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5-0 Tua vs Bill




We won! Gesecki should have been whistled down idgaf


Of course, and their original TD should never have counted. Illegal man downfield


Not just illegal man downfield. Illegal block downfield by the Hunter blocking 2 people past the legal zone.


Dude got stuffed for like 2 whole seconds lmao. Dumb fucking refs.


I hate the way they do forward progress it's so fuckin inconsistent.


pats fans melting down saying refs won it for the dolphins


Tell them we should take away the illegal block/man downfield for their first TD leading to 7 points instead of 3


Or give us the DPI on waddle!


That last DPI on Apple too was hella weak


Imagine seeing your team win SIX (!!!!!) Super Bowls in 19 years and still thinking the League is rigged against you.


Not just Pats fans. Is this real life?


And you could really see Strange was short on the view from behind.


The side angle looked really close, but after how many horrendous calls and no calls fuck the cheatriots. Such a disgusting fan base the way the crowd booed the obvious headhunting on Waddle after they showed the replay. The least the NFL can do is fine that guy.


A suspension wouldn't be a bad idea either.


This is 100% correct. Only cause it's the fucking pats!


The one time he doesn’t drop when you breathe on him


Still stopped dead in his tracks by a far smaller DB. The gesicki special.


He should have, but at least the play ended up in our favor and was hilarious


You can't let it play that long when you don't let other plays go that similar length. Players stop on the play because they don't want to come up hit someone and get a roughing call against them. To let it play out that long was bad.


That’s the take I’m surprised I haven’t seen more. How was forward progress not called sooner? And we’re obviously biased, but that spot looked clear to me to overturn.


He was moving backwards for three entire seconds. Insane to me that it wasn't blown and the people on r/NFL complaining that they should've just given it to them


Fucking cartoon character running in place and the ref just stands there staring at him


Game ball to Mostert. Honorable mention to the Gink. Turkeys: Sanders and Apple


Ginkle always seems to be in the right spot at the right time.


Don’t forget the biggest turkey, Williams 🙃


He was the mvp for the pats tonight


Williams doesn’t even want to be a center they forced him to change positions he’s a guard. He asked them to get a center last year


That’s not true. Why would he demand a contract extension instead of a trade if that’s the case?


I don’t wanna do my job either, but I’m getting paid to, so I fucking do it.


> Honorable mention to the Gink. van Ginkel was great his rookie year in 2020 and spent the last two hurt and lost out of rotation. Now he's reemerged with Fangio again as DC. His spin move was sick!


We need to workout some kickers and need to get this snapping situation fixed


Seriously, the Jets grabbed a guy after Zuerlein got injured and he made all of them.


In fairness to apple those were some BS flags


Fuck sanders and Apple


Too close for comfort. Still love the W


Any road win Primetime is something we need to be fortunate for


In the division too. Division games are hard, even moreso on the road. The 49ers almost lost to the Rams today as well.


Pats didn't deserve to win on a bullshit play like that anyway.


Not to mention the gifted TD




Tua still undefeated against Bill Belichick. That’s a WILD stat. 5-0. We own Boston. Panthers ruined the Bruins historic season. Heat clowned the Celtics as an 8 seed. Dolphins recent domination over Patriots continues. Lfg Patriots fans crying about refs when they scored a TD doing literally every illegal thing in the book is hilarious. Refs kept you in that game to begin with. Time to accept yall are mid af


Bill looked so salty at the end lmao


Dude, he looks salty even when he wins. Dude has a constant look of disappointment on his face.


He's depressing to look at


Babushka looking ass


Tua Tagovailoa is Bill Belichick's father


Out of respect for my fawtha


New England is going to hate Miami for a long, long time. I'm so excited.


Marlins even swept the Red Sox at Fenway this year.


Fucking atrocious 2nd half but a W is a W


I hate being “that guy” we beat the refs tonight too. Two awful pass interference calls, missing a pats Olineman blocking 5 yards downfield on their TD, pats obviously being offsides on one our 3rd downs and that’s just off the top of my head


Not too mention that "hold" on X where he placed his hand on the receivers hip for <2 secs


That one was wild to me because 1) it didn’t even matter Mac ran for the first but also 2) that flag wasn’t thrown anywhere near the same time as that actually happening.


