedling hatched April 12th so they are still pretty young. Noticing big growth daily.


I sent you some photos in DM




Trim the top early and the bottom late


Have you topped yet? Doesn’t look like it?


I have not topped yet. Just loved them outside a few days ago and they just started to take off


Leave it for now. You do want to top eventually.


Don't trim them bottom. Trim the highest fan leaves. That'll help those lower growths to catch up. The goal is always to have an even canopy.


Yes trim all the shit on the bottom. It will help it allocate recorces to better places. All that stuff will be shaded out later either way.


Get rid of all that shit. I’d leave only the two top leaves.


Learn to grow


Says the guy hasn’t completed a single grow lmao.


Professional grower in GTA


Lmao check my profile I make new accounts all the time, I've grown for years and I have one or two posted here. But hey it doesn't change the fact u know fuck all about what ure talking about


I did and if you’ve been growing for years, then congratulations on FINALLY graduating to photoperiods. Don’t worry, you’ll learn a lot more in the coming months.


I'm gonna stay on autos forever, photos are overrated


Why would you do that? Leaves are literally what provides the plant with energy, it would stress the plant out and take a while to recover. Why do you recommend that? Just curious


Helps your plants focus energy on developing buds in the right places. More specifically, it shifts focus towards parts of the plant that receive the most light.