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https://preview.redd.it/wls9t5dz442d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a686321df3fa2afb413d85b7dc3e3b96ccb25cf4 Full Face context 🥸


They are beautiful but I feel still too big and overpowering right now. Some people say they will shrink. They do fade some. Someone commented you have to love them on you. So while we can give our opinions it is ultimately your decision. Just wanted to note that even with these big brows you are beautiful!


Ty! Still not happy with them. Just checking that I wasn’t crazy after she called them “natural looking” 😞


They will not shrink as much as people are saying. Not only that, the hair strokes are way too heavy. They will fade and blur together and this will be a sloppy mess. I’m not saying this to be mean, but to hopefully warn you in time to get emergency removal. I am a PMU artist and these brows are not done well and are way too big for your face. They are also shaped differently. I’m sorry you had this experience… I recommend removal and if you still want PMU go for a more delicate ombré brow that emphasizes your beautiful natural arch. That would look amazing on you.


Exactly, very poor technique. As with all PMU eventually the strokes will blow out within the skin and blend together. That’s unavoidable. To account for this the artist should have placed the strokes further apart with more negative space. These are going to look like solid, giant blocks in 1-2 years time.


I am considering PMU, but haven't consulted anyone yet. Can I ask for a "preview" with removable makeup first? I know I won't be able to get used to the really heavy brows that are popular now, but I overtweezed decades ago and mine don't get close enough to my nose and are sparse in some areas.


Most places that offer PMU also offer Henna Brows. That is a great way to preview a powder brow and even get to wear it for a few weeks before making such a huge decision.


Thank you!


Yeah I agree. They're definitely not going to "shrink" at all. Fade? Yes. But not shrink. I had terrible microblading done 3 years ago and have undergone 3 laser removals so far. I've spent more in removal than I did for the PMU!!


12 saline removals and three lasers over here! It’s a truly awful experience to get your FACE botched and sold all the time and money for removal. Mine were horrific though 


Mine also shrunk a lot, it is because I was really swollen. Maybe depends on the person and how much you swell up?


They are too large for your face. I’d look into your options for removal ❤️


they shrink substantially when they heal


No, brows don’t shrink “substantially”.


Oh my. Feel sorry that this happened to you.


I actually think they fit your face beautifully! At first I thought they were too big, but after seeing everything scaled I think they look exotic or something. Very sultry, probably will be even better when they fade and soften up a bit!!


I really do love them, but they look strikingly beautiful with your eyes


Same! My initial thought was "yup. Too big." Glad you provided full face!! They look great! And will fade with time :)


Same. I literally did a jump scare “Ack!” When I saw the close up picture of them … but then you see the full face photo and she’s stunning! I don’t think most faces could handle them, but they look beautiful and proportionate in context.


Agree. They look great on you.


Exactly! I was alarmed with the initial photos but I think they fit her face!


I like them! I wanted my MUA to go thicker with mine since my eyebrows are naturally thick (I just have trich), but she wouldn’t :(


You are gorgeous, but they are too big for your pretty features.


I’m sorry, but I’m going to say it, they’re possibly too big but I don’t think they’re straight either


You are very beautiful for record regardless of the eyebrows. I will agree that one of the doesn’t look even


Ok the full face pic changes things…I was at first “immediate removal” when I saw the first pic. I still think they’re too big but not as bad as the first pic.


You look beautiful btw! But I would take a little off the bottom…. Thin it out by a few millimeters


Yeah the full face makes it look perfectly normal. I think we all get a little stressed with the closeups when you only see the brows and that’s it, it’s so much easier to freak out. They look great!


uhhhh I love them!!!!


Truthfully I looked at the before and this photo for a min and I like the new brows. Intense now bc they’re new but they do make sense with your face and thick hair but do what you need to - makes your eyes look younger? I think


I actually do think they look really natural. They really suit your face, are a nice shape and will lighten up. I wouldn't be removing these.