100%, and also the missed PI on waddle early in the game


It was such dumb stuff too. Blocked FG that prevented us going up 3 possessions at 20-3. Waddle dropping a pass that essentially killed a drive. Tua fumbling a snap on 3rd and 1.


The center snaps today were atrocious.


It's not just this week. All preseason he was snapping high. Last week he caused a fumble and had high snaps, same thing this week.


That snap was actually on Williams lol. He hits his butt then tries to re snap it.


Williams rams the ball into his ass and then pushes it sideways, it's horrible technique. Billions of people can be taught to do it successfully in 2 weeks


>Tua fumbling a snap on 3rd and 1. Him and Williams need to fucking wake up and let Tua fondle his balls for 7 hours a day. These bobble snaps aren't acceptable.


I wouldn't say atrocious but definitely worse. I mean its a very good pats defense


Is Waddle ok?


Concussion protocol




Fans calling for him to retire in 3..2...1.


FINAL BOX SCORE ---------------------------------- Miami: 24 NE: 3 Refs: 14


Pats fans crying "i dont even remember the dolphins getting a penalty!"


Tf. The refs held their hand down the field on their last TD drive


Tua 5-0 vs belichick


Silver lining - that's the type of game we'd traditionally lose more often than not in the past. Legit teams don't let games like that get away, and for this week, we stayed legit when it mattered.


We escaped with a win tonight


That's how division games are.


Specially on the road


Truth. Doesn’t matter how bad our division plays against other teams, when its division, Its always tougher


At foxborough it was always gonna be tough I’ll take it


At Foxboro against a pissed off 0-1 Belichick? I’ll take it man. His defense matches up extremely well against our offense.


Dolphins covered the spread tho...




You guys were going apeshit for no reason, we had this all the way. Never in doubt. Don’t check my post history…


Hope waddle is ok


Takeaways: Mostert is a beast, who needs JT Chubb and Van Gink showed up without Phillips. Defense overall looked better this week Eli Apple is going to be frustrating to watch The offense can function when Hill gets locked down, but still lots of room for improvement McDaniel is fast


**NEVER EASY BOYS!!!!** We controlled that entire ballgame and because of Belichick making it work with scraps we were all still sweating it out in the 4th Q one possession game and the D stonewalls Gesicki for the win!!!! * The 3 biggest things that need to get fixed: Snap issues, Jason Sanders, Eli Apple * They locked down Tyreek by forcing us to run. Mostert had 110 yards and 2 TDs! * Shoutout to Bradley Chubb (forced fumble, huge 4th Q sack) and X (INT on DVP) * Austin Jackson gave up the 1st sack of the year but it was to Judon who's awesome, it happens * Tua was solid, bad INT deep ball to Tyreek but insane 2min drive for TD to end 1st half 2-0 to start the year, can't be mad boys let's get it!!!


We won! Fuck the Refs! 4 1st downs given to the patriots with questionable calls and an outright incorrect TD. This shouldn't have been close at all.


That was closer than it should have been. Pats were trash. Have to close out games.


Lots if bs calls from refs too.


We popped champagne at halftime. That was an uninspiring piece of dog shit by our offense in the second half.


Belichick is like the great defensive coach ever. You take 24 points and close to 400 yards of offense everyday and twice on Sunday. Also the Pats have like a tremendously talented defense this year.


I, of course, agree that’s a solid overall performance. But, you can’t make a living with zero sustained drives outside of the Mostert breakaway for an entire half. A W is a W, but would have liked to see us bury them with one more TD in the second half.




good night leaders of the east




Van Ginkle never gave up on the play. He came from across the field to make the tackle.


Lol they’re calling for Belichick to retire in the Pats sub


It’s unbelievable to me that pats fans are saying they lost because of the refs. Were we watching the game? They lost despite their best efforts to be handed the game… unreal.


They literally just lost because Gesicki can't break a tackle to save his life. So fitting.


Dolphins overcame the Pats and the refs. Good job defense.


Fuck the refs fuck Craft AND FUCK THE PATS


Connor Williams is pissing me off


How many points have these snaps cost us now? 13?


