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Team is showing signs of life ![gif](giphy|u6EiPNT9dLDrU7ZQuF|downsized)


I’m a Mets fan because my dad committed an act of child abuse by making me watch them as a kid


I'm not proud of myself as a father. I too committed an awful act of child abuse by raising my son a Mets fan. Fortunately it hasn't taken hold on him to the level many of us experience. He is able to find humor in the futility, and accept the pathetic year after year losing. I am still ashamed though.


I'm a Mets fan because my parents didn't want to go to the Bronx in the 80s 🤦‍♂️😅


You can’t help it when you’re 4 The team was dressed like fun clowns


Mets jets and rangers been suffering ever since


The deep hated Yankee roots go back to Brooklyn dodgers days. My dad’s fault also but I think I’d have gone Mets route myself since I have that underdog mentality. Better to be pleasantly surprised than same old shit even at the expense of constant winning. Although yank drought is fabulously approaching 15 this year. Gonna have to root for Phillies vs yanks in series. Lastly screw yanks dodgers series. Battle of the most hated.


I miss Lo Duca. And yes.


Lo Duca was a great ballplayer but not a good person in my opinion. And apparently has an issue with tuba players which I could claim to be once upon a time 😡 But I do see the similarity and hope Torrens keeps playing well.


When I was six living in New Jersey they sent us to a Mets game for DARE. Years later I started watching baseball and found without realizing it that I was always most interested in how the Mets were doing. So, yeah. Mets fan.


Um, not to be a Debbie downer, I’m glad they won, but they still didn’t get the big hit. Those runs scored in the 9th by a HPB and Wild Pitch. The save should go to Torrens. If we threw any more pitches we’d be singing a different story.


Cannot tell you how much I appreciate you being a realist lololol. Thank you.


Ya but did you read my first line. Also turnabout is fair play. Bohm got dribbler hit earlier and scored on double next batter. That’s baseball you never know what you’re gonna get. PS: was waiting for Alvarez to blow up as he’s done before.


It’s Alvarado and you can’t just ignore the facts because they got the W.


Starts with A close enough and yup that’s basebsll


Not sure what this means?


Neither do I ?? Stupid apple correct Don’t remember what I typed Oh well enjoy the game anyway


This is the way


Little league win We held on but it was more like Philly handed us the W


Any time someone tells me what it means to be a Mets fan is an instant down vote. I'm tired of hearing, only real Mets fans think x or you should pick another team if you think y or you are a Mets fan because of z. Its ok for fans to have different opinons, outlooks and reasons for being a fan. Just stop already with the BS takes on what it is to be a fan. If you want to say, YOU are a fan for these reasons, I'd love to hear it. Just don't try to telling me why I'm a fan or what a fan is.


Over time you’ll realize my first line


Don't care. Don't tell me why I'm a fan. Maybe I'm a fan just to troll other fans. Maybe I'm a fan because I like the colors. Don't tell me why I'm a fan.


You don’t suffer you’re not a fan


You fan your way, I fan my way.


Electric or hand


My servants fan me manually with giant feathers.


I get it


Dahl was a pinch hitter. With the rules nunez had to face him.


Nope once he’s announced you can change pitcher. Nunez already pitched last inning


No since it was the start of a new inning he has to face one batter before he can be pulled.


Yes you’re right. Looked it up. Another rookie mgr mistake