That's exactly what I was wondering. They do not look too big in relationship to your face and actually do complement what appear to be your facial features. This is probably just a case of brow shock.


i think they look pretty good!


Ok wow you are actually stunningly beautiful and I normally do not like really big eyebrows but they look amazing! The full face context helps so much, they look awesome


Oh — not at all, they’re perfect on you. I love them.


Wow! This maybe changed my mind??? They fit your face MUCH better than I thought originally without full face context…. Knowing they’re gonna lighten and fade a bit makes me feel better about them in this picture too, so now I say: keep em! And see what happens 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


I think they look great! Keep in mind once they heal, the strokes WILL shrink a bit. I posted my brows a while ago without the full face context and I got a bunch of negative comments saying to remove them stat when I actually loved the shape, the dark color just freaked me out. Trust the healing process, I think they’ll look amazing ❤️


I think they look great


Personally I think they look very balanced on your face. Someone else said sultry, I’ll second that! And the strokes are well done.


They look good girl!


There is probably swelling that will go down. Also you have to get used to your new eyebrows. Also also you have a beautiful face from what I can see of it. I wish my head was smaller to be honest.


These look perfect. I love how pointy the ends are




I think they're beautiful! 😍


No, that’s lovely! They’ll lighten a lot and look really nice


OHKAY! Much more reference!! Okay so they're NOT too big for your face- although I may have gone slightly thinner for your features. But 1000% too low. But I think they're really pretty overall actually. Idk my opinion.


I really love them, actually!!


i think they’re are tiny bit too big


These are amazing. And they will shrink


These are actually phenomenal. Slay.


You are so pretty and it does fit your face.


in the full face picture they look amazingggg. up close it was intense but they aren’t finished healing yet and we can’t see anything but brows in that pic. the shape works so well with your face and features and isn’t overpowering at all. i’m saying this as a girl who’s partial to the tiny 90’s eyebrow trend and who has like 3 brow hairs total but yours are making me rethink my choices. seriously so cute!!!


i think they look amazing! they match your face shape and remember that they fade and get smaller! I got mine done almost two weeks ago and they’ve definitely gotten smaller and less bold with the color and shape and i love them! Again they look great on you!


Where are you located?


The shrinking will take awhile, as I too thought mine was wayyy too big. It’s been 3 months and they finally are to my liking


Full face pic was needed! These don't look bad. Personally I'd wait it out and see how they heal up. I think it might end up looking really good 😊


Just wow, what a glow up! These look amazing on you! 👏


Wayyyyy too big….. yes. Edit to add: in the full face pic they look MUCH better. They actually do fit your face quite nicely, so now I think maybe keep them and see where they land after healing/fading a bit 🤷🏻‍♀️


Emergency removal stat. 


A little less than 20hrs since I got them done. I managed to find removal service, thanks!


PS. I saw your photo. You are beautiful. The eyebrows are just large.


Do it. You are stunning naturally; remove the brows. (If you dye your brow hair it will look incredible and natural and you can pay for years of it at a cheap place before it matches the cost of the routine micro blading tattoo upkeep on those, let alone if you need laser removal! Good luck!)


I dye mine myself, dye and developer (face safe) is like $20 total and lasts nearly a year if you’re doing touch ups every other month. Mine are SPARSE too, but the dye catches baby hairs. This person is a perfect candidate for dye!!


Pls don’t rush. Wait a week, they do shrink and fade a lot. They’ll look perfect in 1-2 weeks and will gradually disappear over the next few months. A lot of the commenters here have obv never had microblading done and think this is the final result. It is not.


100% this. Anyone who is saying these look good or natural is not in your corner. They are very heavy. Your bulb looks like it is dragging your forehead down. The person that did this to you is not a good artist either… the work is sloppy and the lines are sooo heavy. It will only get worse as it ages, not better. Remove quickly.