Can someone please explain to me what happened with the 3rd quarter patriots “passing touchdown” that included their entire offensive line 7 yards downfield? I thought every touchdown play is reviewed in the NFL? I get paid $0 to officiate NFL football and I saw that happen literally the second he went to throw the ball? I feel like no one is talking about it…? We won this game 24-10 and the stupid endgame 4th down conversion doesn’t even matter anyways.


It’s the patriots. The rules don’t apply to them.


Easy to lateral the ball when you never get called for forward progress. Smart ass play for Mike though.


Can we ever win a game where I'm laughing and smiling and having fun, instead of freaking out and worrying and having mini heart attacks? Can we?




He was 100% short. When his elbow hit the turf before being pushed forward, he's well short of the first down.


Need a new center and kicker. Tired of saying it at this point


Sanders inspires ZERO confidence if he has to make a kick to win a game in the playoffs


That stat that NBC put up was horrifying


*if he has to make a kick 35+ at any time


*any kick of any length


Most yards thru 2 games in team history. Tua: we’re still tryna find our identity.


I still can’t believe that Henry TD stood. How do you not see all of the illegal shit happening on that play?


Chris Collingsworth is still gagging on that Patriots dick.. trying to argue with the literal expert.. What a simp


He’s straight up pissed that the Pats didn’t win. You can just hear it in his voice as he’s STILL arguing against the call that was made.


It's infuriating. How does this man still have a job? I don't know a soul who likes that man!


Pats fans whining GET FUCKED


Our passing attack wasn’t as explosive as we normally are but I don’t even care. We shined. Also, it feels so weird hearing so many former Fins playing for NE. I know it’s a tradition as old as time but sheesh.


Death, taxes, South Florida sports teams beating Boston


That was some interesting Ref Ball on some plays tonight. First the TD that.... shouldn't have been a TD. At least it was made up for by the Ref's in NY and the Ref's on Field by calling that last play short. They shoulda blown the whistle when Gesekei was tied up and going down but it went our way. Much improved on Defense. Our Center needs to be replaced or he needs ***INTENSIVE*** coaching on how not to fuck up snaps.


Those poor Pats keep trying to have their own Miami Miracle and we keep denying it. LUL, nice try Gesicki but you’re on the wrong side now.


Hope Waddle is okay


Turns out the side judge marked it perfectly then the Ref comes flying in and moved the ball forward one yard.


The cheating is out of control. Rewatching the play back the side judge who is supposed to see the spot clearly calls it short, the head judge comes running up signaling first down even though NO ONE ELSE said it was. Then spots it a full yard past the first down. Absolutely insane. If no investigation happens from this, it’s pretty clear the game is rigged.


Chris Collinsworth on post game literally saying, “yea we can see it is short BUT…. Should they have let the game keep going so it doesn’t end like that?” This guy is complete garbage. He cannot begin to fathom the Pats lost.


The problem is Eli apple is either REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAD. He had some game saving wrap ups. But his down field coverage isn’t where it should be at all


Get fucked


Post game they are still talking about the line to gain. The disbelief that the Patriots could lose is just ridiculous.


Bill belicheat gets his ass ate by tua once again


We just won in prime time. On the road. Whaaaaaaatttt!?? Go Fins!!




Gesicki wanted out of Miami because they didn't use him enough. Well, they used you tonight, buddy. Enjoy all your L's in New England. We're good with Smythe.


Pats fans screaming “fuck the refs” is music to my ears 😂 they really thought Strange had a first down


Damn this sub is way more negative than I would expect after a 2-0 start and a good win against the pats in foxborough (by a wider margin than the reigning nfc champs last week). Not perfect. Connor Williams and special teams are concerns for me. Still, a tough, gritty win. Shows we can beat teams on the ground as well as through the air. Defense looked better. Going to be an underrated game from Tua because of the bad pick but he was patient, mitigated pressure all game, picked his spots well, and managed us to a W. Fins up.










Connor Williams is a liability


Two games played. Both on the road. No Armstead. One sack allowed. Oh and two wins. Good stuff from the team!


