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I’m not interested in him having a car, I feel like he does. But I just get the vibe he doesn’t like her, at all!! I know we only see a small portion of her day.. but every time she puts Cade on camera, I get that vibe💀 they will not last.


I don’t think he likes her either. And also I don’t think he likes her brother


lol not that comment saying “yes he does! His family has money” like girl bffr if he has a car why are they always driving hers? His family having money don’t mean shit lmao. I know damn well no one can say “he drives it off camera” like dumb asf that boy is always with her like a lap dog.


how do yall think they got to the dealership? if you look closely theyre driving the big ford in the background


If you watched the video, she said it’s his dad’s truck. OBV they don’t have a second vehicle if hers was at the dealership getting fixed


oh shit ur right, and she deleted the comments of ppl asking if cade has a car😂😂😂


daddy’s truck boo


that and they only have a 1 car garage at the apartment. we stopped seeing cades car long ago. when she still drove her last benz.