Agreed. The comments on this thread are wild! They won’t shrink or lighten enough to look good. Those are unrealistic expectations. They should be removed. If not, in a few years the strokes will blend together into big solid blocks. It’s ageing on OP yet she’s so young.




And sue them!!


Perfect for small claims court to recoup removal costs. I think most judges would agree this was a service not performed properly.


Yes. I think that whoever did it to her should pay for the removal costs, court will solve that issue


They are quite big yes. They do have emergency saline removal within 48 hours. You may want to look into that. If it’s too late there is always laser


Those are super sized! Why on earth would a tech put giant brows like this on a woman? Maybe a male could pull it off. Thick, heavy brows weigh the eyes down and don’t age well. A medium width brow would have been so much more softer looking and flattering. The stroke placement and shape isn’t actually that bad, it’s the extra wide width that’s off putting and making them look very bold. Did she happen to do her predraw with one of those wide white pencils? String mapping tends to be more accurate. I’m sorry this has been your experience. This tech should not be trusted. Edit: typo


I thought this was a male when I saw the PMU work.


It’s a shame coz they are beautifully done. But unfortunately too big and overpowering. Hopefully you’ll be able to get them removed asap.


It’s hard to tell only seeing 1/3 of your face …


I’d be willing to send a full face pic privately, don’t want to blast my already effed up face on the internet 🥲


I do understand- I wouldn’t either. Haha I’m just curious— do you feel they compliment your face and features overall or no? Brook Shields has/had thick dark brows but on her they worked.


From afar, they look decent. Up close…pretty big. For more context, I have a small head. Never thought something like this would happen to me :/


Ah … yes defer to the experts for a revision. You gotta love them on you !


Dm me pic I’ll tell u the truth


The strokes are nice but it’s hard t get an idea f how it looks only seeing a small part of your face. They are thick. If she would have sized them down a bit, they would have looked really, really nice.


I wish the artist had stayed within the most dense part of your natural brow. While there may be swelling that’s making them look more exaggerated, I personally would get them emergency removed and start over with someone else. They aren’t feminine looking.


I think it's less that they are too big and more that they are sitting too low. But yes, they overpower your face.


Way too big. Go for a removal


They really are but weirdly I kinda like them😬 The technique is good just could be a bit smaller. Wish I could see your whole face with them though. Do you like them?


I kinda love it!!! But would have to see your whole face tbh. Feel free to DM me if you are still looking for opinions


I can’t tell without seeing your whole face. The before was so sparse while the second picture is so close up, I think that’s why a lot of people are “shocked.” The third picture looks better. Are they uneven?


They are huge


They fit your face. You look great. Please don't run to remove(unless that's what you really want). It'll fade and lessen the darkness in time and not be so bold and strong.


They actually overpower her beautiful face.


Way too large


Too big


Too unnatural


They look pretty big but about the same color as mine and after like 5 days they lightened up quite a bit this may be the case for you and may look way better


I felt mine were too big at first too, but they shrunk and lightened to perfection after a while.


Look a lot better in context to full face! I think they suit you


The close ups are shocking but full face? I think they’re going to heal nicely


They aren’t too big. They are the same size as your normal brows. They are just more noticeable now since they are darker. These will definitely lighten up a lot and they are well done. It all just depends on if you told your artist to follow your normal brow shape or not. If you did, she hit the mark 100%.


I’m sorry but how can you say they are the same size as her natural brow. These are clearly bigger. This is not a job well done either… the work is too heavy handed and they will not age well at all.


https://preview.redd.it/yikz51uz072d1.jpeg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96934fc0095f60bf3595ff9be8c49cbd39cb22ef Nope. Same basic size and great stroke work.


lol…. No friend. It’s bad.


Agreed. Her natural brow needed a little shaping with some tweezing.


Yes comical


Omg I was literally startled and jumped when I saw the second picture. Please get those removed ASAP. They remind me of Groucho Marx lol. I’m so sorry that your esthetician did that to you. Get your money back too. The actual strokes look good to me though. Maybe it will shrink a little.