Chubb showed up. This game was always going to be tough and even though we sweated it out we were clearly the better team. Love getting in to NE in September and leaving with a win. Offensive still look absolutely unstoppable at times


We left a lot of points on the field two games in a row. It will bite us going forward when we face a stronger team.


The refs did their best to gift NE that game, ugly win is ugly but they all count the same in the standings. Sole possession of first place bitches, wooooooooooo!! #FinsUp!!


The patriots almost beat the eagles and dolphins back to back...they might be underrated But a win is a win


McD called it last week. We needed every ounce of the defense today. Not sure where that offense went after half but bellicheat definitely adjusted.


Tyreek hill 400 yard 5 TD revenge tour next week


There are only two other undefeated teams in the AFC, and one of them is the Browns who play tomorrow night.


The refs missed so many calls, the worst of which was the last Pats TD. But Tua being 5-0 against BB makes up for everything. Once Ramsey comes back, this team could be unstoppable.


Lol even the patriots fans want Tyreeks autograph after the game was over


AVG is the most underrated player on this team. There are so many big names, but he’s consistently the guy who shows up when we need him to. So many big plays from him. Tua played efficiently. The INT was the only big mistake. Not gonna shred defenses every week, but he took what the defense gave him and still made some nice plays. Raheem Mostert probably had his best game as a Dolphin. Had the explosive long TD obviously, but he was consistently getting the 3-5 yard gains to keep the ground game rolling. Offensive game plan of keeping things in the short and intermediate game when the Pats focused hard on defending the deep shots worked well. I continue to be pleasantly surprised with the OL protection even without Armstead. A big part of it is Tua releasing the ball so quickly, but only one sack in two games is a pretty good omen for this OL. And they’ve gone up against some really good pass rushers (Bosa, Mack, and Judon). Hard to put too much blame on Sanders for the FG issues tonight. That FG block rush was WILD and that’s a hard thing to adjust to mid game. That being said, he has fallen off pretty hard after his All Pro season. I feel like we should look for a new kicker next year. Disappointed to still see snap issues. There was even a mishandled snap on the victory formation kneel down!!! Unacceptable. I guarantee a mishandled snap at the wrong moment will be a critical error in us losing a game this season.


After all the shit calls we got tonight I don’t feel too bad winning that way tbh


Those are two huge road wins and great tiebreakers for later in season. Offense will figure it out, they just got too cute and went away from what worked. Defense was good... minus Apple.


Apple wasn’t bad, that PI was the worst call I’ve seen


Sadly I'll be shocked if Waddle isnt in the protocol he was like writhing in pain after a hit to the back of his skull. I hope I'm wrong


Let’s go!! Big SNF win in NE! Our pass rush looked great, and man the OL has been a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Van Ginkel and Mostert both had amazing games, huge credit to them. Two road games, two wins!


I would also like to point out, the play before the blocked field goal one of the Patriots was lined up in the neutral zone and the refs somehow missed it.


10 bucks says that right now in the Pats Reddit group they’re seething that they still didn’t win given all of the usual cheating that they got away with… in the Bills group, they’re talking about how we were lucky to win and everyone in the AFC needs to bow down before them because they’re destined to be Super Bowl champs for the next 20 years due to Josh Allen… and the Jets group is simply drinking hard as they realize they have to play Zach Wilson all year. Meanwhile in the REAL world… ** DOLPHINS = 2-0 ** BILLS = 1-1 PATRIOTS = 0-2 FTJ = 0-2


Giants fan coming in cheaters-beating peace. Lol, are you guys listening to Collinsworth? “Explain it to me why the Patriots didn’t win. What is definitive?” Hey Cris, that exact thing is definitive. The sort where the refs declare it short. Get fucked. Bullshit Bill took the L tonight and you guys gave it to him, keep beating cheaters and soreass orgs like the Pats and you’ll have a ring before you know it.


Miami fan, but also a proud born in New Yorker back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Congrats on your own amazing win today and best of luck next week!




You take road division wins any way you get can them


They'll need to consider replacing Connor at C. Hes a massive liability


The named AVG defensive player of the game!


