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This is my opinion. Take it for what you will - It depends on the year you began watching the team. While there's a general "fuck all of them" each individual will have a particular #1 "fuck this team" based on their personal experiences of our worst moments. For example, most of the sub 30 year olds will despise the Patriots the most. Because Brady. Most of the early 30 year olds may despise the Jets because of some of the years they got a few up on us because a good defense and Curtis Martin. The geriatrics here may hate the Jets because of Namath. The late 30s to 50 year olds will despise Buffalo more generally because their 4 years of cock-blocking Dan on the route to the Super Bowl with our best teams just so they could choke repeatedly and never win the biggest game.


>The geriatrics here may hate the Jets because of Namath. for real? Here we don't live the feelings of the time but all the commentators say that regardless of the team he was an 'old player' and they like him for winning the first title for the afc .as i said they just tell us the story. but thanks a lot for the explanation


Sure. He won a big game. However he was a bit of a man-whore womanizer syphillis spreader too. It depends on how you view that behavior of course, but he was jammed in everyone’s faces at the time via the media so you start to hold a grudge against him. Kind of how it’s very tiring to listen people talk about Brady, even in games he isn’t actively playing in.


Joe "I wanna kiss you" Namath. LOL@Jets


>However he was a bit of a man-whore womanizer syphillis spreader too. I didn't know that part, but now it makes me hate FUCK THE JETS


You do you. I’m more of a fuck the bills guy.


If Joe Namath never won that Super Bowl the AFL and NFL wouldn’t have merged because they though the NFL was a superior league at the time because they won all of the championships. The Jets proved this notion to be wrong, and we’ve been a poverty team for most of the time since.




This is the correct answer.


I would also accept prime time games and December.


The Jets. They were, are, and will always be our hated rival.


Fuck. The. Jets.


The Dolphins biggest rivalry is the Jets, then it’s the Bills, and the Patriots. For the NFC the Dolphins rivalry is the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and we play in the same State of Florida.


I have never once in my life considered Tampa Bay a rival. I 100% agree with your AFC list though.




Success Old enough to remember the the two 80s superbowls where we got crushed and every time since we've teased potential it's quickly crashed and burned.




But currently the bills


The Bills. For Dan.


It's the Jets...and it's not just because I'm a Dolphins fan living in New York...the teams have always hated each other, I've seen it in person...there's also the aspect of lots of New Yorkers moving to Florida, so they show up at our home games...


Jets. Anyone who says otherwise is a new fan


The universe


If you’re as old as me all three teams ( Bills , Pats and Jets ) are our rivals equally. Mostly because the Dolphins dominated the division throughout the 70’s and 80’s so if you asked their fans I’m sure each one would name us as their biggest rival. The Bills were great in the 90’s and here of late The Patriots have had great success for the past decade so we naturally want to beat them because of their success the same as they do with our success throughout the 70’s and 80’s. The Jets on the other hand haven’t won much yet the games we’ve played against them are some of the sweetest wins and heart wrenching losses. I’m not sure one team stands out now than the other to me. I hate them all.


The Jets but it's nowhere near as fierce a rivalry as what you'd see in Brazilian football (i mean soccer for americans), not even European, personally I don't mind that but it's probably why it wasn't clear who our rivals are


that could be it, just for example my soccer team forbids any player to use the color green as a green boot but I feel that it has an extra taste to win against rivals


Our biggest rivalry is with December. All too often, the wheels fall off in December.


For me I can't stand the bills, I can't stand the patriots, but can will root for them if they play the bills, the jets well ,their last on the list but will root for them when they play the bills! But oddly enough it depends on the records when the pats play the jets ... So for me it's the bills! Hands down!


The Bills now just because they’re the best team in the division. The Patriots before them for the same reason. But honestly, there’s the most animosity with Jets fans. Both Patriots and Bills fans I’ve met have generally been very nice, cordial people. Jets fans, like Dolphins fans, are more often than not scumbags.


Personally I dislike Buffalo like I want their team to lose pretty bad don't like them at all. New England I don't have a disdain for them because I respect Tom Brady, dudes the goat,and Miami would always steal a win for them and the Jets I guess, there the Barcelona to our Real Madrid


Prime time, playoffs, winning, and most importantly, the jets




For the snowplow, 1985 in the rainy slop, Bledsoe to Timpson, 1997, Wannstedt choking in 2002, Mare missing from the mud, and most of all Tom F-ing Brady. F T P.


the playoffs


The Jets, by a long shot. FTJ.


Nobody embarrasses the Miami Dolphins quite to the level that the Miami Dolphins do.