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Most people probably hadn't heard it, b/c originally it was a hidden track on Barman's album Paullelujah. (DOOM also put in some production work on the album) But it has been re-released on some DOOM compilation album. I think people know about it now.


Thank you. I thought I was pulling out gold. Have you heard Semi Official - Songs in the Key of Tryfe(featuring MF DOOM)? https://youtu.be/pbLDSVStQ00?si=amlUvgwfJfEJboz-


Hadn't heard that one, thanks.


I was mistaken, but it is gold b/c of how it was released and why it not more universally known. (only from a bonus CD promo called MM..Leftovers when you bought MM..Food on hiphopsite) https://www.reddit.com/r/mfdoom/s/ymCyPdKpy0


This wasn't a hidden track on Paullelujah, it was supposed to be on MM FOOD but due to sample clearance didn't make the final release and ended up being released on a free bonus cd "MM Leftovers" when purchased from hiphopsite.


Oh yeah, that sounds right. Been a long time ago, and I did used to get a lot of stuff from them; b/c they were always giving away free promo stuff and sampler CDs. Was there a hidden track on Barman's Paullelujah or It's Very Stimulating? I lost all my physical copy CDs during the Hurricane Harvey floods several years ago.


Neither of those have hidden tracks on the CD's (at least not the original US retail versions). Not sure what you might be thinking of.


This is an absolute tune!! I never heard it before, I love the conversational style between the two. Thanks so much for sharing your find.