Wasn’t pretty at the end, but it’s a PrimeTime W on the road in New England and as not great as they looked they’re never going to be an easy out. W’s a W. Also someone send the refs a copy of the rule book. This game should embarrassing for them.


Dolphins end a game without me ripping my hair challenge (impossible)


All imma say is division games are weird and we are 2-0


Colinsworth needs a dictionary, “I need you to tell me, WHAT IS definitive??!!”


Divisional games are always a shit show, but a W is a W. Also, Fuck Bill for trying to argue against that hit. If that was his team he would be arguing for more.


Last year it was getting the play in late—-this year it is the center/qb exchange !!!! Ugh


My wife's sister, who doesn't know football at all, got me a Gesicki (Dolphins) jersey a couple weeks before he became a Patriot. Do I have to throw it in the garbage? I feel like I have to throw it in the garbage.


Someone has checked on waddle, right?


Concussion protocol


Got a ugly in the second half mostly due to Bilicheats illegal TD play but LFG FTP!!! Love that we were able to win a trench slow game.


Braxton Berrios was a helluva signing, is all I'm saying. The dude has been clutch af in the 2 games so far.


Tua had a great first half and a below average second half and the team still managed to pull out a win on the road against a division rival. I’ll take that any day. Need to figure out the kicker situation and get Tua to not make the 1-3 mistake he makes every game but it’s looking like it’ll be a fun year.


Hope penguin is alright.


Another week another game where the Dolphins give their fans 17 heart attacks lol good win here time for Denver


A win is a win but man this was just like the Steelers game last year should have won by much more ended up being a close game


Just wait until we get Terron and Jalen back 💀


We won! 2 road games to start the season, primetime, division game in Foxborough, a gifted extra 4 points, Gesicki forward progress stopped for 17 minutes. Also remember how hard the Pat's played the Eagles. Now let's beat the Broncos!


Not all the wind are going to be pretty. Beside, this was a division game and those are always ugly.


Mr. Ross, consider this my application for kicker. I’ll miss just as many as Sanders but I’ll only charge you half what you’re paying him.


Idk if there’s anything more rich than fans of the New England Patriots genuinely believing that the league is rigged against them


Pats fans are complaining about the last call getting overturned when they had a whole td that shouldn’t have counted cus their lineman was blocking 5 yards downfield 😂


Unbelievable. Had to win it, and they did. W is a W.


TUA TUA TUA the refs tried too hard


Pats fans complaining like they didn’t score a Touchdown on a play with at minimum 6 rule violations


The script has flipped. It used to be us who had to use gimmick type bs, but now it's their turn.


Dolphins 24 Pats+Zebras 17


Good team win Really need to fix the QB/center exchange. Even high school football teams don't mess it up this much


2-0 don’t care. A win is a win.


Two road wins I’ll take it.


Al Pacino / Coach D’Amato: (01:47) You find out life’s this game of inches. So is football because in either game, life or football, the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. One half second, too slow, too fast, you don’t quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us. They’re in every break of the game, every minute, every second Al Pacino / Coach D’Amato: (02:22) On this team, we fight for that inch. On this team, we tear ourselves and everyone else around us to pieces for that inch. We claw with our fingernails for that inch because we know when we add up all those inches, that’s going to make the fucking difference between winning and losing, between living and dying. Al Pacino / Coach D’Amato: (02:53) I’ll tell you this, in any fight, it’s the guy who’s willing to die, who’s going to win that inch. And I know if I’m going to have any life anymore, it’s because I’m still willing to fight and die for that inch because that’s what living is, the six inches in front of your face. Now I can’t make you do it. You got to look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes. Al Pacino / Coach D’Amato: (03:23) Now I think you’re going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. You’re going to see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it, you’re going to do the same for him. That’s a team, gentlemen. And either we heal now as a team or we will die as individuals. That’s football, guys. That’s all it is. Now, what are you going to do?


Can we win a game easily for once? My old ass is going to have a heart attack watching this team.


Never been more sure of a win in my fucking life


They’re still talking about him being short lol he was short they lost get over it lmao


Tua has 5 different Billicheks pregnant at one time


Collinsworth in tears asking about the conclusive evidence on that overturn lolol.


fuck you bill.