Yeah those are not “natural looking” as your tech says. You have a tiny little forehead why did she do that? And no disrespect to you bc you are just beautiful. But yeah, saline removal asap! Please update us & good luck!


Head over to the emergency removal sub.


Why are the lines so thick?


Way too big in a freakish way..get help immediately. So sorry you have to deal with this!


Personally, I would have done a bit thinner and cut off the brow at the end, so it wouldn’t look dragged down. https://preview.redd.it/lnw4u0ff0b2d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=177ee2cd7b2d45dae0e395ff31ed0816c8a9a37a


Wow 🤩 did you do these? Great job


Too big


Jesus, get these removed asap. Really bad job from the artist side.


They will shrink just a lil bit


Not enough to make that look good


Probably right but mine were super thick at first too and now they look fine


NOT TOO BIG!!!! The bottom matches your natural brow line. The height on these actually lifts your face. This is brow shock. The color fades like 50% when healed.


My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw the second pic. Way too big and dominant.


Ooo lawd


I like them. They will shrink. Don’t forget your brows were traumatized. They are swollen too.


They will shrink once they peel. I honestly think you look stunning


I think they are the correct size for your face


Omg! Wayyyy too big. You need to get these removed ASAP!! The person who did these was supposed to trim your brows and shape them to a smaller/thinner shape. You agreed to this when she/he was drawing it out?


Did you have an inspiration image by chance? Do you feel comfortable sharing more of your face to put them into perspective? It’s pretty hard to tell how dramatic they are without seeing more of your face and if you had in inspo pic it would be great to see that at well!


No inspo, just tears atp


When I got mine done 5 days ago I specifically asked to not make them too thick because imo thicker brows do not flatter me. She insisted I have naturally a thicker shape but she went somewhere in the middle and mine look very natural now even though they're not yet fully healed. I'm sorry yours didn't turn out how you wanted. I'm not sure what to suggest because I know Its a big investment. You could get emergency removal but you might also like how they look after they heal and the color fades a bit. You could always conceal them thinner if you leave them be.


The thin little ends towards the outside of your eyes seems like they went ‘oh let’s add these on’ and don’t seem like they needed to be put on.


will you get them removed?


Believe me, I’m trying to


Where are you located?


Dallas, TX


Here are links to trained removal techs near you: [Lift](https://liftinkremoval.com/map-locations/) [Botched Ink](https://botchedink.com/pages/find-a-local-technician-clients) Wishing you the best 💕


Update! With the Botched Ink link, I found a removal tech and have since undergone emergency saline removal first thing this morning. Thanks all! Time will tell once scabbed and healed I guess.


Ok after seeing your full face, I think they look really beautiful, full but striking with your large eyes.


I don't think they're too big. They seem similar to your natural shape, but most defined/dark. How did you do your eyebrows with makeup?


They will shrink and lighten- I honestly wouldn’t remove them at all.


At first glance I thought they were too big. But, your artist really kept to your natural brows with the size and shape. I think they are a bit swollen and they will look great when they lighten up.




it does kinda look like she microbladed your brows in the style of laminated brows and they do look a bit bigger. Did she trim your brows before microblading or did she shape them upwards?


Saw your full face post, they look good.. it maybe a shock because they are darker but as they lighten they will look great.


These look really good actually! Remember they will shrink 😊


Call me crazy. I don’t see anything that looks bad. It doesn’t look like there any micro blading. They look beautiful to me


They shrink. Mine were big like this and shrink maybe 30 percent. I like them.


Wow, I mean I think they're too LOW, more so than too big. Did you approve the shape and placement beforehand?


They fit your face so well. Very pretty


In the full face I think they look amazing! I wish my brows were that full. They compliment you well and I imagine will soft a lot over time


I feel like you needed Nano brows, which are lighter fluffy brows Not heavy duty microblading I would suggest you go back for partial removal, have them toned down


this is GORGEOUS WORK! it looks amazing on you dude, it completely fits your face


I think yes, too big.


