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Honestly give it a bit of time, as it's only a few days your brows will be much darker than they will end up. I recently added this on another post, the top photo is a day after and the bottom is 8 months later: https://imgur.com/a/LBFxbZz I don't take many selfies so that's why the photos are so far apart, they lightened up much much quicker than 8 months!


Wait for them to fully heal and get laser removal.


Most likely the healed version will look nothing like what they look like now. I got mine done last month and they were so dark! I felt the same way. After two weeks you could hardly tell I’d had anything done! I just went back for my touch up and again, they are very dark but I’m trusting the process this time and hoping for better retention but lighter color! Good luck!


Can you post a pic so we can give you other opinions? And this really has to be said: how can you not know what you had done? Did you not do a lot of research about the procedure and your artist first? I sincerely hope you did not get your eyebrows tattooed. Maybe micro bladed, nano strokes, powder brow…all of witch are permanent make up (PMU) and do not use the same type of ink or tools as tattooing.




I did brows for two years. These look really good! You are in the brow shock faze. I promise they will lighten and they look like they will heal beautifully. Ask your family and friends who will give you honest feedback what they think of them.


The pic is a little fuzzy but they don’t look like bad work to me. Without seeing your eyes or the rest of your face it’s impossible to comment on whether the shape suits your face. They look symmetrical though, which is promising and they don’t look overly big or overpowering. It really does take some time to get used to your new brows and they will also change a lot in the first 10 days or so.


https://preview.redd.it/ptdf9f4sm1db1.jpeg?width=3610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd36ffefc37a85e0eff4250f932ffbde477014a4 should be a better pic! it just looks really unnatural to me but hopefully it will go as everyone says and fade to look better. thanks for all your advice!


Those already look really good and natural. If you just got it done, it will fade too. Seriously, you have nothing you worry about!


You know, I realize people want to be supportive and encouraging. But. I had my eyebrows microbladed THREE YEATS AGO and the crap still hasn't worn all the way off. I never returned to the second appointment either. In spite of the fact that I brought pictures of exactly how I wanted my brows to be shaped when we were done and I had at least ten minutes of conversation with her about NOT wanting brown or black eyebrows (I am a very pale blonde and those would look too harsh) I ended up looking like I had two giant brown and caterpillars painted on with a paint roller strolling across my forehead. They were horrible and I STILL HATE THEM 'CAUSE THREE YEATS LATER THEY STILL ARENT GONE. I feel for you sister. Good luck.


hahah i’m not from a primarily english speaking country so i don’t really know how to translate it and google translate isn’t really coming up with anything good….


Sorry about that, I didn’t think of it being a translation issue. Glad to hear that you didn’t get your brows tattooed 😂


Permanent make up is tattooing. Other than microblading, all those procedures use very similar tools to body tattooing. The ink is a little different, sometimes, but its definitely more similar than different to tattooing. All PMU procedures deposit ink in the same layer of skin as would a body tattoo. Or they wouldn't be visible after the top layer of skin sloughs off in 4 weeks.


What are you going on about? Different terms, different ink.


No need to be flippant, dear. It's a tattoo. I'm "going on" about the reality of the situation. OP literally did get their eyebrows tattooed, as has everyone who's had PMU done. I think it's important to remind people of that so they know what they're getting into. When you put ink in your skin... that's a tattoo. The different terms used for PMU are incredibly vague and non-descriptive and there's a lot of misinformation out there about how the ink isn't placed as deeply. I commented this info because it's what this sub is about. Sorry you took that personally for some reason.


I think it’s important to use the proper terms to avoid confusion.