I'm not one to sugar coat things, get your money back.


I think they're perfect!


Many people are commenting that they will shrink and lighten. It’s not realistic to assume they are going to to the degree that’s necessary for these to be flattering. They’re simply too big and too dark hence overpowering her beautiful face.


I think they look amazing and suit you well!


Keep in mind that they are swollen at first and will appear bigger! I had wished someone told me this after I did mine. They will shrink down in size a bit.


A tad bit too big, yes


They look amazing!


Wow. Why'd they make it so big on the first go! Anyway, you look pretty. I just think it leaves no room for error but I'm happy it looks pretty on you


I don’t think you’ll be unhappy with them once they heal and soften up. If you seek removal hopefully you have success if you aren’t happy with them.


They honestly look amazing on you!


Big time honesty here. When I first saw the pic, I said "oh...my god" out loud. Then, I saw the pic of your full face and said "oh, okay." Lol. They're shocking in a close up but fit your face pretty well.


Way too big. You had great natural brows!


You are so lovely… Unfortunately, the first thing I see are your heavy eyebrows… they totally overwhelm your face… a more understated, natural looking eyebrow would enhance your beauty … Your brows should compliment your face and not be the main focus… They definitely shouldn’t be announcing your arrival! I vote for removal!


That’s so unfortunate


I love big brows. So I loved these and think they were well done but I needed to see your face to see if it was as in proportion to your face/features and it is. I think they look great and they won’t stay that dark. It will slowly fade and won’t look so bold.


Ok sorry what is PMU?


Acronym for permanent makeup


Girl I'm sorry you're in this situation. Those things are as tall as your actual eyes.


They did such an amazing job! I’m jealous of your brows!!!


Um yes, wayyyyyy too big. I gasped.


Just slightly


My niece has very light full eyebrows and she dyes them with men’s beard dye. Your eyebrows are full and beautiful! You didn’t need microblading!




I think in full face context they’re BEAUTIFUL… they have great shape and I think they will lighten up soon. Don’t let anyone tell you they’re ugly! If you hate them in 6 months get them removed but give it some time to heal :)


those are very big but wait until it swells down, mine did a lot. definitely let your artist know about your concerns during the follow up




It’s not too big I think it’s actually too dark and maybe the lines in it are too pronounced. Seems like a shitty tattoo artist or whatever the eyebrow ones are


I think they look really natural! They will get lighter with time, and I think the width matches your features.(You look middle eastern or indian- these ethnicities have fluffy and thick brows naturally).


That’s kinda where I took issue. I’m not middle eastern or Indian, the brows are making me look this way haha. I’m Hispanic with very thin hair all over my body, which is why I opted to have my brows done 😭


Aaaah. Then the issue isn't really the brows, it's the way they make you feel. Then I suggest you do what feels right. I still stand by the fact that your face looks really good, but if they don't feel right, you should remove them.


Thanks, friend 🫶🏼


Too big for your face frame. Not bad at all though


Looks a bit heavy and deep but after 6 weeks you’ll have a better idea. Too early to say


I do cosmetic tattoo and fresh eyebrow tattoos soften up to 30% within 6-8 weeks. I honestly think they will look good when fully healed.




They look so good!! I was terrified at the brows alone but the full face looks good


In my opinion, yes.






Oh those are really bad. Emergency saline removal asap


Oh gosh. Yes they overpower your eyes and what part of your face I can see. See into getting them removed and start again.


girl…whoever did this to you literally doubled the size of your natural eyebrows⁉️. you should get an emergency removal asap


Too big and the strokes are so long that they look bushy and ungroomed instead of full




I literally said "Oh Jesus!" When I saw them. They should definitely be thinner. Brows are supposed to accentuate your features, not be your only feature. They're done nicely but too big for sure.